About Me (In My Own Words)
Hi! I am in limbo at this point. I was diagnosed with MVP in 2013 and no problems until about a year ago when I became symptomatic. I am a teacher and first noticed that I would run out of breath while I was teaching. I have had unexplained dizziness and upper back pain(almost like my ribs are being squeezed). My symptoms are occurring more often. I went to my family practitioner who then sent me for an echo and then a stress echo as well as wearing an even monitor for 14 days. During my echo the tech asked me how long I was having symptoms and did I realize that I had a murmur and regurgitation. She told me that my left atrium was enlarged from the regur. She would have never told me any of this but I was to take another test after the echo and she had to clear it with the doctor. Well needless to say I was concerned and waited for my doctor to call me a few days later. He then referred me to a cardiologist. Went to cardiologist that said we will keep an eye on it and prescribed a beta blocker. Thank you! Jean
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
Shorewood, Il
I was diagnosed with:
Mitral Regurgitation