I'm facing mitral valve replacement surgery that is higher-risk ... My husband and I are pretty anxious, though staying positive. Has anyone used an effective ...Read more
I'm facing mitral valve replacement surgery that is higher-risk ... My husband and I are pretty anxious, though staying positive. Has anyone used an effective form of relaxation/therapy/visualization to stay calm before surgery? Suggestions are welcomed!
Richard Munson You will hear many different stress relievers from folks here, probably lots braver than me. I kept t ... Read more
Richard Munson You will hear many different stress relievers from folks here, probably lots braver than me. I kept telling myself that my valve was only going to get worse so get it over with. Staying calm before heart surgery was not in the cards for me but thats me. Before my recent colonoscopy i was not calm. Being positive is a good thing. Knowing that your surgical team is the right one is good.
Marie Myers I listened to meditations on UTube. Look for things like “ Peace”, Acceptance”, Calm” in the ... Read more
Marie Myers I listened to meditations on UTube. Look for things like “ Peace”, Acceptance”, Calm” in the titles. I especially liked the meditations by “The Honest Guys”. They were very relaxing for me.
Margaret Fielden Debra, I do empathise with your anxiety. My surgery is October 5th, one week today, for open heart mi ... Read more
Margaret Fielden Debra, I do empathise with your anxiety. My surgery is October 5th, one week today, for open heart mitral valve replacement and tricuspid repair. I am older, with co- morbidities which are higher risk. This site has helped me get a better perspective and more understanding of what to expect. I am very anxious at times, my husband too. I do hope you get help from the courageous people here who have been through surgery and have shared their stories. Praying you will find peace.
Robert Miller Educate yourself as much as possible. It could increase your worries but it most likely will decrease it. Check out the learning center.
If you are religious, there are many avenues.
My surgery wasn't high risk but even if it was, I would have no worries going into surgery. You have two surgeons looking after you and a bunch of other people. You will be on constant surveillance after surgery. I never felt more secure when I checked into the hospital until I left the hospital. Ignoring all the pipes, I never felt more secure and more confident that this is what I needed to do and that I am better off than staying at home doing nothing. ... Read more
Robert Miller Educate yourself as much as possible. It could increase your worries but it most likely will decrease it. Check out the learning center.
If you are religious, there are many avenues.
My surgery wasn't high risk but even if it was, I would have no worries going into surgery. You have two surgeons looking after you and a bunch of other people. You will be on constant surveillance after surgery. I never felt more secure when I checked into the hospital until I left the hospital. Ignoring all the pipes, I never felt more secure and more confident that this is what I needed to do and that I am better off than staying at home doing nothing.
Get important facts about heart valve disease, symptoms, risks and treatment.
Marie-Ange Jacques I did mitral replacement surgery in September last year and today I am okay,back to my normal activit ... Read more
Marie-Ange Jacques I did mitral replacement surgery in September last year and today I am okay,back to my normal activity.My strength and support were God first then family. I was calm cause all my faith I did put in God and I knew He would do a wonderful Job.So place your faith in your creator,He had promised to be with and help you. Isaiah 41:10Praying for you 🙏
You will be okay
Yumiko Ishida Try many things and see what works for you. I find deep breathing, meditation, and gentle yoga helpfu ... Read more
Yumiko Ishida Try many things and see what works for you. I find deep breathing, meditation, and gentle yoga helpful. If you are able, any form of exercise should help. Soothing music used to relax me but not anymore. Tapping helps when I have physical discomfort and it’s also supposed to be good for anxiety.
J Alexander Lassally Music and exercise and distraction. Getting as ready as possible (home, affairs, personal relationshi ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally Music and exercise and distraction. Getting as ready as possible (home, affairs, personal relationships) all helps too. Also, just reflecting on the data that cardiac surgery is incredibly safe in 2024 is key ~!
I am not a religious person, so all of the discussion there is a big "Not Applicable" for me. Don't know which camp you fall into?! (smile)
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at HeartValveSurgery.com. Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.
If you are religious, there are many avenues.
My surgery wasn't high risk but even if it was, I would have no worries going into surgery. You have two surgeons looking after you and a bunch of other people. You will be on constant surveillance after surgery. I never felt more secure when I checked into the hospital until I left the hospital. Ignoring all the pipes, I never felt more secure and more confident that this is what I needed to do and that I am better off than staying at home doing nothing.
... Read more
If you are religious, there are many avenues.
My surgery wasn't high risk but even if it was, I would have no worries going into surgery. You have two surgeons looking after you and a bunch of other people. You will be on constant surveillance after surgery. I never felt more secure when I checked into the hospital until I left the hospital. Ignoring all the pipes, I never felt more secure and more confident that this is what I needed to do and that I am better off than staying at home doing nothing.
You will be okay
I am not a religious person, so all of the discussion there is a big "Not Applicable" for me. Don't know which camp you fall into?! (smile)