I went to the hosp. on the 17rh of May for a routine scan, then I woke up on the 18th in a hosp. bed. They just informed me I had a triple bypass and my aortic ...Read more
I went to the hosp. on the 17rh of May for a routine scan, then I woke up on the 18th in a hosp. bed. They just informed me I had a triple bypass and my aortic valve replaced. I still can't get a handle on it.
Michelle Vecchione Wow!! Sounds like you were fighting against time, that routine scan possibly saved your life Marlene! ... Read more
Michelle Vecchione Wow!! Sounds like you were fighting against time, that routine scan possibly saved your life Marlene!!❤❤ Evan though we have plans God always has another plan!! Just think at least you didn't have time to dwell over it, it was over b4 you Evan knew it, literally, lol! Hope your feeling much better by now and having a great recovery!
Jennifer McInerney I'm really glad they helped you in time. Waiting for OHS is tough, so you missed that step. Hope you ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney I'm really glad they helped you in time. Waiting for OHS is tough, so you missed that step. Hope you are recovering well. God Bless you
Finding this site is a God send. I have been feeling down depressed mean and lazy ever since I had my surgery. Physically I'm going great. My chest feels good ...Read more
Finding this site is a God send. I have been feeling down depressed mean and lazy ever since I had my surgery. Physically I'm going great. My chest feels good I'm lifting sorta heavy objects and my scar is almost non existent. So what's the problem. Emotionally I'm a wreck. Help
Cathy Zuber Hi Marlene....hugs!! Mention to your Docs and your church pastor that you are depressed. Common thi ... Read more
Cathy Zuber Hi Marlene....hugs!! Mention to your Docs and your church pastor that you are depressed. Common thing after heart surgery. You had a sudden surgery..no time to mentally prepare for it. Perhaps there are support cardiac groups at yr hospital. And, counseling always helps. So far, I've not experienced the depression..but I take an anti-depressant to function. My disabled daughter has major depression and bi-polar disease. I'm her caretaker. Years ago I realized I needed the extra help. We still, also, see a counselor..and she has helped with my OHS feelings. Hang in there!!
Clayton Mcarthur You've been through a lot in a short time, your body and mind are shocked and need to recover from th ... Read more
Clayton Mcarthur You've been through a lot in a short time, your body and mind are shocked and need to recover from the stress
Jennifer McInerney You didn't have time to process your need for such major surgery. It must have been traumatic. No won ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney You didn't have time to process your need for such major surgery. It must have been traumatic. No wonder you are having issues now that you are what physically recovering. Many folks have indicated that depression is common. I would mention it to your Cardiologist or Dr. And see what they suggest. Maybe Cardiac rehab. Would also help.
It's a normal process to get some degree of depression after heart surgery. I am glad you are healin ... Read more
It's a normal process to get some degree of depression after heart surgery. I am glad you are healing well, the rest will come. Ivan glad you are here, I am sure many know what you are feeling and undstand