About Me (In My Own Words)
My aortic valve was originally replaced in 2007 before it created any issues. It was a bovine valve. I did well on no meds for many years-playing basketball, road bike cycling 100 miles + a week, etc. In August of 2022 I started having mild symptoms I attributed to a respiratory illness of some sort. It progressed and I was hospitalized a few months later for heart failure. They diuressed me and put me on bp meds and diuretics.
The cardiologist who had followed me for years kept sending me to different specialists. I had a pulmonary work up that took 4 or 5 months to come back clear, except my pressure was high. Then an electrophysiologist. Then a hematologist oncologist. More months passed and I was diagnosed with cardiac cirrhosis. And a kidney issue caused by the pressure backup.
I went to a different cardiologist and finally got a referral to a cardiac structural group that immediately diagnosed the problem as a failing aortic valve that had likely been leaking for several years. They insisted on another round of testing that ate up a few more months.
Finally, on March 25, I had a TAVR. My symptoms improved that night. They added entresto and jardiance to my meds. 5 days later I walked 1.5 miles without any breathing or heart rate issues-something I hadn’t been able to do for months. The next day I mowed the grass, again something I haven’t been able to do for months.
I’m told my hear should remodel but they can’t predict how much. My ef should improve too. And maybe the liver and kidney issues. I just don’t know but right now I feel really good.
I’m 74, have no history of weight issues, bp issues (until this) and my arteries are clear. The original valve was bicuspid and caused an aneurysm.
I just don’t know what to expect. Is there hope I can get off some of the meds? They had predicted it would take 3-6 months to see significant improvement, but the immediate improvement has astoundedmy wife and me. We meet with someone at their cardiac clinic this week and then I follow up with an echo in 30 days.
What do I need to ask?
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
My surgery date is:
March 25, 2024
I was diagnosed with:
Aortic Stenosis
My surgery was:
Aortic Valve Replacement
My surgeon is:
Dr. Josh Leitner