Hi Lisa,
Congratulations on being on the other side of surgery, I am a year now post mitral valve repair surgery.
I read your request about Bras. It has been ...Read more
Hi Lisa,
Congratulations on being on the other side of surgery, I am a year now post mitral valve repair surgery.
I read your request about Bras. It has been really hard to find anyone even talking about this, plus
hard to find a bra that isn't too awfully uncomfortable. ( I had surgery from the side of my right breast between the ribs to my heart, perhaps you had that too?) I am still sensitive, although nothing like the first few months.
There is a post surgical brassier that looks perhaps comfortable, but way too complicated for me.
I am wearing a Leading Lady front closure bra called the Meryl, style # 110.
You can order them on line form a lot of sources, they're very inexpensive, and cotton.
This bra is not the best support, but it is easy to wear, and separates the gals to some extent.
It can be modified with darts and such if you so wish...
I have worn armored tank wired brassiere since high school, this is actually quite a relief to wear a soft bra..
I bought a size larger around so there wouldn't be a lot of pressure, and sometimes I would fold a cotton handkerchief to block the elastic band from pressing so directly. Sometimes I wore it over a tank top so it didn't have as much pressure..
After I felt better I started working on designing a comfortable bra, but then covid came along and life became more complicated.
Hope this info helps, sorry for chattering on.
Lisa Hostetter Hi Liza, Thanks for the suggestions for a bra. My incision is down the center. I thought about puttin ... Read more
Lisa Hostetter Hi Liza, Thanks for the suggestions for a bra. My incision is down the center. I thought about putting a handkerchief between the girls so they don’t touch. The leading lady is cheap enough, I’m going to order it. Worth a try!
Good luck with designing a comfortable bra. Keep your dreams insight and stay focused. During theses crazy times might be the perfect time to work toward your dreams.
Take care my friend, Lisa
liza norman Hope it works!
And speedy recovery ,
Lisa, how are you doing? 2 weeks to go "valve sister"! I have things ready for when I come home like an electric recliner someone gave me. Made 4 kinds of ...Read more
Lisa, how are you doing? 2 weeks to go "valve sister"! I have things ready for when I come home like an electric recliner someone gave me. Made 4 kinds of soup and put in the freezer. Was told I may loose taste. Oh well. Maybe I won't. Be glad when this is behind me. Right?
Hi Lisa, You will ace this on Oct 27th. I also had a bicuspid aorta and had surgery Aug 11, 2015. Like you I didn’t want to wait to get really sick. I think ...Read more
Hi Lisa, You will ace this on Oct 27th. I also had a bicuspid aorta and had surgery Aug 11, 2015. Like you I didn’t want to wait to get really sick. I think it is much easier on recovery doing it before you’re in an emergency. So kept your head up despite your nerves etc. and before you know it this will be on the other side with a whole new life ahead of you!
I had an aortic valve replaced 2013 at the age of 72 and was obese with type 2 diabetes. It was a quick decision to get the surgery cause the surgon ...Read more
I had an aortic valve replaced 2013 at the age of 72 and was obese with type 2 diabetes. It was a quick decision to get the surgery cause the surgon said I had a year to live maybe with out the surgery.
Anyway I advise not to wait. Get it while you are in relatively good health.
If I survived with my problems you should do very well with a quick recovery.
Hi Lisa,
I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve. I became symptomatic slowly, so I did not realize how sick I was until after I had the valve replaced and ...Read more
Hi Lisa,
I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve. I became symptomatic slowly, so I did not realize how sick I was until after I had the valve replaced and felt better. I had been adapting to my diminished capacity for any type of exercise. My only regret is that I did not have the valve replaced sooner. My St. Jude's valve was implanted nearly 26 years ago. I was 42 years old. Today, I am still healthy. I still work at a demanding job and I enjoy life. Every day since my surgery has been a bonus day. I wish you the best of luck with your surgery. You will be amazed at how well you feel within weeks of getting your new valve.
Hi Lisa,
I am two years post surgery. Had the same diagnosis as you do. I feel great and the recovery was easier than I expected. Be strong and you will ...Read more
Hi Lisa,
I am two years post surgery. Had the same diagnosis as you do. I feel great and the recovery was easier than I expected. Be strong and you will get through it. I was back on my bicycle 6 weeks after surgery and have been riding strong ever since. Yo will be back out there running before you know it. Medical teams know exactly what they are doing! You will be in good hands.
Hi Lisa,
My, Dad (who also had heart surgery) told me that anyone who goes through heart valve surgery should consider it a gift without which one would die ...Read more
Hi Lisa,
My, Dad (who also had heart surgery) told me that anyone who goes through heart valve surgery should consider it a gift without which one would die a premature death. In most cases, no medications, exercise, diet or anything else can solve the issue, surgery is the only option. Before surgery was available, (not that long ago) a valve issue made the heart work too hard, became enlarged and ultimately fail. Thank goodness we have surgeons & hospitals that can help prevent this from happening to most people.
So put a smile on your face, go forward & be thankful that this wonderful treatment exists which has made the lives of millions so much better. Good luck, keep the faith....
Like you, I am a planner.
For about 10 years prior to surgery (Bicuspid AVR), I was checked annually...and then every sixth months...until one day - little ...Read more
Like you, I am a planner.
For about 10 years prior to surgery (Bicuspid AVR), I was checked annually...and then every sixth months...until one day - little over five years ago - my cardiologist said "it's time". So I said "when" and he said "now". Gee, thanks a lot !!. I think he did that on purpose so that I would not suffer the anxiety of waiting. Nevertheless, it took about a month to have the actual life-giving experience. I was discharged from the hospital on the day before my birthday. Now, I celebrate both dates.
Never for a second double-guessed my cardiologist or heart surgeon. Then again, neither said that t would be an "elective" surgery! My doctor opted to put it off as long as possible - but he made me aware of it, and I was ok with that decision.
As far as the surgery is concerned, I wish for YOU the same experience I had. I was 2 days in ICU, 3 days in the cardio section, and then home sweet home. At had a couple of bad days at home shortly after surgery, but they were expected. Getting back to some normalcy took several weeks.
In all honesty, for me to truly be at nearly 100% took about 3 years. I got up to maybe 80% in about a year and plateau there. The improvement after that was slow, yet incremental. Today, I feel much better than the years leading to surgery. BUT...according to my cardiologist, I will never be at 100% because the replacement valve is slightly smaller than the "original" model. Oh well, very small price to pay.
Knowing about it is the best part - frankly. You have time to PLAN for surgery.
Get the house ready for recovery, plan for meals, getting mentally ready, spend time with loved ones, share your feelings, and pray...a lot. Find peace. And, the best part, PLAN for the future.
The rest is - as it always has been, and always will be - up to God.
Lisa, you can do this! I had a bicuspid aortic valve also and a 60% blocked widow maker artery too. Sentara Heart in Norfolk, Virginia with Dr. MaHoney and ...Read more
Lisa, you can do this! I had a bicuspid aortic valve also and a 60% blocked widow maker artery too. Sentara Heart in Norfolk, Virginia with Dr. MaHoney and Dr. Philpott did a great jo with a new bovine cartilage aortic valvfrom the valve and bypass. Got atrial fibrillation from the valve replacement, but that was in October 2016 and I have never felt better, even with the pacemaker. I was back at work on light duty the Monday after Thanksgiving. I now celebrate two birthdays each year; my real one and October 20th., 2016. Good luck!
Hi Lisa, sounds like you and I had a similar diagnosis, I had a bicuspid aortic valve with stenosis and a small aneurysm. Unlike you I did not even think that ...Read more
Hi Lisa, sounds like you and I had a similar diagnosis, I had a bicuspid aortic valve with stenosis and a small aneurysm. Unlike you I did not even think that I was symptomatic, I got slightly out of breath during spinning classes but I figured hey, I was 67 and doing spinning haha!
I had my valve replaced with an Edwards bioprosthetic valve on July 15th, 2019. I will not lie to you, it was rough after the surgery. Not in terms of pain, I would rarely take a regular strength Tylenol (loved the lidocaine patches immediately after I got home!). But the fatigue was terrible. Walking around the dining room table exhausted me but then slowly and surely I was able to walk greater distances. 7 weeks after my surgery, I did a 5 week trip to Italy. I did have to forego some of the stairs but I was surprised that I had enough energy to really enjoy myself. I would recommend that you do the cardiac rehab at a facility rather than on your own, and at the earliest possible time.
You can do this! Given your level of symptoms it seems like doing the surgery now is a good idea. Best wishes and all positive thoughts to you!
You are going to feel so much better!!!!! I could not complete a stress test in
August of 2017. My Cath showed not only the aortic stenosis which ...Read more
You are going to feel so much better!!!!! I could not complete a stress test in
August of 2017. My Cath showed not only the aortic stenosis which I knew
I had but also two blocked arteries. I had open heart surgery the first week
of September. I am now 78 and trying hard to exercise often and watch diet.
The last thing I was asked leaving rehab was what do you plan to do to continue this. Even with the pandemic, I keep moving.
I have to point out my scar :)
I'm praying for you and I know you'll do awesome. I have had two mitral valve surgeries now, the 1st at 40 y.o., and I don't even realize I have an ...Read more
I'm praying for you and I know you'll do awesome. I have had two mitral valve surgeries now, the 1st at 40 y.o., and I don't even realize I have an artificial valve. Keep thinking positive and know that God has your back!
Before my surgery at the Cleveland Clinic I would be winded walking up stairs, now walk/run on a new Peloton treadmill until I decide it is time to stop. ...Read more
Before my surgery at the Cleveland Clinic I would be winded walking up stairs, now walk/run on a new Peloton treadmill until I decide it is time to stop.
You will regain control of your life, and leave the anxiety that you are now experiencing behind.
Hi Lisa, this is going to be such a life changer for you. I had my aortic valve replaced with bovine 3 years ago next week. My son and I are going off the grid ...Read more
Hi Lisa, this is going to be such a life changer for you. I had my aortic valve replaced with bovine 3 years ago next week. My son and I are going off the grid camping in 2 weeks and I can't wait. Ia am 73. Before surgery I could hardly catch my breath with any exrcise. Recovery is not easy but doable. I did Cardiac Rehab at hospital for 40 sessions and that is what helped the most. the first month post op I took my pain pills and rested and let nature do its thing. I hardly have a scar now and feel great! you can do this.
Hi Lisa,
Everyone's experience is, of course, their own individual one. But if it helps any, I had Open Heart Surgery for mitral valve repair and aortic ...Read more
Hi Lisa,
Everyone's experience is, of course, their own individual one. But if it helps any, I had Open Heart Surgery for mitral valve repair and aortic valve replacement (two for the price of one, lol) at the age of 70--the full chest cut--and everything went terrifically. Granted, I was already in good health. But I found that what was a MAJOR event to me was just another OHS for my team. Not that they weren't totally dedicated to me--they were! Just that they'd done this so many times before. Lisa, they know what they're doing, trust me on that. Put yourself in their hands and relax, as much as possible. You're doing the right thing. I'm 75 now and feel great. I also consider it one of the greatest spiritual experiences of my life. It taught me so much about trust and about how wonderfully our bodies work. I hope this helps your anxiety. My very best wishes.
hi Lisa, My Cardelogist moved me to modert to severe range in 2019 for my Aorta Heart Valve and told me to start visiting surgeons. I live in Southeastern ...Read more
hi Lisa, My Cardelogist moved me to modert to severe range in 2019 for my Aorta Heart Valve and told me to start visiting surgeons. I live in Southeastern Pa. and have outstanding Hospitals in the area. I began visiting them immediately and began the bargaining with myself about the need for surgery. After visiting locally I decided to visit The Cleveland Clinic. Immediately I noticed a difference in the attention to detail. Up to the last minute, I kept bargaining that I could cancel the surgery with support from the staff at Clinic telling me I could do it. It turned out that part of the process was a Heart Catherization which revealed a 70% blocked artery. I had the Aorta valve replacement along with bypass surgery by Dr. Tong on 8/21/20 and on my way to full recovery . After spending the summer jogging 4 miles in the heat I believe I was blessed that I didn't push it off any longer.
Ann-Marie Dassler I had my surgery January 17th, 2019. I had a mitral valve repair; it was successful! I have low bloo ... Read more
Ann-Marie Dassler I had my surgery January 17th, 2019. I had a mitral valve repair; it was successful! I have low blood pressure after the surgery, and it took a lot of fluid and medication to stabilize me.
It must be difficult for you to sit around short of breath, and long to be active. It will only get worse. Trust your surgeon and the fact that you will get your life and energy back! I got my yoga, swimming , walking, kayaking..... you get the idea! I’m a 73 year old woman with an active lifestyle. You need to do this; you’ll be glad you did. Recovery will be easier if you go into it strong.
Good luck,
Hi Lisa. I too was born with a bicuspid valve and never knew it. Not one Dr in all the years going to Drs ever mentioned a murmur, 2017 I was diagnosed by ...Read more
Hi Lisa. I too was born with a bicuspid valve and never knew it. Not one Dr in all the years going to Drs ever mentioned a murmur, 2017 I was diagnosed by a cardiologist that was (for lack of better terms) paying attention to what he was listening to. I was diagnosed as severe stenosis although I really didn't show any symptoms...I was very lucky. My thought on your "elective" note is please don't wait until it becomes an "emergency situation. Right now you have the freedom to choose who and where this gets done. Once its an emergency...you may not have that luxury and be forced to go into a hospital that maybe you wouldn't have picked to begin with and even worse maybe a surgeon that you just get placed with....just another thought to consider.
Hi Lisa....
I’m 73. Had aortic valve replacement, rebuild my aorta, maze procedure.....March 20th at Cedars Sinai in LA. The anticipation turned out to ...Read more
Hi Lisa....
I’m 73. Had aortic valve replacement, rebuild my aorta, maze procedure.....March 20th at Cedars Sinai in LA. The anticipation turned out to be far less than the event. I was in the ICU for 4 days and the hospital for an additional 5. I do not recall ever being in any pain! Uncomfortable for the first several days. Then improvement seemed to accelerate. I would not hesitate for a moment to do it again or advise anyone else to do it. Six months later I am essentially completely back to normal. You will improve significantly once you get back to your own home.
You got this!!!
Hey Lisa, I too have a bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm of 4.5. Surgery scheduled for Oct. 27! Having mild symptoms of fatigue and some light headedness. ...Read more
Hey Lisa, I too have a bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm of 4.5. Surgery scheduled for Oct. 27! Having mild symptoms of fatigue and some light headedness. I am 69. I am confident with my surgeon. Like others will be glad to get to other side! This sight is helpful. So many have done so well! I am in great shape and health so I don't foresee any problems. Just hate the first few days! One day at a time!
Debbie Swartz Prayers for you and me on Oct 27! We will do well! I am in Virginia and will have surgery at Walter R ... Read more
Debbie Swartz Prayers for you and me on Oct 27! We will do well! I am in Virginia and will have surgery at Walter Reed Military hospital.
Lisa Hostetter Hi Debbie, I will definitely be thinking of you on our surgery day. Since we share the same day does ... Read more
Lisa Hostetter Hi Debbie, I will definitely be thinking of you on our surgery day. Since we share the same day does this make us “valve sisters”? I am ready to be on the other side also, everyone says the waiting is the worst part. I don’t foresee any problems either. I have a great surgeon too, I think I’m getting the Edwards Inspiron valve.
Hi Lisa, I think it is better to have the surgery sooner rather than later, before the symptoms become severe. Be strong! You can do this! Just think--when ...Read more
Hi Lisa, I think it is better to have the surgery sooner rather than later, before the symptoms become severe. Be strong! You can do this! Just think--when you wake up, the risk will be over. And then, it's on to recovery. I wish you all the best. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Good luck with designing a comfortable bra. Keep your dreams insight and stay focused. During theses crazy times might be the perfect time to work toward your dreams.
Take care my friend, Lisa
And speedy recovery ,