Hello to my fellow heart valve bros and sisters. Haven't posted since Nov, but I have been keeping up on my viewing. So great seeing all the successful recoveries ...Read more
Hello to my fellow heart valve bros and sisters. Haven't posted since Nov, but I have been keeping up on my viewing. So great seeing all the successful recoveries and hear about how you all are doing! Thank you for sharing. As for me back into full swing of life. The Lord has truly blessed me. i have been at work full time for 4 1/2 months at my job as a heavy duty mechanic. Also back in the gym. So those who are facing surgery or just came through , be encouraged! Recovery will be quicker then you think. It's quite amazing how much better I feel . I'm so great full for my surgery. I am feeling great and am gaining back my weight that I lost from the surgery, though slower than I hoped. It still such a privilege to wake each day knowing by God's grace i was given a new valve! So to all who are struggling, as hard as it is now, it will be worth it! I love how my stamina has improved 10 fold in physical activity , funny thing I did even know there was a problem until a few weeks before my surgery. you too will be amazed. Thanks for taking time to read my blurb. I pray for each that is going, has had and is on the road to recovery! God bless you all.
Rita Savelis Way to go Ted! Thanks for the update.
Henry Brouwer Sounds very encouraging Ted. I just had my valve replaced on Tuesday. God bless
Civita Fahey Great news Ted.. I think as most say the waiting is the hardest part.. I hope so.. going in on the 24 ... Read more
Civita Fahey Great news Ted.. I think as most say the waiting is the hardest part.. I hope so.. going in on the 24th and can't wait to be on the other side.. I'm tired of being tired when I want to do so many things.. thanks for the update.. they make those of us "up next" feel so much better..
Ted Miko Hi Henry, you will be amazed at how great you'll feel in a few weeks! It's a awesome gift!
Ted Miko Hello Civita, in my opinion the wait is tougher then the rest. It's is truly a blessing to be where y ... Read more
Ted Miko Hello Civita, in my opinion the wait is tougher then the rest. It's is truly a blessing to be where you are even though it doesn't feel it. Stay strong , don't let fear rule! Ya got this!
Hello everyone. Haven't posted in a month but have been reading everyones posts regularly. It such a great thing to see so many awesome recoverys! Our Lord ...Read more
Hello everyone. Haven't posted in a month but have been reading everyones posts regularly. It such a great thing to see so many awesome recoverys! Our Lord really is for us! I've started back to work 6 weeks after my surgery. Back to pulling wrenches on big equipment. It's hard to believe that I have a new valve and have been through such an amazing journey. As far as work , I have lost alot of weight and muscle condition and it takes what seems like alot of effort to loosen bolts and handle a 36" pipewrench. And at night I am sore. But generally it's amazing how great I feel. Everyday I thank our Savior for his healing and grace he has given me. I really consider this surgery as a second chance in my life. I did have a couple hang ups while on my recovery path. I had a small clot in my leg , luckily it didn't go deep vien and was gone rather quickly. Also had a low grade fever that hit me every night for 5 weeks. Lasted an hour or so then back to normal. Found out I had a staph infection in my incision and after a 8 days of antibiotics the fever and incision have both seem to clear up. I am starting cadio rehap on Nov 28. Looking forward to this! Hopefully will be back in the gym lifting in a couple more weeks. I guessing my body will let me know.
To all who are facing surgery or just on the other side. Be encouraged and strong in spirit. There are emotional times ahead. With good and bad days. It's by grace that you are where your at and our Lord will not fail you. Also take time to read the stories of the people on this awesome site! They will encourage you when you feel down, help calm the fear when it trys to overwhelm, and you will find others who know exactly where you are at in any given moment!
God bless all who are here!
Civita Fahey beautifully said Ted.. reading these stories of recoveries does make one feel so much better. I have ... Read more
Civita Fahey beautifully said Ted.. reading these stories of recoveries does make one feel so much better. I have not had surgery yet, but, will be in the near future. I'm glad you are already back at work at such a strenuous job after only 6 weeks.. Good for you.. keep up the good work.
Adam Pick Awesome post Ted! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with all of us! I think cardiac rehab i ... Read more
Adam Pick Awesome post Ted! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with all of us! I think cardiac rehab is going to help a lot. But, remember to please take it slow with the weights. I lifted too much too fast and paid the painful price. Enjoy your "Second Chance" at life. I feel the exact same way!!!
Ted Miko Thanks Civita. Thanks Adam. This is the best place to be if you gotta walk this road! Thanks for gett ... Read more
Ted Miko Thanks Civita. Thanks Adam. This is the best place to be if you gotta walk this road! Thanks for getting it rolling.
Ted Miko God bless your surgery Civita. You'll be amazed at how great it is on the other side.
Catie B What a grateful heart you have. I'm sorry you had several setbacks, but it's great that your recovery ... Read more
Catie B What a grateful heart you have. I'm sorry you had several setbacks, but it's great that your recovery is progressing well. Cardiac rehab is a great program. Though I don't think they usually let you start lifting weights as soon as you hope to. At least, not the one I'm participating in.
Ron Broadhead Nice post Ted. So glad you are doing well.
God Bless You Ted, Glad to hear of your excellent progress. Stay Strong Brother.
First. Its great to be able to read others struggles and successes ! Congrats to all of us who have made it this far.
Still struggling with low grade fever ...Read more
First. Its great to be able to read others struggles and successes ! Congrats to all of us who have made it this far.
Still struggling with low grade fever every night about 9-10pm. Also now have a small clot in my left leg so that had kinda grounded my walking program. Apparently its not a deep vein so Im assuming that's a good thing. As far as the issue goes. Its deffently a bummer that's for sure. I am happy ro hear of all you that are cruising along on recovery great and feel your frustrarion to all who are having set backs. No matter where your at in this journey , always remember the Lord is for you and not against you !! Thank you to all that ad advise and you situation. It really does help
to deal with stuff. God bless Adam for giving usba place to do vent !
Ted Miko Sorry , typing on my phone , hopefully you get my drift. Lol !
Darlene Smith This website is amazing! So wonderful to talk with others who totally understand what each of us is ... Read more
Darlene Smith This website is amazing! So wonderful to talk with others who totally understand what each of us is going through!! And yes, I get your drift. Lol
Roseline Rosario We all have different kind of bumps in the road, just have to tackle as well as we can. Keep the fai ... Read more
Roseline Rosario We all have different kind of bumps in the road, just have to tackle as well as we can. Keep the faith.
Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone else is hit with low grade fever (99.9-101) that seems to hit in late evening after lots of walking or movement. Last ...Read more
Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone else is hit with low grade fever (99.9-101) that seems to hit in late evening after lots of walking or movement. Last time was Friday after 20min on treadmill, now it happen today after a few hrs doing errons . Last time my fever broke on way to town still went through a bunch of test and they found nothing .This one I'm going wait it out awhile. Please let me know any experiences you may have had.
Corey Sines I had my Gullbladder removed and experienced something very similar. Wasn't a sign of infection, it j ... Read more
Corey Sines I had my Gullbladder removed and experienced something very similar. Wasn't a sign of infection, it just like my body was saying slow down a little. Are you doing Tylenol or Motrin currently that might be masking a higher fever? (that would be the primary concern, infection) If not, it maybe just your body telling you slow down and take it easier.
Amy Steele Hi Ted. I've been fighting a low-grade fever since my surgery on Oct. 3. It hovers in the 99's and ... Read more
Amy Steele Hi Ted. I've been fighting a low-grade fever since my surgery on Oct. 3. It hovers in the 99's and will spike into the mid 100's. The doctors still aren't sure whether it's just my body reacting to the surgery or if there's some infection. As of yesterday, I'm on antibiotics just in case. I don't need pain meds and it is frustrating to keep taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol just for a fever. Hopefully it will either resolve for you or they'll figure out what's going on.
Ted Miko Thank you for your info. Last night was the worst so far. I had a fever of 100 in early evening , it ... Read more
Ted Miko Thank you for your info. Last night was the worst so far. I had a fever of 100 in early evening , it broke in about a hr. Then around midnight it hit 101.2 . It also only lasted about 1 1/2 hr. Also have terrible cramp/ache in my calf. No swelling or redness . Not sure what to think. It been 2weeks today since surgery. Just thank the Lord for every day. I pray everyone else is doing great!
Corey Sines Just in case make sure to communicate this with your care team. Amazing you are up and doing so much ... Read more
Corey Sines Just in case make sure to communicate this with your care team. Amazing you are up and doing so much at 2 weeks.
Well it's 4am. And another restful night.Lol. I'm sure this has been asked , but it's 4am. I'm way to tired to search.... has anyone else had your chest click ...Read more
Well it's 4am. And another restful night.Lol. I'm sure this has been asked , but it's 4am. I'm way to tired to search.... has anyone else had your chest click when you move your arms? Mine makes a noise and small movement. They said its not major and should go away. What heppen in your case ? Thanks and God bless !
Ellen Leng Hey Ted! Just after 3a here, I feel your sleep patterns. May understanding is you REALLY have to obey ... Read more
Ellen Leng Hey Ted! Just after 3a here, I feel your sleep patterns. May understanding is you REALLY have to obey the sternal precautions so that you have good long term healing. I seem to click on occasion when I'm a little over-zealous with movement. And I mean just a smidgen! I'm really interested in the long term healing (53 y/o tennis, kayak, triathlon type), so I'm really trying to not push the envelope on the precautions :). PS my surgery was just the day before yours, so either way we're both doing well!
Emily Rowley Yes I have (still do but not as frequent) experienced my Sternum clicking & cracking. This is part of ... Read more
Emily Rowley Yes I have (still do but not as frequent) experienced my Sternum clicking & cracking. This is part of your bone healing together and will take time. In the meantime, follow your Dr orders, take precautions (Physiotherapist can show ways of better movement) when lifting/moving. Does holding your chest pillow help you? The reason why mine hasn't gone away is my Sternum needs to heal together completely-I had a CT Scan done (these are great at showing up any problems with your bone) showing this. Make sure you mention this to your Surgeon+Cardiologist-they can feel your chest bone to see if it is unstable or is healing together in the right places as expected. Hope this helps Ted and hoping yours is healing well. 🙂
Nancy Lewis I'm home day 11. I had the clicking, but only for the first few days, and then it went away. It was ... Read more
Nancy Lewis I'm home day 11. I had the clicking, but only for the first few days, and then it went away. It was not painful, only noisy. Continue to heal. Best of luck.
Ted Miko Thank u all for your experiencences. Its so appreciated. The docs have all felt it now. I honestly d ... Read more
Ted Miko Thank u all for your experiencences. Its so appreciated. The docs have all felt it now. I honestly don't move my arms anyway that is wrong. An example would be to reach for a drink when lying upright in bed. BUT hearing from you all takes the worry way down. Thank you again. God bless your healing !!!!!
Roseline Rosario My son had OHS 4 yrs ago and also complained for a while of the clicking but it also went away with t ... Read more
Roseline Rosario My son had OHS 4 yrs ago and also complained for a while of the clicking but it also went away with time. Good luck glad to hear you are well
Sophia Ridley Yes, I had my collar bone clicking, not so much the sternum. Collar bones also felt as if they moved ... Read more
Sophia Ridley Yes, I had my collar bone clicking, not so much the sternum. Collar bones also felt as if they moved when attempted side sleeping post 6wk so I didn't try that again for quite a while!
Tomorrow is the day.
To all who are about to have surgery , may the Lord bless the surgeons hands and grant you a speedy , uneventful recovery. This is my ...Read more
Tomorrow is the day.
To all who are about to have surgery , may the Lord bless the surgeons hands and grant you a speedy , uneventful recovery. This is my prayer for myself and all that are going for surgery.
Phyllis Petersen Prayers for a successful surgery for you and an easy recovery!