Well my TEE I just had on 10/31 at CC, came out differently than the one I had at a local hospital on 7/31. Much better actually - T1 mitral valve and T1/2 ...Read more
Well my TEE I just had on 10/31 at CC, came out differently than the one I had at a local hospital on 7/31. Much better actually - T1 mitral valve and T1/2 in aortic valve. LVEF went up to 50%. So no need for any valve intervention at this time, yeh! But….some blood work came back a little elevated - the NT Pro BNP, that’s a heart failure marker. I have been more SOB since our return from CC, so my local cardiologist recently added both Aldactone and Lasix (low doses) to my medicine cocktail. Has anyone had any experience with this test and SOB symptoms? I guess it’s possible something’s changed in this short time frame. I was feeling so good, and positive and scheduled for total knee replacement next month. But now I don’t know, having second thoughts on this surgery.
Richard Munson Seems kind of fast right after heart surgery
Valerie Allen Anna, you haven’t had the heart surgery, correct? Did CC give you an estimate of when your surgery ... Read more
Valerie Allen Anna, you haven’t had the heart surgery, correct? Did CC give you an estimate of when your surgery might be? I’ve been checking into knee surgery and they said it takes 6 months to fully recover. You would definitely want to be in good shape, fully recovered and strong for your heart surgery. If CC hasn’t given you a tentative time, I would have this discussion with them before any type of knee surgery. My acupuncturist is treating my knees right now.
Anna Rakowicz Valerie, no I haven’t had heart surgery yet. I’ve had quite a year getting different opinions. I ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Valerie, no I haven’t had heart surgery yet. I’ve had quite a year getting different opinions. I went to both U of M and CC. Both said I don’t need heart surgery. My first cardiologist was wrong in his assessment of severe valve regurgitation. According to my recent TEE at CC, my mitral valve was assessed as mild T1, and aortic valve is mild- moderate T1-T2.
Is there something wrong with website, it’s not allowing me to post any updates? I just see a single letter?
Susan Lynn Anna - I'm not sure why that's happening. You can try typing your message at the top of the page o... Read more
Susan Lynn Anna - I'm not sure why that's happening. You can try typing your message at the top of the page or going directly to your journal.
Did you have your knee surgery, yet? I don't recall anyone having major surgery immediately after their cardiac procedures. Maybe someone reading this will share their experience.
Well I finally got my second opinion TEE done at the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. I was surprised I was only given moderate sedation (80 mg Versed, 200 mcg ...Read more
Well I finally got my second opinion TEE done at the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. I was surprised I was only given moderate sedation (80 mg Versed, 200 mcg Fentanyl) and don’t put you to sleep. I was told that they don’t routinely use anesthesiology for TEEs and the RNs cannot administer propofol. My first TEE was 3 months ago (different facility) I got propofol for that and was completely out. This was a very surreal experience as I was awake and dreamy asleep at the same time, felt the probe going down but was not in pain. They did make me gargle and swallow some horrid tasting stuff that numbs your throat. Has anyone else had this experience being semi awake during a TEE?
Aki Nieminen Day before yesterday. Just the local numbing liquid, no systemic sedation. Had it done once before, a ... Read more
Aki Nieminen Day before yesterday. Just the local numbing liquid, no systemic sedation. Had it done once before, approx 15-20 years ago. Survived even this time :)
Marie Myers Different hospitals and doctors have different routines. If anesthesia is available, propofol is the ... Read more
Marie Myers Different hospitals and doctors have different routines. If anesthesia is available, propofol is the best. Otherwise it will be Versed and fentanyl administered by the nurse. Not as slick, but doable.
Yumiko Ishida I had three stand alone TEEs and they were all different. One time they used a spray to numb my throa ... Read more
Yumiko Ishida I had three stand alone TEEs and they were all different. One time they used a spray to numb my throat, other times no numbing. The smallest amount of sedative knocks me out, so I don’t remember any of them. I’m not sure if I was supposed to be awake or not.
Anna Rakowicz In retrospect, I don’t think it was that bad without the propofol. I’m sensitive to meds and I w ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz In retrospect, I don’t think it was that bad without the propofol. I’m sensitive to meds and I was surprised this dose didn’t knock me out.
I’m still in a “watch a wait” mode on the mitral and aortic valve regurgitation, had an echo today that confirmed both are still moderate. But surprisingly ...Read more
I’m still in a “watch a wait” mode on the mitral and aortic valve regurgitation, had an echo today that confirmed both are still moderate. But surprisingly the ejection fraction showed 35-40%. That was shocking to me as I’ve been feeling pretty good. And I've been on medicine that was apparently helping the (same 35-40%) low EF on the echo I had in March. I’ve had a stress echo at 51%, a TEE at 55%, and a cardiac MRI at 49%. All of these tests have been done in last 90 days at different facilities. My concern is I really need a knee replacement and may not get clearance now☺️.
Richard Munson Moderate is good. Not sure what criteria they use to determine moderate/ severe. There must be some f ... Read more
Richard Munson Moderate is good. Not sure what criteria they use to determine moderate/ severe. There must be some formula. I guess ejection fraction would be one of those. There is a subjective factor as well like in many tests. Mary and joe both look at the echo and come up with a different analysis. It was the case after my recent prostate biopsy when 2 different people had different results. I chose to believe the the more experienced person and hoped she did not eat a bad meal the night before.
Kimberly Eisenhut I agree with Richard in that you may get a different result if you went today. I would ask your Dr if ... Read more
Kimberly Eisenhut I agree with Richard in that you may get a different result if you went today. I would ask your Dr if you have any concerns over you EF. They will be more able to answer your concerns and help you feel comfprtable. I know every echo I have, my actual Cariac Specialist does the measurements herself after the tech does them, as she measures everything exactly the same way each time. They can really vary from who is reading and how they take measurements.
Anna Rakowicz Thank you for Richard and Kimberly for the feedback. I’m waiting on a call back from cardiologist. ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Thank you for Richard and Kimberly for the feedback. I’m waiting on a call back from cardiologist. This is a new Dr. and the only reason I got another echo so soon is because as a new patient, he wanted a baseline.
Anna Rakowicz Well it turns out the EF was “under reported” as it is just an estimate; cardiologist looked at i ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Well it turns out the EF was “under reported” as it is just an estimate; cardiologist looked at it himself and said it’s closer to 45%. Also said many get successful (non cardiac) surgeries at that level. So barring any different outcome on my upcoming TEE at CC on 10/31, I hope to go forward with knee surgery, scheduled for 12/3. Since you need to be able to walk after OHS, it’s important I get this taken care of before potential mitral valve intervention.
Kimberly Eisenhut Anna, I also am in a smilar position with knee replacement I need. I also need to get skin tests from ... Read more
Kimberly Eisenhut Anna, I also am in a smilar position with knee replacement I need. I also need to get skin tests from a derm for my metal allergies though as well as any adhesives they will use, as I am very allergic to nickel and some adhesives. Last thing I want is to have complications and have to have it redone. I am also in wait and watch mode for my moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation and my aortic anuerysm. It makes me quite nervous thinking about having knee replacement with my heart condition. I will not be able to get in for the metal testing until Feb of next year, Walking is def much more difficult with bone on bone knee trouble. I am very slow and if I walk more than a half mile at a time without sitting down to rest my knee a few minutes, it gets sore and starts swelling a bit. I love walking with my daughter and cant keep up with her now, so hoping to fix this.
Anna Rakowicz Hi Kimberly, that’s good you’re at least still walking even just short distances. How do you know ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Hi Kimberly, that’s good you’re at least still walking even just short distances. How do you know you’re allergic to metals? My skin turns black if I wear any silver or nickel jewelry. I guess I should find out what kind of material the new knee will be 😳
Kimberly Eisenhut I have alwyas, since I was a teenager, gotten an itchy rash as well as it darkens my skin, as you sai ... Read more
Kimberly Eisenhut I have alwyas, since I was a teenager, gotten an itchy rash as well as it darkens my skin, as you said. I make my own earrings because I buy my own surgical steel posts and hooks. It has always been hit or miss with jewelry, so I just make most of my own so I know I will not get a reaction. Even high end silver or gold jewelry I sometimes get a rash and itchy. My Orthopedic surgoen said I need to prove the metal allergies for insurance to o.k. the titanium knee replacement because it is so much more expensive. I also am still trying to find out how to get tested for my allergies to a lot of different adhesives, as I get hyves from a lot of them also. It will help me also when my time comes for getting my valve and anuerysm fixed, as they will know what to NOT use. Who wants complications or re-surgeries if they are avoidable? They just do not tell you about these things or even ask sometimes. Better safe than sorry. I think it should always be part of the pre testing for any surgery.
Anna Rakowicz Wow, good to know these things. Thanks Kimberly!
Well the Covid bug has hit again, and my husband came down with symptoms yesterday and tested positive today. He is starting Paxlovid. I am negative thankfully, ...Read more
Well the Covid bug has hit again, and my husband came down with symptoms yesterday and tested positive today. He is starting Paxlovid. I am negative thankfully, but waiting for the shoe to drop, 😳. I had covid in July 2022 that caused heart rhythm problems (PVCs) that I’m still dealing with today. Anyone out there get this recent variant? Hopefully it’s not too severe.
I couldn’t attend the Dr. Gillinov mitral valve webinar last night due to another commitment. If anyone attended this, was there any mention if it will be ...Read more
I couldn’t attend the Dr. Gillinov mitral valve webinar last night due to another commitment. If anyone attended this, was there any mention if it will be available to view on line at some point?
Lisa Silverman Yes it is available online I think I saw it on this site in the resources section. It was excellent!
Joanne Heckmann This is what I love about Adam's work here (I watch these at 1.25 speed). Clear explanations. Why n ... Read more
Joanne Heckmann This is what I love about Adam's work here (I watch these at 1.25 speed). Clear explanations. Why not to wait for mitral valve surgery.
So I just had my first surgical consult yesterday with U of M, and after 3 weeks of anticipation, I was very surprised when I was told that neither my aortic ...Read more
So I just had my first surgical consult yesterday with U of M, and after 3 weeks of anticipation, I was very surprised when I was told that neither my aortic or mitral was in a severe regurgitation state, and that I would NOT need surgery, not yet anyway!!!!
While I am more than elated, I am perplexed as well. How can his interpretation of the TEE be so different than that of my cardiologist? He still wants me to have a stress echo due to the mild shortness of breath I have with exertion. I imagine I will continue to be monitored closely for any changes. Has anyone else had this happen? Where you’re told you need surgery, then you get another opinion that says no?
Now I’m not even sure I need to have the TEE repeated at CC? The U of M doc says it likely will show the same thing, so it may be a waste. The cardiologist at CC that I met with in May (for cardiomyopathy Dx) said he and another Dr viewed the TEE images and also saw only moderate regurgitation; but because the TEE wasn’t a 3d (bio plane) study, they want me to repeat it there, before they even recommend a consultation with one of their surgeons. It is my understanding CC likes to do their own testing.
Suelynn Hanegraaf Hi Anna, I had my first AVR at Cleveland Clinic and because of their highly skilled drs, technicians, ... Read more
Suelynn Hanegraaf Hi Anna, I had my first AVR at Cleveland Clinic and because of their highly skilled drs, technicians, etc., their preference is to have important testing conducted at their Clinic. I was told that the sheer number of cardiac patients that go through their doors has enabled their diagnostic teams to have world class training and skills, yet alone, their superior equipment. Case in point: about 8 years after my first AVR, I was told by my cardiologist (from a leading medical center near Chicago) that my echo indicated severe stenosis. Thank God that I was “prompted” to seek a second opinion. I made an appt with a cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic who repeated the echo and ordered a CT scan. Completely different result which allowed me to keep my valve another 5 years and avoid an unnecessary surgery.
Yumiko Ishida I would get a second cardiologist opinion and a second surgeon opinion, at a minimum, but that’s me ... Read more
Yumiko Ishida I would get a second cardiologist opinion and a second surgeon opinion, at a minimum, but that’s me. If you do seek second or more opinions, make sure you ask them what numbers they are basing their recommendation on. For me, it included MV area, LA size, EF, pressure gradient, symptoms, medical history, etc. That was for MV stenosis. I consulted three paid cardiologists, three unpaid cardiologist (retired or out of state acquaintances), two electrophysiologists, two surgeons, and a neurologist. They were all looking at the same numbers but had vastly different opinions. The surgeons were the least helpful when it came to deciding when to have surgery, because they aren’t involved in the long term care. If you don’t need surgery immediately, great! But I don’t think you could know for sure without getting a second opinion.
Valerie Allen I would get another opinion to be sure. For your own peace of mind and to be reassured you are on the ... Read more
Valerie Allen I would get another opinion to be sure. For your own peace of mind and to be reassured you are on the right path. I hope it all works out for you!
Rita Savelis My experience is that surgeons know more about surgery than cardiologists so they will often differ. ... Read more
Rita Savelis My experience is that surgeons know more about surgery than cardiologists so they will often differ. I'd trust a surgeon over a cardiologist as far as making a decision about surgery. But know that there are always different ways to proceed. I trusted my first surgeon immediately.
Dan Fouratt Yes I had two opinions but they were different. The surgeon said to go forward now. The other cardi ... Read more
Dan Fouratt Yes I had two opinions but they were different. The surgeon said to go forward now. The other cardiologist (a friend in another state) told me as a friend that it was not necessary today but with in a couple of years yes. There is no hard and fast rule for interpretation. I was headed to severe in his opinion was at severe in the surgeons. I did go forward and get it done.
Anna Rakowicz Thank you all for your insight and comments!
Valarie Sullivan I had a Dr second guess himself. Told me after a test I definitely needed a valve replacement. 2 week ... Read more
Valarie Sullivan I had a Dr second guess himself. Told me after a test I definitely needed a valve replacement. 2 weeks later it was “weeellll, not so fast”. A year later, still waiting! 🤣
Getting ready for my first surgical consultation next week on 8/20, which will be at the University of Michigan. Have all my tests, picked up all of my disks, ...Read more
Getting ready for my first surgical consultation next week on 8/20, which will be at the University of Michigan. Have all my tests, picked up all of my disks, and have a list of questions. Cleveland Clinic wants to do a repeat TEE which is scheduled for 9/24. I know many of you traveled for your surgeries, and I am willing too but I struggle with wanting to be closer to home as I know it will be hard on my husband. How has distance weighed in your decision? I suppose I need to go with where I feel most comfortable.
Doug Fults Our community likes to say, "We're far away from everything, and proud of it." It's nice most of the ... Read more
Doug Fults Our community likes to say, "We're far away from everything, and proud of it." It's nice most of the time, but not so much so when you may need heart surgery :). Answers from our local hospital were inconsistent, and well, anxiety producing. A plane flight is a plane flight, so we picked a couple of recommended hospitals, called for appointments & asked to be on their waiting lists... CC called back with an earlier slot, we jumped on it, found clear answers, came away very impressed, and haven't looked back. One concern was wanting to be home for recovery. Apparently such travel is fairly common, with such patients returning home after their hospital stay with local check-ups. I just hope we're big enough to have cardiac rehab options!
Geoff Curtis I live in mid Michigan and picked CC not just because their world renowned, but they're only 3 hours ... Read more
Geoff Curtis I live in mid Michigan and picked CC not just because their world renowned, but they're only 3 hours away. I'm scheduled for 10/21 there SAVR, and my family is coming in from all over. We rented a house to save on costs. They're so close
Dan Fouratt When I was making my decision a friend who happen to be a cardiologist said I was fine with Duke ther ... Read more
Dan Fouratt When I was making my decision a friend who happen to be a cardiologist said I was fine with Duke there is no need to travel, however mine was "simple". If I was having a difficult procedure I would have travel. I am not sure what you are having but that should be part of the decision process.
Anna Rakowicz Thanks for the feedback! Geoff, did CC do your echo and TEE? I had mine done locally but CC wants to ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Thanks for the feedback! Geoff, did CC do your echo and TEE? I had mine done locally but CC wants to repeat TEE there before they refer me to a surgeon for consultation. Good idea on the house rental. Dan, as far a what I’m having done- since I haven’t met with a surgeon yet I’m not sure what I’m a candidate for. OHS or minimally invasive? Mitral repair or replace? Aortic replacement or not. TEE shows aortic is moderate but I have some mild symptoms. I know at least my mitral valve is moderate/severe per the TEE I had done locally.
Valerie Allen CC likes to do all their own testing I have found. J Alexander also rented a house near CC I recall.
Yumiko Ishida I think it depends on your surgery and whether or not there is a surgeon near you with the requisite ... Read more
Yumiko Ishida I think it depends on your surgery and whether or not there is a surgeon near you with the requisite experience. Many people on this site had their valve replaced at Michigan University successfully, and from what I hear they provide excellent support throughout the whole process, including guidance through recovery. So I think it’s worth it for you to consider it seriously.
CC was suggested to me once, but I didn’t have to look beyond Phoenix, where I live, since there is an excellent surgeon here experienced in replacing stenotic mitral valves, which is not very common. The CC suggestion was because it is famous, nothing to do with my specific condition. I feel lucky I was able to have it done locally. It was also reassuring to know that I was not delegated to a cardiologist unfamiliar with my case while in the hospital. So there are benefits to having it done locally, beyond the convenience.
Jamie Griffith I live in Novi and had such a wonderful experience at Michigan Medical. I know CC is very renown, bu ... Read more
Jamie Griffith I live in Novi and had such a wonderful experience at Michigan Medical. I know CC is very renown, but UM has many gifted surgeons and is also one of the best around for heart surgery. My wife and family were able to visit daily, and the commute home, 40 minutes away, took away much complication for us. I have no regrets, 8-mo post op.
Valerie Allen Only you can make such an important decision! Good luck! There are reviews under the menu top right.
Nancy maynard I am seeing a surgeon for a consult in Sept...Ca.. Bay Area... HVS has no info on Kaiser... what ques ... Read more
Nancy maynard I am seeing a surgeon for a consult in Sept...Ca.. Bay Area... HVS has no info on Kaiser... what questions are you asking
Dan Fouratt Nancy I still have my questions if you send me your email I will send. Dan4att@gmail.com
Anna Rakowicz Hi Nancy, some general questions like how soon will I need surgery, is this urgent or do I have some ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Hi Nancy, some general questions like how soon will I need surgery, is this urgent or do I have some time to wait, am I a candidate for minimally invasive surgery, what other surgical options they feel would be best for me. How soon will I feel improvement in my symptoms of fatigue and shortness of breath, what are your surgical outcomes for the type of surgery they recommend, what are some common complications, how long will the surgery be, will I need to be on bypass? What can I and can’t I do before and after surgery? What will make my recovery easier at home?
Anna Rakowicz Thank you Valerie! I think I found the reviews on certain surgeons at both CC and U of M. My upcoming ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Thank you Valerie! I think I found the reviews on certain surgeons at both CC and U of M. My upcoming appointment with a U of M surgeon actually interviewed by Adam in one of the videos and he has very high marks.
Pamela Gregory I traveled from DE to CC because I felt like this is my one life and I would like the very best team... Read more
Pamela Gregory I traveled from DE to CC because I felt like this is my one life and I would like the very best team of people helping me. It is not convenient but I never had any doubt that this was the absolute best decision for me personally
Robert Miller That's a difficult question. You want to get the best surgeon do the surgery so this will be a one-ti ... Read more
Robert Miller That's a difficult question. You want to get the best surgeon do the surgery so this will be a one-time deal. Ask how many surgeries they did. If that particular doctor will do the surgery himself/herself. Especially at renown universities, it is often a new surgeon that does the procedure, supervised by the "famous" surgeon. I considered surgery on the opposite coast of the USA (a 5-6h flight) to get minimal invasive surgery. I decided to do my surgeries locally which made it a lot easier for my wife. It was just a 30-45 minute drive. Once you get past 3h, it probably doesn't make a difference anymore where you get the surgery as your husband probably will stay in a local hotel anyways. If you need to fly for a long distance, I would get business. You don't want to be cramped into a tight space for several hours just a week or so after your surgery.
Has anyone had to repeat any diagnostic testing, especially if you decide to have surgery at another facility? My TEE was done a couple weeks ago and my husband ...Read more
Has anyone had to repeat any diagnostic testing, especially if you decide to have surgery at another facility? My TEE was done a couple weeks ago and my husband was told (I was still groggy from anesthesia) that both my aortic and mitral valves have severe regurgitation and I need an aortic replacement and mitral repair. I sent the disk to CC Drs who see the valves as only moderate but they suggest I repeat the test there due to poor image quality and limited study.
Rose Madura For me, I did not have to repeat any tests when I sought a second opinion.
Yumiko Ishida I have not had to repeat a test just to get a second opinion, but I could see a hospital wanting to d ... Read more
Yumiko Ishida I have not had to repeat a test just to get a second opinion, but I could see a hospital wanting to do their own if the quality of the one you have is poor. I lost track of how many TTEs and TEEs I had the last couple of years but it was a lot, and there is a huge difference in quality depending on where I got it and who performed it.
Rita Savelis It definitely matters who does it and how a diagnostic test is done. The CC doctors probably have the ... Read more
Rita Savelis It definitely matters who does it and how a diagnostic test is done. The CC doctors probably have their own diagnostic doctors whose quality they trust more.
Grace Mason I had to repeat the echo testing when I consulted at CC. Other consultations I had accepted recent ... Read more
Grace Mason I had to repeat the echo testing when I consulted at CC. Other consultations I had accepted recent testing from other facilities.
Valerie Allen CC wants their own testing to my knowledge.
Marie Myers Some institutions will want their own studies and will not accept tests from other places. This happe ... Read more
Marie Myers Some institutions will want their own studies and will not accept tests from other places. This happens a lot…
Klara Čičić Luckily the hospital I went to for surgery accepted 4D transoesofageal echo from my hospital, but I w ... Read more
Klara Čičić Luckily the hospital I went to for surgery accepted 4D transoesofageal echo from my hospital, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had wanted to repeat it. It is very common and kind of reassuring.
Doug Fults I had recent TTE & TEE's from my local hospital, CC redid both - the writeup from CC on the TEE in pa ... Read more
Doug Fults I had recent TTE & TEE's from my local hospital, CC redid both - the writeup from CC on the TEE in particular was more detailed (including determination of the "Regurgitant orifice area" and observation that "The pulmonary venous pattern showed reversed systolic flow," which is closely associated with Severe Mitral regurgitation - and commentary on each of my other valves as well ("no" or "trace" regurgitation). I'm asymptomatic, and it wasn't until they saw their more thorough TEE that I was recommended for surgery.
I’ve had 2 CTAs that show no CAD and no blockages. Is a heart cath always required before heart valve surgery? I am terrified of this and they always have ...Read more
I’ve had 2 CTAs that show no CAD and no blockages. Is a heart cath always required before heart valve surgery? I am terrified of this and they always have a hard time finding good veins on me to get blood or do IVs. Also I know someone who passed away of complications.
Marie Myers I was very anxious about the cardiac cath also. As it turned out, it was not as a scary a procedure a ... Read more
Marie Myers I was very anxious about the cardiac cath also. As it turned out, it was not as a scary a procedure as my worrying mind would have me believe. I got a bit of sedation in the IV, so I was very relaxed. I do remember bits and pieces of the procedure, but do not remember any pain. The docs get more detailed information from the cardiac cath, so it is pretty standard to have one prior to heart surgery. Bruising was my only complication. It is overall a very common procedure with a low risk of complications.
Valerie Allen My cardiac Cath was really a piece of cake, relatively speaking. Only a bit sore afterwards, not much ... Read more
Valerie Allen My cardiac Cath was really a piece of cake, relatively speaking. Only a bit sore afterwards, not much.
Sue Maize I’ve had 2, one in the groin and the other through the wrist—not very comfortable, but also not r ... Read more
Sue Maize I’ve had 2, one in the groin and the other through the wrist—not very comfortable, but also not really painful either. A very strong sensation of peeing myself (which I didn’t do, but the warm dye coursing through your body makes it seem like it). Like Marie, I also had a mild sedative though IV.
Shawna D. I am having one on Tuesday. My heart valve replacement is scheduled for the 27th of this month. The ... Read more
Shawna D. I am having one on Tuesday. My heart valve replacement is scheduled for the 27th of this month. They also told me it was required. I've had 2 CTAs as well. I've heard it's not too bad. I'm praying so....I guess it is important for them to get as much info as possible before the actual procedure. Try not to worry!
Mirza Baig My TAVR procedure is plan for August 27 and I have a video appointment with Cardiologist on August 22. My last CT scan was done on 11/13/2023 and my last echo was done on 04/16/2024. Do I ask for repeat of these tests. I have basically very mild symptoms, but I do have severe aortic stenosis for the last one year or so, now the cardiologist recommending surgery, also my angiogram turn out clean. The TAVR team has my case and they did all the primarily work. My dentist has also send dental clearance. I did have one of my front teeth extracted about 8 months ago and dentist did the bone grafting and after few month when skin heels he implanted the teeth so basically all the invasive work was done, the only thing remaining to be done is just to attach abutment on implant and taking the impression for crown and placing the crown on abutment. That they are planning to do after one month, some tome in September/October
Mirza Baig My TAVR procedure is plan for August 27 and I have a video appointment with Cardiologist on August 22. My last CT scan was done on 11/13/2023 and my last echo was done on 04/16/2024. Do I ask for repeat of these tests. I have basically very mild symptoms, but I do have severe aortic stenosis for the last one year or so, now the cardiologist recommending surgery, also my angiogram turn out clean. The TAVR team has my case and they did all the primarily work. My dentist has also send dental clearance. I did have one of my front teeth extracted about 8 months ago and dentist did the bone grafting and after few month when skin heels he implanted the teeth so basically all the invasive work was done, the only thing remaining to be done is just to attach abutment on implant and taking the impression for crown and placing the crown on abutment. That they are planning to do after one month, some tome in September/October
I am nervous though
Mirza Baig
Rose Madura Anna, they always had a hard time finding veins in me but I had no complications with the heart cath. ... Read more
Rose Madura Anna, they always had a hard time finding veins in me but I had no complications with the heart cath. I found it fascinating and enjoyed watching the screen when. They gave the dye. I was give something that made me loopy so much so that I told my cardiologist that I loved him! 🤣 And it seems that since my surgery, they can more easily find veins.
Does anyone know if you can buy Adam’s book in hard cover or paper back rather than the ebook that’s offered through this website?
Adam Pick Hi Anna, The book is currently only offered as an ebook from our website. However, there are hard co ... Read more
Adam Pick Hi Anna, The book is currently only offered as an ebook from our website. However, there are hard cover books available on Amazon. But, please note that there are fradulent sellers of my book on Amazon. I have tried to get Amazon to remove those books from their catalog. But, they have not responded to my requests.
Anxiety and fear sometimes times takes over and is immobilizing.
Trisha Gross Yes anxiety and fear is real but you got this ANNA!. Seems like you are reaching out for more opinion ... Read more
Trisha Gross Yes anxiety and fear is real but you got this ANNA!. Seems like you are reaching out for more opinions. From CC. Keep asking questions.
Anna Rakowicz Yes, just in the beginning stage now, as I was just told a few days ago by my primary local cardiolog ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Yes, just in the beginning stage now, as I was just told a few days ago by my primary local cardiologist that I will need surgery.
Valerie Allen It really can be. I waited almost a year for surgery (it was not urgent, of course). I rode an emotio ... Read more
Valerie Allen It really can be. I waited almost a year for surgery (it was not urgent, of course). I rode an emotional wave most of that time. Sometimes good days but it was always there and sometimes just immobilizing. You are in the early stages, just know everything you are feeling is normal. Keep us posted on your search progress!
Anna Rakowicz Thanks Trisha and Valerie! I will know more once I meet with U of M and CC, & they both review my ... Read more
Anna Rakowicz Thanks Trisha and Valerie! I will know more once I meet with U of M and CC, & they both review my case. I’ve been viewing a lot of videos that Adam has included in this website, which have been informative.
Sue Maize Hi Anna! I felt like that too—it’s a lot to take in—this community is incredibly supportive so ... Read more
Sue Maize Hi Anna! I felt like that too—it’s a lot to take in—this community is incredibly supportive so be sure to reach out as you need to. You’ll read it many times here, but the truth is that the anticipation of surgery is far worse than the recovery period. It was no picnic for me but I am so grateful for this second chance at life! Blessings. ❤️🩹🙏🏻
Just joined this group, which looks likes an incredible community of support. Wondering if there’s anyone out there that’s has had dual valve surgery of ...Read more
Just joined this group, which looks likes an incredible community of support. Wondering if there’s anyone out there that’s has had dual valve surgery of aortic valve replacement and mitral valve repair?
Kathy Ozio Welcome Anna! It is an incredible community! I only had mitral valve repair, but any questions, jus ... Read more
Kathy Ozio Welcome Anna! It is an incredible community! I only had mitral valve repair, but any questions, just ask
Patricia Miller Anna- Welcome to this community. I'm sorry you are facing all this but you will do well. There are ... Read more
Patricia Miller Anna- Welcome to this community. I'm sorry you are facing all this but you will do well. There are very helpful webinars on this site and so much support and experience from this community. It may be stressful right now navigating the process, but you will find peace when you figure out what is the best option for you. I had a robotic mitral valve repair 2 1/2 yrs ago and aortic valve repair (spared) w/ aortic root and ascending aorta aneurysm replacement 7 mos ago. I did my first surgery locally at a lg university hospital and did not get a second opinion. I do regret it. I got 4 total w/ my January OHS. Cleveland Clinic was the right choice for me. I had excellent care there. I believe I saw you are seeing a surgeon there as well as at Univ. of Michigan. The big centers can do combined valve or aneurysm surgeries. They can determine if both valves need to be repaired in one OHS.