Good evening, everyone. The incredible community of beautiful people on this site was such a huge source of comfort and support nearly 7 years ago when I had ...Read more
Good evening, everyone. The incredible community of beautiful people on this site was such a huge source of comfort and support nearly 7 years ago when I had minimally invasive mitral valve repair. I've even met one of the most precious people in the world to me on this site. We've been long distance friends for 7 years now, having both had minimally invasive mitral valve repair within a week of each other, and only finally met for the first time this past November. We got to spend a week together at her home in beautiful Connecticut. Anyway, I'm heading to another heart cath tomorrow. I've been told that the surgeons here have not ever seen a valve quite like mine. Unfortunately, the very unusual repair done back in 2018 did not last, and because of significant scar tissue forming over the patch that was used to extend my one functional leaflet, I am now very severely stenotic and moderately regurgitant. So now it's time for a valve replacement. Apparently, I've had a very rapid onset of symptoms. Last year, I started doing Taekwondo with my husband and our 11-year-old son and fell in love with it. Having severe chronic pain, and a 4 level spinal fusion, I didn't think it was possible for me to do even a single class, let alone keep it up 3 days a week and progress through belt levels. In November, I even competed in a regional tournament... My husband and I were the oldest competitors among 500 and I won three medals! It was seriously one of the highlights of my adult life! By tournament time, I didn't know exactly what was going on with my heart, but suspected something was off when I kept getting unbelievably winded with just 1 minute of gentle exertion doing my form (still won a gold medal!). I felt very close to collapse after sparring 6 rounds (I even won a round against a black belt instructor!). I cried at my cardiology appointment a week later when he gave me the results of my stress echo, told me my valve pressure was 4x the threshold for severely stenotic after just a minute of slow walking on the treadmill, and after working so very hard, I could not safely test to advance to the next belt 2 days later. And I have some really unfortunate complications with valve choice. Because of my age (50), a mechanical valve is what the two surgeons I've seen highly recommend. But earlier last year, multiple microhemorrhages were found in my brain on a routine MRI for my severe migraines. No one can agree as to why they are there, but a neurologist told me I should avoid blood thinners if at all possible, even telling me I should stop taking baby aspirin. I am told that a bioprosthetic valve would only last 6 to 7 years (also because of my age, apparently when you're younger, you wear out that type of valve faster), which would mean multiple heart surgeries that would significantly increase risk of complications with each. An experimental option was proposed where they could seat a valve in valve every one or two surgery cycles, but because I am on the small side, surgeons would not be able to seat a large enough valve to allow for this. The surgeon I've chosen wants this surgery done ASAP, but it's not looking possible until February due to scheduling issues. As it is, I may have to wait till the end of the month to have an appointment with a neurologist to get clarification on just how risky blood thinners are for me and my brain. I wasn't looking forward to being on Coumadin anyway, but that's much more preferable to having valve replacement every 6 years. I've gone through the myriad of emotions, and am more accepting overall and less anxiety-ridden then the first go around. I have been told by both surgeons that this is going to be a very difficult surgery, that my recovery will be much harder, and my severe chronic pain will mean the surgery is much more painful. At least this time, I will not be traveling out of town for surgery. Our son is now older and hopefully the impact to our relationship will not be as significant as last time. Thank you for taking the time to read this long post! I appreciate you all so very much and really love this community!
susan harris you are amazing! please please please get yourself to a large valve center-a surgeon who does this e ... Read more
susan harris you are amazing! please please please get yourself to a large valve center-a surgeon who does this everyday, all day. great suggestions in doctor finder on this site. some large centers may have very different view of tissue vs mechanical and path for your next 40 years. i realize you are managing time but surgeons even differ on that opinion. many on this site get 4 surgeon consultations - many different approaches exist. it took us 3 cardiologists and 4 surgeons before calm set in and we knew it was absolutely right! Don’t give up-you can do this!
J Alexander Lassally 6-7 years sounds really low for anticipated life of biologic... I'd recheck this ... Are you having a ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally 6-7 years sounds really low for anticipated life of biologic... I'd recheck this ... Are you having a mitral center of excellence do this re-repair. Sorry you have this failure at this point in your journey !
Rose Madura Amy, first of all, congratulations on your awards! 👍 That's quite an accomplishment! And I'm sorr ... Read more
Rose Madura Amy, first of all, congratulations on your awards! 👍 That's quite an accomplishment! And I'm sorry your repair did not last. I am a broken record on this, but you really need a second opinion and I agree with others that you should go to a facility that is known for its excellence. Godspeed. Please keep us posted.
Susan Lynn Amy - Congratulations on your Taekwondo medals! Amazing accomplishment!! I'm sorry you're facing an... Read more
Susan Lynn Amy - Congratulations on your Taekwondo medals! Amazing accomplishment!! I'm sorry you're facing another surgery, but the perseverance and resilience that have gotten you through your past health challenges and surgeries will get you through this one. Stay positive. We'll be with you every step of the way.
Pamela Gregory Amy, Congratulations! Please get another opinion at a really good heart hospital. Biological valves f ... Read more
Pamela Gregory Amy, Congratulations! Please get another opinion at a really good heart hospital. Biological valves for Aortic valve for someone your age last 10-15years on average. I am not positive, but I think the mitral valve is predicted to last longer because it does not work as hard as the aortic valve
Amy Minto You are all so amazing and supportive! I was told the quote of 10-15 years for bioprosthetic is for s ... Read more
Amy Minto You are all so amazing and supportive! I was told the quote of 10-15 years for bioprosthetic is for someone older, that I will wear it out much sooner. I had chosen a local surgeon here, but now I am going to see if I can urgently get in to see someone at The Heart Hospital Of Plano, TX. I traveled last time to Houston, and it was so challenging and the experience at St. Lukes was very, very traumatic. It took two tries of packing up our elderly cat, and 4 year old, bc I got the flu the day before surgery. Now, our son is older, so he can't miss a week of school without it causing him significant stress. But I am so severely symptomatic that I am running out of time. Still, I really appreciate the suggestions and I am going to try to get a 3rd opinion.
Amy Minto Good morning, brave heart warriors! Just celebrated my 3 year valve-a-versary this weekend! My rockst ... Read more
Amy Minto Good morning, brave heart warriors! Just celebrated my 3 year valve-a-versary this weekend! My rockstar surgeon, Dr. Joseph Lamelas performed a pretty unbelievably creative minimally invasive mitral valve repair down in Houston (he's since moved back to Miami), and for that, I will be eternally grateful. Wouldn't have made it to our 10 year (wedding)anniversary without it! Before that surgery, I couldn't even make it up a flight of stairs, and here we are about to go kayaking & snorkeling with stingrays! It was all so worth it. Unfortunately, I did get some results on my latest echo that I hadn't been expecting. They are graded as mild, but were pretty impactful, as I had a really difficult recovery. It didn't help that I just received them via an app without an appointment with my cardiologist! Of course, that sent me down a Google rabbit hole trying to educate myself on diastolic dysfunction & arteriosclerosis/coronary artery disease. Is it common to have diastolic dysfunction as a result of the stress MVR places upon the left ventricle? Have any of you experienced this?
I think I need a second opinion from a cardiologist I can really feel confident about, and I'm just a bit lukewarm about my current one. Do any of you have a recommendation for the Austin area? I'm north of Austin (Cedar Park/Round Rock area), but I'd easily travel in to Austin...
Thanks so much!
Barbara Wood Wow, 3 years already! Congratulations Amy & so glad to see how well you're doing! Best wishes for man ... Read more
Barbara Wood Wow, 3 years already! Congratulations Amy & so glad to see how well you're doing! Best wishes for many more to come :)
Susan Lynn Amy - Happy Anniversary! Be careful with the Dr. Google consultations. Many people live with mild ... Read more
Susan Lynn Amy - Happy Anniversary! Be careful with the Dr. Google consultations. Many people live with mild forms of all kinds of ailments including heart valve diseases. Depending on the progression, it may not need to be addressed at all. We heart warriors also know that with the advancements in cardiology the approaches are only improving. Your cardiologist will let you know if you need to be concerned. You had to be in good condition 3 years ago or you wouldn't have qualified for a minimally-invasive procedure. Chances are everything will be just fine.
Wishing you all the best! Please keep us posted. ❤
❤Wanted to focus on being positive today- my two reasons for going through with surgery. Looking forward to being able to read bedtime stories to my sweet ...Read more
❤Wanted to focus on being positive today- my two reasons for going through with surgery. Looking forward to being able to read bedtime stories to my sweet Asher!
Lilly Black Asher is adorable.....and his dad is also :) I used to have a small son, but he will be 37 years old ... Read more
Lilly Black Asher is adorable.....and his dad is also :) I used to have a small son, but he will be 37 years old in April. Loved every minute with him too! He also made himself available for 3 weeks to help care for me after my second heart surgery. Sons are great! I wish you a successful surgery.... all the best!
I'm sorry you're facing an... Read more
I'm sorry you're facing another surgery, but the perseverance and resilience that have gotten you through your past health challenges and surgeries will get you through this one. Stay positive. We'll be with you every step of the way.