3 years today since my valve was repaired. It is hard to believe its been that long already. All is going well. Although I am much better than I was prior to ...Read more
3 years today since my valve was repaired. It is hard to believe its been that long already. All is going well. Although I am much better than I was prior to surgery now, it does feel likely there is no end to recovery. Not in a bad way. Just that after diagnosis/surgery, recovery and dealing with everything that comes with it is now just something we have to deal with daily. It wasn't an event to just get through, it's a continuous journey. I don't feel limited in any way and I can do everything I want to be able to do. There's just always something to think about, and unless you've been through it it's hard to relate. So although I am mostly mostly a silent observer these days, I still check the site regularly to see how everyone is doing and to see if there is something helpful. And maybe, occasionally I could be of help. Anyway, hope you are all doing well and good luck to those just starting your journey.
J Alexander Lassally Well stated, and thank you. I totally agree as a 50 year old guy. I like to think of it as seekin ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally Well stated, and thank you. I totally agree as a 50 year old guy. I like to think of it as seeking a new normal. And that new normal is a moving target. Life is never really the same. The price we pay to be alive. The healthcare system fails us when they promise us "just as good as new" in a matter of weeks or months. And people that claim to be 100% in XX weeks post surgery are also fooling themselves!
Daniel Bellezzo I had open heart for aortic valve sparing repair. It’s been 18 months. I have been saying that I am ... Read more
Daniel Bellezzo I had open heart for aortic valve sparing repair. It’s been 18 months. I have been saying that I am either 80% of the man I used to be or 100% of the man I am now, I am thankful to be alive of course. But I’ve never felt the same when I’m asleep, depending on where I turned, I can feel my heart pounding. My sternum still hurts from time to time and I go through periods of palpitations. I went through cardiac rehab and take all my medicines and try to stay active. It’s just yes until you’ve been through it. You have no idea.
Richard Munson The good news is that everyone on this site probably either had surgery or will have it. I agree, tha ... Read more
Richard Munson The good news is that everyone on this site probably either had surgery or will have it. I agree, that although i feel fine, whenever something does occur, no matter how insignificant my first thought is its my heart.
J Alexander Lassally So true Daniel. Also in the 80 to 90 percent range. I get tired of explaining the journey to family / ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally So true Daniel. Also in the 80 to 90 percent range. I get tired of explaining the journey to family / friends who think you just pop back to life
Richard Munson Agree with JAL. Although heart surgery in general has come such a long long way in the past few years ... Read more
Richard Munson Agree with JAL. Although heart surgery in general has come such a long long way in the past few years, and will only get better, it’s still heart surgery. I think the medical field tends to hype it a bit as well. A little advertising. The technology is amazing but still what is inserted into your heart is a very precise tiny valve, and may not last as long as hoped. Like any product, it’s a % game. We tend as humans to latch onto the person that ran a marathon 2 weeks after or a valve that lasted 20 years and expect every one will be the same.
J Alexander Lassally Right Richard -- these surgeons have egos higher than the empire state and they like to think they a ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally Right Richard -- these surgeons have egos higher than the empire state and they like to think they are gods. I'm definately not complaining because it is indeed a numbers game and we are lucky to be mostly fixed. It is just nice to keep it real as they say and say it like it is!
I like that we are all perfectly imperfect post surgery.
Rita Savelis Congrats on 3 years. There is definitely a before surgery and an after surgery. Even if you are doing ... Read more
Rita Savelis Congrats on 3 years. There is definitely a before surgery and an after surgery. Even if you are doing well, cardiac issues are for life. And it takes getting used to. I had surgery 10 years ago and see my cardiologist twice a year. Everything is fine. Never had any problems with my 2 mechanical valves. But I am not 100% better than before surgery. That couldn't happen. I get pleural effusions, I am out of breath, my chest feels heavy. It's a new normal and it's definitely liveable. And no one's worried about it. It's just what it is.
Rose Madura As my cardiologist says, "Once a heart patient, always a heart patient." Great comments by all of you ... Read more
Rose Madura As my cardiologist says, "Once a heart patient, always a heart patient." Great comments by all of you.
Richard Munson We are all imperfect. Although some of us are closer to perfection than others. As the saying goes ... Read more
Richard Munson We are all imperfect. Although some of us are closer to perfection than others. As the saying goes “ its hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way”
Today is 8 months post surgery for me. Recovery isn't linear and not every day is a step forward, but I've felt great the past couple months now. Better and ...Read more
Today is 8 months post surgery for me. Recovery isn't linear and not every day is a step forward, but I've felt great the past couple months now. Better and more capable than I've been the past couple years before surgery. Still wake up with sore chest, back, and shoulder muscles some days, but it goes away once I get moving. Also, somewhat rare I had nerve issues that went unchanged for about 7 months. I started red light therapy (photobiomodulation) about a month ago and it has done wonders. I encourage anyone that has nerve pain or numbness of any kind to look into it. Good luck to those with upcoming surgeries and continued success to those in the early days of recovery.
Ana Brusso Hi Adam, glad you are doing so much better. I get those sore back and shoulder muscles aches but I ta ... Read more
Ana Brusso Hi Adam, glad you are doing so much better. I get those sore back and shoulder muscles aches but I take Tylenol for it and it helps. Keep up the good work and keep posting. God bless you
Timothy Andre Awesome update Adam. Super happy for you
Andrew Dial Great to hear you’re doing well. Keep it up :)
Rose Madura Good to hear Adam. We all have a different story yet it's all the same in many way. Keep up the goo... Read more
Rose Madura Good to hear Adam. We all have a different story yet it's all the same in many way. Keep up the good progress!
Angela Meletiadis Glad to hear you are on the upswing!I appreciate your spirit of patience and perseverance and that se ... Read more
Angela Meletiadis Glad to hear you are on the upswing!I appreciate your spirit of patience and perseverance and that seems to have paid off for you! I'm afraid my nerve issues will continue past three months so I'm trying to prepare myself psychologically, but I will look into red light therapy!! This site is yet again, another source of info and encouragement to me in my journey to a complete recovery. Thank you, Adam!!
Played tennis for the first time post surgery tonight. First real strenuous upper body activity and it went well. And definitely have some endurance, which ...Read more
Played tennis for the first time post surgery tonight. First real strenuous upper body activity and it went well. And definitely have some endurance, which I didn't have before surgery.
Way to go Adam. Glad to hear your good news. Continued good health and God bless you
Your perception of time slows during difficulties. What seems like it will last forever will not. When you look back on even the most harrowing challenges ...Read more
Your perception of time slows during difficulties. What seems like it will last forever will not. When you look back on even the most harrowing challenges they tend not to seem so all encompassing. Just knowing this can help you to keep showing up—and sometimes that's enough. I read this today and just thought I'd share.
Thank you for sharing this post. It’s so right on. Blessings Adam
Marie Myers That very true! My husband always adds, “This too shall pass”...
Another recovery milestone 3 months out. Never thought I'd be happy to mow the grass, but it felt good to be able to do it again. Probably could have done ...Read more
Another recovery milestone 3 months out. Never thought I'd be happy to mow the grass, but it felt good to be able to do it again. Probably could have done it sooner but why rush. Cardiac rehab continues to go well with steady gains in exercise capacity. My only issues to date (and still ongoing) are nerve damage. I still have numbness in 2 fingers and my thumb and nerve pain on one side of my chest. Both are really just annoyances but hopefully it goes away. Doctor said it could take 6 months.
Timothy Andre Ahh, it's the little things in life. Congrats on 3 months!! Waiting to mow was probably a good thin... Read more
Timothy Andre Ahh, it's the little things in life. Congrats on 3 months!! Waiting to mow was probably a good thing, but oh so rewarding. I'm 34 days post-op and decided to pull some weeds and use the gas blower yesterday. Hindsight is 20/20. I should have waited longer. It was a little too much too soon. I was worn out for 3 hours after that. I'm at the point where I feel well enough to do stuff but my body has different plans. I shall continue to take it easy. Sorry your dealing with the numbness and nerve pain, but it sounds like your staying positive and being hopeful it will eventually fade away. Keep up the good work with recovery.
Rose Madura You guys are doing well and learning to listen to your bodies. Adam, praying your nerve damage goes ... Read more
Rose Madura You guys are doing well and learning to listen to your bodies. Adam, praying your nerve damage goes away like the doctor said. Blessings to you both.
Adam Baumgartner Thanks. Yes, heart surgery does make you appreciate the little things.
I am home! Really feeling pretty good. Amazing how much I improved the last 48 hours. I know theres still a long way to go but happy where Im at. I appreciate ...Read more
I am home! Really feeling pretty good. Amazing how much I improved the last 48 hours. I know theres still a long way to go but happy where Im at. I appreciate all the info and people here that helped me make the best decisions. I believe that knowledge and confidence that comes with it helps so much in recovery.
Rose Madura So glad yo hear you wre feeling so well! I hope and pray your recovery is uneventful ad that you hav ... Read more
Rose Madura So glad yo hear you wre feeling so well! I hope and pray your recovery is uneventful ad that you have more energy and stamina than ever before! Listen to your body and nap when you need to. Godspeed!
Welcome to recovery and God bless you
Holly Wale Way to go, Adam! Glad to hear your news!
Deena Z Congrats, Adam. Being able to go home makes you so much better, huh. normalizing. You will see hug ... Read more
Deena Z Congrats, Adam. Being able to go home makes you so much better, huh. normalizing. You will see huge improvements over the next two weeks. Exhale! Life is good
4 days post op. Everything went really well. Dr Burke was able to repair my aortic valve instead of replacing it. Post op echo looks good. I'm thrilled that ...Read more
4 days post op. Everything went really well. Dr Burke was able to repair my aortic valve instead of replacing it. Post op echo looks good. I'm thrilled that so far results seems as good as I could hope for. Recovery had been a struggle but turned a corner today when we got pain meds dialed in. Oxy really disagrees with me and I felt awful. Now with different med pain is tolerable and I am no longer nauseus or sick. Now just waiting to go home.
Marie Myers That is great news!! Glad you were able to get the repair-what a bonus. Every day will get a little b ... Read more
Marie Myers That is great news!! Glad you were able to get the repair-what a bonus. Every day will get a little better,and you will notice slow, steady improvements. Welcome to the recovery side!
Mike Tirrell Adam, glad you are doing well. Oxy did not agree with me either so I asked for Dilaudid only and tha ... Read more
Mike Tirrell Adam, glad you are doing well. Oxy did not agree with me either so I asked for Dilaudid only and that helped with reducing nausea and the general poor feeling I had while on Oxy.
Deena Z Adam, WTG. A repair. Successful. And almost HOME!!! You did it!
Rose Madura Wonderful news. Hopefully you can switch to Tylenol soon. It does pretty well. Glad you are ok and ... Read more
Rose Madura Wonderful news. Hopefully you can switch to Tylenol soon. It does pretty well. Glad you are ok and got a repair. Congratulations!
Anyone with an aortic aneurysm and regurgitation have a Ross procedure done? Especially, wondering about a “protected” or “reinforced” Ross to prevent ...Read more
Anyone with an aortic aneurysm and regurgitation have a Ross procedure done? Especially, wondering about a “protected” or “reinforced” Ross to prevent dilation.
Met with surgeon. Nothing unexpected since I knew surgery was almost certain, but now it’s more real when the doctor confirmed surgery is required and will ...Read more
Met with surgeon. Nothing unexpected since I knew surgery was almost certain, but now it’s more real when the doctor confirmed surgery is required and will be within 3 months. Unsure still at this point if the aortic valve can be repaired, but the root needs to be replaced. So option 1 would be a valve sparing root replacement surgery. If the valve needs to be replaced I need to decide between two options, either a Bentall procedure with a mechanical valve or the Ross procedure. At this point I am leaning Ross, but still unsure. Looking for comments from anyone that has had either of these at a younger age (I am 42) or have had to make a similar decision.
Andrew Dial Hey what’s the latest on your decision for surgery? Are you having them use the Dacron sleeve on yo ... Read more
Andrew Dial Hey what’s the latest on your decision for surgery? Are you having them use the Dacron sleeve on your ascending aorta?
I like to think of it as seekin ... Read more
I like to think of it as seeking a new normal. And that new normal is a moving target. Life is never really the same. The price we pay to be alive.
The healthcare system fails us when they promise us "just as good as new" in a matter of weeks or months. And people that claim to be 100% in XX weeks post surgery are also fooling themselves!
I like that we are all perfectly imperfect post surgery.