yesterday was 6 weeks since my surgery; how time flies! I'm feeling really good. Still have shortness of breath but it's getting better all the time. Still ...Read more
yesterday was 6 weeks since my surgery; how time flies! I'm feeling really good. Still have shortness of breath but it's getting better all the time. Still have some pain in my left collar bone area but again it's not too bad. Doctor says I'm doing great and in two weeks can safely resume all normal activity. Guess I can help with Thanksgiving dinner after all! I want to thank everyone on this site, it's very encouraging to read other stories and to know you are not alone in the recovery phase. Also being able to ask questions and have others respond is uplifting to the spirit! Thank you all and good luck to each of you in your phases of recovery!
MARIE PICUN Glad to hear you are doing well in your recovery. It takes time to recover.
Susan Lynn Pam - Time really does fly after surgery. Sounds like you're doing well! Congratulations on your ... Read more
Susan Lynn Pam - Time really does fly after surgery. Sounds like you're doing well! Congratulations on your 6 week anniversary! ❤
Congrats to you Pam!
Best wishes for a complete and full recovery.
I want to thank each of you who have posted to my pulse issue below! It was very reassuring to me to read that apparently what I'm experiencing is totally ...Read more
I want to thank each of you who have posted to my pulse issue below! It was very reassuring to me to read that apparently what I'm experiencing is totally normal! I'm currently not on a beta-blocker but will ask my doctor at my next appointment. I think it really helps to hear from others who are going through the same feelings and concerns as I am!
Thank you again!
I have a question for this group, my aortic valve replacement was on October 3 I’m doing great blood pressure is under control totally now but my pulse is ...Read more
I have a question for this group, my aortic valve replacement was on October 3 I’m doing great blood pressure is under control totally now but my pulse is still way too fast it always hovers between 90 and 100 I have an appointment to see my cardiologist week afternext but I’m wondering if anybody else has experienced this issue I’m still getting short of breath also when I am picking up things around the house especially if I’m bending over. Anyone else have a high pulse problem?
Chris Purvis Being short of breath is common for a while as you build back stamina and lung capacity. Are you on a ... Read more
Chris Purvis Being short of breath is common for a while as you build back stamina and lung capacity. Are you on a beta blocker?
Meredith Bray My pulse took about 6 weeks to come out of the 90-100 range. At 4-5 weeks post-op, I was still taking ... Read more
Meredith Bray My pulse took about 6 weeks to come out of the 90-100 range. At 4-5 weeks post-op, I was still taking lots of naps and just starting cardiac rehab. I was ready for a break after unloading the dishwasher or starting a load of laundry.
Rita Savelis That sounds quite normal. I got out of breath a lot for months after OHS and my pulse was quite fast. ... Read more
Rita Savelis That sounds quite normal. I got out of breath a lot for months after OHS and my pulse was quite fast. Some patients are put on betablockers to slow the pulse.
timothy morris I have the same problem blood pressure is great but pulse rate is high and I am four months post op. ... Read more
timothy morris I have the same problem blood pressure is great but pulse rate is high and I am four months post op. My cardiologist switched me from metoprolol to bystolic which lowered it from the mid 80's to the mid 70's still higher than before the surgery. But everything is going well and hopefully in the next few months it will be back to normal.
Pam Dillard Timothy; I am taking Metoprolol also so I will differently talk to my cardiologist about this. Than ... Read more
Pam Dillard Timothy; I am taking Metoprolol also so I will differently talk to my cardiologist about this. Thanks!
Susan Lynn Pam - I found bending over to be difficult for quite awhile. My pulse also came down over time. I ... Read more
Susan Lynn Pam - I found bending over to be difficult for quite awhile. My pulse also came down over time. It takes awhile for your heart to get used to the increased blood flow. You'll improve with time. Take care.
Surgery to replace my Aortic Valve was on October 3rd. On day 23 post op I had a really good day, no heart palpitations, no shortness of breath and not overly ...Read more
Surgery to replace my Aortic Valve was on October 3rd. On day 23 post op I had a really good day, no heart palpitations, no shortness of breath and not overly tired. Felt really good all day. That lasted for two days! I have found that with each new day my time of being up and moving and doing gets longer and longer each day and the resting periods between doing things around the house gets shorter. It's harder for me to sit still and rest, but I know I need to since I'm not even a month out from surgery. The things that have taken the longest to heal have been the pain in my collar bone and neck muscles. Also the bruising on both of my breasts and my neck where they removed the catheters. These areas were very sore and prevented me from sleeping very well and not being able to sleep in my bed at all, I slept in my recliner chair for the first 23 days home. Finally in my bed now but still have discomfort trying to sleep on my side. I also no longer feel the need to take my blood pressure several times a day as my heart feels more normal now and does not feel like it's racing and beating out of my chest. I still have some aches and pains but feel like myself again for the majority of the time which is very comforting to me. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel and can't wait to get back out into the world and drive to see my grandchildren. Hopefully I will be up to helping cook Thanksgiving dinner!
Susan Lynn Pam - you're doing great! More good days and adventures are ahead! ❤
LINDA ROBERTS You are doing great for it is still early in your recovery process.
Dan Vechiola Way to go Pam. Such a great report. Take it one day at a time and its amazing the progress we make. ... Read more
Dan Vechiola Way to go Pam. Such a great report. Take it one day at a time and its amazing the progress we make.
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.
Best wishes for a complete and full recovery.