Aortic Regurgitation, Joined February 12, 2023
Aortic Regurgitation
Joined February 12, 2023
Jon Oletzke
Tricuspid Regurgitation
March 31, 2025
Matthew Banta
Aortic Regurgitation
April 1, 2025
Tammy Gonzalez
Aortic Regurgitation
April 2, 2025
I went home friday, memorial weekend. Had some issues with my home health, because it being a holiday. They are doing my inr testing ...Read more
I went home friday, memorial weekend. Had some issues with my home health, because it being a holiday. They are doing my inr testing until i get setup for at the clinic here locally. I finally Got all that setup, but i started to feel more and more dizzy when getting up to walk. By Sunday, i could barely stand and walk more then 10 steps before i felt like i was going to pass out. My blood pressure was low, 84/50/100. So I call the Surgeons hotline and waited for several hours with no return call. After my second call someone finally called me back. They said not to goto the hospital at this time, as what i discribed to them was normal and i was stable. So they set up some bloodwork and xrays for Tuesday. Long story short. That evening i got up to goto the bathroom. I barely made it to the bathroom. I started to see flashes of light, sweeting excessive, and my wife said i turned white as a ghost. I was like that for over 5 min. She call the ambulance at that time.
After getting back to the hospital, they did xrays, blood work and a eco, its about 2am tuesday at this point. The tests showed fluid on my heart and low platlets. So they started me on blood platlets and starteded to prep me for surgery. By 6am i was in the operating room.
The performed a Pericardial Window
A pericardial window is a surgery done on the sac around the heart. A small part of the sac is removed. This lets extra fluid drain from the sac. My operation went as planned and i do feel better. They removed the drain tubes yesterday (Thursday) morning.
So far so good. Just hope everything starts to go in the right direction. I'm so happy they didnt have to open me up again.
Anyway i will talk to you guys later.