It has been a year since my AVR open heart surgery (9th August to be precise). I will see my cardio thoracic surgeon next week for a 1 year follow up, do some ...Read more
It has been a year since my AVR open heart surgery (9th August to be precise). I will see my cardio thoracic surgeon next week for a 1 year follow up, do some blood tests and see my cardiologist the week after. The good news is that I have not seen any doctor during the last six months! I would say I am 99% recovered and better than before the surgery. I still get sharp electrical pains and pulling in my chest, lasting a second or two - always around the same spot and it goes away if I move my arms. Opening heavy doors with one arm also causes mild discomfort. I think it is skeletal or scar tissue causing a problem. I will talk to the surgeon. I am back to work full time since early December and having normal daily routine. I have also did a lot of travel during last 6 to 9 months, including Thailand, Laos, two weeks in Sicily including a wine tour, Dublin to visit my parents (90 years old) and Singapore (for work). I need to watch my weight, as I like to eat more than before surgery. My biggest challenge now is my knee - but I am avoiding getting a MRI because I don't want surgery for a while more. In September I will be in Malaysia, Amsterdam and Orlando for work, and in London and Dublin visiting daughters and family. We only live once, keep enjoying what we have. I hope all patients who were nervous and scared, like me, will take some comfort from the fact that most of us will make a full recovery and go on to live life to the full.
Carmen P Hello World Traveler. I'm hoping to get back to traveling after my second surgery. I knew my valve ... Read more
Carmen P Hello World Traveler. I'm hoping to get back to traveling after my second surgery. I knew my valve was wearing out when I was struggling in Mexico climbing a steep mountain trail in December. A scan when I got home confirmed it. Wish me luck tomorrow.
Trygve Harris My Gosh, Good Luck! The original replacement was which kind? Mine lasted (Pig) only a few months, if ... Read more
Trygve Harris My Gosh, Good Luck! The original replacement was which kind? Mine lasted (Pig) only a few months, if that. But I have high hopes. Best not to overthink it. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Best of luck! I'll be waiting for news
About 10 weeks since my AVR surgery. Basically back to normal. Chest still occasionally sore. Able to do 10km in 30 minutes on a stationary bicycle at medium ...Read more
About 10 weeks since my AVR surgery. Basically back to normal. Chest still occasionally sore. Able to do 10km in 30 minutes on a stationary bicycle at medium resistance. Also did 10 minute Opening Speech at a conference followed by 10 minute Opening Speech at the follow on dinner. Generally feeling much better than before. F/U with cardiologist next week, hopefully less medication. Then myself and my wife are off to Thailand for a week. When I get back I have chest x-ray and see surgeon to get the final all clear.
Adam Pick Awesome update Stephen! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thought I will share an update. 8 weeks since surgery, back to work close to full time this week and doing most of my normal activities. I am probably 90% recovered. ...Read more
Thought I will share an update. 8 weeks since surgery, back to work close to full time this week and doing most of my normal activities. I am probably 90% recovered. Chest still a little sore with coughing, sudden movements or if I talk too much...I did grocery shopping and carried two sort of heavy bags back on the bus (I don't drive in Hong Kong) - that was a mistake, sore the next day...but slowly getting better. Still doing rehab twice a week (now doing 30 minutes on ergonometer level 5) plus lots of leg strengthening work. In 6 weeks buddy fat down 5% and muscle content ip 5%). Saw cardioligist this week too, reduced one drug to once a day (still on 6 drugs every morning), follow up in two months. Dry cough and bronchi irritation has mainly gone away, at least 90% better. I will see surgeon in two weeks time. Only annoying things is that heart rate is low because of the drugs, doctor says stick with it for two months to protect the heart. Overall, I feel much stronger and not out of breath or exhausted after a 10 minute walk - so a huge improvement compared to pre-surgery.
Ana Brusso Continued good health and recovery Stephen. Pace yourself and be careful carrying heavy things. Liste ... Read more
Ana Brusso Continued good health and recovery Stephen. Pace yourself and be careful carrying heavy things. Listen to your body. God bless you
Rita Savelis Hi Stephen. You're doing well. Betablockers will slow your heart down and zap your energy. But they a ... Read more
Rita Savelis Hi Stephen. You're doing well. Betablockers will slow your heart down and zap your energy. But they are prescribed because your heart needs a break after surgery. Sometimes a doctor can lower your dose, so stay vocal about how they are affecting you. I personally was so relieved to get off of that drug! Take care.
Rose Madura Sounds like you are doing well. Thanks for the update!
Jill Porter Thank you for sharing your recovery story.
Grace Mason Thanks for sharing Stephen. I'm a few weeks behind you, so it is good to hear how you are doing. I'm... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks for sharing Stephen. I'm a few weeks behind you, so it is good to hear how you are doing. I'm experiencing a lot of bronchial irritation this week so I guess it is not uncommon. I totally relate with talking too much making it worse, and I am not a "talker". Take care with the heavy bags.
Rich Butela That sounds like great progress. Keep it up !
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks after surgery. Doing rehab twice a week. Follow up Echocardiogram today with cardiologist - all looking good. I used public transport ...Read more
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks after surgery. Doing rehab twice a week. Follow up Echocardiogram today with cardiologist - all looking good. I used public transport for the first time today, got the MTR (subway) and green mini bus home from cardiologist visit in Central HK. That was a big milestone. I am walking 1km or twenty minutes twice a day most days - some days just too hot. Meeting colleague for lunch after rehab tmr, plan to have coffee with another on Friday morning, maybe back to work for a half day next week. Only downside is the drugs to slow heart rate generally make me feel lethargic. Doc says they are needed for at least two more weeks to protect the heart.
Clifford Teoh This is Frances, Cliff's wife. Congratulations on being so mobile already!
Marie Myers Congratulations on your recovery! Sounds like things are going well. Some of your lethargy may be due ... Read more
Marie Myers Congratulations on your recovery! Sounds like things are going well. Some of your lethargy may be due to anemia, which is common post op. Once your body replaces the lost blood cells, your energy will increase.
Rose Madura All on all, it sounds like you are doing great!
Rita Savelis I hear you on the betablockers - they do slow you down. You sound pretty good for 3 weeks out. Take c ... Read more
Rita Savelis I hear you on the betablockers - they do slow you down. You sound pretty good for 3 weeks out. Take care. Take it easy.
Delise Becker Wow! You are doing great! Keep up the good work.
Stephen Walsh Now 4 weeks after surgery. Cardioligist reduced BP meds slightly as BP is perfect zone for over a wee ... Read more
Stephen Walsh Now 4 weeks after surgery. Cardioligist reduced BP meds slightly as BP is perfect zone for over a week. Next appointment will be in a month. My blood oxygen levels staying above 95% when in the past often drop to 90%. I went back to the office for a few hours yesterday, mainly to chat with colleagues and do a trial run. Muscle spasms in shoulder blades and collar bone area have more or less stopped. I still feel stretching / tightness of skin above the wound on each side of the wound, guess this will take more time to heal. I will see the surgeon next Tuesday and probably get an X-ray to check that sternum is healing properly.
Rita Savelis Sounds good Stephen. The feeling of tightness and stretching lasts for some time and does not mean th ... Read more
Rita Savelis Sounds good Stephen. The feeling of tightness and stretching lasts for some time and does not mean there is any problem with healing. It's how healing feels. Take care.
Upcoming Surgeries
Jon Oletzke
Tricuspid Regurgitation
March 31, 2025