Today is 16 weeks post op for me from the Ross Procedure in NYC with Dr. Stelzer. I am feeling great - I'm back to running 5 miles and lifting weights. I ...Read more
Today is 16 weeks post op for me from the Ross Procedure in NYC with Dr. Stelzer. I am feeling great - I'm back to running 5 miles and lifting weights. I think I may even be faster than I was before surgery. For the past 3 years, I have run the Turkey Trot 8k on Thanksgiving in Buffalo where I am from. Last year, I ran it as fast as I possibly could (most likely with a severely leaking valve that I didn't know about at the time). I ran it in 44:37. My goal is to run it under 44 minutes this year.
My chest still hurts occasionally and I can feel a few of my sternal wires but I am able to sleep on my stomach. I am still on Metoprolol which I hope to be off eventually because it still makes me tired. Next time I see my cardiologist will be at the end of August, just in time for my 1 year wedding anniversary. What a crazy 1 year it has been! After only 1 year of marriage, we will have moved twice, bought a house, and my sweet, loving husband will have been with me through open heart surgery.
To those facing open heart surgery, of course it's normal to feel scared, uncertain, and at times like no one else understands what you're going through. My friend gave me a stuffed bear dressed as an angel holding a star that says "When in doubt, look up." I lived by that mantra through the darkest times before and after my surgery.
Keep the faith, you will get through it.
Can anyone feel their sternal wires? I think I can feel two and one is sensitive to touch and aches occasionally. I know you can get them removed but I definitely ...Read more
Can anyone feel their sternal wires? I think I can feel two and one is sensitive to touch and aches occasionally. I know you can get them removed but I definitely don't want to if I don't have to! I will be 15 weeks post op on Friday.
Tammy Pilcher Hi Jen, I think I did feel mine early in my recovery when I would lay in certain positions. I'm seve ... Read more
Tammy Pilcher Hi Jen, I think I did feel mine early in my recovery when I would lay in certain positions. I'm seven months post op and It isn't as noticeable now, except when I lay on my right side. I try to just lay on my left side now or my back, which is ironic because before my surgery I could only lay on my right side in order to breathe well. Oh well, it's a good trade off to be fixed.:-)
Tammy Pilcher Jen, I forgot to add I'm hoping as time goes by it will go away, because it has improved a lot since ... Read more
Tammy Pilcher Jen, I forgot to add I'm hoping as time goes by it will go away, because it has improved a lot since surgery. I hope yours gets better too!:-)
Elaine Foster 6 months out and I can feel them when I press on the incision line with my fingers. Seems to be more ... Read more
Elaine Foster 6 months out and I can feel them when I press on the incision line with my fingers. Seems to be more noticable now that all swelling is gone and healed. It doesn't hurt, just feels weird, not flat like before surgery. But my scar looks great, I am extremely happy with it.
Pat Bluemel EEEEK, I've never pushed hard enough to feel them. I just tried and can't bring myself to do it. Ou ... Read more
Pat Bluemel EEEEK, I've never pushed hard enough to feel them. I just tried and can't bring myself to do it. Out of all the things we have endured, wound care and the scar are some of my not so favorite. You posing this question, however makes me realize that a wire could be what's causing me pain at night on my side? See it's just best not to think about:-).
Tammy Pilcher Yeah Pat, that's when I feel mine, when I lay on my right side. It just feels like something sharp.. ... Read more
Tammy Pilcher Yeah Pat, that's when I feel mine, when I lay on my right side. It just feels like something sharp...kind of a strange feeling.
I know it's different for everyone - but when were you all able to jog after surgery? I am a runner and want to jog 1 mile on my birthday - April 7th. I will ...Read more
I know it's different for everyone - but when were you all able to jog after surgery? I am a runner and want to jog 1 mile on my birthday - April 7th. I will be 5 1/2 weeks post op then. I feel like I could jog now! I have virtually no soreness. Of course, I will ask my surgeon but just curious on everyone's experience. This is my 3rd week of cardiac rehab. I will be 4 weeks post op on Friday :)
Kathleen F. My cardiologist told me I could jog after week 4. Dr. Stelzer left it up to me. Just try and keep y ... Read more
Kathleen F. My cardiologist told me I could jog after week 4. Dr. Stelzer left it up to me. Just try and keep your heart rate low and slow! Under 150 seems to be the benchmark. I was still too sore, until about week 6. Support is key! ;)
Nancy D The cardiac rehab nurse or physiologist should be able to answer that as well based on how your heart ... Read more
Nancy D The cardiac rehab nurse or physiologist should be able to answer that as well based on how your heart is responding to your exercise program you are doing with them. Good luck, I hope you get to achieve the goal!
Ole Bore I would talk to your clinic and/or case manager in rehab. I was cleared to run at week 6
Damian Kudelka I got the all clear and went jogging 2 miles 5 week post-op - 15min/mile so i would say turtle jog, b ... Read more
Damian Kudelka I got the all clear and went jogging 2 miles 5 week post-op - 15min/mile so i would say turtle jog, but I'll take it!!!
Does anyone know how long after surgery you are typically on blood pressure medicine?
Wiliam Height I left Mt Sinai with a 45 day supply, and after that it's really your cardiologists call. While I ha ... Read more
Wiliam Height I left Mt Sinai with a 45 day supply, and after that it's really your cardiologists call. While I hate the idea of taking things longer than normal, I'm fine refilling my script because the low dose 12.5mg I'm on is not really because my BP is high it's very good for our hearts post-op and protocol. I couldn't get my HR past 113 the other day and that's ok. As an aside, I really don't know how diseased valve came to be because it was never diagnosed in my youth, but I know for certain I lived a very natural holistic lifestyle at a point in my life where I didn't take many medications/antibiotics such as penicillin, and that coupled with strep could have been the reason I had valve disease. Now I take my medicine.
Meredith Bray I took 25g metoprolol am & pm for 3 months, and 12.5 g am & pm for another 3 months. I did not notic ... Read more
Meredith Bray I took 25g metoprolol am & pm for 3 months, and 12.5 g am & pm for another 3 months. I did not notice a difference between each step. I had to work VERY hard at rehab to get my heartrate over 120. Now it's easy to do.
Pat Bluemel I'm on 50mgs am and pm of metoprolol for three months due to Afib, they'll start stepping me down th ... Read more
Pat Bluemel I'm on 50mgs am and pm of metoprolol for three months due to Afib, they'll start stepping me down then. My HR won't go over 120 at rehab either.
Duane Beeman I've been on 25g of metoprolol for so long I feel like it's a friend.......and i haven't even had sur ... Read more
Duane Beeman I've been on 25g of metoprolol for so long I feel like it's a friend.......and i haven't even had surgery yet. I kind of hate to think about giving it up and missing out on all of those great dreams. I had a doctor tell me a few years ago that I should take it regardless of my blood pressure just to mellow me out a little......imagine that.
LaDonna Mangile I'm taking 25mg Metoprolol daily pre-surgery to help lower my heart rate and take some pressure off m ... Read more
LaDonna Mangile I'm taking 25mg Metoprolol daily pre-surgery to help lower my heart rate and take some pressure off my lungs. They also added 20mg Lasix. I really don't feel any different.
This is the long answer! Metoprolol is given to nearly every patient who has had heart valve replacement or repair. The biggest two reasons it is given is to prevent the worst of the potential adverse events after surgery -- Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke. The dose can vary quite a bit. The metoprolol also helps the post-op heart in other ways. It keeps it from overworking by decreasing the heart rate and blood pressure. It also helps the heart to "remodel", a term not generally known by the lay person, but an effect that is very helpful to getting the heart back into coordination with the rest of the body systems.
I know a little bit more than the average because I have a Doctorate in Pharmacy. My blood pressure was normal before surgery and the metoprolol at 12.5 mg twice a day was dropping it lower than "normal". Because of that I was have a great deal of vertigo (which I am very susceptible to from a brain injury years ago). I was monitoring my blood pressure, heart rate, and weight on a daily basis, and my blood pressure was sometimes as low as 93/43. The vertigo killed my appetite and actually made eating very difficult.
My cardiologist looked at the log and told me that I would only be on it for 3 months, anyway. He told me I could drive and start cardiac rehab. But the vertigo was bad enough that I did not feel I could safely drive and was too unsteady to do rehab. (And my husband, who is a physician, warned me not to get started.)
A few weeks later I went in to see my Family Physician for a yearly physical and took my log with me. She gasped as she read down the listings of my blood pressure. I told her I was concerned about them. She asked what my thoughts were. I told her I thought the lower blood pressures were not allowing adequate oxygenation of my brain, and it was producing the vertigo and making it hard for me to think or to get further along in my recovery.
She agreed and asked me what I was thinking should be done. (She was aware that I had rounded for years with family practice residents and their attendings, helping them to learn more about drugs and therapeutics and the best way to use medications.) I told her I wanted to cut the dose in half. She asked if I had started yet. I don't make changes without a physician's okay. She said, Okay, it's half the dose starting with your dose tonight. I was delighted. it did mean that I am now taking 6.25g twice a day, which is only one quarter of a tablet. Within three days my blood pressure was up to normal, my vertigo was lessening, I could stand without using a cane or a wall, and I was thinking more clearly.
In Pharmacy College ages ago, we were taught that there is a right drug in the right dose given at the right frequency for different patients. And sometimes the doses need to be adjusted according to the patient's weight, depending on how it is distributed in the body. Just as we do not all have the same color of hair, our reactions to the same drug at the same dose will vary. I saw this in practice for years, and it makes me more proactive in getting medication changes made when I notice problems.
Hope this helps! But if you have further questions, fire away!
Jen Huff Thanks everyone! Duane - I was wondering which one of my meds was causing the crazy dreams!:)
Ginger ... Read more
Jen Huff Thanks everyone! Duane - I was wondering which one of my meds was causing the crazy dreams!:)
Ginger - I appreciate the in depth explanation!
Ole Bore My cardiologist put me on a losartan for life. Since this was my second ohs,chances are I have some s ... Read more
Ole Bore My cardiologist put me on a losartan for life. Since this was my second ohs,chances are I have some sort of aortic connecting tissue thing and it might help that. Every story is different and your experience may wary
I read a few articles and posts on what to bring to the hospital for surgery and wanted to compile a list of my own for those soon facing surgery. This list ...Read more
I read a few articles and posts on what to bring to the hospital for surgery and wanted to compile a list of my own for those soon facing surgery. This list is still fresh in my mind since I just had surgery 2 weeks ago.
1) Chapstick - your lips get very dry from the breathing tube!
2) Pillow/blanket - it's so nice to have the comfort of your own pillow and blanket once you are out of ICU.
3) Flip flops - when you can finally take a shower.
4) Boxer shorts - I made the mistake of packing sweatpants and tshirts for every day of the hospital and used none of them since I was in a hospital gown the whole time. Boxer shorts are good for wearing under your hospital gown.
5) Ear plugs - I didn't bring these but they probably would have helped drown out the noise to help sleep!
6) Protein shakes/meal replacement drinks - you won't feel like eating much the first few days and your throat will most likely be sore from the breathing tube. As I found out, not all hospitals have these readily available at all hours and I had no appetite for solid food for awhile.
7) Face cleansing towelettes - this really helped me freshen up even without taking a shower.
8) Toothbrush - I think most hospitals provide them but it's nice to have your own!
9) iPad/Kindle - I personally didn't bring mine but I have heard from others that this helped them pass the time.
10) Small notebook - to write down any questions or information the doctors and nurses give you. It's hard to remember everything especially when you are on pain medicine! :)
11) Slippers/socks - I brought slippers but wore the socks from the hospital since they had better traction once I started walking around. Shoes that you can slip on when you get discharged are a must.
12) Button down shirt - so you don't have to put anything over your head when you go home.
13) Robe - really helpful for covering your backside in the hospital gown when you are walking around :)
I will add more as I think of them! Best wishes to all having surgery and hope this helps!
Linda Whitney This list is so helpful. Thank you Jen. You don't want to lug stuff you won't need, but these are g ... Read more
Linda Whitney This list is so helpful. Thank you Jen. You don't want to lug stuff you won't need, but these are great essentials that will enhance comfort. Appreciated!
Ginger Murphy i think i need to write that stuff down..was planning on the wet wipes.....and normal toiletry items. ... Read more
Ginger Murphy i think i need to write that stuff down..was planning on the wet wipes.....and normal toiletry items....(chapstick is one of my normal ones)
Ginger Murphy im thinking just my tablet and my cell cus i dont think i can handle the weight of the puter while in ... Read more
Ginger Murphy im thinking just my tablet and my cell cus i dont think i can handle the weight of the puter while in the hospital......but at least i can connect to the internet from there.....
Luisa DiNardi Jen, this is a great list! It will be so helpful to so many people. I wish someone had given me this ... Read more
Luisa DiNardi Jen, this is a great list! It will be so helpful to so many people. I wish someone had given me this list when I had my surgery. These are EXACTLY the things I needed at that time. :)
Ronald Gatan Thanks for sharing - this is great info! I hope all is well with you.
Donna Lewter Thank you. So glad you doing well. This list will certainly help.
I walked 2 miles outside yesterday since the weather is getting nicer. I felt good - just have been tired as expected. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can take ...Read more
I walked 2 miles outside yesterday since the weather is getting nicer. I felt good - just have been tired as expected. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can take something to help me fall asleep at night since it usually takes a couple hours. I am meeting with the nurse today at cardiac rehab and hope to start next week. I'm hoping that it is challenging enough for me!
Prayers and positive thoughts to all having surgery this week! Thank you to Adam for starting this group - it has helped me so much! Love to all!
Damian Kudelka Wow Jen fantastic. I'm hoping to start rehab this week so your progress is simply amazing! I take me ... Read more
Damian Kudelka Wow Jen fantastic. I'm hoping to start rehab this week so your progress is simply amazing! I take melatonin to help sleep. That should be ok, but obviously ask the doc. Which rehab?
Jen Huff I'm starting rehab at Jersey Shore University Medical Center - it's closest to my house. Where are yo ... Read more
Jen Huff I'm starting rehab at Jersey Shore University Medical Center - it's closest to my house. Where are you going?
Ed Smith Way to go, Jen. 2 miles is excellent. I just started cardiac rehab and, if your experience is similar ... Read more
Ed Smith Way to go, Jen. 2 miles is excellent. I just started cardiac rehab and, if your experience is similar, the nurses may limit your cardio workout severity during the first couple of sessions so they can monitor your activity as you move up your workout level. I've had to "push" them a bit and they're figuring out I'm in decent shape and want to challenge myself.
Ole Bore way to go! cardiac rehab is a fun way to start pushing limits (assuming your case manager and cardiol ... Read more
Ole Bore way to go! cardiac rehab is a fun way to start pushing limits (assuming your case manager and cardiologist allows)...
Daryl McCallum I didn't like the rehab as they didn't push me enough after 4 weeks worth I decided to do my own and ... Read more
Daryl McCallum I didn't like the rehab as they didn't push me enough after 4 weeks worth I decided to do my own and I can walk 5 miles easily and I'm sure I can go further but the dog get tired....LOL. I'm 11 mothns PO
Ole Bore Daryl - same here, I was the one always pushing the boundaries. I just expected them to tell me if I ... Read more
Ole Bore Daryl - same here, I was the one always pushing the boundaries. I just expected them to tell me if I pushed to hard (which they did). Then I did the same the next day. My takeaway was that as long as I was within the parameters (HR and Systolic BP) I could push more than they wanted me to...
LaDonna Mangile Sounds like you are doing great! Blessing and prayers for a continued successful recovery.
Jen Huff Thanks all! I'm definitely going to push to do more at rehab!
Ole Bore make sure you discuss it with your case manager and get on the same page about what you want out of r ... Read more
Ole Bore make sure you discuss it with your case manager and get on the same page about what you want out of rehab. Once I got to my goals (I'm a runner and wanted to get back to running the entire session), I graduated... That way I felt it was a better use of my time
Has anyone had low grade fevers when they have returned home?
joni moore Jen- yes. Day 3 and 4 in hospital I had a low grade fever and a rattling in my chest- scared me to de ... Read more
joni moore Jen- yes. Day 3 and 4 in hospital I had a low grade fever and a rattling in my chest- scared me to death because all I could think of was pnuemonia. Nurses in hospital were no help so I called a good friend of mine who is an experienced cardiac nurse and she said this is NORMAL after surgery, and it usually has to do with respitory system. so keep using that incentive puffer thing every hour- it's your best friend now! My fever disappeared on day 5 and I went home that day..just hearing that that was normal put me at ease...good luck Jen!
Meredith Bray Yes. Small dose of acetaminophen took care of it.
Tammi Gunwall Yes. Keep a watchful eye on that fever though. If it is consistent for a few days and/or goes above 1 ... Read more
Tammi Gunwall Yes. Keep a watchful eye on that fever though. If it is consistent for a few days and/or goes above 101 degrees I HIGHLY recommend calling your surgeon's office. I had a low grade fever for almost a week before I called and it ended up I had pericardial effusion (fluid around my heart) and Pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium -or sack that surrounds the heart). It got me back in the hospital and it can be severe/painful if it goes too long). Not trying to freak you out. Fevers can be normal, but just be watchful and pay attention to how you're feeling. If you start to notice a little bit more shortness of breath or chest discomfort don't chalk it up to thinking you may just be over doing things. Have it checked!
Jen Huff Thanks all! Tammy - I read your blog and appreciate it! I am actually going to my cardiologist tomorr ... Read more
Jen Huff Thanks all! Tammy - I read your blog and appreciate it! I am actually going to my cardiologist tomorrow which is only 1 week after surgery and only 3 days after discharge but better early than late!:) I can always go see him a few weeks later too. I follow up with my surgeon on 3/31.
Bill Hendrickson Tammi
Your experience was on my mind as I was in the step down unit as I had a slight elevation in te ... Read more
Bill Hendrickson Tammi
Your experience was on my mind as I was in the step down unit as I had a slight elevation in temp. We kept close tabs on the temp which diminished after 3 days. Your advice was excellent. Thanks for posting your story.
Pat Bluemel Hey Jen. I got them a couple times on week one and two and my mind went wild. Tylenol knocked them o ... Read more
Pat Bluemel Hey Jen. I got them a couple times on week one and two and my mind went wild. Tylenol knocked them out but I remember well that feeling of panic. I told my cardio about it and they were non plussed. Tammi gives great advice though. If they go too high of for too long get checked.
Damian Kudelka Agree with above. As long as under 100 not to worry.
Jen Huff Thanks all! The highest mine got was yesterday at 100.4 but that was day 5 post op so it may be norma ... Read more
Jen Huff Thanks all! The highest mine got was yesterday at 100.4 but that was day 5 post op so it may be normal. Tylenol took it down and today it's been 99.2 max. I go to my cardiologist tomorrow which will hopefully calm my nerves :)
What are the best kinds of pillows that people have used post surgery? I slept in bed last night but my shoulders and back are more sore than my chest! I used ...Read more
What are the best kinds of pillows that people have used post surgery? I slept in bed last night but my shoulders and back are more sore than my chest! I used a normal pillow and a wedge pillow with side arms but it didn't seem to help. We do have a recliner but not sure I will be able to sleep sitting almost all of the way up. Thanks all!
Mary Myers I found a big body pillow helped. I actually did sleep a lot in my recliner. I used pillows around me ... Read more
Mary Myers I found a big body pillow helped. I actually did sleep a lot in my recliner. I used pillows around me in that too. Good luck ! Try taking a nap in your recliner and see if that works! Wishing you a speedy recovery and better sleep.
LaDonna Mangile I'm glad this discussion has been posted. I was wondering what supplies I will need at home and if I ... Read more
LaDonna Mangile I'm glad this discussion has been posted. I was wondering what supplies I will need at home and if I should be able to perform my ADL's myself when I go hone first couple weeks as I have no family that can take off work to care for me or should I request some type of HH help.
Judi Nunez Ladonna I can't imagine not doing this without my husbands help. I am 2 weeks out of hospital and sti ... Read more
Judi Nunez Ladonna I can't imagine not doing this without my husbands help. I am 2 weeks out of hospital and still could not do this on my own. I think you need to set up help.
Jen Huff LaDonna- I have only been home less than a day but see if you can get a recliner and a tv table for p ... Read more
Jen Huff LaDonna- I have only been home less than a day but see if you can get a recliner and a tv table for pills/water etc. Also, it's hard to get into and out of bed so the pillows will help. Maybe a home nurse would be good if available. I'm lucky that my parents and husband are here this week and my mom will be here next week as well. You will do great! Best wishes!
Ed Smith Jen, I don't own a recliner, but have rented one for 2 months. I found it excellent for napping and c ... Read more
Ed Smith Jen, I don't own a recliner, but have rented one for 2 months. I found it excellent for napping and could have slept in it, if needed. Many of our brothers & sisters on this site have reported they slept in the recliner for varying lengths of time.
LoDonna, I would definitely be sure your Surgeon of Cardiologist write orders or a prescription for a Home Health Nurse. Without my wife, I would have had a very difficult time for the first two weeks. You may also wish to hire a helper to supplement the HH Nurse.
Damian Kudelka Pillows are certainly unique. I try sleeping on my chair and couch. On the couch and bed I bought a ... Read more
Damian Kudelka Pillows are certainly unique. I try sleeping on my chair and couch. On the couch and bed I bought a special elevated pillow/inclined pillow with additional pillows on top of that pillow. Sleeping has been tricky. Being elevated is important.
I am going to be released today! I'm sore and tired but have been walking around and so far have been proud of my progress. My parents and husband have been ...Read more
I am going to be released today! I'm sore and tired but have been walking around and so far have been proud of my progress. My parents and husband have been such a great support system even through I have even difficult to deal with to say the least :)
My surgery went very well but my valves were a lot more damaged than originally thought. I had an angel watching over me that made me get an echocardiogram when I did and find Dr. Stelzer when I did. Dr. Stelzer was baffled on how I could be so asymptomatic. I actually would not have been if I waited a few months.
The first night in ICU was very rough. I was in a lot of pain and I wasn't really sure how much pain I was supposed to be in since I have never had major surgery and this has been the worst pain I have ever felt. The nurse made me think I was crazy for asking for more pain medicine. She actually told me I had a low tolerance to pain and that I didn't look like I was in severe pain. She wouldn't call my husband for me and told him I was sleeping well when I hadn't slept at all.
The nurses on the surgical floor were great though. What a difference! We requested and put down a deposit for a private room but there are only a few and high risk patients had them.
I will continue to update everyone on my progress!
Good luck to all having surgery this week and those on the road to recovery!
Hi All,
My name is Rob and I’m Jen’s husband. I’m very happy to report that Jen’s surgery with Dr. Stelzer this morning at Mount Sinai Hospital ...Read more
Hi All,
My name is Rob and I’m Jen’s husband. I’m very happy to report that Jen’s surgery with Dr. Stelzer this morning at Mount Sinai Hospital was a success. Jen is currently in the ICU recovering and will remain in the hospital for the next 4-6 days.
Before the procedure she asked me to provide everyone with an update once the surgery was completed. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your prayers & positive thoughts. I can’t begin to explain how much your words have meant to Jen and our family members over the past several weeks.
Thanks again for your support and stay tuned for more updates.
Terrie Syvertsen Hello Rob. Thanks for the update to the community!
Very glad to hear that Jen s in recovery and that ... Read more
Terrie Syvertsen Hello Rob. Thanks for the update to the community!
Very glad to hear that Jen s in recovery and that her healing can begin. Let her know we are all going to continue to think, pray, send well wishes to her and the rest of you(her family and friends). Take care and tell her to take it real easy!
I had my pre op done today and all set for surgery on Friday with Dr. Stelzer at Mt. Sinai. Nervous but I'm ready to get this over with. It's really crazy but ...Read more
I had my pre op done today and all set for surgery on Friday with Dr. Stelzer at Mt. Sinai. Nervous but I'm ready to get this over with. It's really crazy but I still feel fine and it's been hard to accept that I need this surgery. Best wishes to all having surgery this week and a speedy recovery to those who are on the mend!
Tim Goff Hope all goes well for you Jen. Keep us updated
David Brunkhorst Jen, I know what you mean when you say you feel fine. I walked/jogged 3 miles the morning of my mecha ... Read more
David Brunkhorst Jen, I know what you mean when you say you feel fine. I walked/jogged 3 miles the morning of my mechanical valve surgery. But like you, I knew I needed it.
Amy DiGiovanni Noack Good luck Jen! You will do great:) I will send prayers and positive vibes to you...all my best
Jen Huff Thank you everyone! I will have my husband post on Friday.
Janet R Prayers to you for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.
Susan Bach Wish you all the luck the Universe can bring you
Virginia (Ginger) French Praying for you along with many others and know you will do just fine, Jen! Gorgeous picture, but th ... Read more
Virginia (Ginger) French Praying for you along with many others and know you will do just fine, Jen! Gorgeous picture, but the way! Prayers that it's a smooth trip on this part of the journey. Hugs!
Damian Kudelka You're safe, healthy, vital, and strong. You got this!!!
Pat Bluemel You should be well under way Jen. Positive vibes from the west coast!
Next Friday, I will be having the Ross procedure with Dr. Stelzer. I feel nervous and scared but also hopeful and can't wait to be on the road to recovery. ...Read more
Next Friday, I will be having the Ross procedure with Dr. Stelzer. I feel nervous and scared but also hopeful and can't wait to be on the road to recovery. I am (what I think anyways) asymptomatic with severe aortic regurgitation. Positive thoughts needed! :)
Wiliam Height From one Jersey shore resident to another, you are in a good place in great hands--you will do fine! ... Read more
Wiliam Height From one Jersey shore resident to another, you are in a good place in great hands--you will do fine! Positive thoughts sent!
Lisa Repp I am sending you positive thoughts, and hopefully my success ahead of you will give you strength. My ... Read more
Lisa Repp I am sending you positive thoughts, and hopefully my success ahead of you will give you strength. My surgery is on February 24th, and I am determined to be the model for success, even if I am feeling sorry for myself
Peter Woglom Dr. Stelzer is the best. A few days after my Ross, a couple of my cardiologist's fellows came down w ... Read more
Peter Woglom Dr. Stelzer is the best. A few days after my Ross, a couple of my cardiologist's fellows came down with me for some tests they were running. One was reading through the chart and remarked to the other that he had never seen such attention detail in a surgical report before. The other said something to the effect that Dr. Stelzer was no ordinary surgeon...
Bob M I pray that your surgery and recovery will be uneventful. Friday will be a new day with a fixed heart ... Read more
Bob M I pray that your surgery and recovery will be uneventful. Friday will be a new day with a fixed heart. God bless and rise up!
Pam Driggs Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
First big tip is sleep deprived and you need to train staff to be thoughtful and kind. Have someone to be you comfort and sleep advocate! Also get on pain meds ASAP
Does anyone have any recommendations for protein drinks/meal replacement drinks to bring to the hospital? I eat really healthy normally but know that I'm most ...Read more
Does anyone have any recommendations for protein drinks/meal replacement drinks to bring to the hospital? I eat really healthy normally but know that I'm most likely not going to feel like eating the first couple of days after surgery.
Thanks all!
Ole Bore UWMC put me on a high-protein diet right away, even from my selection from their cafeteria. I would l ... Read more
Ole Bore UWMC put me on a high-protein diet right away, even from my selection from their cafeteria. I would look into your options there. Otherwise, I really, truly, enjoy a good smoothie with loads of protein powder. I get the one that Vitamix sells at Costco and it worked well to get it down.
Although, my favorite meal post surgery was a milkshake with protein from the cafeteria. Had it with every meal and whenever I could get my hands on it.
Kathleen F. Hi Jen, I had the Ross Procedure with Dr. Stelzer at Mount Sinai a little over 6 weeks ago. You're r ... Read more
Kathleen F. Hi Jen, I had the Ross Procedure with Dr. Stelzer at Mount Sinai a little over 6 weeks ago. You're right about lack of appetite; I had very little appetite at first, but the nurses had Nepro shakes available in their refrigerator at all hours, which was great - if you didn't have an appetite for dinner, but found yourself hungry at 5 AM, you don't have to wait until breakfast arrived. And I believe all the rooms have mini-refrigerators if you prefer your own drinks. Let me know if I can help in any way. I just read your journal and my story is very similar to yours. I also had no restrictions, and had run 6 miles the morning of my routine cardiologist appointment, where I had the echo showing that my condition had progressed to severe. In fact, I had also run 18 miles just 4 days before, training for the Chicago marathon. I had no idea my gradient was so high or my valve was so small. I've decided to take a hiatus from distance running and instead plan to run the 5Ks and 5 milers down the shore this summer, including the Asbury Park 5K in August! Hope to see you there!
Jen Huff Kathleen- thanks so much for writing! Are you glad you chose the Ross Procedure? I debated getting a ... Read more
Jen Huff Kathleen- thanks so much for writing! Are you glad you chose the Ross Procedure? I debated getting a tissue valve but decided the Ross would be my best chance of not needing more surgeries. How is your recovery going?
Kathleen F. I am glad I chose the Ross, and hopefully will not need surgery again. But I really have no idea; th ... Read more
Kathleen F. I am glad I chose the Ross, and hopefully will not need surgery again. But I really have no idea; there is a very small percentage of people who may need reoperation following the Ross and we really don't know what's in store for us. But I felt that I made the best decision I could, and I hope it works out. So far, it has. By all accounts my recovery is going great and I have not had any issues at all. I was taken off all meds at the one-month mark, and don't even need painkillers. I tried to jog on a treadmill last week, but found the jarring motion hurt my chest too much - the tissue itself, not my incision or heart! I was still too sore. But I tried again today and it felt fine! I am actually pretty excited about it. I was ridiculously slow and alternated running/ walking, but I don't care! I can see progress, and know I'll be back to normal soon. I am patient. In a way, you might be lucky you didn't have too much time to worry before your surgery, or lose fitness, since you've continued to exercise. Hopefully your recovery will go just as smoothly!
Jen Huff Thanks Kathleen! I'm glad you are getting back to normal - I know it's going to be so important to be ... Read more
Jen Huff Thanks Kathleen! I'm glad you are getting back to normal - I know it's going to be so important to be patient with myself. How is your incision healing? I worried about the length of the incision initially but I have realized it's more important that everything is fixed!
Kathleen F. Yes be patient with yourself, and let yourself feel the emotions and the physical changes as they hap ... Read more
Kathleen F. Yes be patient with yourself, and let yourself feel the emotions and the physical changes as they happen. Everyone heals at their own pace but we all cross the same finish line. Regarding the incision, I don't want anything I post here to be taken and shared on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (as Adam had shared Cristen's great incision photos), but I can tell you it's actually only 4 1/2 inches long (I just measured it - I had thought it was closer to 6!), and is discreetly placed along the left breast line. A friend told me it looks like cleavage. Dr. Stelzer did an amazing job; I didn't expect to be impressed with it but I am. It's healed quickly and is starting to fade already. I'm somewhat proud of what it represents, honestly - it takes courage to go through this. My email is if you ever want to communicate offline, too.
Jen Huff Kathleen - my email is I will send you a message!
Amy DiGiovanni Noack Kathleen, you are doing so great! How is your sleep going? I'm an insomnia these days! Did this happe ... Read more
Amy DiGiovanni Noack Kathleen, you are doing so great! How is your sleep going? I'm an insomnia these days! Did this happen to you after surgery?
Jen, I had ensure at the was provided and you won't always have an appetite when they come around with the food so a replacement is a good idea to keep your energy up. Now that I'm home I'm back on my isagenix shakes once a day.
Kathleen F. Sleep isn't consistent for me. It's better now that I can turn on my side and get into a comfortable ... Read more
Kathleen F. Sleep isn't consistent for me. It's better now that I can turn on my side and get into a comfortable position, but sometimes I still wake up a lot, and there are nights where I'm sore - back, chest, shoulders, legs, you name it. But I have no trouble falling asleep right away, and much earlier than I used to, especially since I haven't napped during the day in a while. For the months leading up to surgery, I was barely sleeping at all; I was too preoccupied and worried.
Janet R Hi Jen, I normally drink a lot of protein shakes, however, since my surgery 2 weeks ago, I am now o ... Read more
Janet R Hi Jen, I normally drink a lot of protein shakes, however, since my surgery 2 weeks ago, I am now on warfarin and have to be careful of vitamin K intake and omega 3 goodness. My nurse instructed me to stay clear of all the supplements While I am on Warfain for the next 3 months. I have noticed that a lot of my proteins drinks have vitamin K. However, I have found Muscle Milk to have no vitamin K and is 20 grams protein so that is now my drink for awhile. They say that protein helps in the healing process too. Best wishes to you and your recovery.
Surgery is almost 2 weeks away. I can't believe I just learned I was going to need surgery on January 23rd. Life was normal before then! I never thought anything ...Read more
Surgery is almost 2 weeks away. I can't believe I just learned I was going to need surgery on January 23rd. Life was normal before then! I never thought anything was wrong with my heart (besides having a congenital bicuspid aortic valve but never had any restrictions).
I can't wait for the surgery to be over and be on the road to recovery! :)
Ole Bore Hear hear! Best of luck and we'll see you on the other side
Amy DiGiovanni Noack Jen, I read your story and I just had the Ross done in Toronto by Dr. Tirone David. I'm on the path ... Read more
Amy DiGiovanni Noack Jen, I read your story and I just had the Ross done in Toronto by Dr. Tirone David. I'm on the path to recovery as the surgery was Feb. 2, 2015. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out....I was naturally scared for such a big surgery and I'm just starting to come out of the pain med fog, but I'm so happy I did it now and I'm on the other side. You will be in great hands and it will get easier;)
Emily Shively Hey Jen! I was asymptomatic as well when I was told I needed surgery. It makes it tougher to accept t ... Read more
Emily Shively Hey Jen! I was asymptomatic as well when I was told I needed surgery. It makes it tougher to accept that surgery is necessary when you feel great! So I definitely understand how you feel right now. Waiting was the worst part for me, so I'm glad your surgery date is close. I am 3 weeks post-op today, so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Patricia Garcia Beautiful wedding picture Jen. Two weeks will go by quickly and this will be a distant memory and yo ... Read more
Patricia Garcia Beautiful wedding picture Jen. Two weeks will go by quickly and this will be a distant memory and you can move passed this.
Jen Huff Thanks Patricia!
Thanks Emily! How is your recovery going?