Had ohs on November the 15th for mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valve repair and hole in heart repaired some days I still don’t feel like moving is ...Read more
Had ohs on November the 15th for mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valve repair and hole in heart repaired some days I still don’t feel like moving is this common
Phyllis Petersen Your body has been through a lot! I had mitral repair and had my good days and bad for many months. I ... Read more
Phyllis Petersen Your body has been through a lot! I had mitral repair and had my good days and bad for many months. I took a lot of naps after expending energy (like for cardiac rehab). Be patient. It will continue to improve. You may have to push yourself to keep moving at least a little some days. Your body is still adjusting.
Susan Lynn Like Phyllis, I also felt tired and took my share of naps. I found that walking improved my stamina ... Read more
Susan Lynn Like Phyllis, I also felt tired and took my share of naps. I found that walking improved my stamina over time.
You'll probably feel more consistently energized in the coming months. Hang in there - better days are ahead, Catherine. ❤
Louanna Miller Catherine, I had OHS for mitral valve repair August 20. I had low to no energy before surgery. I wa ... Read more
Louanna Miller Catherine, I had OHS for mitral valve repair August 20. I had low to no energy before surgery. I was in the hospital for 10 days. I took many naps, but tried to walk a little every day. I did not attempt to be a super hero. My cardiac rehab started at week 9 1/2. I felt better 3 weeks later.
At the 4 month mark I was still not back to myself, was tired etc; but month 5 and 6 have been remarkably better. I assigned myself different task/chores each day to complete and feel good about accomplishing something.
Like others have said, you have been through a lot. OHS is traumatic for the heart, body and emotionally/mentally. Listen to your body and take care of yourself.
Rita Savelis Yes. Everything is normal. Your recovery is your recovery. I was exhausted for months.
Getting to go back to work in March after being out since middle of November. I have actually enjoyed my time off except when I wasn’t feeling good. I go ...Read more
Getting to go back to work in March after being out since middle of November. I have actually enjoyed my time off except when I wasn’t feeling good. I go back March 12 to see how my new mitral valve and my repaired tricuspid valve are doing. Stay strong
11weeks and feeling except sometimes I have burning and aching near incision on the left side. Getting anxious to go back to work part time hoping heart Dr ...Read more
11weeks and feeling except sometimes I have burning and aching near incision on the left side. Getting anxious to go back to work part time hoping heart Dr gives me permission after 12 weeks. I cannot remember anything about my surgery day except walking out of my house and crying when I saw my sister waiting to take me to hospital. And then I remember in icu the breathing tube being so uncomfortable. But so far everything has been good
Susan Lynn Catherine - So glad you feel ready to return to work. Don't worry so much about your memory from yo ... Read more
Susan Lynn Catherine - So glad you feel ready to return to work. Don't worry so much about your memory from your surgery day -- drugs, anesthesia, and our minds' coping mechanisms have a way of affecting our recollection of traumatizing experiences. You'll be fine!
Has anyone had a torn mitral value and had it replaced with a cow value. I am talking to surgeon next month
Valerie Herndon-Vitarella Did you have endocarditis where bacteria attacked the valve? I have heard of the chordae tearing and ... Read more
Valerie Herndon-Vitarella Did you have endocarditis where bacteria attacked the valve? I have heard of the chordae tearing and causing regurgitation.
Bonnie Stone-Hope Hi Catherine,
I had a torn mitral valve and they did a repair, but plan was to use cow valve if repla ... Read more
Bonnie Stone-Hope Hi Catherine,
I had a torn mitral valve and they did a repair, but plan was to use cow valve if replacement was necessary.
Surgery was fine. Recovery takes a while, but all good.
Don L All I have studied indicated the Chordi tear, which stabilize each of the two leaflets, allowing prol ... Read more
Don L All I have studied indicated the Chordi tear, which stabilize each of the two leaflets, allowing prolapse and regurgitation back into Atrium. What you seem to describe would seem to bring severe symptoms and immediate surgery, so perhaps it is more likely the Chordi. Best of luck in prognosis.
Phyllis Petersen I had mitral prolapse with regurg for many years. They were able to cut the extra out, sew in a ring, ... Read more
Phyllis Petersen I had mitral prolapse with regurg for many years. They were able to cut the extra out, sew in a ring, and repair the ruptured and stretched chordae with gortex. They do make you choose a valve in case they can't repair, and I chose a porcine valve. I was symptomatic and had some enlargement, and although they didn't want to wait too long, it was 10 months from echo to surgery.
Dorothy Roer Like Phyllis I had mitral prolapse for years. During a routine echo two months ago, cardiologist tol ... Read more
Dorothy Roer Like Phyllis I had mitral prolapse for years. During a routine echo two months ago, cardiologist told me that regurgitatation is severe. TEE showed a torn chordae. Met with surgeon and plan is to also do a repair and sew in a ring. Already had my cardiac cath with surgery scheduled end of April. From appointment with cardiologist to surgery is 3 months for me. It’s been a whirlwind.
Susan Killian I will have a mitral repair and ring on April 11! Back up I chose mechanical, chosen because least l ... Read more
Susan Killian I will have a mitral repair and ring on April 11! Back up I chose mechanical, chosen because least likely to need relaxed, I am a RN so not afraid of Coumadin, they will send home with a self test kit if needed.
Steve Farthing Since mitral valves can almost always be repaired, it doesn't hurt to ask your surgeon his/her % of r ... Read more
Steve Farthing Since mitral valves can almost always be repaired, it doesn't hurt to ask your surgeon his/her % of repairs vs replacements. If he does not do at least 75% repairs for mitral valves, he may be a less proficient surgeon and worth getting another opinion from another surgeon.
Catherine Gilstrap Thanks for all the info. I was diagnosed with mvp over 20 years ago. I just never had any symptom exc ... Read more
Catherine Gilstrap Thanks for all the info. I was diagnosed with mvp over 20 years ago. I just never had any symptom except shortness of breath and some heart palpitations. My regular Dr. heard my murmur and suggested I go to heart Dr. I had heart Cath and tee in 2016. Was told I had a bad tear and replacement was needed. At the time my husband was very sick with cancer so Dr said I could delay the surgery. I have been having regular check-ups and the last echo showed heart had enlarged a small amount and Dr ss aid it was time. I still feel great and the only symptoms I get tired more easily and get short of breath sometimes. Needing all support I can get
Susan Killian I too do not have any symptoms, I don't even get fatigued easily, short of breath only if I really t ... Read more
Susan Killian I too do not have any symptoms, I don't even get fatigued easily, short of breath only if I really try to walk fast. Walk 10,000 steps a day, but regurgitation is severe and Left atrium has started to enlarge so it is time. They told me that best option is before heart is to affected. This is a good place for support. I was shocked, even somewhat angry at first, now I am grateful my PCP found it in time. My surgery is April 11 and now just anxious to get through it and on to recovery!
Catherine Gilstrap My surgery was November 15 and I had mitral valve replacement and tricuspid value repair and hole in ... Read more
Catherine Gilstrap My surgery was November 15 and I had mitral valve replacement and tricuspid value repair and hole in my heart repaired. Came home on 3rd day and have been doing good except for burning near my incision on the left side. I. Went for recheck with heart surgeon and he said everything was healing good. Has anyone else had this experience I am 9 weeks out! Thanks
Catherine Gilstrap I am needing to have dental work done maybe tooth pulled. I called cardiologist and he said it’s fi ... Read more
Catherine Gilstrap I am needing to have dental work done maybe tooth pulled. I called cardiologist and he said it’s fine and I didn’t need antibiotics before. Does anyone know different. I have just read so many things about dental work. It’s been 3 1/2 months since replacement and repair
Phyllis Petersen I was told I needed to have antibiotics before dental work since my mitral valve repair.
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at HeartValveSurgery.com. Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.
You'll probably feel more consistently energized in the coming months. Hang in there - better days are ahead, Catherine. ❤
At the 4 month mark I was still not back to myself, was tired etc; but month 5 and 6 have been remarkably better. I assigned myself different task/chores each day to complete and feel good about accomplishing something.
Like others have said, you have been through a lot. OHS is traumatic for the heart, body and emotionally/mentally. Listen to your body and take care of yourself.