Aortic Regurgitation, Joined July 9, 2016
Aortic Regurgitation
Joined July 9, 2016
Tracey says, "I have had MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE and SVT since I ..."
Carol says, "I just had an 8 1/2 month checkup with my doctor at ..."
Search for heart hospitals that specialize in heart valve treatment.
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Also, a very nice pulmonologist explained to me why I experience shortness of breath due to my heart being stressed particularly when I go to high altitude (I live in Colorado and love to botanize, seeing alpine plants that live above timberline - about 11,500ft here). I now have to wear oxygen when I'm at high altitude - not when I'm home in the Denver area. My long-winded point is that while it's good to be optimistic, it's important to be realistic too and that requires understanding what's going on with your body. So I'd suggest you write down questions for your doctors and make sure they give you understandable answers. Then, it's important to take that info and go on living with the best attitude possible, doing what you can and trying to accept limitations without giving in to defeat. Easier said than done, sometimes, but in the end, an informed optimism is the best path forward. I just guessing from what you said that your issues may involve both cardiac and pulmonary, but the goal is still to optimize everything and live each day the best way you can. Good luck to you!
I got a new mitral valve in March. I had lots of edema before and after my surgery. I h ... Read more
I got a new mitral valve in March. I had lots of edema before and after my surgery. I have lost 30 lbs of fluid in these 4 1/2 months. I am now diagnosed with diastolic heart failure. Like a form of chf. Scared me for sure. Now I know that I'll be on diuretics for the rest of my life. I'm 66. Yes, I weigh myself daily, and have found some neat, sexy compression socks!!. I also have Asthma. Yes, I still am short of breath, etc. Some days I can walk longer distances before " catching my breath" than others. Both the Asthma and HF cause that. My pulmonary Dr and cardiologist work together. Lenore has some great advice and info. Yes, we can all still learn lots about ourselves. Take care..