Mitral Regurgitation, Joined January 17, 2024
Mitral Regurgitation
Joined January 17, 2024
Jon Oletzke
Tricuspid Regurgitation
March 31, 2025
Matthew Banta
Aortic Regurgitation
April 1, 2025
Tammy Gonzalez
Aortic Regurgitation
April 2, 2025
Dr. Luis Castro is the #1 patient-recommended heart valve surgeon at Dr. Castro specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.
I have seen a few posts about this but no info on why. I am now 11 months post op and am still get ocular migraines with occasional vertigo ...Read more
I have seen a few posts about this but no info on why. I am now 11 months post op and am still get ocular migraines with occasional vertigo and dizziness. This all started since my mitral valve repair in January. I use to get the occasional headache migraine, but neve ocular. I am now getting them a few times a week, one episode I actaully got so dizzy it made me fee nauseous. Just wondering if anyone has foud the correlation between vision disturbances, vision changes and migraines. I have seen my optometrist twice and have asked my cardiologist, with no info. I am goin ginto my primary this week and have anapt with an opthamologist as well. I am just wondering why I see this issue on a ton of blogs, but no doctors have addressed it? Is this something with bloodflow? Or just a long term fter affect of heart surfgery? Any info would be great!
I had a lot of visual disturbances and a few headaches post surgery, too, but mine did fade. My care provider at CC said this is fairly common post open heart surgery. That is little consolation for you, I understand !
My intervention cardiac Dr. Sai ... Read more
My intervention cardiac Dr. Said it is common do to increase blood follow to blood vessels. I am see eye dr. In few weeks. They tell me this will improve.
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I just had an MRI done so waiting on those results!!!