I haven't checked my messages for a while and finally saw your response toy inquiry.
I also read most of your posts and story and feel so much calmer ...Read more
I haven't checked my messages for a while and finally saw your response toy inquiry.
I also read most of your posts and story and feel so much calmer knowing I'm not alone in this . Just had my yearly echo, and tricuspid regurgitation is still moderate and aortic bulge is still at 3.9-4.0. So nervous going to hospital during covid though . I actually sent an email to Adam and he forwarded it to the top surgeon, Dr. McCarthy at Northwestern in Chicago, where my cardiologist is, and I was blown away that Dr. McCarthy actually emailed me back letting me know I'm in good hands with my cardiologist and although my specific valve problem is extremely rare, that it is treatable.
So glad you are doing well! My youngest son is now 15, and oldest daughter is 35! Also have a 9 year old granddaughter. I think of them when I feel lazy and don't want to get my steps in for the day, but they motivate me to stay active.
You are an inspiration and I hope I can be as strong as you've been when the time comes.
Thank you and best wishes to you and your family😊
Hi Bradley thank's for the post on my post. I did eat and drink a lot today and felt more normal by day's end. I'm probably NOT getting enough iron and probably ...Read more
Hi Bradley thank's for the post on my post. I did eat and drink a lot today and felt more normal by day's end. I'm probably NOT getting enough iron and probably some other nutrients because I did lose weight from the surgery. I'll try to eat better, might help!
Hi Bradley,
I read your journal and it has been very informative and helpful to me. I go to CC in less than a month to see Dr. svensson for my surgery. I see ...Read more
Hi Bradley,
I read your journal and it has been very informative and helpful to me. I go to CC in less than a month to see Dr. svensson for my surgery. I see you originally looked at the Inspiris valve but ended up going with an On-X. Can you share more on your valve choice?
Bradley Dunn Sure - I will do what I can to help you. I was originally supposed to get a repair. However, you need ... Read more
Bradley Dunn Sure - I will do what I can to help you. I was originally supposed to get a repair. However, you need a backup plan in case your valve is not repairable.
I was interested in the Inspiris valve as a backup due to it being a natural material and not needing life long anticoagulants. However, after talking to Dr Svensson about it, he immediately refused to consider using it with me. He said, it wouldn't last 5 years in me even though there is no real data on the valve in someone my age and activity level ( I am pretty active).
Dr Svensson wanted to use the St Jude valve as a backup since it is already comes in a graft (I believe it is easier for the surgeon and faster).
At the last minute, when I was talking to I believe the anesthesiologist, he was asking me general questions about what I ate and when. Then, he went over my valve backup plan and I changed it to the On-X at the last minute. This was due to the lower INR level of 1.5 after 6 months that has FDA. This was pretty important to me.. Lower INR and less drugs is always a good thing I believe. I trusted a surgeon with Dr Svensson's ability to be able to handle the graft and valve as separate entities. I am 11 months - 4 days since my surgery and everything is going pretty well!
Let me know if you have more questions.
Joe Tarango Thank you for the helpful info. It's good to hear you are doing well 11 months later. I'm 32 and pre ... Read more
Joe Tarango Thank you for the helpful info. It's good to hear you are doing well 11 months later. I'm 32 and pretty active but I may receive a similar opinion.
Bradley, once again thank you so much for your response and all of this great information. I am brand new to all of this just having been diagnosed with bicuspid ...Read more
Bradley, once again thank you so much for your response and all of this great information. I am brand new to all of this just having been diagnosed with bicuspid aortic stenosis about 6 months ago. I have already learned so much from reading all of the amazing stories and information on this website. I am in a waiting period right now to see how long before in the not so distant future my surgery will be needed. I will be 53 years old in 2 months and I am trying to learn all about the valve options. I really like the idea of a tissue valve because I am not sure about taking blood thinners but I also realize a mechanical valve will most likely last my lifetime. The Resilia valve was very intriguing to me as I read it may last up to 15 plus years. I would love any insight from any of the readers on the different valve options and your experiences with them, especially someone around my same age. Right now I am seriously leaning toward having this done at the Cleveland Clinic even though I live in Atlanta.
Rob Sparling Mike, please read my journal. Scroll back to at least Sept 25th (if not the whole thing). Also, plea ... Read more
Rob Sparling Mike, please read my journal. Scroll back to at least Sept 25th (if not the whole thing). Also, please see my recommendation in this site for Dr. Gosta Pettersson at CC.
Thank you so much for your response. That is awesome information for me. Some additional questions-how long after surgery before you drove home and did you ...Read more
Thank you so much for your response. That is awesome information for me. Some additional questions-how long after surgery before you drove home and did you drive all the way in 1 day or stay overnight somewhere? Also, how did all of your follow up appointments work with cardiologists and surgeon? I assume you didn't travel back to Cleveland for these so are you able to just see local people for these follow up meetings and appointments? Finally, I have been reading about the Inspiris Resilia valve and it is one I am very interested in. Is that what you received? What are your thoughts, recommendations and what did the surgeons say about this valve, its lifespan, durability etc? I can't thank you enough for your time and input as my mind is just spinning with info overload.
Bradley Dunn My surgery was on a Tuesday and I rode back to Georgia 9 days later. My wife drove the entire way. Wr ... Read more
Bradley Dunn My surgery was on a Tuesday and I rode back to Georgia 9 days later. My wife drove the entire way. Wr stopped every couple of hours so I could move and walk some. You aren't supposed to sit in a car for long immediately after surgery.
I have the On-X valve. I went to Cleveland to get a repair. I was told there was about a 90% chance to have a successful repair but it turns out it wasn't repairable. I ended up having a bicuspid valve when they thought for 20 years it was tricuspid.
I wanted my backup plan to be the Inspiris Resilia but my surgeon said any bio valve in me would only last 5 years and I would be back under the knife. He wouldn't even consider it.
He wanted to use the St Jude as a backup since it is already stitched in.. I'm guessing the On-X isn't.
Right before going on to surgery they asked me about a back up plan and I told them I wanted the On-X due to the lower inr... I'm glad they asked me this or I would have gotten the St Jude... My consult with my surgeon was very strange it was as if he was telling me what I was going to do. Luckily I changed things up the morning of surgery.
Rob Sparling Brad, you know I have watched you and followed your story. I see you laying out details that were no ... Read more
Rob Sparling Brad, you know I have watched you and followed your story. I see you laying out details that were not clear to us before and applaud your courage and your transparency. You are such a good dude and it is so inspiring to see the true depth of the trade-offs you have made. I am still learning from you. Keep peeling back the onion. We are all better for it. ❤️💪
Mike Roskowinski Hey Mike T. I am going in May 6th to get mine done. I am going with the On-X valve due to its durab ... Read more
Mike Roskowinski Hey Mike T. I am going in May 6th to get mine done. I am going with the On-X valve due to its durability and no need for going back in for surgery. Here is a good video that talks about the valve. Watch it as it has some good information. And Brad thanks for your story. I went through and read all your posts and I have received great information from it. Also some things I may encounter along the road.
Heart valve surgery patient education video. This video explains heart valve disease, treatment, complications, and technology. The video also compares sever...
William Fults Curious to know why he thought any tissue valve wouldn't last longer than 5 years?
Bradley Dunn The younger you are the faster tissue valves calcify.
Bradley Dunn Thanks a lot Rob. I enjoy reading your posts as well.
Hi Bradley. I have been following many of the stories on this site and appreciate you writing about your story and all of your successes. Very happy for you. ...Read more
Hi Bradley. I have been following many of the stories on this site and appreciate you writing about your story and all of your successes. Very happy for you. My question is this - I live in Atlanta and will probably need AVR in the not too distant future. Why did you not find a surgeon and hospital in Atlanta, and how did you organize and handle having this done at the Cleveland Clinic? I have been researching and am not sold on having this done in Atlanta, but am scared about trying to have it done out of state in Cleveland. I know that CC is the top place to go, but recovery, where to stay, how to get back home-plane or car? Many questions. Thanks for any insight from your experience.
Bradley Dunn I use to work at bestdoctors.com so I understand the importance of going to the best place possible. ... Read more
Bradley Dunn I use to work at bestdoctors.com so I understand the importance of going to the best place possible. When one of the founders of BD found out about my surgery, the first thing he asked was " did he go to Cleveland?"
The cost was no more than going to my local hospital except for travel, lodging expenses.
I drove there in one day then had my wife dive me back. I hate the Atlanta airport and wouldn't want people looking at me while I was in chair. There is no way you can walk that place only a few days after surgery.
I set things up in Cleveland by filling out an online form with some personal information. I picked my surgeon and his nurse called me back within a week or so. From there I just had me medical records sent for review and baby steps until surgery a few months later.
Good luck and let me know if you have more questions. The surgery isn't easy.. It's freaking brutal but having strong people around you will help.
For me I had severe anxiety for a week or so after surgery likely from extra blood flow, drugs and AFib.
Molly Ivers Did you notice a change in your laugh? When I had my first big laugh after surgery (about 10 days out ... Read more
Molly Ivers Did you notice a change in your laugh? When I had my first big laugh after surgery (about 10 days out) I suddenly had this goofy Penny Marshall character laugh.
Hi Bradley! I read your story and it home because I was first diagnosed while home from college AND while being checked for strep throat. Also, I was told ...Read more
Hi Bradley! I read your story and it home because I was first diagnosed while home from college AND while being checked for strep throat. Also, I was told then I would need to have surgery when I was older which terrified me because I was an athlete and didn't have any syptoms. Its eye opening for me as well because I am also having a hart time realizing I am "older." Because I was asymptomatic I ran from my diagnosis because I was in disbelief and in shock, a lot of people had heart murmurs and if I needed surgery down the rode hopefully the technology would vastly improve. I am right with you and am scheduled for aortic valve replacement surgery on September 6, 2018. Reflecting now, it is a good thing that our situations have been caught and we have a chance to change our life expectancy for ourselves and our family. When I was young I didn't really dwell on life expectancy but now at 57 I do lol. My daughter was a softball player and played in 100 plus games travel softball and in college so I know how you are feeling about being out on the fields. Now you will be ready for the upcoming season and all the seasons going forward and not have to worry about puttering out because of a faulty heart valve. We can do this. Lets go!
Bradley Dunn Thanks..I don't have any symptoms either which likely makes it harder. However, I'm told my regurgita ... Read more
Bradley Dunn Thanks..I don't have any symptoms either which likely makes it harder. However, I'm told my regurgitation is close to severe. So...I likely push myself really hard and just think this is normal.
I spent two hours last Monday in 95 degree heat cutting grass.. Then I spent 90 minutes on a baseball field. I was exhausted but I would think most people would be. How easy would things be with a healthy heart?
Boys don't do well in this world without strong fathers. There is no way I'm leaving him anytime soon nor my daughter.
Thanks for the support. I'm sure you'll do fine too!
Dan Vechiola Thanks. Think positive and visualize a successful surgery and hospital stay. You are in great hands ... Read more
Dan Vechiola Thanks. Think positive and visualize a successful surgery and hospital stay. You are in great hands and at a great hospital so put your fate with them. I give you credit for making the trip to Cleveland. Your heart is a precious thing and its the right thing to put it in the hands of the best. It will be well worth it!
I just saw this. I rarely check this part of the site. I am glad I could help and stay stron ... Read more
I just saw this. I rarely check this part of the site. I am glad I could help and stay strong.
You also have quite a spread with children!!!