I’m still here, Still haven’t had surgery. I think the figures for my heart meant I could withstand a wait but then covid came along. I have been severe ...Read more
I’m still here, Still haven’t had surgery. I think the figures for my heart meant I could withstand a wait but then covid came along. I have been severe for a year now and I’ve been up reading all night about survival rates and know I’m a year into my 2 year outcome. Am I reading too much or should I calm down a bit.
Marie Myers How frustrating! I am sure Covid 19 did not help the situation at all. Are you experiencing any worse ... Read more
Marie Myers How frustrating! I am sure Covid 19 did not help the situation at all. Are you experiencing any worsening symptoms? I know What you mean about researching too much ; it can really raise my anxiety levels. Hang in there!
Steven Methot Scary. The general cardiac ward and the cardiac ICU at "my" hospital are in lock down over COVID cas ... Read more
Steven Methot Scary. The general cardiac ward and the cardiac ICU at "my" hospital are in lock down over COVID cases as well as several other wards. What is the reason for their delay in your case?
Very distressed at the moment and not all heart related.
I have got to the point of severe aortic stenosis. 0.82cm valve size. Time for work to be done. ...Read more
Very distressed at the moment and not all heart related.
I have got to the point of severe aortic stenosis. 0.82cm valve size. Time for work to be done. I was discussed at a valve meeting but before that, they asked for a CT scan. I was then called into the hospital to see a respiratory consultant, thinking that this might be part of the work up too.
However, I was told that they found a lung nodule on the scan. That Im to have a PET scan because they have no history of lung exams (I have'nt had any before because basically I don't have any problems). They have nothing to compare it with. Im still awaiting the PET scan. When the valve meeting letter arrived, ie copied to me, deciding on forward action, the letter also states that I have bilateral adrenal enlargement/lesion. Now this is really worrying me!!!!! I have no idea what is going on. I just see a stream of other tests going on now and delay in my heart valve/possibly worst.
Has anyone else had disturbing CT scan results?
Catie B Hi Susan. I'm sure I would have been shocked and alarmed by that kind of note on a medical record, if ... Read more
Catie B Hi Susan. I'm sure I would have been shocked and alarmed by that kind of note on a medical record, if this happened to me. I know you already felt worried about the nodule. I don't have an answer and I don't imagine that your medical team does yet, either. Have they scheduled your PET scan? Hopefully, that could provide some answers and I hope it will rule out some concerns. In the meantime, I'm so sorry you don't have local support. I know it's emotionally painful to walk through a hard journey without that. You're in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sending hugs across the miles.
Judy S Hi Susan, sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I can tell you that a CT scan I had for ... Read more
Judy S Hi Susan, sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I can tell you that a CT scan I had for my heart resulted in them finding an adrenal tumor. This is very common and is typically found incidentally through scans. Mine has been monitored for the last few years (I had my valve replaced in the meantime) because there were no symptoms. And now we’ve stopped monitoring it. So sometimes things don’t turn out as bad as they first sound. Hope the same for you!
Susan Lynn Susan - I'm sure you're frustrated, but you don't want any surprises at the time of surgery. That' ... Read more
Susan Lynn Susan - I'm sure you're frustrated, but you don't want any surprises at the time of surgery. That's why we all get the thorough pre-admission tests. Take it one day at a time - this will all be behind you shortly. Stay positive!
Susan McNally Thank you all of you. I have had the PET scan now and just awaiting the results. The adrenal tumour ... Read more
Susan McNally Thank you all of you. I have had the PET scan now and just awaiting the results. The adrenal tumour diagnosis is more annoying than anything because I have had various symptoms over about 10 years and nobody actually taking any notice. Now that it has shown up on a CT scan I wonder if that will make a difference. However, Ive not had any correspondence from an endocrinologist to do with the scan. It just all seems such a muddle. Thank you for your support so far. I have a "best" scenario and a "worst" scenario. My best is that the adrenal enlargement proves I have had a problem all the time and that the nodule is just scarring. In the meantime I think Im on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This is all too much at the moment. I'll post on here with any news. Judy S I too have heard the adrenal tumour is quite common but to have it on both adrenals, not so common. I also read too much......
Catie B I hear you, Susan. I tend to research things earnestly, too. I know waiting is very hard! Hoping you ... Read more
Catie B I hear you, Susan. I tend to research things earnestly, too. I know waiting is very hard! Hoping you will have very good news and hope your heart surgery won't be delayed further.
Judy S Sorry for all the stress you’re dealing with Susan. Sending you healthy wishes as you wait to hear. ... Read more
Judy S Sorry for all the stress you’re dealing with Susan. Sending you healthy wishes as you wait to hear.
I haven't been on here for a while but I have now had the various work ups for surgery and Im now severe. I was called to a different appointment when I was ...Read more
I haven't been on here for a while but I have now had the various work ups for surgery and Im now severe. I was called to a different appointment when I was told that they found a nodule on my lung on my ct scan and that I now have to have another scan etc etc.
This is all just too much at the moment and quite frankly, the heart valve surgery feels like its nothing in comparison to the worry I feel.
Is anyone able to report similar worrying evidence coming from their ct scan?
Diane Maher I was in my mid 60’s when my heart murmur was detected which led to a variety of tests, one being a ... Read more
Diane Maher I was in my mid 60’s when my heart murmur was detected which led to a variety of tests, one being a CT scan. I was diagnosed with mild aortic stenosis but the radiologist seemed more interested in a detected small lung nodule. I had a consult set up with a respirologist and after hearing my history of repeated respiratory infections during my childhood he was of the opinion that the nodule had most likely developed over that period of time. Several years have passed since the nodule was detected, I had my AVR surgery last year and there has been no change in the nodule which I had basically forgotten about until I read your post. If I can be of further support, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Marie Myers That is a tough one. Try not to concentrate on what might be. Just take one step at a time, and hopef ... Read more
Marie Myers That is a tough one. Try not to concentrate on what might be. Just take one step at a time, and hopefully the nodule will be a “ means nothing” finding!
Susan McNally Thank you. I think you can imagine my mind is filled with trepidation now. I know that it looks rea ... Read more
Susan McNally Thank you. I think you can imagine my mind is filled with trepidation now. I know that it looks reasonably low risk by its size and its smoothness and that its solitary but they're obviously still checking it out. I have never been somebody who suffers with chest infections, not even as a child, but I used to get alot of ear infections. Then I had a major chest infection about 2 years ago where I didn't take antibiotics because I was in a different Country and thought I could deal with it.. Of course I got better but I sometimes wonder if what they're seeing is scar tissue etc.
Diane Maher My GP just calls it scar tissue. Even one bad respiratory infection can leave you with scar tissue a ... Read more
Diane Maher My GP just calls it scar tissue. Even one bad respiratory infection can leave you with scar tissue according to him. Has your surgery date been set yet? I agree with Marie, just try to not think about "all this stuff", shift your mind onto something else when it begins to wander and practice being in the present.
Diane Maher Interesting....I just looked up where you live and our son lives in Greenwich...Google tells me you o ... Read more
Diane Maher Interesting....I just looked up where you live and our son lives in Greenwich...Google tells me you only live 27 minutes from there.
Catie B Susan, I hope whatever they are seeing is completely innocuous and not worrisome!
Chris Calhoun "This too shall pass" tremendously powerful have faith - know that God will be by your side or may ev ... Read more
Chris Calhoun "This too shall pass" tremendously powerful have faith - know that God will be by your side or may even carry you !!!!
Frank Giovanniello Susan, before surgery I was aware for about 6 months, they found two nodules. My pulmonologist said i ... Read more
Frank Giovanniello Susan, before surgery I was aware for about 6 months, they found two nodules. My pulmonologist said it's most likely nothing to be concerned about. But wants a cat scan every year to compare.
Susan Lynn Susan - My brother found out he had a lung nodule after a motorcycle accident. They monitor it annua ... Read more
Susan Lynn Susan - My brother found out he had a lung nodule after a motorcycle accident. They monitor it annually, but feel confident that it's not a concern. Hang in there.
Susan McNally I have had a couple of lung infections over the last 3 years or so. I guess it might be scarring fro ... Read more
Susan McNally I have had a couple of lung infections over the last 3 years or so. I guess it might be scarring from those. My scan on Wednesday will no doubt clarify any problems but I do feel like I cant cope with much more as heart surgery itself is enough of a worry.
Susan McNally Diane Maher......I am very close to Greenwich. Where in Greenwich is your Son?
Following on again from my TEE, I have seen one of the registrars yesterday and came away quite disturbed. My actual surgeon wasn't available and the registrar ...Read more
Following on again from my TEE, I have seen one of the registrars yesterday and came away quite disturbed. My actual surgeon wasn't available and the registrar was not helpful.
So, the valve size has decreased 0.1 in 6 month giving me a valve size of 1 cm. However the velocity has changed to over 4 ie 4.7 whereas it was 3.2
I have come away very concerned and I will now hear about an angiogram and lung function test and I will be put on the waiting list for surgery which is about 4 months.
In my mind I was confident with how everything was going . I am now very concerned. What difference does the velocity figure make? Should I be advancing the need for surgery?
I have no symptoms other than slight shortness of breath on climbing stairs. This is all incredibly new to me. I have always had a heart murmur as does my Mum who is 87 and never been tested further. She gets the same shortness of breath, always has done.
My parents are actually putting in my mind that technology i causing me to have this work when all my family are long livers with no work such as heart surgery ever needing doing. almost like Im failing family history.
Judy Shaw It's ok to feel the way you do. Do what you feel is right for you. Follow your heart, no pun intended ... Read more
Judy Shaw It's ok to feel the way you do. Do what you feel is right for you. Follow your heart, no pun intended. I have long living family on my dad's side but not my mom's. Most died around age 55 from heart related issues. Best wishes to you Susan.
Rose Madura The news is always disheartening. I'm not sure about the velocity figure. Is it the same as ejectio ... Read more
Rose Madura The news is always disheartening. I'm not sure about the velocity figure. Is it the same as ejection fraction? I wish I could be of more help. I wouldn't think that they would want to do surgery on you just because there is technology to do so. With your government health care, I would think they would NOT recommend it unless it is necessary. Are you able to get a second opinion?
Following on from the TEE I had done today, it looks like I’m moderate as opposed to severe. Does this generally mean watch and wait and for how long is ...Read more
Following on from the TEE I had done today, it looks like I’m moderate as opposed to severe. Does this generally mean watch and wait and for how long is it likely to stay as moderate.
Rose Madura Hi Susan. I would think that they will wait. I'm glad it is not severe. What did the doctors say?
Gail Dyer Hi Rose! I too have a bicuspid aortic valve with moderate-severe stenosis. However, I was having symp ... Read more
Gail Dyer Hi Rose! I too have a bicuspid aortic valve with moderate-severe stenosis. However, I was having symptoms before the diagnosis. I had never heard about any of this so I am grateful for the internet and the knowledge I've acquired through Adam Pick. I order his book on Heart Valve Surgery and it is so very helpful. I read that you feel ashamed. This is not your fault. If you do have a bicuspid valve it is a congenital defect, meaning you were born with it. I am 74 and just learned I had all this a year ago. Actually, I was stunned and other than feeling very tired and some other symptoms Heart Disease was not on my radar. Hang in there and keep on sharing. I am new to all this too.
Vivien Appleby Hi Susan and Gail, I am in the same age range, 69 and chasing 70, diagnosed with Bicuspid Aortic Valv ... Read more
Vivien Appleby Hi Susan and Gail, I am in the same age range, 69 and chasing 70, diagnosed with Bicuspid Aortic Valve stenosis. Happy to share my experiences and thoughts. Now three months post op. From Dunedin, New Zealand. As you mentioned, Susan, things can be different from country to country..
Susan McNally I see the surgeon on Tuesday who will have the full set of results from yesterdays TEE. However I ha ... Read more
Susan McNally I see the surgeon on Tuesday who will have the full set of results from yesterdays TEE. However I have a general question which is about the window of opportunity within which to replace the valve. If the valve is only moderate but I suffer with some shortness of breath, does the 2/3 year window apply still or do you wait until its severe.
Bobbi Alford There's no way of knowing how long you will stay as "moderate." I remained that way for three years ... Read more
Bobbi Alford There's no way of knowing how long you will stay as "moderate." I remained that way for three years before it progressed to severe. My cardiologist told me some people never progress to "severe" but some do very rapidly. No way to tell the future, unfortunately. My advice is to be sure to have your cardiology follow ups on time. Don't put them off if you can help it. Sometimes there are no symptoms and the only way you'll know it is if you keep those regular appointments and have your testing done. Also, while you don't have to be hyper-vigilant about checking yourself for symptoms all the time, you need to be aware that symptoms of a worsening problem can sneak up on you. I began having symptoms about 9 months ago. At first I thought it was all due to my getting older. I have always been an active person, but I started sitting down more often and I stopped doing some things that required extra effort. I also had an episode when I nearly fainted while standing still for a long period of time. I told myself it was because I was fighting off some respiratory illness, but deep down I knew it was the stenosis getting worse. I'm now scheduled for surgery on the 21st. I'm anxious to get it behind me and get back to my normal life. Best of luck to you. Hugs.
Civita Fahey I was moderate and had some SOB while going up the stairs and when I met with the surgeon he gave me ... Read more
Civita Fahey I was moderate and had some SOB while going up the stairs and when I met with the surgeon he gave me a 6 month window.. the heart looked good and he didnt want to see it enlarge.. so we did it at the 6 month mark
Kelly Stoll Symptoms can drive the surgery. In my case, I was more symptomatic than valve was progressed. Take th ... Read more
Kelly Stoll Symptoms can drive the surgery. In my case, I was more symptomatic than valve was progressed. Take the time to speak with the surgeon and make a plan together. Waiting isn't so bad. No need to rush if you don't need too.
Don Faust I'm 59 also I had moderate stenosis bicuspid valve, measured 1.4 cm from 2014 to 2016 then with next ... Read more
Don Faust I'm 59 also I had moderate stenosis bicuspid valve, measured 1.4 cm from 2014 to 2016 then with next echo 10/2017 had a 1.0 cm which made me severe.
had another echo measured .71 on 2/2018 had surgery 4/2/2018 the original thought was 5-7 years when diagnosed in 2014.
TOE (TEE) tomorrow.
Im very nervous about this test and looking for some reassurance I think. Im excited at the same time because Im fed up not knowing exactly ...Read more
TOE (TEE) tomorrow.
Im very nervous about this test and looking for some reassurance I think. Im excited at the same time because Im fed up not knowing exactly what is going on. I was diagnosed Severe last November, not so severe in January and possibility of valve being damaged or bicuspid (first Id heard of it). So this will hopefully put an end to the speculation and I'll get a better idea of the next course of action.
However, and I know this isn't possible, since last year I have felt the best Ive felt in a long time. The shortness in breath has improved. I have no symptoms of aortic stenosis atall and some of the common symptoms disappered about a year ago ie not being able to lay down and sleep, light headedness etc. I totally don't understand that. I thought it was meant to get worst, not better.
Any comments please.
Anita Edmonds The TEE was easy, they will numb the throat first and give you sedation, you will not remember anythi ... Read more
Anita Edmonds The TEE was easy, they will numb the throat first and give you sedation, you will not remember anything.
I had a cardiac catheterization as well. It was a relief to find out the test results and schedule the surgery for June 27th. Mitral valve repair/replace and maze procedure. I have had no symptoms up until a month ago. Now I feel tired and dizzy most of the time. I know how you feel and that you want to know so you can move on. Good luck
Gina Fiorentino Like you, I was quite nervous not knowing what to expect- but it didnt take long, went very easy (wit ... Read more
Gina Fiorentino Like you, I was quite nervous not knowing what to expect- but it didnt take long, went very easy (without discomfort), and gave me all the information I needed to help me decide the next step.
Adam Boyadjis The TEE is quite easy. They will medicate you so you’re so relaxed you probably won’t know or car ... Read more
Adam Boyadjis The TEE is quite easy. They will medicate you so you’re so relaxed you probably won’t know or care about what’s going on. You’ll be tired after it but a nap and some chicken soup will have you feeling yourself by the end of the day.
Susan McNally Thank you everyone. Ive had it done. I feel a little sleepy now and will eat something soft for my ... Read more
Susan McNally Thank you everyone. Ive had it done. I feel a little sleepy now and will eat something soft for my supper as had a sore throat anyway. The sedative they gave me worked for some of the time and I think it may have been wearing off by the end. The surgeon who did it said that the valve is Moderate so that clearly has given a definitive answer to the problem. Im hoping this gives me a bit more time. I see my valve surgeon on Tuesday to give me a better idea.
Kelly Stoll Congrats Susan
Glad to hear you got through the test okay. Best wishes with your follow-up
If you've read my story so far you will know that I saw the Valve specialist at Kings in London in January and it was decided that I needed to be discussed ...Read more
If you've read my story so far you will know that I saw the Valve specialist at Kings in London in January and it was decided that I needed to be discussed at a multi disciplinary team meeting. However it took 3 months before that happened.
I had been initially diagnosed as "severe" but following on from another echo, it looked moderate severe ie the valve size was double at 1.2cm and velocity 3.1ms from 3.5
This has been confusing and worrying for me but I've gone with the flow and now they've decided I need a TOE. I think this is to actually determine the situation especially as the valve specialist could see a possible bicuspid valve. I feel happy with that. It answers a few questions and I feel I have ownership of that diagnosis after years of some strange symptoms without anyone knowing exactly what's wrong.
Anyway the TOE is on Wednesday and Im quite scared. Ive never been ill, never had anything invasive done and I feel very well. Even my shortness of breath seems less and I feel better than I have in 2 years or so especially as I have also been diagnosed with asthma and treated for it.
Im looking for some kind words about the TOE to take with me and also help with regards to what the next diagnosis might be ie on the waiting list or watch and wait?
Marie Myers Sounds like you are scheduled for a transesophageal echocardiogram .I had one during my work up, and ... Read more
Marie Myers Sounds like you are scheduled for a transesophageal echocardiogram .I had one during my work up, and it was easy. They put me to sleep with propofol ( wonderful, no hangover) and it was a short procedure. I had it done as an outpatient, and I was home in 4 hours. No sore throat. I understand some places do them by numbing your throat and a little sedation. Hopefully someone who had it done that way will chime in.
I really sympathize with your situation. The anxiety of the preop time was difficult for me , too. I hope you can find some comfort in hearing all these success stories. Just have to get through all the preop tests before you know what the next step is...
Mary Woods Good to see another Brit on here, so sending very best wishes!
I have had an almost severe leaky mitr ... Read more
Mary Woods Good to see another Brit on here, so sending very best wishes!
I have had an almost severe leaky mitral valve for at least 18 months and been told I will need surgery sometime.
I'll be going to Basildon, where my husband had an extremely successful CABG last year.
We are extremely fortunate to have fantastic CT surgeons here! My husband says they walk on water.
But the waiting game is tough - good luck! Xx
I found out in November that I had Aortic Stenois. I also found out it was severe. I had no idea and turned into a scared lunatic.
I was referred to a top ...Read more
I found out in November that I had Aortic Stenois. I also found out it was severe. I had no idea and turned into a scared lunatic.
I was referred to a top heart hospital in the UK and had an appointment with a valve specialist.. He didn't feel the measurements made sense based on the velocity and lack of symptoms.
I had another echo and sure enough the measurements are moderate...phew....ish.
He wanted my case put to a multidisciplinary team.
Its now almost April and Ive still heard nothing. Im kind of glad. I obviously am too scared to rush it all along but then again should I be pushing for this. Its only moderate after all.
However now and then I get a touch of panic. I know about the need for getting work done as soon as soon as you get symptoms but I believe that is when you are severe and having symptoms.
I don't really have symptoms other than being a bit short of breath. Ive been short of breath for over 3 years. Clearly Ive been mild and moderate in that time, not severe.
Is there a point that you start counting the symptoms time scale?
Can someone clear this up for me? What stage does this have to be at ie severe or moderate to start the 2 year countdown once you start getting them.
Many thanks
Rita Savelis It is not an exact science, so one can have no symptoms and be ready for surgery, or have symtoms and ... Read more
Rita Savelis It is not an exact science, so one can have no symptoms and be ready for surgery, or have symtoms and not need surgery just yet.
It is not true that you need work done as soon as you get symptoms. Decisions are very specific to your personal case.
I understand your panic and your frustration.
But I also think that having a multidisciplinary team look at your case in a top heart hospital in the UK is a good thing.
Wishing you some peace.
Waiting is very hard.
But sometimes I wish I had waited longer before sugery. Once everything was ready to go, it remained my decision, with doctors examining me every few months.
Susan McNally Interestingly, I am in communication with a fellow UK sufferer who had her surgery on Friday. She wa ... Read more
Susan McNally Interestingly, I am in communication with a fellow UK sufferer who had her surgery on Friday. She was deemed critical. She has told me today that her surgeon told her the valve would have only lasted 6 years! I queried her interpretation ie did she mean 6 months. No definitely 6 years?
Clayton Mcarthur It's never predictable on how fast a gnosis can go once it reaches the severe stage some people it ca ... Read more
Clayton Mcarthur It's never predictable on how fast a gnosis can go once it reaches the severe stage some people it can go in 4 months other people sometimes never thing is to stay on top of it
Carolyn Moser I've been followed by my cardiologist every 6 months for 7 years for mitral valve regurgitation. I ma ... Read more
Carolyn Moser I've been followed by my cardiologist every 6 months for 7 years for mitral valve regurgitation. I may not need it for quite a while however when I read here about Preparing for Surgery, Heal Faster by Peggy Huddleston I decided to get a copy of the book with meditation CDs. I don't know if you are comfortable with guided imagery and meditation for reduced anxiety. It might be something to explore.
Has anybody on here heard of low flow with regard to aortic stenosis. I believe it related to preserved left ventricle and the challenges it presents to the ...Read more
Has anybody on here heard of low flow with regard to aortic stenosis. I believe it related to preserved left ventricle and the challenges it presents to the surgeon. I have a preserved left ventricle and yet a possible bicuspid valve with unusualness in its construction.
So I’ve seen my surgeon today. Surprisingly he arranged another echo bcos he was surprised by my last test. My valve size of 0.58 caused him to check them ...Read more
So I’ve seen my surgeon today. Surprisingly he arranged another echo bcos he was surprised by my last test. My valve size of 0.58 caused him to check them again and it has increased to 1.1cm now. Also the velocity has decreased to 3.2 from 3.5.
What he did notice , maybe because he also didn’t seem to see calcification was that one of the leaflets is permanently closed while the other two shudder a bit. He therefore has decided to put the decision about what to do to his multidisciplinary team. He is even questioning whether it should still be regarded as acute bcos if the state of the valve?
What does everybody think of change in figures? He said that if it really was 0.58 he would admit me there and then. Also has anyone heard of a tricuspid valve with only 2 leaflets working?
Jennifer McInerney Not sure what to tell you. Mine is bicuspid. However after my blood pressure meds were changed my v ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney Not sure what to tell you. Mine is bicuspid. However after my blood pressure meds were changed my valve went from quite severe, where surgery was imminent to moderate/severe. Hence, still inthe waiting room. Not sure that helps,
Susan McNally Interesting though because I thought the valve situation was impossible to improve? In beginning tob ... Read more
Susan McNally Interesting though because I thought the valve situation was impossible to improve? In beginning tobworry that the last set of figures were a mistake and someone more severe conditions is walkingvround not knowing it. Also re calcification, how does that disappear to being able to see the leaflets?
Susan, I had a low raphe between two of my leaflets that did not show up on echo. They saw it on a ct ... Read more
Susan, I had a low raphe between two of my leaflets that did not show up on echo. They saw it on a ct scan. Have you had a ct scan?
Susan McNally No I haven’t. What do you mean by low Raphael
I had three leaflets and two were joined or fused at the very bottom--like a valley. I had two echos ... Read more
I had three leaflets and two were joined or fused at the very bottom--like a valley. I had two echos and neither picked up the two leaflets that were joined. The ct scan did. It seemed my heart team were most concerned with the mean pressure reading from the narrow valve. My mean pressure reading was in the high 40s.
Also, i had a lot of calcification.
I hope the confusion gets cleared and you will have answers soon.
Susan McNally So does that mean it would’ve like a bicuspidvalve then
Yes it was considered a bicuspid valve. I know it must be nerve racking waiting to get things sorted ... Read more
Yes it was considered a bicuspid valve. I know it must be nerve racking waiting to get things sorted out. I will keep you in my prayers.
Gerald Poulton The bicuspid valve starts as tricuspid but two of the leaflets grow together, thus the bicuspid, may ... Read more
Gerald Poulton The bicuspid valve starts as tricuspid but two of the leaflets grow together, thus the bicuspid, maybe you are a late bloomer 😃 But seems to me they need to re test because if you valve is .58 that would put it in the critical range which usually starts the surgery procedure. Almost makes one wonder if one if the echo readings was off, they have to be precise when they hit the button to take the picture of the most open and closed position of the valve. I know I wondered about one of my Tests as well. Inevitably it will have to be done I would think, just to find the best time to perform the operation.
Susan McNally I can’t get away from it, I will need surgery. It’s just about when. I think the 0.58 result wa ... Read more
Susan McNally I can’t get away from it, I will need surgery. It’s just about when. I think the 0.58 result was probably wrong bcos I would have had more symptoms. That is why he has retested. He read the new echo and bear in mind he is a world known surgeon as opposed to just my gp reading it
and he saw the valve not acting correctly hence this being considered differently. So other echos commented on seeing 3 leaflets but they’ve not noticed one of them not opening and it possibly being a bicuspid by way of one of the leaflets not actually opening.
Willie Radl I'm somewhat skeptical of my echo results, but I have been trusting the Dr's. I have had 3 in the las ... Read more
Willie Radl I'm somewhat skeptical of my echo results, but I have been trusting the Dr's. I have had 3 in the last year and there is very little consistency between the numbers. One size goes up and another goes down. It would be interesting to know how accurate an echo is. Just from looking at it on the screen it looks like it would be very hard to get good measurements. I did do an MRI a year ago on my aorta size and that came back about .3 cm smaller than the echo I had the same morning. I think the MRI readings are more accurate. Have you done any tests other than echo?
Gerald Poulton My valve was critically and I had no symptoms, the CT scan really gives a better picture and they usu ... Read more
Gerald Poulton My valve was critically and I had no symptoms, the CT scan really gives a better picture and they usually schedule that when surgery is near.
jerome stark I have had about 8 echo's over the last 8 years and the numbers for valve diameter moves around, so i ... Read more
jerome stark I have had about 8 echo's over the last 8 years and the numbers for valve diameter moves around, so it is an estimate! My jet velocity and mean gradient are the 2 numbers that consistently got worse until they were in the severe range. My aneurysm measurement also moved around, it had been averaging 4.8cm.
Barbara Laurie Susan. It’s actually a known thing that the tricuspid valve may only have two leaflets that “work ... Read more
Barbara Laurie Susan. It’s actually a known thing that the tricuspid valve may only have two leaflets that “work” the right heart is the side that, even if regurgitating, can still keep you going quite awhile as long as you’re being oxygenated. I have Ebstein’s anomaly which has the leaflets all messed up, but also the valve itself is misplaced. I lived 54 years with that birth defect, and then, when there was a decrease in my abilities (short of breath, blue lips, tired always!) I had the tests, and the surgery. So YES, the right heart valve called the tricuspid can have wonky defects. Keep an open mind about the measurements and also seek as many opinions as necessary. There really can be a difference of opinion often after reading an echo (or other imaging tests) depends on how crack on the team is. So, hang in there. Best Regards💕❤️💕 and good health.
I’m a little scared - I have my first appt with valve specialists tomorrow at Kings. I don’t know what to expect to be honest.
Two months ago I had ...Read more
I’m a little scared - I have my first appt with valve specialists tomorrow at Kings. I don’t know what to expect to be honest.
Two months ago I had an echocardiogram done and it showed moderate/severe aortic stenosis with a valve size at 5.8cn but 3.5ms flow? I think that’s the moderate part. I’ve managed to get this appt sped up a bit. All of this is a total shock but I’ve done my research now and feeling a little more positive. I had an echo 3 yrs ago and it was only mild.
Symptoms? None really other than a bit short of breath. That has improved though by being treated for asthma.
The year before last I had problems getting up the stairs sometimes but that was mostly to do with arthritic pain. Not such a big deal now.
The year before Last I struggled laying down to sleep at night but that has totally disappeared.
I have never had chest pain and I don’t faint.
I catered totally for Xmas and a party for 40 people beforehand.
I have profuse sweating sometimes that nobody can diagnose.
I am 59 and feel relatively well apart from some joint pain. My husband says I’ve slowed down.
So my cardio who referred me has suggested I get on track for surgery but will bow to the valve specialist judgement.
I don’t have a bicuspid valve but I did have suspected rheumatic fever at 10.
I’ve always been told I have a heart murmur but that it’s benign.
So what do you think they’ll say? Am Iikely to be a watch and wait ? I’m scared I’ll underplay my symptoms but they have generally improved.
Wish me luck tomorrow.
Anna Jones Sending wishes and prayers for luck. I wouldn't try to guess what your specialist is going to advise ... Read more
Anna Jones Sending wishes and prayers for luck. I wouldn't try to guess what your specialist is going to advise. I would go in there with an open mind, knowing that you have this issue and that the specialist has the education. Ask your questions, be sure you understand what you are being told. Don't hesitate to ask for clarification. Take notes. Then come back here and share the experience with us.
Fingers crossed that you will like and feel trust for him.
Nancy Surprenant Takahashi Wishing you all the best, I go for my first visit on the 11th and I'm almost certain it's going to be suggested that i have valve repair. So i know exactly what you're feeling. I don't feel so bad either and wonder if I'm not feeling so bad then what's the problem, but the other part knows that it's only kicking the can down the road. Best of luck. Nancy
Michelle Seaver I would just give an honest account of what you described here, your specialist is going to base the ... Read more
Michelle Seaver I would just give an honest account of what you described here, your specialist is going to base the decision as to when you need surgery off your echo, EKG, etc. I had to have a cardiac catheterization prior to my surgery as well as a C- T scan but this was my second valve replacement so there were other factors at play for me. Best of luck!
Marie Myers I agree that you should be honest, tell your story, and let the experts make the recommendations. The ... Read more
Marie Myers I agree that you should be honest, tell your story, and let the experts make the recommendations. Then ultimately, it is your decision whether to follow their advice.
Jennifer McInerney Hey Susan. We are in the same boat. Every time I see the Cardiologist I wonder if this is the time I ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney Hey Susan. We are in the same boat. Every time I see the Cardiologist I wonder if this is the time I go for surgery. I have been in "watch and wait" for quite a long time. However, I feel fine. I never ran marathons and I still don't. However, I do walk on a regular basis. Nothing has changed there. No fainting, no dizzy spells. I hope your appt. Goes well. The experts will let you know if it's time to take the next step. I know it's stressful but hang in there!
My first Grandchild was born on Tuesday. At the beginning of my Daughter pregnancy I had no idea that by the end I would be waiting for heart surgery, absolutely ...Read more
My first Grandchild was born on Tuesday. At the beginning of my Daughter pregnancy I had no idea that by the end I would be waiting for heart surgery, absolutely no idea.
I've had an appt with a cardiologist who has put me on track for appts with valve specialists and my first one is 2 January is at Kings in London.
I have no idea what to expect or what questions to ask. What is the routine on the first appt usually?
I always think I'm asymptomatic but in truth maybe I'm in denial. My stamina is much lower and I guess that's bcos the aortic valve situation is severe and stopping me go too fast. I held a large pre Xmas drinks party last night. It was hard to keep going with the preparation. Other than that nothing.
Do you think they will just discuss watch and wait even though severe. There is an element of moderate but only in so much as the velocity? Ie 3.5ms.
You want to ask what exactly is wrong, and what type of surgery they want to use to fix it.
You want them to describe this surgery to you... telling you what is involved, what the specific risks are, what the factors are for each specific risk.
You want their best estimate of how long the repair/replacement will last.
You want to know what the possible complications are and when those complications might arise.
You want to know how long the surgery will take.
You want to know how much pain you will be in, and what measures they will take to control your pain.
You want an estimate of how long it will take for you to feel normal again, to feel well, to reach whatever milestones you want to set (i.e. return to the gym, return to work, etc.)
You want to know how long you will be in the hospital if all goes well.
You want to know what kind of follow up there will be after the surgery, for how long, and what medications you will be prescribed. You want to discuss the side effects of any medication that is going to be prescribed.
You want to know who will be working on you (i.e. is the surgeon doing everything or will he be monitoring intern/residents, who is the anesthesiologist, who is is team, how long has he been working with this team, why has he chosen them, what are their qualifications and strengths.
You want to know what alternatives there are to the surgery he is suggesting. You want to know why he is suggesting his brand of surgery.
You want to know how many of these exact type of surgeries he has done
You want to know his long-term success rate.
You want to know his mortality rate (how many patients have died under his care)
You want to know the risk of stroke.
You want to ask questions about the valve he suggests in the event yours cannot be repaired.
You want to know who to talk to in his office in order to find out what preparations you need to take prior to the surgery.
If you are in the USA you need to make sure that everyone on his team including the hospital is covered under your insurance plan.
If you are in the USA you need to find out who to talk to in order to find out what the estimated cost to you will be.
Anna Jones You can ask what will happen if you wait, and how long they think you can wait.
A brilliant question I often receive from patients is, "What should I ask my surgeon when I meet with them?" I've written about this question in the past. H
Danielle Smith Hi Susan, as a fellow Brit who is now just shy of 8 weeks Mitral Valve Repair. I'd ask how long the s ... Read more
Danielle Smith Hi Susan, as a fellow Brit who is now just shy of 8 weeks Mitral Valve Repair. I'd ask how long the surgeon's waiting list is and what category of urgency you fall into. It's worth speaking to the booking staff at Kings to get a more accurate estimate too. I found that my 3-4 month estimate from the surgeon turned into a seven month actual wait. And the wait is by far the worst part of the journey I've experienced.
I'd also ask what Cardio rehab and support Kings offer post and pre surgery.
You can also research the surgeons and a Kings success rate here: https://scts.org/surgeons/?keyword=&interest=19
Merry Christmas, Danielle
I notice that you all are familiar with various surgeons etc and I wondered if anyone had an idea of good surgeons/cardiologists in the UK.
I notice you ...Read more
I notice that you all are familiar with various surgeons etc and I wondered if anyone had an idea of good surgeons/cardiologists in the UK.
I notice you talk about all of yours with great satiscaction and almost like you are recommending a friend. I think that would make me feel a little better if I knew some names here?
Ive been referred to Kings which I believe is a good teaching hospital for the heart.
Sophia Ridley Susan, I went to the Royal Brompton in Chelsea. Although I went privately, it’s an NHS hospital and ... Read more
Sophia Ridley Susan, I went to the Royal Brompton in Chelsea. Although I went privately, it’s an NHS hospital and a leading specialist hospital for heart and lungs. The medical care is the same, difference is I had a private room. The wards are fine and I would have been happy to be there too.
My cardiologist is Dr Rakesh Sharma, he is wonderful. My surgeon was Mr Neil Moat, he’s a true expert in mitral valve surgery. I have been very fortunate to be under the care of these two exceptional doctors. I do not know who the surgeon is for aortic valves. The hospital themselves were superb and provided me with fantastic support.
I can’t speak for other hospitals as this is the only one I’ve been to for heart care.
Russ Breidinger Hi again Susan, I was just reading where you think the TAVR valve may not last as long. Good news: ... Read more
Russ Breidinger Hi again Susan, I was just reading where you think the TAVR valve may not last as long. Good news: 1) The Sapien valve appears to be just as good as the valve used for open heart surgery. 2) Should the Sapien valve fail prematurely, they now have the ability to place a second valve inside the first one. Amazing!
I haven't had to wait too long. My appointment in London with valve specialists came through today for 2 January....that will give me something to look forward ...Read more
I haven't had to wait too long. My appointment in London with valve specialists came through today for 2 January....that will give me something to look forward to after Christmas.
I feel really worried about the appointment because I don't know what they'll find. Im a great "what if" person and Im so concerned that something else will come to light.
Im also hoping they'll decided to do some kind of minimally invasive surgery as the surgeon Ive been referred to specialises in that. Im probably too young and not high risk enough but I guess there was a reason to refer me. Will I be a guinea pig?
In my view if the TAVR valve doesn't last as long, there might be something else discovered by the time I need it replacing.
Jennifer McInerney Good news. I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long. I hope it works out well. I have the same thoug ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney Good news. I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long. I hope it works out well. I have the same thoughts about TAVR. I'm hoping when I need surgery it's an option for me too. Keep me posted!
I've had two echos now but my cardiologist is querying the results as a couple of the figures aren't totally compatible. Without a doubt I have AS, it's just ...Read more
I've had two echos now but my cardiologist is querying the results as a couple of the figures aren't totally compatible. Without a doubt I have AS, it's just the severity. Regardless he feels I should have surgery in the next 3 months so he's hardly dragging his feet. He said im too young to sit around waiting g for symptoms.
He has referred me to two cvalve specialists and is letting them make the final decision as they are more specialised and are doing further tests. I also have a friend of a friend who is a cardiologist and he said he would ask to see me again in a year.
So do people think the valve specialists can stand as my second opinion? What do people think?
I also ask this bcos I have no symptoms and almost forget I have this problem.
Susan, have they done a CT scan. My CT scan answered a lot of unknowns about measurements and such. I ... Read more
Susan, have they done a CT scan. My CT scan answered a lot of unknowns about measurements and such. I had no symptoms but occasionally out of breath,but now that I look back I have much more energy.
Anna Jones Hi Susan, I think this is an inexact science. Two years ago I had a cardiologist who sent me for a ... Read more
Anna Jones Hi Susan, I think this is an inexact science. Two years ago I had a cardiologist who sent me for a cMRI and an echo. The doctor doing the cMRI told me that cMRIs are the "gold standard". The sonographer who performed the echo told me that echos are the "gold standard". Apparently everything in medicine is a "gold standard". The Cardiologist said that the results of the two tests were inconsistent and that she was confused. Since I didn't have symptoms I decided to wait. Fast forward 2 years and I have lots of symptoms.
I now see a different Cardiologist. I actually trust this doctor more. He also isn't sure what to do. He has ordered a catherization which I have put off until January (fear is a terrible thing).
Meanwhile, I read on this board about other people who have fewer symptoms than I have having surgery sooner than I am having mine.... go figure.
My suggestion would be that you keep asking questions, and be your own patient advocate to make sure you are getting the right and best advice. If you aren't certain, seek out a second... and even a third opinion.
Sending best wishes.
Sophia Ridley It was the TOE that confirmed the severity of my prolapse. On the echo / stress echo it was moderate, ... Read more
Sophia Ridley It was the TOE that confirmed the severity of my prolapse. On the echo / stress echo it was moderate, but the sound of it led to further investigation, which found a leaflet was torn at the posterior of the valve which was unseen on echo. I then had an angiogram, MRI and CT scans to prepare for surgery. It’s far far better to have this before the symptoms take hold.
Jennifer McInerney My echo shows moderate,/severe with no symptoms. My Cardiologist is conservative and believes in wait ... Read more
Jennifer McInerney My echo shows moderate,/severe with no symptoms. My Cardiologist is conservative and believes in waiting for symptoms.
Susan McNally I hardly have symptoms but my cardio says to have this done sooner rather than later. I'm happy with ... Read more
Susan McNally I hardly have symptoms but my cardio says to have this done sooner rather than later. I'm happy with that but not sure at what point or if there is even a need for a second opinion. If it's got to be done, it's got to be done. Ideally I want them to say it doesn't exist but of course that's a dream. I haven't had an MRI . Maybe that is the gold standard for me.
Bonnie Stone-Hope Although my symptoms are not yet severe, my mitral regurgitation is, so want to have surgery sooner, ... Read more
Bonnie Stone-Hope Although my symptoms are not yet severe, my mitral regurgitation is, so want to have surgery sooner, rather than later.
Lilly Black For my first surgery, which was a repair of my ascending aorta, my urgency was the fact that I had an ... Read more
Lilly Black For my first surgery, which was a repair of my ascending aorta, my urgency was the fact that I had an aneurysm, and the risk for rupture was high with a BAV. For my second surgery, I had AS and the severity became so sudden after 7 yrs. I had symptoms big time before each surgery. So I can't imagine anyone not having symptoms! I was lucky though because by the time I needed the heart valve replacement I was old enough to be a candidate for a bovine valve. My point is try to find out what is the risk if you wait until you had symptoms. Because I would have preferred to wait but I had no choice. Make sense?
Catie B I found the cardiothoracic surgeons to be the most knowledgeable about my conditions and I trusted th ... Read more
Catie B I found the cardiothoracic surgeons to be the most knowledgeable about my conditions and I trusted their judgment above that of the cardiologists I consulted.
Peggy Whitecotton My symptoms were mostly feeling tired all the time, shortness of breath and chest pressure when clim ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton My symptoms were mostly feeling tired all the time, shortness of breath and chest pressure when climbing stairs. plus swelling ankles. The symptoms were most noticeable to me a few weeks before my surgery. However, what I did not realized was, I was
having mild symptoms for years which came on so slowly that I didn't recognize them as symptoms. It wasn't until after I recovered from surgery and saw how good I felt. My surgeon said I almost waited too long. I had a very difficult and long recovery and he said it was because I waited so long to have the surgery. it almost cost me my life and could have suffered permanent damaged to my heart. The point is you need the surgery to save your life the longer you wait the higher risk and a harder recovery. As my surgeon told me this is a death sentence without the surgery.... My grandmother and my great-grandmother both died in their early 50's of heart valve disease because heart surgeries were not done in their day. Oh, and my mother had heart surgery 40 years ago and in her day she only had a 50% chance of surviving the surgery (she lived 30 years after), today in many cases it is 1% or less.
Susan McNally It is most frustrating for me, with regard to family history, bcos my mother is 87 with a heart murmu ... Read more
Susan McNally It is most frustrating for me, with regard to family history, bcos my mother is 87 with a heart murmur and has never had it checked out. I sometimes wonder what stage if any she is at. My Grandmother lived to 97 and grt grandmother 93. My Mothers sister has a leaky valve. They always seem a bit SOB. Is it possible they could have these problems but it never progressed?
Rita Savelis I think you need to wait to see what the "valve specialists" (surgeons?) say. They may just want to w ... Read more
Rita Savelis I think you need to wait to see what the "valve specialists" (surgeons?) say. They may just want to watch you and have regular echos to see how things develop. Every case is unique. I was "watched" for 6 years until it was decided I needed to have OHS, and then it was my choice when to schedule it.
Susan McNally Were you at any point moderate/severe throughout that 6 years Rita Savelis?
Peggy Whitecotton I was watched for 15 Years with it at mild, then suddenly went to severe. From that time on it went f ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton I was watched for 15 Years with it at mild, then suddenly went to severe. From that time on it went fast, 6 weeks later the valve had reach the critical stage and I was in serious trouble. My surgery was two weeks later.
Peggy Whitecotton You said your mother has a heart murmur that she never had checked out. There are many things that ca ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton You said your mother has a heart murmur that she never had checked out. There are many things that caused a heart murmur that are not valve related. My son has a pin size hole the septum and because its so small does not need surgery; his 4 valves are fine. His murmur he has always had and from what I was told even sounds different then a murmur created from a bad valve.
Rita Savelis I never heard the words moderate or severe (I live in France). I had visible stenosis on echocardiogr ... Read more
Rita Savelis I never heard the words moderate or severe (I live in France). I had visible stenosis on echocardiograms, but felt no physical symptoms. (I had childhood radiation which caused damage to 3 of my valves). When I started to feel physical symptoms (being out of breath on stairs or inclines or walking quickly) I had preparatory tests done at hospital so that the information on me would be there if ever needed quickly. After that I was watched every 3 months or so. I never hear the word urgent or severe used in my case. I was told I needed OHS -
it was not urgent but needed to happen. A year after starting to have "symptoms" I decided to go ahead with surgery. It was left up to me. (But it's stressful to wait, as you know). My cardiologist told me that some patients never have symptoms but their echos look bad. It can be a fine science as to when surgery has to happen. For some cases it is much more obvious than others. It can be really difficult to compare yourself to someone else as each case is unique and there are many variables.
In all honesty (and in that way I think I am different from others), in retrospect I might have waited longer for surgery... but again, it was hard knowing that it was looming somewhere in the future. I had a lot of confidence in my surgeon who was specialised in patients who had valve stenosis because of cancer radiation in the past.
I've been feeling so much more positive and having "angels" appear in the form of people with similar issues or those with much worst. like the little family ...Read more
I've been feeling so much more positive and having "angels" appear in the form of people with similar issues or those with much worst. like the little family who want to rent my ski property in Vermont as their last holiday as a family because of a terminal illness. Puts everything into perspective. I've also told 2 of my daughters so I don't feel I'm keeping it all trapped in. Ive told them in such a way that it's all good news but not my pregnant daughter yet. She did biomedical stuff at UCL and will know the facts a bit more which she doesn't need while about to give birth - her partner knows.
However I'm still scared. I still don't have my appt through with valve specialists but I'm not expecting too much at this stage.
My biggest fear (I don't like anything medical) is that it sounds like everyone feels worst for a while. I don't have many symptoms if any atall and yet I'm moderate severe/more towards severe. In fact I question if I really have a problem. I certainly don't want to feel worst and what about the cardiac depression everyone has afterwards?
How bad does it all get? I've been doing research and taking various supplements and foodstuffs ie vit K2 and eating magnesium rich foods etc incase I can stall progression. I'll try anything but I feel very well.
Clayton Mcarthur I think if you speak to a Cardiologist he can tell you it can get very bad very quickly and be life t ... Read more
Clayton Mcarthur I think if you speak to a Cardiologist he can tell you it can get very bad very quickly and be life threatening you will feel a little worse for a while the end result will be much better
Civita Fahey Susan.. I will be honest with you.. It really wasn't as bad as my imagination lead me to believe.. Wh ... Read more
Civita Fahey Susan.. I will be honest with you.. It really wasn't as bad as my imagination lead me to believe.. When I awoke from anesthesia the only pain I had was my back and shoulder, ( like I had pulled something). that was from the positioning on the table.. I got medication for that, it did linger. but, nothing worse than a pulled muscle..I had no incisional pain at all. I had the narcotics IV during surgery but later that night I had only Toradol and Tylenol.. ( narcotics made me sick to my stomach). After day 2, I only took Tylenol every 6 hours.. I know all of our situations are different, but, as far as the surgery itself I scared myself to death, but, then it wasn't as bad.. yes, you are uncomfortable with the incision and if you cough or sneeze it hurts like any other "broken" bone when moved but you learn to anticipate and be careful and use your heart pillow.. The other thing that I found hard was the pure exhaustion I felt for weeks. I was anemic for about a month and the addition of beta blocker which you will more than likely get, will make you extremely tired . Your body will need rest and you should listen to it. After the first 2 weeks it got much better and I was able to do much more than I had anticipated. I went to lunch with my husband and my mother and aunt took me out and I went food shopping.. I was tired when I got home even after just a few hours, but it got me back to real life.. At 4 weeks I started answering work emails and do a small amount of work as I was bored to death doing nothing all day.. I can only read and/or watch daytime TV so long.. At six weeks I was working at home about 3-4 hours day.. Life becomes normal pretty quickly as long as you listen to your body, when you are tired rest, walk as much as you can, don't compare yourself to anyone else, do what you can do and you will get back to "normal" quickly.. I hope this helps.
Civita Fahey Oops not sure if I misunderstood your question.. I did not get worse. I had the same symptoms for ove ... Read more
Civita Fahey Oops not sure if I misunderstood your question.. I did not get worse. I had the same symptoms for over a year.. I was slightly SOB while going up the stairs and walking fast. that's it.. very slight symptoms.. The surgeon felt that since the rest of my heart was healthy and the stenosis was moderate to severe it should be done so that the heart doesn't get compromised.. I was boxing 3- 4 days a week and feeling pretty much ok, except for getting more tired..I thankfully did not have any issues with depression.
anita egden I was moderate to severe in March of 2015 and by September of 2015 it had progressed to severe enough ... Read more
anita egden I was moderate to severe in March of 2015 and by September of 2015 it had progressed to severe enough to warrant the AVR surgery. Once it started going down that slippery slope for me it got very slippery indeed... and I didn't feel that much worse, really. Just more tired, a little more tightness in my chest when walking up hills... I stayed working until Friday November 13 and had my surgery Monday November 16. They called me that Friday to get into SouthLake Regional for that Monday morning....(I am from Ontario and that hospital is in a city called Newmarket)
I don't really remember the cardiac depression - I went back to work part time within 2 months. Also, I stayed away from the heavy painkillers and opted for Tylenol 3's - I was able to manage the pain with that. (we are all different) but I have a feeling that helped me in my recovery. I did as much as I was able to physically, letting that progress incrementally. Getting up and walking is the best thing you can do for yourself. I found the worst thing was the boredom of being on the couch those first few weeks. My mind wanted to live my life but my body needed to catch up by healing first. So we all have to give that the time it needs.
I won't lie. This isn't a cake walk and yes, it will hurt, but it gets better daily.
The waiting is the worse part. Once it's done, you can concentrate on the rest of your life - and what a gift that is!
Margot Swann Jennifer, I had no depression whatever. I was tired, slept more than usual with daily naps, but felt ... Read more
Margot Swann Jennifer, I had no depression whatever. I was tired, slept more than usual with daily naps, but felt huge waves of gratitude for having been "fixed" and for all the TLC I received from family and friends. I have heard of the depression and crying jags post op, but experienced none of it.
Don't want to sound like a PollyAnna but I believe it's better not to anticipate it and feed your spirit with wholesome input and thanksgiving.
Susan McNally Clayton Mcarthur at what point do you mean it can get very bad and life threatening - before the op o ... Read more
Susan McNally Clayton Mcarthur at what point do you mean it can get very bad and life threatening - before the op or after?
Sophia Ridley Susan - being as prepared as possible is the key... mentally and physically. Talking to others and be ... Read more
Sophia Ridley Susan - being as prepared as possible is the key... mentally and physically. Talking to others and being on this site will help immensely as it normalises the situation... problem shared and all that! You sound a lot better than you did a week ago.
Susan McNally Cevita Fahey were you boxing 3 to 4 times a week right up to the op? Did I read that correctly!
Susan McNally I have Christmas and a new Grandchild to keep my mind busy for now but I am enrolling on a meditation ... Read more
Susan McNally I have Christmas and a new Grandchild to keep my mind busy for now but I am enrolling on a meditation course to start soon and I an doing daily walks or swims to keep flexible etc. Is there more I coujd do? I wish I was still working to keep my mind away from this. I hate this time of year anyway
Rita Savelis Alas, Susan, there is recovery to go through after any operation, and it can be short or long, but it ... Read more
Rita Savelis Alas, Susan, there is recovery to go through after any operation, and it can be short or long, but it still has to happen. So, yes, ultimately surgery goes quickly (and one is sedated) but then you do have to experience recovery, which lasts longer than surgery.
It is different for everyone. I will say that I really did not have pain, just intense discomfort and tiredness that lasted. I also got depressed months afterwards, but recognised it and did what I had to to recover from that.
My doctors were very honest with me about the fact that recovery takes time, so I didn't have unrealistic expectations, and I didn't feel like something was wrong as my body took the time it needed to recover from my heart being operated on.
Knowledge is power.
Meditating is good. Having lunch at the Ritz is good, and what could be better than a new granchild?
Wishing you a peaceful holiday season.
Rose Madura Susan, I had few symptoms..just moderate SOB. But the echocardiograms do not lie. Even so, I got a 2 ... Read more
Rose Madura Susan, I had few symptoms..just moderate SOB. But the echocardiograms do not lie. Even so, I got a 2nd opinion (and switched cardiologist afterwards). Even after 2nd opinion, I sought out a 3rd opinion from my brother who is a doctor. He has a good friend who is a thoracic surgeon so I got a 4th opinion from him. He actually said he was shocked that surgery was not recommended sooner. The waiting, worrying and imaginating is horrible so I know where you are coming from. The surgery was not too bad when you consider all. I had complications but would do it all over again if I had to because i feel so much better now. I did not suffer from any depression at all even with all the complications and readmissiions. Not everyone gets depressed. Be strong. Keep us posted.
The copy letter to my Valve specialists at Kings has come through today. The 2 specialists seem to be experts in minimally invasive surgery. My GP had also ...Read more
The copy letter to my Valve specialists at Kings has come through today. The 2 specialists seem to be experts in minimally invasive surgery. My GP had also mentioned about keyhole. Everyone I read about has the full works. Why would I have TAVR? I'm only 59. Is it becoming a growing trend?
It depends on many factors. I am now 60 and had Tavr Oct 17, 2017. I lost my mother to infections fol ... Read more
It depends on many factors. I am now 60 and had Tavr Oct 17, 2017. I lost my mother to infections following aortic valve replacement and wasn't eager for SAVR. I could have chosen either tavr or savr. My doctors have assured me bovine sapien 3 Valves are lasting longer than many thought. One day I am sure i will need a valve in Valve procedure which my heart doctors tell me will not be a problem. The tavr procedure was truly remarkable. It was done in 1 hour using conscious sedation. I was home next day. It is just magical. It has been 6 weeks since the procedure and I feel great. It is the newest technology and takes a while to be embraced by everyone. But, when considering if I wanted a slit down my chest or a small hole in my groin I had to pick groin and I am glad I did. I am fortunate to live by a teaching hospital where tavr has been performed for many years. I know not everyone is a candidate based on medical factors such as aneurysms, but more and more are. Times they are a changing.
Wendy Evans It depends on your health otherwise. I'm 60 and in good health otherwise so they ruled out the TAVR. ... Read more
Wendy Evans It depends on your health otherwise. I'm 60 and in good health otherwise so they ruled out the TAVR. I ended up with a mini-sternotomy and was told the when it needs to be replaced, then they would do the TAVR.
Rose Madura Here in the United States, TAVR is typically reserved for those who may be at risk for SAVR. My aunt ... Read more
Rose Madura Here in the United States, TAVR is typically reserved for those who may be at risk for SAVR. My aunt had a TAVR at age 75 a couple of years ago and the doctor who performed it said it would be the norm in a few years. He said that in Europe it is more widely done. My aunt did very well.
Susan McNally I am in London so maybe. Feeling a lot happier at the moment.
Rita Savelis TAVR is a higher risk procedure that was developed as a way for older patients, unable to withstand r ... Read more
Rita Savelis TAVR is a higher risk procedure that was developed as a way for older patients, unable to withstand regular surgery, to have their valves replaced.
The TAVR valves cost much much more than regular valves. They are being used more and more on younger patients... and the future will show how long they last, how many TAVRs a younger patient will need, etc.
Since they are not for everyone, your specific case/problem will determine whether it might be an option for you.
Susan McNally I. Whatvway is it regarded higher risk?
Lisa McLaughlin My doctor said there is a higher risk of stroke with TAVR. The way I understand it, the TAVR procedur ... Read more
Lisa McLaughlin My doctor said there is a higher risk of stroke with TAVR. The way I understand it, the TAVR procedure involves placing a new aortic valve in place of the old valve I guess the old valve gets pushed aside, but I'm not sure. It's a good option for someone who's considered a high risk for open heart surgery.
Marie Myers Lisa's explanation is exactly correct.
Lilly Black My surgeon prepared me when he replaced my native valve with a 23mm magna ease bovine valve. When the ... Read more
Lilly Black My surgeon prepared me when he replaced my native valve with a 23mm magna ease bovine valve. When the time comes and my valve is no longer functioning, he will use the TAVR procedure and will place the new valve into the current valve. It's called Valve-in-Valve. Easier said than done, I'm sure. But that is what he prepared me for....so we'll see when the time comes. My eyes and ears are perked up when I hear or read about it. I don't want to go through another invasive open heart surgery....so we shall see! hope it works out!
Susan McNally I have another friend who had her valve done 15 years ago. She said when it comesbto it's end it wil ... Read more
Susan McNally I have another friend who had her valve done 15 years ago. She said when it comesbto it's end it will be done by TAVR. She's 78 now. Mine would be a first one though.
My TAVR experience in Oct 2017 was done in less than an hour. I was home the next day and basically b ... Read more
My TAVR experience in Oct 2017 was done in less than an hour. I was home the next day and basically back to normal once my leg wound from the catheter healed. It is truly amazing. I think my heart cath was worse. I was at intermediate risk for SAVR, so my heart team of 3 cardiologist and one cardiac thoracic surgeon recommended TAVR. They are now doing trials on low risk patients. With the new generation valves and lower risk patients stroke risks are basically the same as SAVR. I think the big debate is between interventional cardiologists and surgeons. Two different skill sets.
I am truly blessed to have had such a great heart team of wonderful cardiologists and surgeons and im ... Read more
I am truly blessed to have had such a great heart team of wonderful cardiologists and surgeons and image specialists.
Susan McNally What do you think made u an intermediate risk and what is conscious sedation?
I was considered intermediate risk because my heart ejection fraction was 35 and my heart was slightl ... Read more
I was considered intermediate risk because my heart ejection fraction was 35 and my heart was slightly enlarged from working too hard trying to pump blood through my .07 valve. I was asymptomatic and really had no known symptoms other than I began to become a little short of breath after doing exercise. I also had a very calcified BICUSPID valve. After the tavr my hear ejection fraction was 55. Hopefully my heart will shrink back to normal size. Conscious sedation is twilight sleep with no general anesthesia. I do not remember a thing but did not have the side effects of general anesthesia.
Susan McNally Ok thank you. I don't know some of my figures. I am also asymptomatic other than a little SOB. I wa ... Read more
Susan McNally Ok thank you. I don't know some of my figures. I am also asymptomatic other than a little SOB. I was kayaking and hiking only 2 months ago! My valve is 0.58! I have a very calcified valve but it's not bicuspid, just damaged from rheumatic fever. Thank you again for the info.
So I'm aware I have sounded a complete and utter wimp. I'll admit I've been one. I am in complete and utter shock. Everyone lives a long time in my family ...Read more
So I'm aware I have sounded a complete and utter wimp. I'll admit I've been one. I am in complete and utter shock. Everyone lives a long time in my family with no ailments. My parents are 87, my Grandmother 97. My Father in Law is 92 and is still playing tennis! In no way was I expecting at 59 to have issues. Didn't even enter my head. Read my earlier journal entries to get the picture so I won't bore you anymore. We don't need negativity on here and I've been grateful for your positivity so far. Obviously I will have a few more why me days, how has this happened days etc but I wanted to tell you today has been very different.
I have been investigating my family tree on my Fathers side because his Dads brothers and sisters seemed to all die at 60/62 and all of heart issues. It's clearly skipped a generation. So one of his sisters death certificate arrived today and she died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. That damn aorta again. It was 1942. How did she have any chance of knowing she had this problem. Even if they had, they could never have helped her anyway. It made me realise how lucky we are these days and I am truly grateful.
I then met a friend for lunch who is super dooper fit. She is a volunteer for the British Heart Foundation. She is also a personal trainer and she has had a lot of heart problems. Her husband has had two heart attacks and he's luck to be alive. He doesn't expect to live beyond 66 because his first heart attack was at 42 yet he's still working and theyvtravel to Australia a lot.
And then to continue the story I remarkably bumped into a friend of a friend who I have not seen for about 10 years and I know she had valve surgery 15 years ago. She came round the corner in Marks and Spencer's, there just in front of me. I told her my news and she was the most amazing breath of fresh air. She made me feel so well. She had been born with a bicuspid valve without knowing and like all of us here, she was shocked to discover her situation but she was so positive. She showed me her scar .... in the middle of Marks and Spencer's!
As I said before, I really have no symptoms. I spent yesterday in London. Today I've been lunching and Christmas shopping, cooking dinner when I'm home and it's now midnight yet I'm still not tired. Am I really ill?
Sophia Ridley Sometimes people appear just at the right moment!!!
Better to be fixed before it’s a real problem ... Read more
Sophia Ridley Sometimes people appear just at the right moment!!!
Better to be fixed before it’s a real problem as recovery is easier and it’s less impact on your life.
Lisa McLaughlin The first few days after my cardiologist told me I would need surgery were hard for me. So glad for y ... Read more
Lisa McLaughlin The first few days after my cardiologist told me I would need surgery were hard for me. So glad for your epiphany!
Catie B I'm glad you had the chance to reconnect with your friend in Marks and Spencer's. . That kind of kins ... Read more
Catie B I'm glad you had the chance to reconnect with your friend in Marks and Spencer's. . That kind of kinship means the world.
Before my surgery, I was struggling with the fact that I would have to endure it alone with no family or friends to be with me. If you can believe, in the weeks just before my operation, I met two different ladies who underwent heart surgery entirely alone. Those encounters brought me much comfort.
You're going to get through your ordeals, too. With flying colors. You're in my thoughts, Susan.
Meredith Bray See? Someone is watching out for you! Expect more of these coincidences/happenings/miracles - whateve ... Read more
Meredith Bray See? Someone is watching out for you! Expect more of these coincidences/happenings/miracles - whatever you call them. They're everywhere!
Civita Fahey I dont think I call it "ill" just a birth defect that we are lucky enough can be fixed.. We are very ... Read more
Civita Fahey I dont think I call it "ill" just a birth defect that we are lucky enough can be fixed.. We are very lucky to live now when we have so much technology.. as you've seen people even just 70 years ago didn't live through it.. so, I count my blessings daily..
Rose Madura Yes, I agree with Civita. We are so blessed to have been diagnosed and that we have the technology t ... Read more
Rose Madura Yes, I agree with Civita. We are so blessed to have been diagnosed and that we have the technology to day to fix our problems. I'm glad you ran into people who could help you.
Rita Savelis Breaths of fresh air are out there. Breathe them in. Take care, Susan.
Susan McNally I am totally grateful. As I said my great aunt was dead at 62 bcos they didn't have the technology w ... Read more
Susan McNally I am totally grateful. As I said my great aunt was dead at 62 bcos they didn't have the technology we have now. My spirits are totally lifted.
I had a dreadful night again last night. I might have to see my GP next week and ask about anti depressants. With Christmas coming up and a Grandchild due ...Read more
I had a dreadful night again last night. I might have to see my GP next week and ask about anti depressants. With Christmas coming up and a Grandchild due I'm afraid everything is automatically drawn to me thinking morbid thoughts. I'm the worst person anything like this can happen to. About 20 years ago I was in a dreadful car accident and suffered horrendous anxiety afterwards. I think I was near to agoraphobia. My life came to a standstill but I clawed myself out, and now this. How unlucky can I get. I just couldn't bear to get like that again.
Anyway I was shaking this morning but was already booked for lunch at the Ritz with my husband. It certainly lifted my spirits and I was fine. I must admit my heart did a funny flippy floppy thing in the taxi which scared me and after lunch which was not huge but included a glass of champagne and a couple of glasses of red wine, my heart was racing a bit and these are not normal things for me. I'm therefore not sure if it's the as or anxiety.
Anyway I guess has to go on. We are a very healthy eating family. The Ritz isn't my normal diet and I know bcos I've looked after myself it is possibly while my heart is dealing with this well and compensating for it.
I have a plan. I shall take lessons in meditation to guide me through this. I have possible holidays planned based on what stage I'm at too. We have a house in Vermont which I can't wait to get back to.
Im the meantime my husband and I will have projects and little trips to make sure I keep exercising too and for afterwards.
Thank you for all your guidance so far. I can't get over the shock and how huge it all is. Still haven't told my Daughters yet.
Catie B I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time, Susan. Keep up the self-care! And if you need to, I ho ... Read more
Catie B I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time, Susan. Keep up the self-care! And if you need to, I hope you won't hesitate to secure a therapist to help you with the anxiety and depression.
Susan McNally I think what I don't get is how they can let you walk around with such fear involved. Why can't they ... Read more
Susan McNally I think what I don't get is how they can let you walk around with such fear involved. Why can't they just operate as soon as it's diagnosed.
Bonnie Stone-Hope Hoping that your physician can help you. Your plan to take meditation lessons sounds like a good ide ... Read more
Bonnie Stone-Hope Hoping that your physician can help you. Your plan to take meditation lessons sounds like a good idea.
Cathy Zuber Hang in there!! New Grandchild sounds wonderful!! I had mitral valve replacement in March. I still ... Read more
Cathy Zuber Hang in there!! New Grandchild sounds wonderful!! I had mitral valve replacement in March. I still deal with the "why me" feelings. I don't smoke or drink. I eat healthy. After my lifelong mitral valve prolapse turned severe, just the mixed feelings put me in a funk. We tend to blame ourselves for everything wrong. about our bodies. That is not true. Sometimes it is genetic..or just happens. I have kidded the docs that I should now smoke, drink, and smoke pot!! Living healthy didn't help..but it did. Faster recovery, etc. and, because I am my disabled daughter's caretaker..I have been taking an antidepressant for years. I know that pill helped pull me thru this experience, also. Also, some good friends, family..and a good therapist!! Hugs.....
Susan McNally You are right. Because I've looked after myself is why I'm probably not showing many symptoms althou ... Read more
Susan McNally You are right. Because I've looked after myself is why I'm probably not showing many symptoms although again, not a good thing if you weren't lucky enough to get it diagnosed otherwise. actually very critical of people who don't look after themselves. Amongst my peer group I often think I wonder who'll ne the first to show problems! And there you have it, it's me! All bcos of a stupid rheumatic disease when I was a child, not all those bottles of Prosecco everyone else drank. How judgemental am I! Let's hope my recovery will be swift bcos of it.
Rita Savelis I needed therapy before and after OHS. There is so much to process. It's good to be proactive - be vo ... Read more
Rita Savelis I needed therapy before and after OHS. There is so much to process. It's good to be proactive - be vocal with your GP. Many patients take something for anxiety beforehand. I found it a necessity to talk it all out, especially afterwards.
There are reasons for operating at different times/stages. Some patients show outward symptoms, others don't. Deciding when to operate is a real art. There is usually no absolutely right time.
If your OHS needed to be done immediately, it would be. In retrospect, I wish I had waited a bit more.
But the waiting was hard. I hear you.
You are not in an absolute emergency situation right now.
After all the initial tests are done, and you are being watched by doctors, you are relatively safe because all is ready for OHS when it has to happen.
None of this is your fault. It happens. It's awful. Bad things happen to healthy people as well.
No patient is to blame.
These are all thoughts that need to be expressed, which is why talking it out, writing it out, can help.
And yes, your good health should help your recovery. Take care... and keep lunching at the Ritz!
I'm a total mess and feel like I'm living in a nightmare bubble. I'm still having good and bad days. Still totally shocked by the diagnosis.
I saw a cardiologist ...Read more
I'm a total mess and feel like I'm living in a nightmare bubble. I'm still having good and bad days. Still totally shocked by the diagnosis.
I saw a cardiologist on Monday and he has referred me to some valve specialists at a top London heart hospital - Kings. He thinks I shoujd have the surgery in the next 3 months whereas I thought it might have been a 6 month watch and wait. Not sure what's best. I'm not sure if I'd rather have time to digest it.
I'm moderate severe bcos although the valve size is severe, the velocity measurement is moderate. I don't have loads of symptoms. I get short of breath but not by much. I dont have swollen feet and ankles and I haven't passed out although I'm scared I will now!
Apparently my heart is compensating very well for it but I guess there comes a point when it won't. I don't think the left ventricle is enlarged and apparently it's function is "preserved". I don't have regurgitation.
I still feel like I'm going to drop dead any minute.
Anyone able to pass on some encouraging words for me?
Susan McNally Just re checked figures etc. I have a non dilated preserved LV. Is that good or bad?
I just want to say that I understand how scared you are. My surgery was two years ago; I had my aortic valve replaced, due to aortic stenosis, and also had an ascending aortic aneurysm repaired.
This is not the end of the world and chances are absolutely excellent that your recovery will be very successful. The worst part is the wait.
As you are doing now, I tried to learn as much as possible about the diagnosis and surgery. My own situation sprang from a congenital bicuspid aortic valve, so I always knew that some day this could very well happen. I lived in denial so I could get through all those years, because really, who wants to live under a dark cloud like that? So when I finally got word that it was happening, it was shocking.
The surgery and technology available save our lives. Truly, you should be fine. I am Canadian and believe we have similar health care systems.
Do you have access to Cardiac Rehab afterwards? Education etc? Take advantage of all of that when the time comes. It's understandable that you will be stressed while waiting. And yes, the first few weeks are not all that comfortable but we all get through it.
Lots to read here, and lots of support in this community. I am glad you found it. :)
Marie Myers I feel your pain. On my first visit to my cardiologist, I was told surgery was "inevitable" for me. N ... Read more
Marie Myers I feel your pain. On my first visit to my cardiologist, I was told surgery was "inevitable" for me. Needless to say, I was shocked. Never in my life did I think I would need open heart surgery. But now 8 months post op, I feel my life is pretty much back to normal. I cut back to working 2 days a week. Except for seeing my scar, I don't feel anything happened sometimes... You WILL get through this. just take 1 day at a time, and try not to let your mind worry about the future. Stay in the present as much as you can. I found yoga and meditation helped me tremendously. And also, the non dilated preserved LV function is a good thing. It means your left ventricle is working well despite it's problem, and that your left ventricle is not enlarged. Best wishes for a smooth journey. You will find a lot of support on this site...
My cardiologist watched the mean and peak pressure gradients. When the gradients start to rise it is ... Read more
My cardiologist watched the mean and peak pressure gradients. When the gradients start to rise it is harder for your heart to keep up.
Civita Fahey As my doctor said to me : "You can't skirt this" it needs to happen.. As Marie says now that its ove ... Read more
Civita Fahey As my doctor said to me : "You can't skirt this" it needs to happen.. As Marie says now that its over outside of the scar you don't know is happened. it is very scary.. but though to us it's a huge operation and it is, the surgeons do this on a daily basis on both healthier and much older and sicker patients. I felt when he gave me a time frame it gave me sense of peace..there was a time frame as opposed to wait and see .. I did have some slight SOB and everything else was functioning well.. its best to do this when you're on the positive side and not when the heart is more compromised.. Wishing you luck and prayers for a successful surgery
Marie Myers Another tip from my experience- I got a lot out of "finding acceptance" meditations on U Tube... Woul ... Read more
Marie Myers Another tip from my experience- I got a lot out of "finding acceptance" meditations on U Tube... Would listen to them on those nights that I just could not sleep...
Barbara Wood I was just like you, with the diagnosis and the shock! I did have regurgitation though. At first you ... Read more
Barbara Wood I was just like you, with the diagnosis and the shock! I did have regurgitation though. At first you fight & deny it, but you will find yourself slowly becoming more comfortable. I came to this forum almost daily, read lots of members journals & it really calmed me down. It's very strange how that happens, but I guess it is reassuring to find others in the same boat. This forum is the best! By the time I had my surgery I was completely calm & at peace. Keep coming here, posting, reading journals - it is unbelievably helpful!
Sophia Ridley Susan, what you’re feeling is totally normal and many, many of us can relate. I was in denial until ... Read more
Sophia Ridley Susan, what you’re feeling is totally normal and many, many of us can relate. I was in denial until the TOE that I needed OHS surgery on my mitral valve, I was in shock as I knew no one had been through this, let alone my age (42 at the time) with two young kids. This website was a God send. I turned the whole thing into a project learning all I could (I drew the line at watching surgery), I was warned about the emotional side and so pre-empt that through speaking with the psychologist at the hospital. There will be one at Kings too, they also involved my husband too.
We are here for you!
Rose Madura Even though I've known for most of my life that I would need OHS, it was still a shock when I was tol ... Read more
Rose Madura Even though I've known for most of my life that I would need OHS, it was still a shock when I was told it was time. Every year was like waiting for the bomb to drop. This year it did. My cardiologist who retired was a "wait until you have symptoms" guy but I've since found out that this is old school thinking and now the norm is to have the surgery before the symptoms of heart failure show up. Even though I had complications from the surgery, the doctors worked with me and helped me get well. They do this every day and understand everything that could go wrong. The success rate is very high. The waiting is the worst thing. I wish you my best and let us know if you have any questions. This site was invaluable for me as well as nny husband.
Susan McNally My question - how did they reassure you that it was reasonably safe to walk around with this. I feel ... Read more
Susan McNally My question - how did they reassure you that it was reasonably safe to walk around with this. I feel I can't go out the door!
Sophia Ridley They have your best interest at “heart”, if they needed to admit you then they would have. The me ... Read more
Sophia Ridley They have your best interest at “heart”, if they needed to admit you then they would have. The medics have seen multiple cases, and although each has its own nuances, they will be using vast experience to asssess the situation.
I was told that my valve was no worse the day I knew vs the day before so to continue as I had but be mindful for symptoms. About a week before surgery, I noticed that I was more out of breath and “not firing on all cylinders” but that could have been the reaction to the stress of the op. I continued to work a busy desk job up to a few days before the op to keep my mind off it as much as I could. I would (and still do) miss the London rush hour to make it easier, but working did keep a normality. I had 4-5 months from knowing to op.
On my iPhone screen saver is my medical details and people around me know the situation and what to do.
Rose Madura Our hearts are resilient. The doctors have years of experience of knowing when the situation is crit ... Read more
Rose Madura Our hearts are resilient. The doctors have years of experience of knowing when the situation is critical or not. It's important that you can trust your doctor. Can you get a second opinion to ease your mind? Even though I knew I needed it, I still got three more opinions to be sure.
Civita Fahey Susan, I'm sure that if they thought it wasn't safe for you to walk around they would have done emerg ... Read more
Civita Fahey Susan, I'm sure that if they thought it wasn't safe for you to walk around they would have done emergency surgery. If they are saying you can wait 3 months then its safe for you to do that. If your symptoms increase or change then you should notify them. As my doctor said to me this isn't something that would normally cause you to run to the ER, its a gradual deterioration. So, since you just had testing and they said 3 months is ok, you should feel comfortable with going about your daily routine.. but, remember you should always ask them what you can and cant do .. sometimes they limit strenuous activity, like weights, running etc. I was told I could do what I wanted even with moderate to severe stenosis and if I felt SOB then to stop. Hope this helps you.. but best to ask exactly what the docs as to what limitations if any you have and that might make you feel better.
Susan McNally Thank you for all your advice everyone!
Peggy Whitecotton Susan, my cardiologist told me if he thought it wasn't safe for me to walk out the door (I had the s ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton Susan, my cardiologist told me if he thought it wasn't safe for me to walk out the door (I had the same fears) he would have me air lifted to the hospital for emergency surgery. Trust your doctor!