Saw the cardiologist, thought I was doing fairly well except having trouble breathing while trying to build up my walking... Apparently I don't know ****. Seems ...Read more
Saw the cardiologist, thought I was doing fairly well except having trouble breathing while trying to build up my walking... Apparently I don't know ****. Seems The procedure to stop AFib did not... and now they want to do another TEE and then shock my heart?! They also are putting me on blood thinners, a promise that would not be necessary with a bio valve replacement has apparently gone by the wayside?! When I ask how serious a setback this is.... no one will answer me.... I feel at the mercy of Doctors I didn't even know 90 days ago. SORRY for the whining, feeling very grumpy and disappointed today.
Steven Methot You don't have to apologize here for expressing how you feel. In fact, you have a right to express i ... Read more
Steven Methot You don't have to apologize here for expressing how you feel. In fact, you have a right to express it - particularly with your doctors. I would be very clear with your Cardiologist that you need answers and not evasion. Do you have someone who can come with you to these meetings for support?
Marie Myers The blood thinner is a result of the a fib, not for the tissue valve. The a fib hopefully is a tempor ... Read more
Marie Myers The blood thinner is a result of the a fib, not for the tissue valve. The a fib hopefully is a temporary problem. As soon as the a fib is gone, I am sure your doc will let you get off the warfarin. A fib is an unpredictable, yet possible complication of heart surgery. Don’t get discouraged!
Susan Lynn Denise - No apologies for being grumpy - it's hard to face more treatment so close to your surgery. ... Read more
Susan Lynn Denise - No apologies for being grumpy - it's hard to face more treatment so close to your surgery. Afib is very common and cardioversion is often very effective in returning a heart to sinus rhythm. This is just a detour in your road to recovery, you'll be back to resuming your normal activities, soon. Please keep us posted. All the best to you! ❤
Barbara Wood So sorry Denise! Did you have a maze procedure? They do take some time to heal & be effective. I was ... Read more
Barbara Wood So sorry Denise! Did you have a maze procedure? They do take some time to heal & be effective. I was kept on Coumadin for 6 months after my surgery in case afib occurred. After that I wore a holter monitor for a few days before I was taken off it. Afib after surgery is very common & the TEE & the cardioversion are not terribly awful - very quick, painless & the relief is immediate. 3 months is early, you're still in the recovery stage...have the cardioversion, get back to nsr & you will feel much wishes to you:)!
Denise L Thank you all !!
I went in for the TEE and cardio version... the cardiologist did the TEE and said l ... Read more
Denise L Thank you all !!
I went in for the TEE and cardio version... the cardiologist did the TEE and said later that as soon as the tube was in the Afib stopped and a correct rhythm resumed?! He cancelled the cardio version!
Instead I am now on 800mg amniodarone daily. I find that scary as the most notable side effect is lung damage and mine are already compromised by asthma and copd. But he says the post surgical Afib is not uncommon and the heavy meds should only be for a few months?? Best news... he has approved me for cardiac rehab so I am waiting to hear about that!! He said the blood thinners will help protect from clots so for now I am simply trying to do everything recommended!?? Stay tuned and thanks again for the advice and support!!
Pretty amazed to be almost a month post... I turn 63 tomorrow and am beginning to accept a new reality is upon me. The hospital time, which ended up being almost ...Read more
Pretty amazed to be almost a month post... I turn 63 tomorrow and am beginning to accept a new reality is upon me. The hospital time, which ended up being almost 12 days, and the first week after release weren't so good. But the past week has given me hope that there is improvement ahead of me?!
I am struggling with O2 level issues and feel so weak I can hardly believe it, but I have been told this too get better with time and exercise.
The road still has its ups and downs, and I am struggling with the meds I am taking, but I was able to watch videos of my nieces and nephews on Christmas - which was a big thing I had no idea if I would be able to do!! COVID has me pretty much isolated for now, but I am grateful we are all facing this in the age of technology as opposed to a couple of decades ago!!
I am starting to wonder about cardiac rehab, anxious to start but a little afraid to see how far I will have to go.
Wondering if I will ever enjoy food again? I went through a few days of eating every two hours and now I seem to have lost interest and nothing really appeals again?!
I have been told this is a two steps forward and one back journey and to not get discouraged.... though that is easier to say than do I think.
Well, just wanted to update some thoughts at the almost one month mark! Hang in there Heart Warriors and HW to be... You do get through and it does get better, albeit slower than I suspect we hope but it really does!!
stephanie arnold yeh.... I am still learning to accept the long recovery...a year? omg! but I do see progress at 8 mon ... Read more
stephanie arnold yeh.... I am still learning to accept the long recovery...a year? omg! but I do see progress at 8 months. just need lots of rest and not to "over do"
Rose Madura It does take a while. My appetite and taste buds were messed up for several months. Plus certain sm ... Read more
Rose Madura It does take a while. My appetite and taste buds were messed up for several months. Plus certain smells made me nauseous.
Nancy W I was shocked at how difficult the initial recovery felt. For me, everything improved at about 6-8 w ... Read more
Nancy W I was shocked at how difficult the initial recovery felt. For me, everything improved at about 6-8 weeks when I began
taking iron supplements for anemia. Initially no food tasted right, I slept during the day and 10 hours at night and was irritable, and sad. After cardiac rehab began and I started to have energy, everything began to improve. I’m also 63 and now 5 months later, I’m running , doing yoga, hiking and generally feel like the whole ordeal is in the rear view mirror. This forum helped me so much. Here’s to healing!
Rita Savelis Heart surgery definitely affected my appetite. I ate, but I didn't really enjoy anything. 5 yrs later ... Read more
Rita Savelis Heart surgery definitely affected my appetite. I ate, but I didn't really enjoy anything. 5 yrs later I still don't want to eat much of anything sweet. And I was so weak for a long time, so I totally hear you Denise. I spent 3 weeks in hospital and remember that after i managed to eat breakfast (served to me!) I would think: Well, that's all I have energy for today.
I did start (in-patient) cardiac rehab after 3 weeks. Psychologically it was nice to be around other patients. The exercices were easy but I would have to nap in the afternoon afterwards. Your body, heart, and all your organs have been through a lot. They need time to heal. Be good to yourself. Don't try to do too much. There will be time for that in the future.
Civita Fahey Rita, I wish it had the same effect on me. I tend to want more sweets! hahaha
Elyse Sherman You Warriors are amazing! My surgery is 1/15 for AVR, THANKS for all your input so I'll know what to ... Read more
Elyse Sherman You Warriors are amazing! My surgery is 1/15 for AVR, THANKS for all your input so I'll know what to expect. I have no friends or family to talk to who have had this procedure done, so you guys are a true godsend!
Civita Fahey Elyse we have all helped each other tremendously. I wouldn't have been able to get through my surgery ... Read more
Civita Fahey Elyse we have all helped each other tremendously. I wouldn't have been able to get through my surgery if it weren't for these wonderful people. Family and friends try to be helpful but unless you've gone through it, they cant possibly understand. I wish you the best on your surgery.
A little amazed to think there are less than two days until OHS and I am still 'fairly' calm. Wondering how much longer that may last or if all of a sudden ...Read more
A little amazed to think there are less than two days until OHS and I am still 'fairly' calm. Wondering how much longer that may last or if all of a sudden the panic will set in?
I have lots of reasons to feel confident that all will be well, and I am trying to focus on that... but then my stomach clenches with the realization of what is ahead of me, and how much I probably don't know about this upcoming experience - even in the age of logs, and blogs, and google?!
Wishing everyone sharing this collective journey the VERY best on their particular path, sorry if I am not a great cheerleader...just yet?!
Marie Myers You sound like you are doing the right thing- concentrate on the positive! I hope you have a smooth s ... Read more
Marie Myers You sound like you are doing the right thing- concentrate on the positive! I hope you have a smooth surgery and recovery!
Denise L Thank you Marie! Appreciate your encouragement!
Jerome Hill I had the same feelings but overall, my recovery was quick and smooth. You’ll do great.
Tom Everson I believe you have done the hardest part. Seeking a help, doing all the pre-op tests, all with a pos ... Read more
Tom Everson I believe you have done the hardest part. Seeking a help, doing all the pre-op tests, all with a positive attitude. Now let the God gifted Heart TEAM do their work. Recovery for me was pretty easy ( mid 70’s) I took it one hour at a time . My hospital time flew by , just concentrate on doing what the expert nurses ask you to do . Keep your positive attitude
Keep up the positive thinking. You will do well. I will pray for your successful surgery and smooth r ... Read more
Keep up the positive thinking. You will do well. I will pray for your successful surgery and smooth recovery. God bless you
Omar Nabulsi God will be with you during the surgery Denise. I wish you the best. Goodluck :)
Steven Methot I hope that your calm will last and that you sail through this.
Barbara Wood I got that wonderful sense of calm a few days before surgery too. Mine lasted right up to go time ... ... Read more
Barbara Wood I got that wonderful sense of calm a few days before surgery too. Mine lasted right up to go time ...hope yours does too - very best wishes Denise :).
Denise L Thank you Everyone!! I did actually stay reasonably calm right up until the wheeled me away... Waking ... Read more
Denise L Thank you Everyone!! I did actually stay reasonably calm right up until the wheeled me away... Waking up was not so much the same but now that the first couple of weeks are behind me I am hoping those initial memories will fade! Wishing everyone a Blessed Holiday!
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I went in for the TEE and cardio version... the cardiologist did the TEE and said l ... Read more
I went in for the TEE and cardio version... the cardiologist did the TEE and said later that as soon as the tube was in the Afib stopped and a correct rhythm resumed?! He cancelled the cardio version!
Instead I am now on 800mg amniodarone daily. I find that scary as the most notable side effect is lung damage and mine are already compromised by asthma and copd. But he says the post surgical Afib is not uncommon and the heavy meds should only be for a few months?? Best news... he has approved me for cardiac rehab so I am waiting to hear about that!! He said the blood thinners will help protect from clots so for now I am simply trying to do everything recommended!?? Stay tuned and thanks again for the advice and support!!