3 weeks post op tomorrow! I have experienced much improvement over the past week. My energy level is not great, but I don’t need naps during the day, am able ...Read more
3 weeks post op tomorrow! I have experienced much improvement over the past week. My energy level is not great, but I don’t need naps during the day, am able to cook, make the bed, etc. I have not been outside walking yet, but we have had a boatload of snow, so that’s my excuse. I’m on no pain meds. I have been able to wean off of oxygen during the day, just use it at night with my bipap. The hypoxia I’ve had is not just due to the mitral valve regurgitation, but also to our elevation of 8600 ft. We are not staying in the mountains in the future. It is harder on the heart, and I certainly don’t want that! Other than post op pain, the other 2 bothersome symptoms I’ve had are the lack of taste or foods just tasting weird, and the numbness around my chest and back from the nerve block. It hasn’t been just numbness, but a discomfort that I wouldn’t really call pain. However, suddenly in the past 2 days, this problem has almost resolved! I share these things with you just in case it happens to you. I had minimally invasive robotic mitral valve repair. They weren’t sure they could repair it but were able to do so, which really makes me happy. I highly recommend my surgeon, Dr. Jessica Rove in Denver at UC Health. She’s great.
Isabella Heart So happy for you Dawn! Keep getting better!!!
Sharon Behl So glad you're feeling & seeing progress! Keep up the good work👍
Rose Madura Sounds like you are making great progress.
Susan Lynn Dawn - Sounds like you're progressing beautifully! A lot of healing happens in the beginning of reco... Read more
Susan Lynn Dawn - Sounds like you're progressing beautifully! A lot of healing happens in the beginning of recovery, but that last 5% takes awhile. Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to OHS. Wishing you continued success with the remainder of your recovery!
Kristine Schroeder Sounds like you are doing well, Dawn. I am 18 months post surgery and still have numbness in places f ... Read more
Kristine Schroeder Sounds like you are doing well, Dawn. I am 18 months post surgery and still have numbness in places from nerve block. I also had weird food tastes and could not eat sugar for 3 months. One day at a time.
Barbara deLoache Blessings for continued healing and more energy !
Hello Friends! Wanted to share that I’m 2 weeks post mitral valve repair and all is well. Those first few days were very hard while in the hospital, but ...Read more
Hello Friends! Wanted to share that I’m 2 weeks post mitral valve repair and all is well. Those first few days were very hard while in the hospital, but I survived! I will see my surgeon this week and expect she will agree that I’m doing well. I will say it was a much bigger deal than I expected…just the OR itself was huge and full of robots and people. I’m not ready to go run a marathon or anything, but each day I improve a little.
Sharon Behl Congratulations! Take it easy and enjoy not shoveling all this snow we received on the Front Range!
Andrea Babcock Good to hear that your recovery is going so well. Best wishes for you!
Valerie Allen So glad to hear you feel better each day!
Dawn Neal Thank you all! Heading up to Denver for my post op check. Sharon, we did get a lot of snow up here i ... Read more
Dawn Neal Thank you all! Heading up to Denver for my post op check. Sharon, we did get a lot of snow up here in Woodland Park-18 inches! More to come this weekend I hear.
Getting close to the Big Day next week and getting nervous! Wondering if any of you have had experience with the cryo anesthesia…I at first told my surgeon ...Read more
Getting close to the Big Day next week and getting nervous! Wondering if any of you have had experience with the cryo anesthesia…I at first told my surgeon I didn’t want it, but I’m reading that it works very well.
Richard Munson I heard of it for ablation but not surgery. Sounds pretty cool, no pun intended.
Susan Lynn Dawn - I had the nerves on my right side frozen for my mini-thoracotomy mitral valve repair. I did... Read more
Susan Lynn Dawn - I had the nerves on my right side frozen for my mini-thoracotomy mitral valve repair. I didn't have any pain after surgery. But, I did have numbness in that area. Over the next year, I had pins and needles, tingling sensations, and momentary shocks on my side and back as the nerves regenerated. They were easily tolerable. I would choose it again.
Paul Lebel I had nerve ablation at Mayo 7 weeks ago for minimally invasive. They didn't specify hot or cold. ... Read more
Paul Lebel I had nerve ablation at Mayo 7 weeks ago for minimally invasive. They didn't specify hot or cold. This I can say: post surgical pain was basically non existent. BUT, my right pectoral, the side of surgery, is still pretty numb. However, the skin on top of the muscle TICKLES either from my shirt or touching. But GREAT not to have pain or need opioids.
Dawn Neal Thank you all for sharing your experience! It’s so helpful.
Rita Savelis I had regular anasthesia for OHS and no pain afterwards. Exhaustion and discomfort, but no pain.
Hello all! This website with its videos and interviews has been very helpful. I’m looking at mitral valve repair or replacement soon. I’m kind of overwhelmed ...Read more
Hello all! This website with its videos and interviews has been very helpful. I’m looking at mitral valve repair or replacement soon. I’m kind of overwhelmed about where to have the procedure done. I’ve contacted Cleveland Clinic, Mayo in Arizona, and UT Southwestern in Dallas. I have started the process at Anschutz Cardiac Center in Denver, which would be the most convenient. The first cardiac surgeon I saw wanted to do open heart and mitral valve replacement. So, I’m looking at options. It looks like many of you have gone to CC, Mayo, NYC-several choices there. So I just keep reading and searching over and over, trying to make the best choice. I would guess that some of you have gone through this process?
J Alexander Lassally Hi there! Yes, welcome. Indeed a big decision set - the method, the surgeon and the hospital. I took ... Read more
J Alexander Lassally Hi there! Yes, welcome. Indeed a big decision set - the method, the surgeon and the hospital. I took about 5 months in the process. Happy to offer insights.
Susan Lynn Welcome, Dawn! You'll find great information and many mitral valve heart warriors on this site rea... Read more
Susan Lynn Welcome, Dawn! You'll find great information and many mitral valve heart warriors on this site ready to answer any questions you may have. Did your cardiologist say that you have mitral stenosis? Over 90% of mitral valves are repaired by experienced surgeons, but stenosis might be necessitating the replacement.
The best thing you can do is research surgeons, get several opinions, and choose the one who will give you the greatest confidence on 'game day.' You probably won't believe me now, but once you find the surgeon you trust, you'll be anxious to put the procedure behind you! Wishing you all the best!
Klara Čičić Dear Dawn, welcome to this wonderful site. You are on the right path. You want experienced and skillf ... Read more
Klara Čičić Dear Dawn, welcome to this wonderful site. You are on the right path. You want experienced and skillfull surgeon that has high repair volume. I don't know your exact pathology but in skilfull surgeon's hands 95% of mitral valves could be repaired instead of replaced... I hope you find one. We are here for the support!
Raj K Susan - welcome to HVS…lots of great insight here. I am going on 4 weeks post op for the same and ... Read more
Raj K Susan - welcome to HVS…lots of great insight here. I am going on 4 weeks post op for the same and happy to share my experiences if helpful. As others have posted, there may be other factors edging replacement vs. repair, and “through the front” vs. a more minimally invasive approach - not to mention the surgical team’s experience/comfort in performing these types of procedures. Good luck to you in your process! You got this!
Pamela Gregory Welcome Dawn! It looks like you are on the right path to find a good surgeon. I had Aortic Valve Rep... Read more
Pamela Gregory Welcome Dawn! It looks like you are on the right path to find a good surgeon. I had Aortic Valve Replacement but lots of other heart warriors on this site had Mitral repair or replacement. You will find lots of answers and support on this site!
Rose Madura You'll find lots of good information and support here. I always recommend a second opinion and it so ... Read more
Rose Madura You'll find lots of good information and support here. I always recommend a second opinion and it sounds like you are of that mindset as well. Godspeed.
Sharon Behl Hi Dawn, you're doing the right thing by researching the options that feel the best to you. I live i ... Read more
Sharon Behl Hi Dawn, you're doing the right thing by researching the options that feel the best to you. I live in Colorado but have chosen to go to NYC Mount Sinai because of the specific expertise Dr. Adams and his team have with re-operations on mitral valves that have failed. I would be happy to chat with you further if you think it would be helpful! My surgery is November 30th.
Dawn Neal Thank you all for your encouraging words. I have severe mitral valve regurgitation with one leaflet a ... Read more
Dawn Neal Thank you all for your encouraging words. I have severe mitral valve regurgitation with one leaflet a lot shorter than the other. I am seeking other opinions for sure! I’ll let you know how it goes and I look forward to your experiences.
Klara Čičić I also had very peculiar leaflet situation besides severe mitral regurgitation, reading my story migh ... Read more
Klara Čičić I also had very peculiar leaflet situation besides severe mitral regurgitation, reading my story might be helpful. You want the best of the best repair surgeon.
Dawn Neal Thanks to all of you! Sharon, since you live in CO, I’m particularly interested in your viewpoint. ... Read more
Dawn Neal Thanks to all of you! Sharon, since you live in CO, I’m particularly interested in your viewpoint. Presently, I am undergoing the tests needed for non-invasive mitral valve repair under the orders of Dr. Jessica Rove at Anschutz in Denver. She seems to be an awesome surgeon, but only started robotic repair last year. That is my only hesitation with having the procedure at CU Anschutz in Denver.
Sharon Behl Hi Dawn, I do not have any info, positive or negative, about Dr. Rove or Anschutz. For this go-rou... Read more
Sharon Behl Hi Dawn, I do not have any info, positive or negative, about Dr. Rove or Anschutz. For this go-round, because my first surgeon is now retired, I interviewed a Dr. Jason Shofnos who operates out of Swedish Hospital in Englewood, Colorado. I would highly recommend him for mitral valves. He seems very skilled and experienced. Also, my first operation was in Swedish Hospital and and I felt very well cared for there and the food is great! I'm only going out of town now, because neither Shofnos nor any other surgeon in Colorado specializes in re-operations.
Suggestion: ask Dr. Rove's office for data on how many robotics they've done and their success rate. The experts on this website suggest that someone do a minimum of 25 of your procedure per year to develop expertise. Most places are very transparent about their data - perhaps it will reassure you. Knowledge is power!
Let me know what you decide...either way, it seems like you will have to travel some to get this done...maybe I can assist you with further info in some way as I've lived in the Denver Metro area many moons .
Kathy Ozio I would only throw out one thing - do not get completely set on minimally invasive. I was so set on ... Read more
Kathy Ozio I would only throw out one thing - do not get completely set on minimally invasive. I was so set on that, and they were able to do it. I had complications and I think because if that, made my recovery a little harder on my side, and my groin took awile longer to heal. I remember thinking after the surgery, that the open heart may not have been as terrible as I had thought. I was so scared of having my chest cracked open. Whatever is the best way for them to fix your heart should be the goal.