Aortic Regurgitation, Joined October 31, 2015
Aortic Regurgitation
Joined October 31, 2015
Dena says, "It has been 7 months since my mitral valve repair. I..."
Roger says, "I need a mitral valve replacement next year. My ..."
Dorothea says, "had a echocardiogram done and waiting for result. ..."
Dr. Doolabh is a leading cardiac surgeon at UT Southwestern who specializes in minimally-invasive heart valve surgery.
This book has helped over 47,000 patients and caregivers from diagnosis to recovery.
I get a little dizzy from the beta blockers and thinners which affects my eyes so I've had trouble watching TV or reading. I've taken to flicking through the newspaper and magazines. Yesterday I spoke to a couple of friends and my husband and I popped out for lunch and a walk about. Made a huge difference to my moody. Today I'm much more positive and just done Christmas shopping online!
Vent away ! We all know where you're at. It does get easier as you get more mobile.
I actually found myself googling comedians on my phone and laughing (though it really hurt - but a good hurt) was the most helpful. You need to laugh a lot - and I will tell you this far out - I still find the need to laugh...and I take no drugs post op and had a stable recovery with no issues. Your body went through a lot - patience is needed. Believe me, I learned patience. :)