Yesterday marked my fourth year since my open heart
surgery. This site has been a wonderful resource. I occasionally check in and read about improvements
and ...Read more
Yesterday marked my fourth year since my open heart
surgery. This site has been a wonderful resource. I occasionally check in and read about improvements
and advancement in this type of surgery and read about the progress of others. It
also provides a place to reassure people who have just been diagnosed and are
facing surgery. My best to all!
My two year OHS anniversary was several days ago. I often forget that I even had open heart surgery. I hope that provides comfort to those about to have surgery. ...Read more
My two year OHS anniversary was several days ago. I often forget that I even had open heart surgery. I hope that provides comfort to those about to have surgery. The worst part was waiting to have surgery and the anxiety leading up to it. Follow the advice of the medical professionals that take care of you. If your hospital offers it, take the cardio rehab! It’s a great structured way to get back into shape. This group a great resource no matter where you are on your journey. All the best!
Marie Myers Great post, and Happy Anniversary! I agree that it seems my surgery (2017) was in another life . Wish ... Read more
Marie Myers Great post, and Happy Anniversary! I agree that it seems my surgery (2017) was in another life . Wishing you many more anniversaries!
Susan Lynn Happy Second Anniversary! Wishing you many decades of celebrations!
I had surgery for my "Aortic aneurysm and aortic valve replacement" via open chest surgery on September 27th. I am almost 6 weeks post surgery. My advice ...Read more
I had surgery for my "Aortic aneurysm and aortic valve replacement" via open chest surgery on September 27th. I am almost 6 weeks post surgery. My advice to others is to really attend to the post surgical care regimen and monitor your blood pressure, Temperature and heart rate.
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.