About Me (In My Own Words)
In July, 2021, during a regular check up at my doctors office ( I am BARELY Diabetic - A1C of 6.1) Anna, the nurse practitioner, heard a heart murmer. Anna had my GP, Dr. Hollis, come in and listen and they agreed that I needed to have it checked. They sent me for an echocardiogram, which was in August, and it was discovered that I have a bicuspid aortic valve and that the valve is worn out... like a 90 year old person's would be. The official diagonosis is Bicuspid Arotic Valve Stenosis and the only way to fix the issue is for me to have open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve. My cartiologist, Dr. Khan, scheduled a whole bunch of tests to make sure that there is nothing else going on in there.
Something to note (especially for my siblings), this is a genetic issue. Our father died of heart failure at 49 years of age. I just turned 50. My cardiologist says that it is a very strong possibility that I "inherited" this issue from my father. This issue is something i was born with and because I'm healthy and strong, has gone undetected until now. If any of my siblings are experiencing shortness of breath, light headedness or dizziness (especially to the point that you feel as if you are going to pass out or you ARE passing out) chest pain or heart palpatations, I'd really like you to go get your heart checked out.
Today is October 3rd and after having every test known to man (LOL) the good news is that My Cardiologist, Dr. Khan, has found absolutely nothing else going on in or around my heart. No plaque build up or calcium build up anywhere in my arteries or veins. So, last friday while in recovery from a Heart Cath testing, I got to meet my Cardiac Surgeon, Dr. A. Loved him to peices!
The big question for me is whether to have a mechanical valve or a tissue valve put in. Mechanical valve means I have to be on Warfarin/Coumadin (blood thinner) for ever but at 50, probably won't have to ever have the valve replaced. A Tissue valve won't require the meds but more than likely, I'll have to have the valve replaced again in 12 - 15 years.... My family is VERY long lived!
Also, my husband and I neither one, want to take the Covid Vaccination. We've both had covid and we both take lots of vitamin and mineral suppliments to keep our immune systems up (My husband is a country music artis so we travel the country with his concert schedule so we've always kept our immune system in good shape). However, with having to be in the ICU unit for a week, which is full of Covid Patients, I'm wondering now about being vaccinated... even though it ISN'T an accual vaccination.
Thoughts and feed back would be appreciated... It's why I joined this community!
More Info About Me & My Heart
More About Me
I am from:
Killen, Alabama
I was diagnosed with:
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
My surgery was:
Aortic Valve Replacement
My surgeon is:
Dr. Constantine Athanasuleas
My hospital is:
North Alabama Medical Center