TWO YEARS!! Two years out from my surgical aortic valve replacement I am happy to report I am going strong. Back to being very active...hiking, swimming, ...Read more
TWO YEARS!! Two years out from my surgical aortic valve replacement I am happy to report I am going strong. Back to being very active...hiking, swimming, biking, skiing. I've had two more years for all of that, two more years to enjoy my husband, children and grandchildren, two more years to start to really enjoy retirement and begin to work on my bucket list. Just had my (now just annual) followup with my cardiologist and all is well. I feel very blessed and try to enjoy each day to the fullest. If you are still in the early stages of getting through this, take heart. This will be you one day soon!
Mohammed Abdulrahman Congratulation Katheryn for your new active valve. How old was your age when the valve has been re ... Read more
Mohammed Abdulrahman Congratulation Katheryn for your new active valve. How old was your age when the valve has been replaced? What kind of valve you chosen? mechanical or tissue valves?
Marie Myers Beautiful view! Congratulations on your successful heart journey!
Ana Brusso Congratulations Katheryne, you said it well. Two years and many more. God bless you
Katheryn Applegate Wow! It has been a while since I've been here! Still going strong, now 3 years out! For Mohammed, ... Read more
Katheryn Applegate Wow! It has been a while since I've been here! Still going strong, now 3 years out! For Mohammed, I was 66 years old when my aortic valve was replaced. I had a bovine tissue valve replacement. 80 mg aspirin is my only heart related "med". Very grateful for the outcome!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. if anyone else has noticed GI improvements post AVR. I am now 15 months post-op and have noted that what I thought ...Read more
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. if anyone else has noticed GI improvements post AVR. I am now 15 months post-op and have noted that what I thought were food allergy or IBS signs have resolved to a great degree. Interesting to me as I dealt with these for years. Anyone else experience this?
Martin Smith I had been diagnosed with acid reflux for a few years prior to my valve replacement. My most problem ... Read more
Martin Smith I had been diagnosed with acid reflux for a few years prior to my valve replacement. My most problematic symptoms were a feeling of intense bloating in my chest. Quite painful. They felt like spasms and, while I suspected the symptoms were triggered by certain foods and cold liquids, there was never a clear pattern. The spells would last 10-15 mins. and I often tried to walk them away. Since my Ross procedure 15 months ago those symptoms have been 95% resolved. The 5% would be a mild discomfort reminiscent of the onset of the original symptoms but much less intense and briefer. I've wondered if the chest aches had really been acid reflux or were they, rather, spells related to my stenotic bicuspid valve. A mystery...
Katheryn Applegate So similar to my experience! I would have cramps and episodes of severe diarrhea an hour or so after ... Read more
Katheryn Applegate So similar to my experience! I would have cramps and episodes of severe diarrhea an hour or so after eating. Rarely if ever occurs now😊
Hi all,
I just completed my latest followup echocardiogram and saw my cardiologist. Everything looks great and I feel better/have more stamina than before ...Read more
Hi all,
I just completed my latest followup echocardiogram and saw my cardiologist. Everything looks great and I feel better/have more stamina than before surgery. My doc tells me I don’t need another echo for (drumroll please) TWO YEARS!! I feel like I’ve been given my freedom. What a great feeling!
Victoria Baker Katheryn, what great news! Congratulations to you! What a milestone!
Great news Katheryn, I’m sure it feels great. Continued good health, God bless you
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.
How old was your age when the valve has been re ... Read more
How old was your age when the valve has been replaced?
What kind of valve you chosen? mechanical or tissue valves?