I was recently diagnosed with aortic stenosis, due to being born with a bicuspid valve. This was uncovered from an echocardiogram that was ordered after I had ...Read more
I was recently diagnosed with aortic stenosis, due to being born with a bicuspid valve. This was uncovered from an echocardiogram that was ordered after I had a TIA and then progressively worsening chest tightening and reduced ability to exert upon exercising. I recently had a fainting incident as well as an ER visit due to chest pain and feeling faint. My echo, performed last month, indicates my AVA is 1 cm, so the cardiologist on call at the ER told me there's "no way my symptoms are from the stenosis because it's not quite classified as severe yet." I have an appointment with her on Thursday (she happened to also be the cardiologist who read my echo and who I was referred to - I live in a small town).
My question is - has anyone heard of symptoms of stenosis when the AVA is around 1cm? How common is it to make errors in measurements on an echo? It just seems really weird that I would have a TIA, chest pains and other symptoms, and then an echo that shows a heart disease, but the symptoms not be from the heart disease.
Also, after my ER visit last week in which I was fairly certain I would feel more comfortable with a different level of cardiology expertise, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Miyasaka at Cleveland Clinic, which I'll fly to, who will consult with Dr. Roselli, should I need surgery.
Marie Myers There can be some leeway on echo measurements. If you have any doubts, it is good to seek an opinion ... Read more
Marie Myers There can be some leeway on echo measurements. If you have any doubts, it is good to seek an opinion from a large center. Keep us posted.
Rob Powell Hi Kristen, I have (now had) the same issue - I was completeley without symptoms at very severe. The ... Read more
Rob Powell Hi Kristen, I have (now had) the same issue - I was completeley without symptoms at very severe. The cardiologist told me that in her experience it really differs to each person - some people with less severe can be very symptomatic. Reflecting Marie's comments, get in front of someone with good specialist experience in both Echo measurements and aortic stenosis.