About Me (In My Own Words)
Around 2014 , my primary physician noticed a murmur. Went to cardiologist said I had HTC and a Mitral Valve prolapse and slight regurgitation. Said was very mild . Did the stress test the echo’s . As years went by was feeling more fatigued, shortness of breathe . Thought it was from diet or out of shape. My job is very physical and stressful. Years went by would see the cardiologist yearly to every two years. I moved found a new physician and a new cardiologist. Which meant new test . The valve was getting worse to the point where Dr. Zwebin suggested we start looking for options and surgeons to be ready to get the process started. Went to see a clip specialist however I wasn’t a candidate.went to Christiana hospital and seen a very good surgeon by the name of Marc Davis . Told me I need a repair done gave me all the info and told me to get more educated and also seek a second opinion. I was very confident with Dr Davis . I went for a second option at University of Pennsylvania at the heart and vascular of Penn Medicine. My wife and I met with Dr. Michael Ackers told me the samething as Dr. Davis . Now I had a dilemma of which surgeon to go with, I like them both I like how they both presented themselves. I felt very comfortable with both, and I thought, very confident, and assured that I was in good hands with either one. so my next decision was distance, Penn medicine was much further away, would be harder for my wife to come and see me, but all in all it was a decision that I had to make and I thought as far as Hospital where would I be in the best hands, if something went wrong if something got extremely complicated if something didn’t go as planned and I chose the University of Pennsylvania Penn Medicine with Dr.Ackers For that reason. I am sure I would’ve been in good hands with Dr. Davis. What made me choose was the facility where I would be my dental clearance all done in two weeks I have to go for my preop and x-rays and then February 26 I have my surgery.
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
My surgery date is:
February 26, 2024
I was diagnosed with:
Mitral Regurgitation
My surgery was:
Mitral Valve Replacement
Mitral Valve Repair
Maze Procedure
My surgeon is:
Dr. Michael Ackers