- During this free and live webinar, you will learn the "3 Critical Questions" patients need answered before mitral valve...
See patient reviews, physician biography, videos and contact information for Dr. Marc Gillinov, heart surgeon, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Robert Miller My BIL does a lot of robotic surgeries and he knows Gillinov so my BIL suggested I get surgery with h ... Read more
Robert Miller My BIL does a lot of robotic surgeries and he knows Gillinov so my BIL suggested I get surgery with him. I was highly considering him but he was on the other coast. Dr. Gillinov, despite my connections, seemed less accessible than some well known local surgeons. Having said that, if you look for robotic mitral valve repair, Gillinov should be very high on your list.
Maria DeMarco Thank you so much for this! I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and just reached severe regurgitation. ... Read more
Maria DeMarco Thank you so much for this! I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and just reached severe regurgitation. I have been fearing this for almost half my life and am very appriciative for the guidance and support on this site.
Kathy Ozio Maria- yes! I just celebrated my two year mark. Dr. Gillanov did my mitral valve repair min invasive ... Read more
Kathy Ozio Maria- yes! I just celebrated my two year mark. Dr. Gillanov did my mitral valve repair min invasive, robitically and I can't say enough about his team and the Cleveland Clinic. Your story sounds similar to mine. Ask me anything. Glad you found this site- it is excellent source of information and support!