My TEE procedure showed a moderately leaking myxomatous mitral valve with bileaflet prolapse. Is this type of mitral valve problem able to be repaired or must ...Read more
My TEE procedure showed a moderately leaking myxomatous mitral valve with bileaflet prolapse. Is this type of mitral valve problem able to be repaired or must it be replaced?
Susan Lynn Michael- Over 90% of mitral valves are repaired by experienced surgeons. Usually, calcified valves ... Read more
Susan Lynn Michael- Over 90% of mitral valves are repaired by experienced surgeons. Usually, calcified valves make repairs more difficult and sometimes necessitate replacement. You've got a good chance for a repair. Remember, multiple opinions are always a good idea. Do your research and pick the right team and facility. Good luck!
Richard Munson Mine was repaired via minimally invasive and the leaflets were reattached with gortex . My surgeons c ... Read more
Richard Munson Mine was repaired via minimally invasive and the leaflets were reattached with gortex . My surgeons claim to fame was minimally invasive. Believe me when i say this but they push what they are good at. I’m in sales, i do the same thing. There is a certain amount of marketing in heart surgery. Some advertise right on this site. I assume the flap itself was ok and not beyond help. I did however have to sign a waiver that once inside if they discovered they needed to peel me like a banana i was ok with it. I believe they did fix one leaflet, maybe 2. We decided jointly to operate once it progressed beyond moderate. Even then , i had to push a little to get the ball rolling. Finally i had enough come back in 6 months answers. That was 4 years ago and i am glad i did it before i showed signs or symptoms. Did not visit this site prior to my surgery so i lucked out. My cardiologist however gave me sage advice and my eventual surgeon was his buddy. Plus it was right in the middle of covid. Masks all around and no visitors period. I could not tell you what my surgeon looks like except from a picture.
Fidel Martínez Ruiz I´have got the same dilemma 1 and half years ago, when I had my mitral valve replaced. Now I am doi... Read more
Fidel Martínez Ruiz I´have got the same dilemma 1 and half years ago, when I had my mitral valve replaced. Now I am doing well with the valve and making the same level of exercise than before hiking mountains once a week a gym 3 days a week. My first diagnosis was endocarditis that healed but left as sequelae a myxomatous, calcified and prolapsed valve. The team of physicians after seing ECG and Eco propose me open surgery. They told me that if could, the´d try to repair the valve, but they couldn´t know about it until watch the valve directly in the operating theatre. After surgery, in the first medical visit I was told they found the valve very calcified , with vegetations and a broken cord and decided at that very moment to replace the valve. In the beginning this disappointed me but now I think that is better a good replacement than a bad repair. And here I am to tell my experience. The important is to be lucky in choosing a good surgeons team and have confidence in them . Best wishes for all.