About Me (In My Own Words)
Hi Everyone,
I am 26 year old and went through a heart surgery for
Atrial septal defect (ASD) closure on 26 july 2016 and got discharge from hospital after a week in good condition.but after the 4 day of discharge ,I found some fluid is coming out from chest wound.I immediately went to hospital and doctor told some time it happens and gave me antibiotics ,also told to come for dressing.
After 1 week it vot healed. Then again after 3 day ,fluid start coming from other place,i t got heal,then from new point fluid is coming...
Its been 5 week over after surgery still getting fluid secretion from my chest wound.A mout reduced to 1 drop of fluid in a day,but not stopped completely.
My doctor is saying,if if continue till 8 week after surgery.they will remove the wire in sternum.
If anyone faced this issue please help me.I am scared.I am only 26.
More Info About Me & My Heart
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I am from:
Bangalore, India