Best thoughts for a successful procedure and recovery. Hopefully the long term implications will be greatly beneficial plus the medical science is light years ...Read more
Best thoughts for a successful procedure and recovery. Hopefully the long term implications will be greatly beneficial plus the medical science is light years ahead of a decade or so ago. Nonetheless, I'll be following.
Brady.....the Heart CATH is a piece of cake so don’t get stressed over it. I had mine on 11/1/2018 and they went in through my right wrist. They sedate ...Read more
Brady.....the Heart CATH is a piece of cake so don’t get stressed over it. I had mine on 11/1/2018 and they went in through my right wrist. They sedate so you are awake but in “la la land”...the sedation actually felt pretty good. Will pray for clean coronaries and NO blockages!
I have my Aortic Valve Replacement surgery on 1/15/2019. My Heart Surgeon will do a minimally invasive procedure called a mini-thoracotomy. I have severe Aortic Valve Regurgitation.
Good Luck on your Heart CATH; you’ll do fine!