Thank you so much , I am so grateful and thankful for all of you that have shared their stories and research with me . I have finally decided to go with the ...Read more
Thank you so much , I am so grateful and thankful for all of you that have shared their stories and research with me . I have finally decided to go with the mechanical valve the On-X .
Minh Van I had my valve replaced with an ON-X about 10 weeks on April 14th, 2021. Surprisingly not much pain a ... Read more
Minh Van I had my valve replaced with an ON-X about 10 weeks on April 14th, 2021. Surprisingly not much pain after the second day. I only took Tylenols for about 3 days after. I feel much better than before surgery. No more random heart rate and blood pressure fluctuations. HR = 80bpm, BP=100/65.
Good luck!
So I go For pre surgery testing tomorrow , I still haven’t decide on valve . Both my cardiologist and surgeon think mechanical because only being 50 . The ...Read more
So I go For pre surgery testing tomorrow , I still haven’t decide on valve . Both my cardiologist and surgeon think mechanical because only being 50 . The thought of blood thinners and the ticking noise I just don’t know if I can wrap
My head around . With the blood thinners have there been any of others on site that caused you to feel yucky 🤢 ? Others that have mechinal
Valve can you share the cons of with me ? I’m
Pulling towards bovine because of the blood thinners but if it’s truely not that bad being on them
Then possibly the mechanical. I have to decide by tomorrow with surgery next Thursday.
Alex Hunt I can't comment on the ticking or blood thinners but I am going for mechanical. I really don't like t ... Read more
Alex Hunt I can't comment on the ticking or blood thinners but I am going for mechanical. I really don't like the idea of having to go through another replacement in the future. One is more than enough! I'm due to get the On-X valve which allows a lower INR (i.e. less thinning).
It's a tricky choice. I'm sure others can give you more insight into life with a mechanical valve. Best of luck!
Lisa Coombe I got my mechanical valve 15 days ago, I’m only 42 and don’t have any problems with thinner or th ... Read more
Lisa Coombe I got my mechanical valve 15 days ago, I’m only 42 and don’t have any problems with thinner or the ticking. I chose mechanical because I don’t want any more operations further down the track
Lynn Loudermilk I opted for tissue and at the time of surgery I was 59 and he said it was my choice. Like you didn't ... Read more
Lynn Loudermilk I opted for tissue and at the time of surgery I was 59 and he said it was my choice. Like you didn't want to deal with blood thinners. I know with the valve I chose I can have a TAVR in the future. It is truely a decision that is hard to make. One day after reading more about all options I said tissue. Happy with my choice.
Rose Madura It's one of the toughest choices you'll ever have to make. I was 59 when I had surgery and chose tis ... Read more
Rose Madura It's one of the toughest choices you'll ever have to make. I was 59 when I had surgery and chose tissue. Do what research you can. It's a choice that only you can make and no matter what you choose, it will be the best choice for you. God bless you.
Lisa Coombe A nurse said to me “I have the iPhone 12 version of valves, th ticking isn’t very loud and I didn ... Read more
Lisa Coombe A nurse said to me “I have the iPhone 12 version of valves, th ticking isn’t very loud and I didn’t hear it till 13 days after surgery
Meredith Bray Hi, it's definitely a personal choice, and whichever you choose will be perfect for you. I chose mech ... Read more
Meredith Bray Hi, it's definitely a personal choice, and whichever you choose will be perfect for you. I chose mechanical when I was 43 (I'm almost 50 now). I have had 0 issues with anti-coagulants (blood thinner...) other than maybe a few bruises were deeper than I thought, and I might have stabbed my finger once with a paring knife and it took a few minutes to stop the bleeding, but I don't know how deep I actually stabbed myself. Also, I have not changed my diet because of warfarin/coumidin. I do have an On-x valve so I can have the lower INR, but I really feel that gives me the freedom/piece of mind to have a wider range of acceptable blood levels - I don't feel any pressure to keep my blood in a narrow range. I have had a few issues with a heavier monthly flow, but I can't be sure that the blood thinner is the culprit - it may just be aging, according to my doctor.
As for the ticking - it's a source of comfort for me. I didn't hear it for a few days after surgery, then it was all I could hear, like I was fixated on listening to it. It gave me something to count while I had insomnia after surgery, so that's a plus :) Some people can hear it when they're near me, and some can't. I'm at the point now where sometimes I really have to struggle to hear it. If there's any kind of background noise - a computer fan, road traffic, etc, I have difficulty isolating the tick tock. Just now I tested it, and it took me moving to 3 different positions and about 15 seconds to isolate the ticking. There's a computer, a ceiling fan, and a very quiet aquarium pump running. My husband just said he can barely hear it, and if he didn't know what it was he wouldn't hear it.
I wish you luck on your decision - I know it's a big deal so don't take it lightly, and know that either choice has it's pros and cons. The thing that sealed the deal for me at age 43 was knowing that choosing a tissue valve guaranteed at least one additional heart surgery and I didn't want to go through all that again.
Choose one, and be at peace with your choice, I'm thinking of you tonight!
Clearwater, FL
Rita Savelis It's a personal choice and no choice is a perfect one. But whichever one you choose will be right for ... Read more
Rita Savelis It's a personal choice and no choice is a perfect one. But whichever one you choose will be right for you. I have 2 mechancal valves (aortic and mitral) that I got 6 years ago when I was 53. It was my only real option as my heart was damaged by childhood radiation and multiple surgeries are not recommended. Of course I was disappointed but I am fine. The "ticking" is not something that bothers me. I only hear it if the room is very very quiet. Many people hear their hearts beating much more strongly after OHS no matter what kind of valve. Anticoagulants take getting used to, and then you're used to them. I eat what I want and test about once a month and life goes on with another pill to take with dinner. That said, it took awhile to stablilise and I was so worried that first year. I no longer think about it, but whenever I have surgery or invasive procedures these dqys I have to lower my anticoagulants and be on an intravenous or injection version of anticoagulants for a few days. I have a high targer INR because of my 2 valve with a wide range. I take a high dose of anticoagulants which is not the case for most, but I still have no real complaints. Again, it took me some time to relax about it all. You are very young and I feel for you in this cardiac world where many patients are older and decisions are easier for them.Take care.
Sheri Wright I woke up ftom surgery hearing ticking. I hear it every day but it's getting easier to live with. I ... Read more
Sheri Wright I woke up ftom surgery hearing ticking. I hear it every day but it's getting easier to live with. I'm 13 months out fto surgery. The only con I have is that I can no longer eat the dark green veggies I love. They have too much Vitamin k. Must limit Vitamin k if on blood thinners.
Sheri Wright I certainly didn't want to go through another surgery and doctor said a tissue valve would need to be ... Read more
Sheri Wright I certainly didn't want to go through another surgery and doctor said a tissue valve would need to be replaced in 5-10 years.
Rose Madura I was told the tissue valve I got should last about 15 years. A lot depends on your level of activit ... Read more
Rose Madura I was told the tissue valve I got should last about 15 years. A lot depends on your level of activity from what I understand.
Rita Savelis I eat dark green veggies and everything else in moderation while taking anticoagulants
Civita Fahey I was 55 and I chose a tissue, that was 4 years ago. I also had issues with hearing the ticking and b ... Read more
Civita Fahey I was 55 and I chose a tissue, that was 4 years ago. I also had issues with hearing the ticking and being a bit obsessive, I felt that it would drive me nuts if it changed noises. Also, I didnt want to deal with blood thinners so young. My surgeon and I spoke about it at length and though he said it was my choice, his opinion was that hoping I would live a long life, the chances of a blood thinner event would get more as I got older and the risk of another surgery even if OHS, is around 1-2%. I'm hoping my valve lasts 10-15 years and I can have a TAVR also at that time and that newer valves can even last longer. Its a very difficult and personal decision that I know weighed very heavy on me, but, I did choose the tissue and have been happy. Best of luck to you.
Mark Brennan I was 49 and chose mechanical (received St. Jude) for aortic stenosis. I don't hear any clicking in m ... Read more
Mark Brennan I was 49 and chose mechanical (received St. Jude) for aortic stenosis. I don't hear any clicking in my head. I take pills everyday for other things so adding warfarin is not big deal. Getting my INR checked once a month is a hassle but you make it fun by getting to know your team. I am happy with my choice.
Robert Spindel Others have mentioned this, but it's important enough to emphasize that today's bovine valves have ex ... Read more
Robert Spindel Others have mentioned this, but it's important enough to emphasize that today's bovine valves have expected lifetimes of 15 or more years and that it is almost 100% certain that by then the TAVR procedure will be completely routine for everyone, not just high risk patients. It almost is today. Thus, you won't have to go through another major surgery, just a relatively simple procedure. If you haven't already, you might think about discussing this approach with your surgeon. It's the route I took and I'm totally happy with it. No blood thinners. No routine blood testing. No clicking. Normal activity ion every way. Whatever you decide, you have all of our best wishes.
Andrea Doherty My husband is 51 and just got mechanical OnX on April 22, 2021. For him the biggest concern was anot ... Read more
Andrea Doherty My husband is 51 and just got mechanical OnX on April 22, 2021. For him the biggest concern was another surgery in a few years and the deciding factor was the potential slow decline is ability to stay really active as the tissue valve wears out/calcifies. Yes you can hear it ticking and how loud it is depends on what he's doing. It's not keeping him awake at night. This was a huge concern of ours, so that's good. He's got a home testing kit for INR which gives him peace of mind so he can test if he's concerned in between official tests. So far his INR numbers have been swinging between 1.9 and 3.2. Not too bad especially in the early stages. We're playing with green veges. The 1.9 was after I added spinach to dinner. There was already zucchini, and broccoli in the veges so that was too much. We had to try. He just feels so much better with the new valve than he did before the surgery so it's hard to say if when he feels off it's the blood thinners or if it's just the recovery from surgery.
Debra Mastrocinque Hi Kim ,
I was 57 when I had my aortic valve replacement. I chose tissue over
Mechanical. I didn’ ... Read more
Debra Mastrocinque Hi Kim ,
I was 57 when I had my aortic valve replacement. I chose tissue over
Mechanical. I didn’t want to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life and having to get blood test to make sure the levels are good. I also can’t emphasize that tissue valve’s have a expected life of 15 or more years. I am 4 years post surgery and feeling great. You will make the right decision for you. Wishing you all the best.❤️
Mike Henning I was 52 when I had to make the decision. The foremost consideration for me was not doing this again ... Read more
Mike Henning I was 52 when I had to make the decision. The foremost consideration for me was not doing this again which made my choice the OnX mechanical aortic valve. The clicking does not bother me although I am a little self conscious about it. Biggest downside is not the blood thinner. I measure my INR every 2 weeks at home and really have had no issues managing it. Diet is pretty much the same. The only drawback in my mind is no aspirin type of products. Only Tylenol. I pulled a muscle in my back and am trying a CBD gummie today... I would LOVE an Aleve, but hindsight being 20/20 I think the decision was still the right one for me. Wishing you all the best on your decision, your surgery and recovery.
Renee Lingo I've had my tissue valve for 21 years! It's never missed a beat! I knew the ticking would drive m ... Read more
Renee Lingo I've had my tissue valve for 21 years! It's never missed a beat! I knew the ticking would drive me crazy and didn't want blood thinner either. It is starting to wear out but I still have a little time left, hopefully. I am happy with my decision.
Kathy Santoro I am not young 67 but I knew having been with pts with mechanical valves I wouldn't tolerate ticking( ... Read more
Kathy Santoro I am not young 67 but I knew having been with pts with mechanical valves I wouldn't tolerate ticking(noise sensitive) plus didn't want and shouldn't have blood thinners. I had a bovine first then a redo not due to the valve with a porcine valve. They are getting such great technology that I anticipate I will be able to have a TAVR in future if need be. Just do what feels right for you realizing the extra needs for mechanical. You will be better which ever one you choose. Speedy recovery.
Evan Wise I had valve replacement in April. I went with a carpentier edwards bovine valve with resilia treatme ... Read more
Evan Wise I had valve replacement in April. I went with a carpentier edwards bovine valve with resilia treatment. according to my surgeon, the treatment is supposed to resist deposit of calcium which gives the valve a 20 year lifespan. I got a 27 size valve which means I could have two TAVR procedures to put new valves inside the valve I just got. Each of those should have a 15+ lifespan by the time I might need the replacement. That means I would have 80 years without another sternotomy!!! I was told in 2008 by a heart valve researcher at LA childrens hospital in LA that studies showed then that every year on blood thinners lowers life expectancy by 1 year. As for the clicking, take piano lessons and avoid the cost of a metronome LOL Good luck!
Doran Herritt Edwards commence for me at 47. I'm 52 now. Here's a link to the 5 years results. ... Read more
Doran Herritt Edwards commence for me at 47. I'm 52 now. Here's a link to the 5 years results. . I was concerned about thinners as you are. If I can get some years out of this maybe something new comes along, including another tissue valve withOUT OHS. If I went mechanical I would have done Onyx. Surgery sucks, but after you don't remember the worst first two days. and at a week except for sneezing and laughing its OK. I was back to work at week 3. Anyway, no bad choices. you need to be comfortable. Decide and go! Waiting is the hardest part. Best of luck my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Doran Herritt mine and Evans are the same valve. Yep TAVR in the future!!!!!
Angela Denham Kim, I had my aortic valve replaced last year on March 20, 2020. I was 56 at the time, so I opted fo ... Read more
Angela Denham Kim, I had my aortic valve replaced last year on March 20, 2020. I was 56 at the time, so I opted for an On-X mechanical valve, and I do not regret my decision, even with the warfarin! Yes, it is a pain in the butt to have to go have my INR test every two to six weeks (I'm pretty stable now, so I am going every six weeks now), but the peace of mind knowing that the valve will probably outlast me is worth it! With the On-X valve, you can take less warfarin, so my INR needs to be just slightly higher than a normal person. I was worried about the possibility of hearing the ticking of the mechanical valve, too, but that has not been a problem for me. Sometimes I hear a faint sound in my ears when I am in a certain position while lying down, but I that hardly ever happens. I haven't had anyone around me hear it, either. I am glad that I chose the mechanical valve so that I don't have to worry about a tissue valve failing after 10 to 15 years. Good luck with your surgery; I will be praying for you!
Angela Denham By the way, you are having your surgery on my birthday! I will be 57, thanks to my On-X valve and th ... Read more
Angela Denham By the way, you are having your surgery on my birthday! I will be 57, thanks to my On-X valve and the doctor who installed it!
John Lant I had my Aortic Valve Replaced 3 years ago with the new Edwards Inspire Resila Valve. This tissue val ... Read more
John Lant I had my Aortic Valve Replaced 3 years ago with the new Edwards Inspire Resila Valve. This tissue valve is the latest type of Aortic Valve that is treated by a special process that greatly slows the calcification buildup greatly. It should last anywere from 15 to 25 years. But best of all if this tissue valve should deteriorate a TAVAR tissue valve can be inserted inside this Edwards valve without experiencing open heart surgey again and you are not on life long blood thinners or annoyed with the loud ticking of the mechanical valve.
Met with Surgeon on June 1st . They have to do open heart to replace the Aortic Valve . Now the decision as to what valve Mechanical or tissue . I’m 50 . ...Read more
Met with Surgeon on June 1st . They have to do open heart to replace the Aortic Valve . Now the decision as to what valve Mechanical or tissue . I’m 50 . Having a hard time deciding due to mechanical last longer but blood thinners and more restricted life style sounds like and tissue doesn’t last as long but not as restricted ? Any advice or experiences you can share ?
Michael Morrison I went with tissue (specifically the Inspiris Resilia bovine valve). My reasoning was not wanting to ... Read more
Michael Morrison I went with tissue (specifically the Inspiris Resilia bovine valve). My reasoning was not wanting to be on blood thinners (I’m 48) and also having misophonia and worried about hearing the clicking sound. The added bonus of the tissue valve was that even though they don’t last as long, I would more than likely be able to replace using TAVR down the road.
Marie Myers I was 63 at the time of surgery, and I went with the tissue valve also. My decision was based on tryi ... Read more
Marie Myers I was 63 at the time of surgery, and I went with the tissue valve also. My decision was based on trying to avoid blood thinners. Hope I guessed right, but only time will tell if I chose wisely. (Being that tissue valves don’t last quite as long). It is the hardest decision I ever had to make. Just another thought, are you a candidate for repair not replacement? Not every surgeon does them, but it is one option.
Adam Pick Hey Kim, Like you, I had BAV with aortic stenosis. I opted for the Ross Procedure, which a unique fo ... Read more
Learn 10 important facts about the Ross Procedure for patients needing aortic valve surgery.
Evan Wise Great questions. I assume that you have more to be done than just aortic valve since they are doing a ... Read more
Evan Wise Great questions. I assume that you have more to be done than just aortic valve since they are doing a sternotomy. I just had my aortic valve, aortic root and ascending aorta replaced. In 20 years when the carpentier edwards inspira valve needs to be replaced, they will be able to do it with TAVR. My surgeon (Dr Tyner, Scripps Memorial) said this could be done twice. That would mean I would be good for another 40-50 years. Also, about 20 years ago I was told by a cardiac researcher that life span lowers by a year for every year on cumadin. Of course, with modern valves, I think the dose of blood thinners is less. Good luck with your decisions and procedure. (have them close your chest with rigid plates rather than wires- I am still dealing with recovery 2 months after surgery with wires)
Kim McGee Thank you for sharing your experience’s . All the comments really help with which way to go with v ... Read more
Kim McGee Thank you for sharing your experience’s . All the comments really help with which way to go with valve although I do
Believe i haven’t decided yet 🤷♀️Ugh.
Rose Madura I agree with Matre that the valve choice was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I was 59 wh ... Read more
Rose Madura I agree with Matre that the valve choice was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I was 59 when I had my surgery and went with a tissue valve mostly because I didn't want to be on blood thinners.
quinan trojanowski I had the inspirus resillia bovine valve replacement Dec. 2020. I have terrible anxiety and panic at ... Read more
quinan trojanowski I had the inspirus resillia bovine valve replacement Dec. 2020. I have terrible anxiety and panic attacks ever so often. I did not want to hear the mechanical valve ticking all the time. It would of driven me nuts. I am in xarelto blood thinner for blood clots I’ve had in the past so it wasn’t a blood thinner question for me. It was all about getting a good night sleep every night and not hearing myself click. I turned 50 this year. I’ll have to have another procedure down the road but it’s such a personal choice. There is no right or wrong. Just what you feel comfortable with.
Elyse Sherman Hi, Kim! I was a very active 66 year old woman (gym rat, pickle ball player, kayaker) with asymptomat ... Read more
Elyse Sherman Hi, Kim! I was a very active 66 year old woman (gym rat, pickle ball player, kayaker) with asymptomatic aortic stenosis. I was deemed ineligible for TAVR as I was “young and healthy”. I researched extensively and found that I can go to Cleveland Clinic (#1 in the country for heart valve replacement) and have the Ozaki Procedure, which is where the incision is 2” longer (at this age, I’m no longer wearing a bikini anyway!!!) and a valve is fashioned in the exact size and shape I needed from my own pericardium, kind of like a custom valve. Longevity of a mechanical valve with no blood thinners, which, with my active life, was not an option. Drs. Unai and Peterson were my surgical team at CC. This procedure is now done almost exclusively in Japan for heart valve patients and was a good alternative for me. I had my surgery 1/15/2021 and am as active now as I was prior to the surgery! No ticking, no blood thinners and no additional surgery in 10 years!
Bicuspid aortic stenosis ....Had Heart catheter on Wednesday heart looks good so sounds like aortic valve needs to be replaced no other procedure , June 1 ...Read more
Bicuspid aortic stenosis ....Had Heart catheter on Wednesday heart looks good so sounds like aortic valve needs to be replaced no other procedure , June 1 meet with surgeon to set the date for Open heart surgery to replace valve . Have to decide
On what type of valve . Just turn 50
In Sept .
Rose Madura Hi Kim. It's a tough choice that only you can make. I'd do tour research and talk to your cardiologi ... Read more
Rose Madura Hi Kim. It's a tough choice that only you can make. I'd do tour research and talk to your cardiologist and surgeon about it as well. No matter which valve you choo6, it will be the right choice. Best wishes.
Nancy Sells It's a journey deciding which valve, remember its your choice! Everyone is different and has differen ... Read more
Nancy Sells It's a journey deciding which valve, remember its your choice! Everyone is different and has different needs and preferences. I ended up being an excellent candidate for Ozaki proceedure and that's what I got. My plan B was Edwards Resilia.
Elyse Sherman Kim…I, like you, had no other issues or blockages after cardiac catheterization. The Ozaki Procedur ... Read more
Elyse Sherman Kim…I, like you, had no other issues or blockages after cardiac catheterization. The Ozaki Procedure really worked for me, I can’t say enough good things about it.