Hi James, I was reading notes to Michelle and read yours. My mouth gaped open at the experience of your wife. I can't believe a surgeon or doctor would just ...Read more
Hi James, I was reading notes to Michelle and read yours. My mouth gaped open at the experience of your wife. I can't believe a surgeon or doctor would just tell a patient what kind of valve they'd be getting, rather than explaining what kinds of valve are available, giving the patient the pros and cons of each, and then letting the patient decide. To anyone out there reading this who's facing a valve replacement--do NOT let your prospective surgeon tell you what valve you're getting (unless the other kind is surgically impossible in your case). You don't want a surgeon whose attitude is "Keep quiet and leave everything to me." You want one who sees you as a partner in the procedure and lets you know what all your options are. And then lets YOU make the decision.