Greetings Just letting you know that six months after my surgery I'm stressing about whether I'll have the necessary strength should we be told to return ...Read more
Greetings Just letting you know that six months after my surgery I'm stressing about whether I'll have the necessary strength should we be told to return to the office on a full time basis. It so happened that my situation with valve surgery arose while most of us were allowed to work from home due to the pandemic. It's a big concern of mine right now.
Marie Myers If you have an uncomplicated surgery and recovery, you probably will be well enough to return to the ... Read more
Marie Myers If you have an uncomplicated surgery and recovery, you probably will be well enough to return to the office. You must keep up with your cardiac rehab to get your strength and stamina up though. I was lucky to have an uncomplicated surgery and recovery, and did go back to work part time in 8 weeks. I was very motivated to get back to work to “feel normal” again.
Just letting you know that six months after my surgery I'm stressing about whether I'll have the necessary strength should we be told to return ...Read more
Just letting you know that six months after my surgery I'm stressing about whether I'll have the necessary strength should we be told to return to the office on a full time basis. It so happened that my situation with valve surgery arose while most of us were allowed to work from home due to the pandemic. It's a big concern of mine right now.