Hi Jill, Congratulations to Sebastian on his fifth anniversary This must feel like a huge milestone to all of your family . Enjoy your celebrations and feel... Read more
Hi Jill, Congratulations to Sebastian on his fifth anniversary This must feel like a huge milestone to all of your family . Enjoy your celebrations and feel proud of yourselves . You have all done great
Sebastian , Congratulations on your fourth anniversary
Jill Mullikin Hi Mohammed. I’d be happy to answer whatever I can. Ask away.
Mohammed Abdulrahman I have had aortic bicuspid valve. The doctors told me that you should do the surgery. So, which surge ... Read more
Mohammed Abdulrahman I have had aortic bicuspid valve. The doctors told me that you should do the surgery. So, which surgery process gives guarantee, repairing or replacing the aortic valve?. Which hospital Sebastian did his surgery?. I am from Iraq , so how can i come to do necessary tests?.
Hi Jill, I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of the nurse practitioner. I do not know her personally but I was truly touched nonetheless. I am certain ...Read more
Hi Jill, I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of the nurse practitioner. I do not know her personally but I was truly touched nonetheless. I am certain that she not only saved Sebastian's life, but many more lives. She left her mark in this world. May her memory be eternal. And, I am so happy that Sebastian is doing so well. He is truly a heart warrior. It is not easy to go through what he did. May he continue to heal both physically and emotionally. Keep us posted.
Jill Mullikin Thank you for your kind words. She is a great loss to our community. I will be forever grateful tha ... Read more
Jill Mullikin Thank you for your kind words. She is a great loss to our community. I will be forever grateful that our paths crossed when they did!
Hi Jill-
3 years after my aortic valve replacement I have a suggestion.
Get Sebastian a teddy bear.
$10 at Walmart.make it light colored so it looks like ...Read more
Hi Jill-
3 years after my aortic valve replacement I have a suggestion.
Get Sebastian a teddy bear.
$10 at Walmart.make it light colored so it looks like -Ted from the movie .
It will allow him to hug it and sleep on his side.
Childish ?who cares?
Easier to hug than a pillow and will help when he sneezes too.
3 years later I can’t quite get rid of mine ..
At 66
Larry Fuller
Watch the movie with Sebastian and the bear if you’ve not seen it- but no laughing!
Hi Jill, I don't know if anyone else thought of this. But when you say Sebastian has had depression for years . . . is it possible that his malfunctioning ...Read more
Hi Jill, I don't know if anyone else thought of this. But when you say Sebastian has had depression for years . . . is it possible that his malfunctioning heart has been causing the depression? You know, when our body feels afflicted, our mood goes right with it.
Anyway, I had OHS (the full cut) at the age of 70 and it was a wonderful experience overall. So if Sebastian ever wants to chat about it, feel free to point him to me. And I promise to be a very good listener, without rushing in with "my" solution.
Best to both of you,
Artie Rubin
Jill Mullikin I have wondered about the link to the depression as well! We shall see but if you have no energy and ... Read more
Jill Mullikin I have wondered about the link to the depression as well! We shall see but if you have no energy and feel like crud all the time it would absolutely affect your mood!! Thank you for your friendship!
Valerie Altman I may need Sebastian's words of encouragement before my journey is through...😎
Hi Jill I just read about your son Sebastian
I went through the same in 2016 August 15th. My son had bicuspid Aortic valve
My prayers for a speedy recovery ...Read more
Hi Jill I just read about your son Sebastian
I went through the same in 2016 August 15th. My son had bicuspid Aortic valve
My prayers for a speedy recovery of Sebastian and for you to be brave in every way of his recovery Tell him every day will be a better day. Please encourage him for deep breathing and use the incentive spirometer often. My prayers again Jill as I know how you feel.
With love and prayers
Jill, Thinking if you and Sebastian tonight and sending up a prayer to the heavens for Sebastian and his surgical team tomorrow. Looking forward to his first ...Read more
Jill, Thinking if you and Sebastian tonight and sending up a prayer to the heavens for Sebastian and his surgical team tomorrow. Looking forward to his first post op report!
Prayers your way for ALL of you tomorrow! I have the same conditions and will be meeting my surgeon this month. So.... Sebastian is my role model and I know ...Read more
Prayers your way for ALL of you tomorrow! I have the same conditions and will be meeting my surgeon this month. So.... Sebastian is my role model and I know how he feels so then I'm gonna need a cheerleader and he's gonna be like.... dude if I can do it u can!
Rob Sparling Me Too! I have been busy all day but thinking about Sebastian on and off today! I will be looking f ... Read more
Rob Sparling Me Too! I have been busy all day but thinking about Sebastian on and off today! I will be looking for his support on Sept 26th! ❤️💪
Jill Mullikin 😘 He has had many well wishers from this site and I know it has helped me immensely. The first su ... Read more
Jill Mullikin 😘 He has had many well wishers from this site and I know it has helped me immensely. The first surgeon I had contacted referred us here and called last week to check on Bash too. It’s such a small world and hard to believe that a few short months ago I had never even heard of a bicuspid valve. I’ll post updates tomorrow!!
Hi Jill: Sorry to hear about Sebastian.
I pray and hope, that he will listen to you as this is the best for him. I had bicuspid valve, went through the ...Read more
Hi Jill: Sorry to hear about Sebastian.
I pray and hope, that he will listen to you as this is the best for him. I had bicuspid valve, went through the surgery, and my doctor advised me to check the same for my children. Both my sons are doctors, and they do not heed on my words, hence I can understand your situation fully. Hope, you will become successful to convince the best option for him.
Jill Mullikin Thank you. He is scheduled for repair surgery tomorrow. Here’s hoping he’ll be back to a normal ... Read more
Jill Mullikin Thank you. He is scheduled for repair surgery tomorrow. Here’s hoping he’ll be back to a normal 19 year old in no time!!
Sending best wishes to Sebastion for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery.
Jill, you rock as a mother!
Louanna Miller Praying for Sebastian as he has his surgery. Praying for a successful surgery and recovery.
MARIE PICUN Prayers for successful surgery and speedy recovery
Sending prayers your way for a successful surgery and smooth recovery. I know you are strong like you ... Read more
Sending prayers your way for a successful surgery and smooth recovery. I know you are strong like your mother Sebastian and will be home and enjoying life before you know it.
Hi Jill
Will be thinking of you and your family as you set out on your journey to the hospital. Every good wish coming to Sebastion from England for his ...Read more
Hi Jill
Will be thinking of you and your family as you set out on your journey to the hospital. Every good wish coming to Sebastion from England for his surgery on Thursday and for his recovery.
Rob Sparling Sebastian, you’ve got this, buddy! Your mom is paving the road for you! Step on that gas pedal, r ... Read more
Rob Sparling Sebastian, you’ve got this, buddy! Your mom is paving the road for you! Step on that gas pedal, roll down the windows, push open the sunroof and pump up the radio on this incredible journey! You are almost there!
Jill, you are a mom. Which is saying that you are a hero, angel and warrior all wrapped up in one! ❤️ You are doing the right thing and making good decisions! Don’t stop!
Jennifer McInerney Sebastian and family - greetings and well wishes from Canada. Hope everything goes well and you have ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney Sebastian and family - greetings and well wishes from Canada. Hope everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
Jill, search for Cathleen DeWitt's journal. She is a woman who had her aortic valve replaced at a young age. Her last replacement valve was done by TAVR. It ...Read more
Jill, search for Cathleen DeWitt's journal. She is a woman who had her aortic valve replaced at a young age. Her last replacement valve was done by TAVR. It is an inspiring journal. She was 19 when she received her first valve. Best regards,
Karen Warren
Jill, I know just what you’re going through. My 28 year old son had to have his aortic valve replaced, (tissue valve), aortic aneurism fixed, aortic root ...Read more
Jill, I know just what you’re going through. My 28 year old son had to have his aortic valve replaced, (tissue valve), aortic aneurism fixed, aortic root rebuilt, and a repair to the mitral valve. After he found out that he needed surgery, he spiraled into depression and sever anxiety. He was terrified. We went up to the Cleveland Clinic for surgery from Atlanta. The surgery went well, but unfortunately he developed pericarditis about 2 months after his surgery. We’ve been back and forth to Dr. Klein in Cleveland; he’s a pericardial specialist. It’s been a major struggle for him, and he has once again fallen into a deep depression. He refuses to go back to the doctor right now, and is not getting help for the Depression. I feel so helpless, but pray that he’ll come out of it soon; and that we’ll find a way to solve this chronic, intractable, pericarditis.
Jill Mullikin Hi Judy! I’m sorry to hear you are going through the same thing but I literally have tears in my e ... Read more
Jill Mullikin Hi Judy! I’m sorry to hear you are going through the same thing but I literally have tears in my eyes to know that someone really “gets me” for lack of a better way to describe it. We leave next Sunday for Pennsylvania and surgery is scheduled for the 13th. If you don’t mind I’d love to stay in touch with you.
Hi Jill , although my son is older than Sebastion , he has the same condition and needs surgery . also possibly a root repair which came as a total surprise. ...Read more
Hi Jill , although my son is older than Sebastion , he has the same condition and needs surgery . also possibly a root repair which came as a total surprise. I know what it's like to be a mum and worried sick about a precious son. I wonder if Sebastion would be encouraged by the story of Xavier Coleman who also had to have surgery for this condition , but afterwards now plays for the New York Jets! Sending you and your son kind thoughts.
Jill Mullikin Thank you! It does help to not feel alone!
Jill, I just read about your son. I am wondering if you considered Northwestern Medicine in Chicago? They have a highly reputable cardiac institute and perform ...Read more
Jill, I just read about your son. I am wondering if you considered Northwestern Medicine in Chicago? They have a highly reputable cardiac institute and perform highly specialized valve repair and replacements, some minimally invasive. Their website is very thorough in explaining all that they offer. You can also call a number on the link for a second opinion and send information to them. I did this and will be seen later this week. Just wanted to share this with you. My best to you and your son.
Jill Mullikin I hadn’t investigated Northwestern but I will look into it!
Diane T Six months ago I had mitral valve repair done by Dr. Patrick McCarthy at Northwestern. I can't say en ... Read more
Diane T Six months ago I had mitral valve repair done by Dr. Patrick McCarthy at Northwestern. I can't say enough good things about him and his team, including the nursing staff on the cardiac floors. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly :-)
Congratulations to Sebastian on his fifth anniversary
This must feel like a huge milestone to all of your family . Enjoy your celebrations and feel... Read more