Hello everyone. Thank you for all of your comments and guestbook messages. I am just back from my trip to Cleveland Clinic. I can't tell you how many emotions ...Read more
Hello everyone. Thank you for all of your comments and guestbook messages. I am just back from my trip to Cleveland Clinic. I can't tell you how many emotions hit me the moment I walked into that building for the first time since surgery. It was like a flush of emotions came over me and memories of the first steps into that building on surgery day hit me and how scared I was and everything I went through and where I'm at now just overflowed inside of me. I was caught off guard by the powerful feelings from that.
As far as the testing went, I met with the cardiologist, had numerous blood work tests, and also met with the neurologist. So far all of my tests came back normal and they still cannot determine where a blood clot stemmed from, but they did determine that the stroke was caused by a clot and not the areas in my brain that are now there post surgery. They also cannot determine what caused those brain bleeds. There are numerous scenarios they say could have caused them including being on the bypass machine during surgery… But they said they don't have enough studies on post surgery MRIs to make any conclusions. They did keep reinforcing that the risk of clot is much higher than any risks in my brain right now with the bleeding and I should stay on my aspirin regiment until further notice. So unfortunately I don't have any answers still and no clue how those things got in my brain.... but if everyone is telling me I need to be on aspirin then I am staying on it and hoping for the best.
While I was there my father went into the hospital for a heart cath and it was determined he needs to have triple bypass surgery… So I'm a little bummed that he's going to have to go through an open heart surgery. It's a completely different issue than what I had but its still open heart surgery. His date is next week so I will be heading back next weekend to be with him for a few days. He's not having it at the Cleveland clinic though.
As always, we keep moving forward and living life one day at a time. Since my surgery I have adopted a dog so now I have some company and life is so much better each day! :-) My workouts are nothing like they used to be, but heck my body has been through a lot and now since the stroke I have days where I am full of energy and then the next day completely exhausted, so I am still working through the stroke recovery process. Im so thankful I have recovered from that and just pray it doesn't happen again.
Catie B I'm sorry there weren't more definitive answers for you, but I'm very thankful you're on the mend. Pr ... Read more
Catie B I'm sorry there weren't more definitive answers for you, but I'm very thankful you're on the mend. Praying now that there won't be anymore strokes.
Tom Dadisman Hope things continue to improve! I hear ya on the gym workouts there was a time when two 90min ses ... Read more
Tom Dadisman Hope things continue to improve! I hear ya on the gym workouts there was a time when two 90min session a day was my routine. Now I've taken up platies reformer workouts and they have a tendency to kick your butt. I love slow burn I can get from the slow and steady routines! I think everyone should have a post surgery heart dog!
Laura Jacobs Hi Amy, you are going through an awful lot and it all seems scary. I admire your ability to stay so s ... Read more
Laura Jacobs Hi Amy, you are going through an awful lot and it all seems scary. I admire your ability to stay so strong and positive. You are a fighter! Best wishes for continued improvement and some answers. I hope your Dad's surgery goes smoothly. Take care!
Kevin Shackelford What a harrowing ordeal! I am concerned about this very thing as I am on Coumadin permanently. Thanks ... Read more
Kevin Shackelford What a harrowing ordeal! I am concerned about this very thing as I am on Coumadin permanently. Thanks for sharing your story as it will help us all be aware of this potential risk with blood thinners and aspirin therapy. All the best for your recovery.
Shannon Gray Amy... I have been thinking of you! I shared the same emotions going back to the CC... Both times sin ... Read more
Shannon Gray Amy... I have been thinking of you! I shared the same emotions going back to the CC... Both times since my surgery 16 months ago. I am so sorry there aren't any answers, but continued prayers for you and your recovery. I was so happy to see your pictures of your sweet dog! They are truly a gift. Many blessings!
Scott Killian Hang in there, keep the positive attitude you have.
Kate Watson I wish you got more answers, but I'm glad you are ok. This all just sounds so scary! I hope things ... Read more
Kate Watson I wish you got more answers, but I'm glad you are ok. This all just sounds so scary! I hope things only continue to get better from here on out. Your new doggie looks like a sweetie. Our pets are such awesome companions. Mine helped me through my recovery process so much. I'll be thinking about you and wishing you good healing vibes! And best wishes for your dad to have a smooth, successful surgery. Sorry your family has to go through that again though.
Rita Savelis Oh, Amy, so glad to have an update. There are not always answers. Doctors don't know everything. We m ... Read more
Rita Savelis Oh, Amy, so glad to have an update. There are not always answers. Doctors don't know everything. We muddle through.
As you say, you move forward. What else can you do?
Knowing your father will go through OHS must be so hard. The thought of ANYONE having to experience it is hard for me. Of course he will be alright, but you know just what awaits. It's hard. It's all hard. And then you move on.
I hear you on the very intense emotions that one experiences viscerally on being back at the hospital.
Your dog looks like so much love and fun....and you are working out. You've gotten to a new place.
I know you'll be alright. But I know you carry this heavy experience too.
Wish I could hug you. Take care.
Sally Strand Hi Amy - what a lot to go through - so glad for you that things are looking up but sad to hear about ... Read more
Sally Strand Hi Amy - what a lot to go through - so glad for you that things are looking up but sad to hear about your dad.
Dan Marcantel Good to see you are better. I still take 81mg of aspirin. When I heard your story I called my cardiol ... Read more
Dan Marcantel Good to see you are better. I still take 81mg of aspirin. When I heard your story I called my cardiologists and he said not to worry I needed it. Said I should take it the rest of my life. Better than being on coumadin in my opinion.
Lynda Ruiz At my post surgery surgeon appt I asked if after my 3 months of warfarin if I'd need to go back to t ... Read more
Lynda Ruiz At my post surgery surgeon appt I asked if after my 3 months of warfarin if I'd need to go back to the Eliquis I took before surgery. He said no, to just continue on the 81mg aspirin.
Phyllis Petersen Hi Amy, How frightening not to have an answer! Did they have any additional advice on activity and ge ... Read more
Phyllis Petersen Hi Amy, How frightening not to have an answer! Did they have any additional advice on activity and general living, so you can back to the things you love? Hopefully, this was a one off and you can move forward. BTW, How is your dad doing? Phyllis
Hi Everyone. Strange news. It's just under 1 year post heart surgery...about 10 months now. I just turned 40 at the end of May, and on Memorial Day I had ...Read more
Hi Everyone. Strange news. It's just under 1 year post heart surgery...about 10 months now. I just turned 40 at the end of May, and on Memorial Day I had a stroke. Welcome to my new decade!! Ugh...I'm headed up to the Cleveland Clinic next week to see the cardiac and neurosurgeon teams to figure out what happened.
I did not have a valve replacement but rather a repair. The repair is holding strong and they could find NO traces of a clot anywhere at the emergency room here in VA. I lost my speech for a a few hours and had to stay in the hospital for 3 days. My MRI showed numerous microbleeds all over the place in my brain that were not there before my heart surgery. One rather large one in the exact area of the stroke. My cardiologist here was unconcerned....the neurologist does not know my history as he was just the one on duty the day I was in there. He said he has never seen this in someone as young as me and he would have to research it. I still have not heard back from him. I however am very concerned because I did not have any of these spots before surgery and now have numerous ones in my brain. I did some research and discovered that Aspirin causes these in some people, and the red flags went up because my cardiologist just increased my Aspirin by 4x's because if the stroke and his assumption is it happened because of a clot they never did find. I emailed my surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic and he contacted me within minutes advising me NOT to take the Aspirin and get up there for evaluation ASAP, because it sounds more like a brain hemorrhage caused by the Aspirin. Yay me.....so off to Cleveland next week and hopefully will have a better team of people helping me than I have here and hopefully some answers.
Lynda Ruiz Oh, gosh Amy, that all sounds very scary. Thank goodness you are one to do research. Will pray for th ... Read more
Lynda Ruiz Oh, gosh Amy, that all sounds very scary. Thank goodness you are one to do research. Will pray for thorough investigation & resolution.
Marie Myers I am sorry to hear of your complication. I think another one of our MV repair veterans also had a str ... Read more
Marie Myers I am sorry to hear of your complication. I think another one of our MV repair veterans also had a stroke recently. Check out his story- it is Ben Hyman.
Didi Gold Very scary! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. May I ask why did your doctor keep you on aspirin?
Tom Dadisman WOW Amy, I'm not liking what I read but I'm sure you will be okay. I have always understood t ... Read more
Tom Dadisman WOW Amy, I'm not liking what I read but I'm sure you will be okay. I have always understood that symptoms like you describe are not directly related to heart surgery but rather as you suggest to the preventative treatment afterwards., I'm taking 82mg daily of aspirin and have been doing so since Oct 4th 9my surgery). I too read the study that most of these ideas come from...Dr. Meike Vernooij and colleagues at Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I think it has some controversy associated with the conclusions. I can never tell however but I do recall the summary that persons taking anticoagulants have a 70% greater chance of having brain micro bleeds...yikes. In any case I hope you recover well and get it sorted out...keep me posted! TOM
Cathleen Weed Oh wow...that just happened to Ben Hyman too. His was also a repair not a replacement (mitral valve I ... Read more
Cathleen Weed Oh wow...that just happened to Ben Hyman too. His was also a repair not a replacement (mitral valve I think) a few months ago. He was admitted overnight yesterday. You may have seen his post about it. So sorry. I'm glad you're going to the Cleveland Clinic.
Steven Dean Sorry to hear this, I hope you get some answers soons.
Marie Myers My doc has also kept me on a baby aspirin daily. I think it is pretty common post op.
Ben Hyman OMG Amy...that's exactly what just happened to me! I just got discharged today from the hospital! We ... Read more
Ben Hyman OMG Amy...that's exactly what just happened to me! I just got discharged today from the hospital! We should talk on the phone some time! I had a rather large bloodclot in a blood vessel in the brain. Was extremely dizzy in the shower and was unable to move my left arm. I had the presence of mind to call 911. If I had waited another 30 minutes, I would have been permanently disabled or worse.. how are you doing? Did you get help in time?
Phyllis Petersen Hi Amy, I've followed your story since I came on here, since you were not only one of the few robotic ... Read more
Phyllis Petersen Hi Amy, I've followed your story since I came on here, since you were not only one of the few robotic MVr people, but I was having surgery with the same surgeon (last October). Whether you know it or not, you helped me to not be surprised by so many things I was experiencing after surgery. This has to be insanely scary for you. You're young and healthy, so wouldn't expect anything like this. I hope that everything checks out for you and you can put this behind you quickly.
Ben, I'm sorry to hear that you've gone through this craziness too. I hope that they've figure out why this happened, so you can get back to your recovery without fear.
Steve Farthing I am trying to sequence this - so Amy, were you still on aspirin anticoagulant therapy for your surge ... Read more
Steve Farthing I am trying to sequence this - so Amy, were you still on aspirin anticoagulant therapy for your surgery from last July 2016 and then the doc increased the aspirin dose? If so, why the aspirin in the first place for a successful mitral repair that long ago? (I'll probably have a date soon for my mitral repair.)
I'm sorry to hear about this Amy. So unexpected. Glad to hear that you questioned your local cardiolo ... Read more
I'm sorry to hear about this Amy. So unexpected. Glad to hear that you questioned your local cardiologist and are going back to Cleveland Clinic next week for assessment and explanation.
Amy Dorsey Hi all. Just some clarification. I had a very successful repair however I guess I was put on aspirin ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Hi all. Just some clarification. I had a very successful repair however I guess I was put on aspirin as a preventative for clots ever since my surgery. I ended up having a stroke on memorial day, and because my cardiologist here in Virginia assumed a clot came from my heart, he increased my aspirin to four times the dosage in order to prevent any further clots, however, there was never any proof I had a clot. There is all the proof I had a brain hemorrhage though and numerous microbleeds that came from something. My surgeon believes it is from the aspirin so that is why I'm going back to Cleveland Clinic for more evaluation.
Amy Dorsey I'm still new to understanding all of the post surgery stuff. I don't know why they kept me on aspiri ... Read more
Amy Dorsey I'm still new to understanding all of the post surgery stuff. I don't know why they kept me on aspirin that long… Do they usually stop medicine at some point after repairs?
Amy Dorsey Hi Ben. I'm sorry you are going through this as well. It's definitely scary and life-changing. And I ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Hi Ben. I'm sorry you are going through this as well. It's definitely scary and life-changing. And I thought the heart surgery was scary! Luckily I was at work when this happened… I was completely cognizant the entire time. I actually didn't think anything was wrong. I thought I just needed to rest. I did not want them to call the ambulance but I couldn't speak and for some reason it did not occur to me that it could be a serious situation until the ambulance actually got there and I couldn't verbalize anything. They took me directly to the hospital and tried to communicate with me and I could still understand everything in my brain. I thought that I was talking back but I guess everything that came out of my mouth sounded like a garbled mess. My brain was telling me I was talking normal but I wasn't. After a little while I finally realized that I wasn't making any sense and the doctor was asking me basic questions that I knew the answers to but I couldn't formulate sentences to answer. I burst into tears because I was so scared at that point. It was quite traumatic for me. We went straight for CT scans Of the head and neck, and bloodwork, and an MRI, echo, and TEE and they admitted me. I got 100% speech and function back after 24 hours. Three days later I was released from the hospital without a definite answer as to what caused the mini stroke.. also, I forgot to mention, my cardiologist assumed it must have been a clot from my heart, so he had some sort of device implanted in my chest that could track my heart rate in case I ever go into a fib even though I've never had any a fib ever. So now I have a titanium tracking device in my chest which doesn't really bother me but I was not happy being prescribed four times the aspirin not really knowing what caused this incident. I am so thankful for Dr. Gillinov from the Cleveland Clinic responding to my email so quickly and advising me to come back up there. At least now I feel like I'm going to get some answers!
Ben Hyman Sounds like you got through this relatively unscathed. I was in the hospital for three days. They r ... Read more
Ben Hyman Sounds like you got through this relatively unscathed. I was in the hospital for three days. They removed a 7mm clot from my brain. I had come into the ER barely conscious- they gave me TPA (clot buster) and used a device that threads through the femoral artery to the brain and physically removed the clot. they said it was one of the largest clots that they removed from someone without the patient having any deficits. I definitely dodged a bullet. I won't be so lucky if it happens again. Will be on blood thinners for at least another 3 months and probably aspirin therapy for life
Amy Dorsey Wow!!!!!!!! That is scary!!!!! So was that procedure similar to a heart Cath procedure in that you ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Wow!!!!!!!! That is scary!!!!! So was that procedure similar to a heart Cath procedure in that you are still semi awake and don't feel anything? Well actually sounds like you werent really all that coherent anyway so you might not know that answer. Thank goodness you got taken care of in time!
Amy Dorsey Phyllis, thank you so much for your sweet words! I'm glad that my story could help you. I just saw y ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Phyllis, thank you so much for your sweet words! I'm glad that my story could help you. I just saw your nice comment on one of my guest book entries so thank you! I am glad to hear you made it through your surgery and had a more pleasant experience!
Denise Kirchner Oh Amy how scary for you! I will keep you in my prayers as you travel to Cleveland for further evalu ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Oh Amy how scary for you! I will keep you in my prayers as you travel to Cleveland for further evaluation. God bless you and keep you in his care. ðŸ™ðŸ»â¤ï¸ðŸ™ðŸ»
Barbara Wood Oh man Amy, you ( & Ben too) have gone through something really frightening. It sounds like you both ... Read more
Barbara Wood Oh man Amy, you ( & Ben too) have gone through something really frightening. It sounds like you both came through it well ,
thank God. Glad you did your research Amy, & that you're heading up to the CC. May you both be fine...lots of good wishes & prayers sent to you both.
Dan Marcantel I'd be wary of saying it's related to any post heart surgery therapy. I am on aspirin now to and have ... Read more
Dan Marcantel I'd be wary of saying it's related to any post heart surgery therapy. I am on aspirin now to and have been since surgery. We are complicated beings and these things can happen for a myriad of reasons. Oddly enough I came back recently and asked about you. Sorry to hear about all this I have had no complications since my surgery. Knock on wood.
Steve Farthing Amy, Glad you are doing well and have your excellent surgeon in the loop. Thanks for the clarificati ... Read more
Steve Farthing Amy, Glad you are doing well and have your excellent surgeon in the loop. Thanks for the clarifications. One more question. The long term aspirin therapy after mitral repair surgery was apparently prescribed by your cardiologist, not by your surgeon - is that right?
Kate Watson Oh Amy- I was happy to see that you wrote because I've wondered how you've been. I'm so sad to hear ... Read more
Kate Watson Oh Amy- I was happy to see that you wrote because I've wondered how you've been. I'm so sad to hear that you are going through this though. How scary this must be! I hope they find the cause and that you come through this with no long term consequences. Please keep us posted!
Amy Dorsey Hi Steve. My surgeon had me on it after surgery and then said my cardiologist would let me know what ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Hi Steve. My surgeon had me on it after surgery and then said my cardiologist would let me know what I need to do moving forward. My cardiologist back in Virginia kept me on it and has kept me on it.
After I got out of the hospital here… After memorial day… My primary care physician was out of town for a week so I had to wait to see him. He was in agreement with me right away about the aspirin After he saw my normal MRI from last year pre-surgery, and my current MRI only one year later post surgery. He was not pleased with my cardiologist and offered to get me into John Hopkins. When I told him I was heading back up to Cleveland he was very happy and wanted the information of who I will be seeing so he can keep in contact with them and my treatment.
The past week or so has been full of emotion for me. They told me I had to have that major heart surgery to prevent a possible stroke and yet less than a year later I had a stroke anyway… It's just still mind-boggling to me. Now I am concerned about brain bleeds And wondering what further damage will be done by medicines or if I need to be on medicines… Or if any of the damage in my brain is going to repair itself over time or if I'm just stuck with these things in my brain now that they only see in the elderly right before dementia kicks in :/
Matt Sheffield Sorry to hear about this upsetting news. Hope you're able to get answers quickly. Stay strong. I'm ... Read more
Matt Sheffield Sorry to hear about this upsetting news. Hope you're able to get answers quickly. Stay strong. I'm sure you'll get some clarification at Cleveland Clinic.
Steve Farthing For what it is worth, I just checked with my future surgeon and he says he prescribes aspirin for 1 y ... Read more
NIH-funded research pinpoints protein that sprouts into action, activating stroke repair.
Tina Maroon Wow I sure do wish you well. I hope you get some answers regarding your stroke. Prayers to you!!
Amy Steele Amy-- So sorry to hear what you've been going through. You are in my prayers for a complete and swif ... Read more
Amy Steele Amy-- So sorry to hear what you've been going through. You are in my prayers for a complete and swift recovery, and to figure out what happened.
Rita Savelis Oh Amy. I think about you a lot, and wanted to see a post from you....but not this one. I'm so sorry ... Read more
Rita Savelis Oh Amy. I think about you a lot, and wanted to see a post from you....but not this one. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. There are so many unanswered questions, so many possible side effects, after effects, new effects. Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone has all the answers, and we just muddle through. But here's hoping the doctor(s) you will soon see will be confident and have some answers. Know that you are in our thoughts.
Take care.
Catie B Amy, I am just so sorry. I pray you'll get some clear answers at CC and that they'll set you onto a s ... Read more
Catie B Amy, I am just so sorry. I pray you'll get some clear answers at CC and that they'll set you onto a safe path, going forward.
Lilly Black Amy, I am so sorry about your stroke! Geez.....how devastating! your post was especially interesting ... Read more
Lilly Black Amy, I am so sorry about your stroke! Geez.....how devastating! your post was especially interesting to me as I was struggling with stomach pain. I have a follow-up appointment with my cardiologist on the 16th to receive the results of a stomach ultra sound. I plan to also discuss taking aspirin. Currently I take one 81mg of coated aspirin daily. I stopped for a week and my stomach pains are gone. No bleeding, but the pain has gone. I have started the aspirin regime again yesterday so that I can determine if the pain will come back, which is just in time for my follow-up appointment. So we'll see. Amy, I wish you a full 100% recovery! please keep us posted. So sorry that you had to go through this! Wishing you the best outcome!
Ben Hyman Hello Amy, regarding your question about clot retrieval, they used a device called a "Penumbra" it u ... Read more
Ben Hyman Hello Amy, regarding your question about clot retrieval, they used a device called a "Penumbra" it uses a guide wire that they snake through the femoral artery in the groin and snake it up to the brain. It's guided via a CAT scan with dye it uses suction and other tips to grab and remove the clot. It worked- they got it out in one piece
Shannon Gray Amy...I am so sorry to read this. Prayers for you, and as I've learned to use as my mantra...There's ... Read more
Shannon Gray Amy...I am so sorry to read this. Prayers for you, and as I've learned to use as my mantra...There's no place like Cleveland Clinic. Keep us posted!
Lynda Ruiz Amy, what is currently happening with you? What happened in Cleveland?
Well it's been quite some time since I updated everyone. It's now been 11 or 12 weeks since surgery and I'm finally feeling almost 100% normal. I just went ...Read more
Well it's been quite some time since I updated everyone. It's now been 11 or 12 weeks since surgery and I'm finally feeling almost 100% normal. I just went back to work October 1 which was much longer than I had expected I would be out of work.
I still have a lot of discomfort from nerve damage and muscle being cut from surgery, and still my right lung is not 100% yet, but I'm not wincing in pain constantly just breathing and moving so I'm a happy camper. It seemed like the pain was never going to go away! I went through six weeks of Cardiac Rehab and graduated on early release because everything with my heart and heart rate progressed quickly. I am back to my presurgery cardiac output level and right now just starting to integrate my weight training again although I have to be careful because I have a shoulder issue from the surgery and being immobile on that side for so long. I'm in physical therapy for that now. My resting heart rate is still rather high however I notice it is coming down more than it has been. Overall everyone says I look great and no one including myself can really believe I went through all of that major surgery and recovery. Overall I feel like I have become a changed person from the experience. I can't really put it into words but I'm sure others who have been through heart surgery Can relate. I feel I have become much more patient and laid-back and able to deal with much more than I used to. I guess your mindset changes when you face something like that and make it through the other side. You realize what circumstances are worth stressing about and what circumstances aren't worth it at all. I have found that most everything is not worth it actually. It's a strange kind of peace I have about life now. Anyway, I am so thankful to be on the other side of that and really looking towards the future with a lot more hope.. If I can make it through heart surgery I can make it through anything!! 💪ðŸ»ðŸ’—
Amy Steele Glad to hear an update, Amy! Sounds like your recovery has and continues to go well. I hope you can ... Read more
Amy Steele Glad to hear an update, Amy! Sounds like your recovery has and continues to go well. I hope you can get the lung and shoulder issues resolved soon.
Kate Watson So glad to hear you are doing so well, Amy! You had a rough recovery so it must feel great to have a ... Read more
Kate Watson So glad to hear you are doing so well, Amy! You had a rough recovery so it must feel great to have all of that behind you. I hope your remaining problems resolve quickly. Best wishes to you!
J H Mattingly Amy....yes, I know exactly how you feel. So happy to read about your progress toward getting back to ... Read more
J H Mattingly Amy....yes, I know exactly how you feel. So happy to read about your progress toward getting back to "normal". That was always a milestone I wanted to get to as quickly as I could. It just takes a little time but you do get there. Keep up the great work....I love reading posts like yours...very positive attitude!!
Bob Fessler Amy, I understand when you talk about what is worth stressing about. Life is so important that all t ... Read more
Bob Fessler Amy, I understand when you talk about what is worth stressing about. Life is so important that all the other things pale in comparison. Enjoy life and enjoy living. Don't worry about things that are soon going to be a distant memory. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well! Stay healthy and happy.
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy. I am so happy to hear how well you are doing! I pray you lung and shoulder issue are resolv ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy. I am so happy to hear how well you are doing! I pray you lung and shoulder issue are resolved soon. Take care and God bless you!
Rita Savelis How great to hear from you Amy. So glad the pain is gone! 12 weeks post surgery is early (in my book) ... Read more
Rita Savelis How great to hear from you Amy. So glad the pain is gone! 12 weeks post surgery is early (in my book), and I admire your attitude - patient, laid back, at peace.
It takes time, but when you look back you do realise what you have accomplished and where you are.
You're in a new normal, which is not what your normal once was, but it's okay.
When you get back to the level of your former weight training, that will be a fab achievement. It will happen.
Take care.
Ellen Leng Good to hear from you Amy! So glad things are improved :)
Steven A Husted great to hear you are doing better one day at a time i think time is the best healer of all we need t ... Read more
Steven A Husted great to hear you are doing better one day at a time i think time is the best healer of all we need to give our body time to heal after a major surgery god bless
Shandra Boyd Glad you are feeling better. Continued success on your recovery.
I want to say thank you to everyone on this site who has listened and supported me every step of this journey! From my first days of complete shock and fear ...Read more
I want to say thank you to everyone on this site who has listened and supported me every step of this journey! From my first days of complete shock and fear to slowly learning this process, and through my good and bad days! I know I post a lot… I have a lot of friends and family all over the place so I post for them mostly and the handful of people on here that comment often. I apologize if it's a lot… You are always free to scroll past me LOL!
I am so thankful to have a place where I can express my feelings through this whether they are good or bad, and also a place where I may be able to help someone else. This site has done wonders for me and I'm so grateful for it! Thank you to Adam for creating this website for all of us, and for his amazing book that helped me learn what I was about to go through! If you haven't gotten Adams book yet I highly recommend you do! Here's to all of us through our good and bad days! 💗💗💗
Corey Sines Here, Here! Amy, its great to share and be open about how we are feeling and thinking. We don't al ... Read more
Corey Sines Here, Here! Amy, its great to share and be open about how we are feeling and thinking. We don't always get that outlet other places in our life, but here we can! Hope your recovery just takes off for you, Docs /time ever get that fluid in your lung resolved?
Adam Pick Awwwww. So sweet Amy! :) No need to thank me. It's I who should be thanking you! This website is a gi ... Read more
Adam Pick Awwwww. So sweet Amy! :) No need to thank me. It's I who should be thanking you! This website is a gift and a blessing in my life. Thank you for being part of our community!
Barbara Wood Amy, like you I'm looking at mitral valve repair or replacement. My surgery isn't scheduled yet but I ... Read more
Barbara Wood Amy, like you I'm looking at mitral valve repair or replacement. My surgery isn't scheduled yet but I've been coming here to read the stories of those who have gone before me.I've really appreciated your candor, I'm hoping I sail right thru it, but if I don't,Ihave learned much on what might be my reality from you & others here. Fore-warned is fore-armed. So thank you ( & so many others) who have taken the time to post their experiences, easy & hard, & hope it is smooth sailing for you going forward:)
Rita Savelis Amy, your posts are important to me! Keep writing!
Hi everyone. I'm looking for information or other experiences of ocular migraines post heart surgery. Almost daily I have migraine auras without pain since ...Read more
Hi everyone. I'm looking for information or other experiences of ocular migraines post heart surgery. Almost daily I have migraine auras without pain since heart surgery. Most of the time it's jagged colored wavy lines that vibrate and lasts about 30 minutes. Sometimes it's just seeing stars or dark spots out of nowhere. Ive tried to research this and find that it is common after heart surgery but I'm wondering if there's a resource that can offer information as to why this occurs....what causes it? Will this go on forever? What does it mean? I can't seem to find that info. I'm so thankful there's no pain accompanying this! Just wondering what the correlation is with heart surgery. I mentioned it to my cardiologist and he didn't seem concerned about it.
I had ocular migraines before my surgery in 2012 and they increased in frequency after surgery. Then after about 6 months post surgery they subsided and I maybe had one every month or so. I still have them occasionally but they are few and far between. My doctor was not concerned about them either - they are more if a nuisance than anything. I hope this helps!
Amy Dorsey Thank you! I'm really interested in the correlation between them and heart surgery. I wonder if there ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thank you! I'm really interested in the correlation between them and heart surgery. I wonder if there's studies on it somewhere and I just can't find it. They don't really bother me especially since I know exactly when they will stop at 30 minutes. It's just so strange that they are so frequent right now.
Kate Watson This would be a great topic for Adam to interview a physician about because it does seem so prevalent ... Read more
Kate Watson This would be a great topic for Adam to interview a physician about because it does seem so prevalent post surgery. I haven't found an answer either!
Amy Dorsey I know… I was going to mention Adam in my post to see if he had any information on this. I haven't ... Read more
Amy Dorsey I know… I was going to mention Adam in my post to see if he had any information on this. I haven't found it yet.
Craig Gay Craig's occular migraines began when he got Endocarditis. We were hoping after his aortic valve repla ... Read more
Craig Gay Craig's occular migraines began when he got Endocarditis. We were hoping after his aortic valve replacement surgery, they would be gone. I'm interested in knowing the correlation. I hope you are feeling a bit better each day Amy! Yvonne
ConNie Romo I'm experiencing the same thing. I've been a migraine sufferer since I was 8, the headaches were bad. ... Read more
ConNie Romo I'm experiencing the same thing. I've been a migraine sufferer since I was 8, the headaches were bad. After the surgery I noticed frequent migraine auras ( several times a day) without the headaches.
Marcia Enns Hi, I had them too, but now at three months they are subsiding. Also had what I can best describe as ... Read more
Marcia Enns Hi, I had them too, but now at three months they are subsiding. Also had what I can best describe as an ocular twitch. Feels like I've taken a photo. That has stopped too.
Well today was day two and while I am moving at a snails pace in there it has still been challenging because I am still having a hard time breathing with this ...Read more
Well today was day two and while I am moving at a snails pace in there it has still been challenging because I am still having a hard time breathing with this lung thing and that's been causing some irregular heartbeats. Today they actually slowed me down to slower than a snail's pace because my heart was doing some funky things… And even though I barely felt like I was moving, I was having a hard time. I am so thankful to be going there because every second someone is monitoring me and not only is it going to help me progress properly, but it's like finally someone can validate how I've been feeling physically, because everyone says I look good but I definitely haven't been feeling good with this breathing issue and my heart rate and BP shows it on the screens. We still haven't gotten a baseline yet since it's only day two and there were some sporadic irregular beats again, but it feels good to know everything is being monitored and I know I am in good hands. It just feels good to be around people that understand all of this!
I'm making another trip to my doctor tomorrow about this breathing issue and my lung and ribs. Also the migrating pain in my chest and incisisions it flaring up. Probably due to the nerves and muscles repairing I'm assuming. Hope everyone is feeling better each day one step at a time💗💪ðŸ»
Wanda Mroz It's interesting that you had robotic which is touted as easier yet you are having pain and issues. ... Read more
Wanda Mroz It's interesting that you had robotic which is touted as easier yet you are having pain and issues. It's not the same recovery for everyone I guess. I have not had robotic... I chose OHS . I'm sorry that you are having all of these issues. I know you are eager to get back to where you were and you will. Just be patient and do what they say. Whether robotic, minimally invasive or open heart, it's all an invasion of the heart and it takes time. I still go to cardiac rehab and I love it because someone is there to help and it's like going to the gym. I hope you get some answers soon and things start falling into place for you. 💞ðŸ™ðŸ»
Marcia Enns Hi Amy,
I didn't see your post when I wrote mine. I am glad that you are in rehab and hope each day i ... Read more
Marcia Enns Hi Amy,
I didn't see your post when I wrote mine. I am glad that you are in rehab and hope each day is better. I understand about not feeling good, and hope they clear me for rehab soon. Good luck tomorrow and keep moving forward. I'll be thinking of you.
Marcia Enns
David C Amy, first of all, I am so sorry to hear about all the pain you've had to deal with since surgery. I ... Read more
David C Amy, first of all, I am so sorry to hear about all the pain you've had to deal with since surgery. I am not sure I could take extreme pain for this many weeks. I hope it lets up soon.
Your post is super helpful for me to see, as I have really been on the fence about Cardio Rehab. The positive experience you are having, and the confidence builder of having someone with me in the gym working with me, monitoring my vitals sounds like a great experience. Thanks for posting your thoughts on this.
I really hope you are close to normal and pain free asap.
Denise Kirchner Amy, I am keeping you in my prayers. I had s great experience with cardiac rehab with my 2012 surger ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Amy, I am keeping you in my prayers. I had s great experience with cardiac rehab with my 2012 surgery. You will improve in strength and stamina in time. Take care!
Juanita Linn I can only pray I feel like you! You're making this look like a easy ride! God bless!
Wondering who else had the robotic heart surgery. Seems like most people have had full sternum or different minimally invasive procedures. Who else has had ...Read more
Wondering who else had the robotic heart surgery. Seems like most people have had full sternum or different minimally invasive procedures. Who else has had the robotic mitral valve surgery?
Amy Dorsey I really can't believe there's only two people on this site that have had robotic heart surgery… Th ... Read more
Amy Dorsey I really can't believe there's only two people on this site that have had robotic heart surgery… There has to be more out there!
Natalie Eness I had robotic surgwry but on my aortic valve. It was removing a mass....which turned out to be a pap ... Read more
Natalie Eness I had robotic surgwry but on my aortic valve. It was removing a mass....which turned out to be a papillary fibroelastoma. I had it done 3 months ago and am still struggling with different issues, so I get it. I thought it (robotic minimally invasive surgery) would make my recovery much quicker and easier but it has been a challenge. Let me know if you want more information.
Lise Bowles Hi Natalie and Amy! Natalie I am the other robotic person and I am at just 5 weeks tomorrow. I had a ... Read more
Lise Bowles Hi Natalie and Amy! Natalie I am the other robotic person and I am at just 5 weeks tomorrow. I had a very achey right chest today, which is unfortunate, but I am doing better than I was! Natalie, as Amy said this was a lot more difficult than I had anticipated and certainly more painful! People see me and remark how "you look great" and can't believe I had heart surgery 5 weeks ago, but I have to say they can't see the incisions nor feel the pain I still feel in my torso and my groin from the heart lung machine. But Omg, is the pain better than the first 3 weeks! The throbbing and not being able to lie down was just miserable!!! Thank goodness we are all on this side! XO Lise
Hi everyone. Just hit week 5 and grateful to be feeling better than I have been. Still dealing with the tightness in my rib cage on the right from the pleural ...Read more
Hi everyone. Just hit week 5 and grateful to be feeling better than I have been. Still dealing with the tightness in my rib cage on the right from the pleural effusion. They won't do anything because they say it's "small" but it's still one of the things I feel is holding me back the most. Over the past couple weeks my incision site has gone from numb to nerves awakening and repairing so that's a bit uncomfortable. The incision site in my groin has flattened out a lot more… Still slightly raised but doesn't look like there's a finger under there anymore. Now it's more like one of those straws you use to stir your coffee. Today was my last dosage of the beta blocker and I'm looking forward to seeing how I feel being off of it. Hopefully there's no drastic side effects since I've only weaned for about a week. My newest after effect is joint pain in my right shoulder which I'm sure is normal. I'm trying not to get "frozen shoulder", however it's difficult to know what to do with my arm since all of the muscles and nerves are healing on my right side and I don't want to disrupt the healing process. Cannot stretch that area so my shoulder is getting really stiff and pained. Today is also my first day of Cardiac Rehab. I went for a consultation a few days ago and they said I'm a little bit early but we will take it really slow. The nurse was worried I would overdo it too quickly so we will see how it goes today. I would not miss Cardiac Rehab for anything just to make sure I progress properly.
I hope all of my fellow post surgery friends are progressing and hanging in there. Some people have better experiences than others going through all of this. I was thinking recently about how I went into this with a positive mindset and some fear, and after some trauma in the hospital I came out of this feeling emotionally distraught and traumatized. That caused a whole other healing process I wasn't expecting to have to go through but my point is, I'm finally at a point where I'm starting to feel better and I didn't think that was going to happen. Sometimes reading how great others did makes it hard to relate when your situation was completely different even though it's great to hear that! You might start beating yourself up wondering why your situation couldn't have been like that. I want to encourage others who might be feeling at a loss or negative about their recovery. It will get better!! 💗💗💗
Amy I am glad you are doing better physically and it sounds your mind is in a good place. My groin in ... Read more
Amy I am glad you are doing better physically and it sounds your mind is in a good place. My groin incision is no longer infected and looks a lot like yours from the sound of it.
Not to steal your thunder but you are not alone I always say I am doing well and I am but I have my moments.
I have this one thing going on that when it happens takes my breath away. My lungs are clear but I get this excruciating spasm in my right shoulder blade that when it happens I can't breath. My wife has to massage it for me then I put a cold pack on it but when it happens man it hurts. That's my only complication right now.
I am a ways from cardiac rehab but I am walking 1.5 to 2 miles a day. The pace is slow and I only get tired the last 100 yards or so.
I just feel your pain so to speak. No one can really prepare for how rough this is on the body. Barring exceptions most of us get better but man it is a tough road.
Keep your chin up it will get better.
Kate Watson Glad to hear you are progressing! I remember around 5 weeks I started to turn a corner, though still ... Read more
Kate Watson Glad to hear you are progressing! I remember around 5 weeks I started to turn a corner, though still had a lot of rough patches after that. I hired a massage therapist around that time to work on my shoulder and it helped so much! I had to really look around to find one who could work around my limitations since I couldn't lie on my chest or have any pressure near my chest incision. Since I had full open heart, I don't know much about minimally invasive. Where are your incisions? When are you able to start stretching again?
Lise Bowles Amy. You sound like you are progressing, that's good. Btw, nobody ever told me not to stretch or reac ... Read more
Lise Bowles Amy. You sound like you are progressing, that's good. Btw, nobody ever told me not to stretch or reach in certain ways. Is that something I should be watching out for? Clearly I am not doing any exercises per say but I do reach for things etc. is that a no no? I am back in pain again as of this afternoon, oh boy this is tough! Do you have a knot of something, muscle, scar tissue, ribs sticking out, Under your right sort of armpit area? Omg it's so sore there! Is that where he pulled our ribs to get inderneath to our hearts? This robotic approach requires 5 incisions across from the right side of the body rather than one. There are a lot on nerves being cut through to get to the heart, and, even though externally it doesn't look as invasive internally it is even more if you think about it! Ouch, ouch, ouch!
Amy Dorsey Hi Dan! Great news! You're definitely not busting my bubble! I just wanted to make sure I made that ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Hi Dan! Great news! You're definitely not busting my bubble! I just wanted to make sure I made that statement for those who might have a harder time than others because I've been talking to a couple off of this website about things and they are not wanting to post their difficulties on this website. I know we all have them although some more than others!
Kate! I was wondering about when I can possibly see a massage therapist for my shoulder. While I did not have the sternum split, I have a lot of incision sites and punctures on my right side. One large incision, one small incision, and three puncture holes… One in the ribs, one directly in the middle of my armpit, and one where the arm and chest meet. As far as stretching goes, at this point I can start stretching minimally. The incisions are pretty much healed but the muscles and nerves are all still repairing and it's very tight. It is still tender and I feel it pulling when I attempt to stretch. I don't want to disrupt the healing process by overstretching anything because I'm not exactly sure how long it's going to take for everything inside to repair itself. In minimally invasive they cut through a lot of muscles and nerves.
Lise! No one ever told me about what to do about stretching after surgery. The basic time frame for lifting over 10 lbs they said 8 -12 weeks. At Cardiac Rehab today we did some stretching which I do recommend for the body parts other than the chest area if you can stretch a little bit without pain. We did some shoulder stretching and upper body stretches that I could do on one side much better than the other and we will continue to work on that. As far as your questions about incision sites, it changes all the time. It used to all be numb and then it started aching and the numbness went away in certain areas. I mentioned to you that I sometimes need my pain pills again. It does feel really strange on my rib cage and next to the large incision… Feels as though there's some sort of metal or something hard underneath the skin but maybe it's just scar tissue? Dr. G said there is nothing there such as clips or sutures. No idea as it is on and off numb!
Rita Savelis Oh, Amy, I hear you on the "other healing process" and how difficult seeing others' progress can some ... Read more
Rita Savelis Oh, Amy, I hear you on the "other healing process" and how difficult seeing others' progress can sometimes be.
(I feel bad when people don't post honest negative posts, as if those difficult experiences aren't valid or don't exist when they are, and many people need to read and see them so that they can feel okay and as if they are not the only ones with hardships along the way.)
I also know that physical training is so essential to you and your sense of self, so this was doubly traumatic for you.
One can't just bounce back, it takes time, and there is this terrible worry that things will never be the same.
Anyway, take it easy during rehab. Take care.
Amy Dorsey Aww. Thanks Rita. I think the biggest misconception for me was reading all these online reports stat ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Aww. Thanks Rita. I think the biggest misconception for me was reading all these online reports stating that "minimally invasive heart surgery recovery is anywhere between one and three weeks." I'm not sure if that's true for regular minimally invasive or what, but for the robotic procedure I had I'm in week six and having all sorts of issues that I was not expecting based on these reports. I wish there was more truth to some of these articles because it's misleading and that's been a big issue for me. So far there's only one other person on here that had the same procedure I had and that person is having loads of the same issues I am. I just can't understand these recovery time frames on almost every website I've researched involving robotic procedures. We've been trying to find other patients who have had our procedure so we can compare our stories but there just doesn't seem to be anyone On here yet. I too feel it's important to be honest even if it's a traumatic experience so that people can prepare for the possibilities. It would've been easier for me to deal with how long it's taking me after that procedure if I hadn't kept hearing and reading over and over again how quick the recovery is with this type of surgery and especially since I am "fit." None of it has been true for me at all which has caused a lot of self-doubt in my own health and healing processes… Like I must really suck based on all those reports! Obviously I know I don't suck now and I'm getting through this at my own pace, but dealing with people in my life expecting me to be better when I'm not because the reports say I should be better by week three…and looking OK but feeling like crap and having to explain everything to people who don't understand is just really hard.
Wondering what everyone's experience has been with the groin incision site after heart/lung bypass machine. I'm in week 4 and the incisions are healed up nicely ...Read more
Wondering what everyone's experience has been with the groin incision site after heart/lung bypass machine. I'm in week 4 and the incisions are healed up nicely but it still looks like there's a finger underneath my skin. It's raised up way above the skin and looks and feels really gross. I know everything takes time. Just wondering if everyone's incisions do this and how long it takes to go back to normal.
Well mine is gross. I was OK the initial 4 or 5 days same kind of look as yours. Now I have an infect ... Read more
Well mine is gross. I was OK the initial 4 or 5 days same kind of look as yours. Now I have an infection though and it's gross. I went Thursday and the Surgeon put me on Keflex to see if it would knock it out over the wknd. It swollen, puffy, oozing just at the top though. He considered admitting me Thursday to give me a heavy IV dose but did the orals instead. If I am not better Monday when I see him or showing signs they are admitting me.
It's aggravating and scary dont want this stuff in my blood stream.
Nap Garcia Weird, I didn't have a groin incision. I had a tube go through my jugular vein in neck, I wonder if t ... Read more
Nap Garcia Weird, I didn't have a groin incision. I had a tube go through my jugular vein in neck, I wonder if that's where my bypass went through as I don't have an incision scar in my groin, and I didn't even bother asking about it, but I'm pretty sure I was on a heart/lung bypass, as it was in my surgery report.
Joshua Trimberger I had a neck site as well. The people at rehab told me if you are concerned about your incision at al ... Read more
Joshua Trimberger I had a neck site as well. The people at rehab told me if you are concerned about your incision at all to just go ahead and call the surgeons office and let them decide if it is worth worrying about or not. I hope everything is ok, and I hope you get to feeling better dan! Hopefully those meds workout for you!
There are a couple ways to bypass for heart\lung machine. I believe both mine and Amy's surgery the p ... Read more
There are a couple ways to bypass for heart\lung machine. I believe both mine and Amy's surgery the preferred method was to use the femoral artery.
Mine is infected one of the minor complications I was told about.
It's more of an annoyance because I am feeling pretty good 2.5 wks out. Infections are always scary especially when you are trying to recover.
Amy Dorsey Oh Dan! I'm sorry to hear that! Keep us posted. Yes these groin incisions are no joke and not pretty ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Oh Dan! I'm sorry to hear that! Keep us posted. Yes these groin incisions are no joke and not pretty at all. I'm really surprised mine is still so raised up. Literally looks like there's a finger under my skin.
Dan, where did they put the other end of the tubing when returning the blood to your body? I've heard they go in through the other leg, but they only did one leg on me. (Thanking goodness!) I think they inserted the other tube in my side somewhere. I had the neck thing in my jugular but that was for blood draws not the bypass. That area is still scabbed up.
David C Amy, can you call an advice nurse? My mom had a heart cath and had a crazy clot form at the incision ... Read more
David C Amy, can you call an advice nurse? My mom had a heart cath and had a crazy clot form at the incision point. Her medical report that she saw later classified it as life threatening, or some such dramatic language. I'm no doctor, but the size of a finger sounds bad to me.
For what ever reason, and maybe I am dumb, but I have never found an incision point on me. I have been assuming they maybe hooked me up once I was opened up?
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy: When I had my surgery in 2012, I developed a seroma - which is a collection of fluid around ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy: When I had my surgery in 2012, I developed a seroma - which is a collection of fluid around the femoral artery which in most cases is absorbed by the body over the course of 6 weeks or so. At 8 weeks they tried to drain mine but it had started to calcify so I had to have an out patient procedure where they went in through the same incision site and cleaned it out. I healed just fine after that. Hopefully yours will resolve on its own but keep an eye on it for redness or seeping. Take care - keeping you in my prayers😊
Amy not Sure where they put the blood back in or tube. I just have that one incision in the right leg ... Read more
Amy not Sure where they put the blood back in or tube. I just have that one incision in the right leg. It looks and feels better already today so I think the Keflex which is a strong antibiotic is working. I think I will be fine by Monday and if not they can admit me and does me via IV. If this is the worse I have then I am doing OK.
David C you might be right I watched a video where some surgeon in California did all the by pass stuff after he was inside. He did not use the femoral, neck etc. Said it was better.
Kate Watson That was one of the most painful things to heal for me! Has your dr looked at it? I remember them tel ... Read more
Kate Watson That was one of the most painful things to heal for me! Has your dr looked at it? I remember them telling me to watch out for any golf ball sized lumps. Mine developed a big hard lump under it, which they say is just scar tissue. It feels disgusting but I was told to gently massage my incisions to help break it up. The lump is barely visible now, though it is surprisingly still sore sometimes. It probably took 2 months or more for it to reduce in size, but that's me and I'm a slower healer.
I did have a hard area where they plugged the femoral artery. The hardness did resolve and absorb, but it may take some time, took about 12 months for me.
Saw my Cardiologist today. He was so impressed at the quality of the valve repair by Dr. Gillinov. He could not believe what a great job he did and we compaired ...Read more
Saw my Cardiologist today. He was so impressed at the quality of the valve repair by Dr. Gillinov. He could not believe what a great job he did and we compaired before and after echos. It was cool to see the difference. From a severe leak to zero leak! We talked about my effusion, anemia, and other symptoms. He thinks it best I get off the beta blocker because it could be causing a lot of my symptoms as well and because I already have low blood pressure and that makes it even lower so we start weaning off that tomorrow. Seeing the pulmonologist tomorrow. The x-ray I had taken the other day with my PCP shows a "small" pleural effusion, but it sure is annoying and driving me crazy not being able to breathe, so I really hope the doctor has something to offer to relieve me because it is not going away on its own. I'm not sure what is considered small but it's huge to me because it affects everything.
Also spoke to a lady in the waiting room today that had just had her surgery in June. It was neat to compare stories. She had the same procedure I had except she got it done here in Virginia by the surgeon my cardiologist was referring me to here. I didn't choose him because he didn't really specialize in mitral valve repair. She ended up having a full sternum surgery so we were comparing our experiences. Even though I didn't have the best experience in the hospital after surgery at Cleveland Clinic, I'm still glad I went there and had the surgical team I had. Feel pretty lucky.
Looking forward to cardiac rehab next week. 💗💗💗
Catie B Great to hear that the work on your valve was truly stellar. I hope they can get the effusion resolve ... Read more
Catie B Great to hear that the work on your valve was truly stellar. I hope they can get the effusion resolved for you very soon, Amy.
Bridget Sawmiller Wow, impressive what he said about the work Dr. Gillinov did. Prayers to get the pleural effusion to ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller Wow, impressive what he said about the work Dr. Gillinov did. Prayers to get the pleural effusion to go away so you can start feeling better. Cardiac rehab will be great for you, I know I can't wait to start mine in 4 weeks, continued prayers for fantastic healing, Amy!
Corey Sines Dr. Gillinov is one of the top surgeons in the world for Mitral valve repair. A great choice for a ... Read more
Corey Sines Dr. Gillinov is one of the top surgeons in the world for Mitral valve repair. A great choice for a Surgeon for your procedure Amy, sounds like he did a great job!
PJ Fugitt Amy so happy for you that you are now getting the help you need and answers to all your detours! You ... Read more
PJ Fugitt Amy so happy for you that you are now getting the help you need and answers to all your detours! You are such a strong heart warrior woman. I am so proud of you. Hope all goes well with your appointment today and will find more solutions as to exactly what is happening. â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Denise Kirchner So glad to hear things are looking up for you Amy - you will be back in shape before you know it!
Kate Watson This is great to hear, Amy! You definitely are lucky to have been able to have a repair, even though ... Read more
Kate Watson This is great to hear, Amy! You definitely are lucky to have been able to have a repair, even though it's still a rough recovery process. It's always best if you can keep you own valve. I wish that was ever an option for me. I am curious why did they put you on a beta blocker if your BP is low? I am also on one and have low BP, but they gave it to me years ago for palpitations and I continue on it for that and for post op high heart rate. I hope your pulmonology appointment is useful. As I told you, I've also had "small pleural effusions" and they just tell me it will go away on its own. I think it actually has gone away finally because I'm recently feeling much better! It took months though..
Darlene Smith Amy, my pleural effusion started off small. I ended up being admitted to the hospital 10 days later ... Read more
Darlene Smith Amy, my pleural effusion started off small. I ended up being admitted to the hospital 10 days later and they drained one liter of fluid out in 15 min. Make sure they keep up on that with at least weekly chest xrays!
Met with my primary care physician yesterday. He was concerned about the pleural effusion I still have at week four and ordered a visit to a pulmonologist ...Read more
Met with my primary care physician yesterday. He was concerned about the pleural effusion I still have at week four and ordered a visit to a pulmonologist to check it out. He also kept reiterating how painful a pleural effusion is which makes him the first doctor to justify the extreme pain I have been in for weeks. Post surgery I made two trips to the ER because of pain and was told it was just postop pain. I've had a difficult time breathing and so much pain in my lung and ribs. I am just happy someone finally seems to take me seriously and understand what I've been trying to say. So I will see the pulmonologist this week as well as my cardiologist. We discussed my anemia now that I am anemic since surgery. I've had a lot of other symptoms that seem to be holding me back so we are going to be monitoring that and I will be starting a prescription iron supplement. Some of the symptoms include blacking out when I stand up, inability to take more than three steps without having to stop and feeling out of breath, dizziness, hair loss, seeing stars out of nowhere, and migraine auras in my eyes without the headache. I have come to terms with the fact this is a longer process than I had anticipated. I think some people were trying to make me feel better by telling me I would be fine in three weeks since I was not having a sternum operation… But those are the same people who have never been through a major heart surgery LOL. Overall in the grand scheme of things I have come a long way since the week in the hospital. I'm looking forward to starting cardiac rehab which I think might start next week once I speak to my cardiologist tomorrow. I think if I didn't have the anemia and the pleural effusion I would be further along, but this is where I am right now so I'm dealing with it. I gained over 20 pounds in the hospital in water weight, lost it all before I was discharged and then lost an additional 16 pounds. Most people would love that but mine is mostly my hard-earned muscle so that's a bummer, but again, I am thankful and that just means eventually when I get back into the gym I can start from scratch with my improved heart. 💗 When your life and career is fitness and all of a sudden you don't have that anymore, it's pretty tough, but I know it's just temporary so my mindset has been a lot better. Everyone has been so supportive and kind on this site and in my life. I'm very lucky and thankful for that. 💗💗💗
Bridget Sawmiller The pleural effusion would explain alot of your pain and shortness of breath, glad someone is finally ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller The pleural effusion would explain alot of your pain and shortness of breath, glad someone is finally listening to you. Keep advocating for yourself, you are the only one that truly knows how you feel. I bet once the fluid is gone, you are going to feel 100% better, keep us updated and continued prayers for a smooth recovery!
Joshua Trimberger Thats my favorite when people who haven't had the surgery tell me I shouldn't be taking the pain pill ... Read more
Joshua Trimberger Thats my favorite when people who haven't had the surgery tell me I shouldn't be taking the pain pills this far out. Like excuse me...how about you let me stab you in the chest and then you can tell me how good or bad you feel a month later. I felt a lot better when they drained the fluid off of my lung. I had 700ML in there. Just make sure they numb you up really well. The procedure didn't really hurt that much but its super uncomfortable. The fluid goes into a "jar" so you can see it if you want to. I wouldn't recommend it. Its gross and it really freaked me out (I told them i didn't want to see it and they still showed me)
Lily He Pray for you and hope your upcoming doctor's appt can really help you.
I am sorry Amy I hope you feel better soon.
Kate Watson I'm glad that you got someone to listen to you and look into that further. I've had pleural effusions ... Read more
Kate Watson I'm glad that you got someone to listen to you and look into that further. I've had pleural effusions since surgery but mine was very small. They found it on a CT scan when I developed excruciating rib pain. No one told me how painful it could be either. My understanding is that they are common after surgery, but that some require treatment if they are large and causing symptoms, which it sounds like they are for you. Anemia can contribute to shortness of breath too so hopefully the iron supplements will help some. Hope your appointments go well this week and you start feeling better!
Amy Dorsey Josh!! Eww! Lol! Thanks for the advice! Knowing me I will look if they do that! And yes! I may not ha ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Josh!! Eww! Lol! Thanks for the advice! Knowing me I will look if they do that! And yes! I may not have had my sternum split, but I had a lot of my chest muscle moved to my back during surgery and then moved back to my chest which was not exactly bliss LOL! The muscle pain is bearable since I'm somewhat used to tearing down muscle in the gym, it's the rib and lung stuff that's been the most bothersome.
Kate, as always thanks for your sweet caring ways! 💗💗💗 looking forward to my appointments this week.
Dan and Lily--thank you. I'm doing better than I have been!
Amy Dorsey Oops! And Bridget! Yes! Thank you! 💗
Joshua Trimberger I had one friend who told me I need to stop taking the pain pills like every other day and thats what ... Read more
Joshua Trimberger I had one friend who told me I need to stop taking the pain pills like every other day and thats what I told him about stabbing him in the chest. I think people telling me how good I looked and stuff like that just grated on my nerves as they were saying that and I didn't feel like it. I think you are more then qualified to comment on pain level. What you went through was not fun either. I was talking more about the people in our lives that haven't gone through it but still find the need to give out medical advice.lol The fluid looks a lot like blood. So if you're ok with blood you'll be fine. I don't like seeing my own blood and 700ML was a huge amount of fluid so it really just freaked me out overall. But when they do take it out you feel so much better in a very short time. You will start coughing a ton though as your lung starts to expand. So bring a heart pillow if your still sore when you cough
Lise Bowles Oh Amy , this is awful!!! I am I so much pain and I don't know how you did it!
Xo Lise
Amy Dorsey 💔 oh Lise! I know! It's awful. Hang in there!! Which surgery did he do? Thinking of you!!! 💗💠... Read more
Amy Dorsey 💔 oh Lise! I know! It's awful. Hang in there!! Which surgery did he do? Thinking of you!!! 💗💗💗
Marilyn M I had a large pleural effusion at 8 weeks that showed up on my echo and x-rays. It was really painful ... Read more
Marilyn M I had a large pleural effusion at 8 weeks that showed up on my echo and x-rays. It was really painful in my back, ribs and whole left chest. I could feel it getting worse each day. Could barely breathe, it was hard to talk and it felt terrible to bend over. Still had to sleep sitting up. Three pounds of fluid was removed. (They let me feel how heavy the bag was). I didn't get immediate relief though, it took a few days for my lung to expand. Dr. said because it was in there so long. Still needed Lasix and steroid. What a difference when it was gone!! I do think it hampered my recovery, but now I feel great! You will really feel good too, once it's gone. Good luck and hope your feeling better soon!!
Back home in VA. Still feeling like crap but good to be home. The emotions have stabilized thank goodness. I think some of that was due to coming off the opioids ...Read more
Back home in VA. Still feeling like crap but good to be home. The emotions have stabilized thank goodness. I think some of that was due to coming off the opioids along with everything else. Loads of doctor appointments coming up and cardiac rehab soon. My brother has been making jokes that I am the bionic woman now because I have some sort of implant ring in my heart valve. He likes to pick on me but I guess it's true because I just got some card in the mail that I have to carry around with me that has this implant device serial number on it LOL. Weird. Still have fluid in my lung and pain while breathing and moving. Can't inhale completely yet. I get dizzy when standing and black out for a few seconds… I am anemic right now so I'm thinking it's some deficiency there that I have to work on. I still have those days where I can't go more than three or four steps without needing to sit down which is so insane to me still. It's almost impossible to sleep at night still working on that. Getting between two and three hours now. Looking forward to meeting with my medical team here and getting back to normal eventually. Slowly but surely. 💗
Bridget Sawmiller I am 11 days post op and today is the most exhausted I have been. I hope we both continue to improve! ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller I am 11 days post op and today is the most exhausted I have been. I hope we both continue to improve! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Amy Dorsey Thanks Bridget! It's strange how some days are so different than others but I'm accepting that and ju ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks Bridget! It's strange how some days are so different than others but I'm accepting that and just taking it as it comes! Trying to figure out a pattern now doesn't seem to work!! This week is week 4.
11 Days here as well and have that low grade fever plus my heart rate jumps all over the place. Maybe ... Read more
11 Days here as well and have that low grade fever plus my heart rate jumps all over the place. Maybe I check it too much. I don't feel well today but had a good checkup so I could be worse. No sign of infections, incisions are healing well etc.
I am walking but did not expect to get so tired. I have never been tired like this.
Amy Dorsey Dan, I know exactly how you feel! Each day is different than the one before. I'm shocked at how hard ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Dan, I know exactly how you feel! Each day is different than the one before. I'm shocked at how hard some days are considering my fitness level before this.
Wanda Mroz Don't measure success by days because you will have good ones and not so good ones. Measure it by th ... Read more
Wanda Mroz Don't measure success by days because you will have good ones and not so good ones. Measure it by the week instead.
Mary Wagner Glad you are home! I had anemia and had the same feeling when walking. It did get better - it was j ... Read more
Mary Wagner Glad you are home! I had anemia and had the same feeling when walking. It did get better - it was just slower than I wanted it to be. Where will you do your rehab?
Kate Watson Glad you are home and getting some relief from the emotional stuff. My friends and family also call m ... Read more
Kate Watson Glad you are home and getting some relief from the emotional stuff. My friends and family also call me a "bionic woman" because of my mechanical valves :) The anemia can definitely make you feel like crap on top of everything else. Do they have you taking iron supplements? It really is a one day at at time process. Awesome profile pic by the way! I hope it inspires you and reminds you that you Will get back to feeling fit and strong again.
Amy Dorsey 💗💗💗💗Thanks everyone! I'm starting some prescription iron supplements today as soon as th ... Read more
Amy Dorsey 💗💗💗💗Thanks everyone! I'm starting some prescription iron supplements today as soon as they get to the pharmacy. They were out when I put my prescription in. Hoping that starts making a difference!
Not trying to sound depressing or anything but this week has been hard emotionally. I'm not used to having these emotions so it's been extra hard. I think it's ...Read more
Not trying to sound depressing or anything but this week has been hard emotionally. I'm not used to having these emotions so it's been extra hard. I think it's a combination of feeling like no one understands what I'm going through and not feeling like myself anymore but I've cried more in my alone times this week than I have in a year. I know that it's probably part of the process and I'm trying not to let it take control. I just can't find the comfort I need to feel better inside right now. It's so weird. I feel like such a loser that can't stop crying.
I still have fluid in my right lung that no one seems to be concerned about. It shows up in my online medical reports but no one has told me anything about how to get rid of it. Im still having a hard time breathing because of it. It seems like the right lung is taking a really long time to heal.
I'm still at my dads house and due to be back in Virginia this weekend. I have appointments with my PCP and Cardiologist next week. Hoping one of them can help me with the lung issue.
I don't know. Maybe I'm stir crazy from not being able to do anything and feeling alone. Hoping the water works subsides. It makes me isolate myself even more which probably isn't good. I just needed a place to vent this because I hate the way I'm feeling.
Bridget Sawmiller I am sad to read this and I hope things turn the corner soon for you. I am just getting discharged to ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller I am sad to read this and I hope things turn the corner soon for you. I am just getting discharged today, so I really can't say if the water works are common. I would imagine from reading Adams book that depression and emotional lows are common. Please know that PJ and I are here for you if you ever want to talk. Prayers for peace and continued healing heart sister!!
Terry Shermeister Hi Amy I'm Terry and had my mitral repaired one year ago in May. Everything that you described is no ... Read more
Terry Shermeister Hi Amy I'm Terry and had my mitral repaired one year ago in May. Everything that you described is normal. I'm a biker, swimmer and did moderate lifting. My normal HR was 45--48 pre-surgery, after it wood go up to over 100. I went in to my cardiologist for my three week appointment and it was 102, he said not to worry. My BP went up so I was put on meds not that is normal, and my rate is at 60. Just have patience and trust, all will be ok.
JJ Milton Hi Amy, I am 17 weeks post robotic mitral valve repair. I am no personal trainer, but enjoyed a high ... Read more
JJ Milton Hi Amy, I am 17 weeks post robotic mitral valve repair. I am no personal trainer, but enjoyed a high level of fitness prior to the surgery. I had a lot of weird physical and emotional symptoms post surgery. The emotional part may have been that I was used to doing a lot physically and just couldn't after surgery. I completed cardiac rehab about 3 months post surgery and am feeling much better. I have started working out on my own again and overdid it a little bit. My knees are aching! Anyway, what I am trying to say is that the physical and emotional stuff will get better. It just may take longer than you think. My surgeon told me that I may not feel 100% until after 6 months.........or maybe longer. I am still not back to where I was, but am getting better all the time. You are young and fit. That will help you get back to where you want to be quicker. Be patient and stay positive. I hope you feel better soon!! Take care.
Paul Wells Amy , I may understand what your going through. I have had feelings that no one under stands what I w ... Read more
Paul Wells Amy , I may understand what your going through. I have had feelings that no one under stands what I went through. How many times have tried to reach out only to be interrupted by someone telling me their own story of their gallbladder or Stent , how hard it was on themselves and how stoic they are.
I have felt that no one cared about my health as they should. Not returning calls, short generic office visits , Phone trees. The policy of only one return call per day with a one day lead way. The need to know and the need for reassurance also brought me to tears.
I did not feel like myself after surgery. For years I felt like damaged goods, I would not even take my shirt off around any body.
Looking back those were waisted emotions.
I want for you to feel good about yourself and don't take as long as I did . be amazed of your strengths and what you concord .
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone. I'm hoping this passes soon. I just needed some ears to hear me. Seems no matter who ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone. I'm hoping this passes soon. I just needed some ears to hear me. Seems no matter who I talk to I am just looked at like Im an irrational overly sensitive person.
Lily He Don't worry, be happy, smile. Hope you will feel better soon.
Amy I know it's hard but it will get better. I have a issue here or there I have not disclosed but I ... Read more
Amy I know it's hard but it will get better. I have a issue here or there I have not disclosed but I am just happy to be 8 days past surgery. We are in your corner
ConNie Romo Amy, I also experienced those emotional lows and feelings of nobody truly understands not even my own ... Read more
ConNie Romo Amy, I also experienced those emotional lows and feelings of nobody truly understands not even my own family. I had moments of almost weeping but I knew I had to fight the emotions. I focused my mind on one day it will be better. Everyday I vocalized to myself of my gratefulness to be alive. A friend of mine texted and said ...negative emotions affect our overall healing, that impatience makes the body increase production of stress hormones. So, I made up my mind to choose to cheer up even if my circumstance is otherwise. Just know, we are with you on this and we understand! Hold on my heart sister!
David C Amy, sorry to hear it, but make sure to give yourself some space to recover. We really are kind of al ... Read more
David C Amy, sorry to hear it, but make sure to give yourself some space to recover. We really are kind of along for the ride while the body gets back in shape. I am just hitting 5 weeks out and I still have "off" days. Think about it. Regardless of medical advancements and quality care, we had a tremendously impactful, some might say "invasive" surgery. :)
On top of that, all the things most of us do to normally cope with life are thrown out the window. From big things like not running or, doing yoga, and other morning exercise routines, to little things like being dependent upon someone else to drive, or I can't sleep on my side, all the ways we normally cope and relate to the world have been torn away...of course you'll feel emotional about it. It'd be bad enough if we didn't have surgery and someone took all my coping tools away.
Also, if you glance around on here, it's pretty standard issue to have a wave of depression hit 2-3 weeks post op. I don't know if it's just a part of healing, or an effect of the pharmaceuticals. I know I felt like my emotions flatlined when I dropped the opiates from my routine [which I ultimately feel better for having done].
Regardless, if it continues, we will be supportive on here, but it's super important to find some one to talk to. We could all use a coach now and then.
Kate Watson I'm sorry for how hard it is, Amy, and I think most of us understand how you feel. The emotional ro ... Read more
Kate Watson I'm sorry for how hard it is, Amy, and I think most of us understand how you feel. The emotional roller coaster seems to be part of the journey. Post cardiac surgery depression is a real problem. This can be a very isolating process, especially for someone who is young and used to being active. But that's the beauty of this group, that you can come here and talk with others who understand exactly what you are going through. I don't know if you have considered therapy but that has helped me greatly after surgery. I felt like I had some grieving to do and needed extra support that my family and friends couldn't give me. You are not a loser and I hope you can give yourself some compassion because recovering from heart surgery is a big deal. Hugs to you.
Barbara Laurie Dear Amy, This can be the worst part of surgery! you can always come here and type it out💕 And aga ... Read more
Barbara Laurie Dear Amy, This can be the worst part of surgery! you can always come here and type it out💕 And again, you're not a loser. Crying is good for you right now! Heck, I'm 18 weeks out and I still cry! (Ok, that's not you, my circumstances are a bit different)
But, knowing you don't have a lot of control over your body, which you seem used to, must be so difficult. The surgery is very very hard on our bodies, I too hope you can allow yourself to move through the process without thinking you're a loser! What are you doing for pain? Pain relief might need to be your #1 concern so you can feel better and breath! Best Regards kiddo.💕â¤ï¸ðŸ’•ðŸ™ðŸ¼
Hang in there. I bet it is also hard having a very active lifestyle and going through recovery, with ... Read more
Hang in there. I bet it is also hard having a very active lifestyle and going through recovery, with issues that are not clearly being addressed. Sending thoughts of healing and peace to you.
Mary Wagner Oh Amy - I am so sorry this has been so hard. No way are you a loser... you simply do not feel good! ... Read more
Mary Wagner Oh Amy - I am so sorry this has been so hard. No way are you a loser... you simply do not feel good! I think you may feel a lot better when you get home to VA and are back in your own place. Before you do leave Cleveland - I would call and ask them about the water. Good luck on the drive home.
Amy Dorsey Thank you so much everyone. 💗💗💗💗💗💗 it really helps hearing all of that.
Rita Savelis The doctors are probably hoping that your body will reabsorb the fluid, which it sometimes does. If t ... Read more
Rita Savelis The doctors are probably hoping that your body will reabsorb the fluid, which it sometimes does. If that doesn't happen, they will drain it. Fluid buildup is a natural body reaction to OHS. It makes one more tired because the lungs have less air capacity.
I think that everything you are feeling, Amy, is so normal and so common. It's okay to cry and to feel down. You've been through too much. After the physical ordeal comes the emotional ordeal. One does not bounce back right away, it takes time. Be easy on yourself and don't expect more than your body or soul can do right now, they are both adjusting. For someone like you who was in such top physical shape before OHS, it's doubly hard. You will be back there again, but give it time.
Shandra Boyd Hi Amy. Continue to stay positive and I know things will continue to improve. I've been told that the ... Read more
Shandra Boyd Hi Amy. Continue to stay positive and I know things will continue to improve. I've been told that there will be a range of emotions so try not to worry as much. Each day will get better for you and remember after all that you have been through, your Test will soon be your Testimony! Take care.
Corey Sines Amy, sorry to hear you struggling emotionally, but know you aren't alone, each one of us has struggl ... Read more
Corey Sines Amy, sorry to hear you struggling emotionally, but know you aren't alone, each one of us has struggled and went through similar emotions. I was not personal trainer, but going into repair surgery the first time, I felt like I could do almost anything. Coming out, as you know first hand, going to the bathroom was a challenge. Its hard to deal with emotionally because we didn't "feel broken" before our surgeries. Also, your recovery hasn't been uneventful, so your body has to adapt to all the changes and deal with how its healing. Keep fighting through it, know you might still have some bumps in the road to recovery, but in the end, whenever your reach that end, you will feel good and healthy again.
After surgery, did you have days where you could be pretty active and then days where anything you did made you exhausted? I'm still early on after surgery… ...Read more
After surgery, did you have days where you could be pretty active and then days where anything you did made you exhausted? I'm still early on after surgery… Just over two weeks, not really knowing what to expect and finding it strange that one day I can be perfectly fine with minimal pain and the next day the smallest activity takes me out for the entire rest of the day. I can't really figure out a routine yet because it's such an every other day thing right now. Today I walked 20 minutes and it completely kicked my butt. I was exhausted and slept pretty much the entire day after that, whereas two days ago I walked for an hour and felt fine. my blood pressure is still in the low category and my heart rate is still high. I'm done with all of my postop appointments here in Ohio and will see my cardiologist in another week and a half. Just trying to figure out what is normal now because I have no idea and that is scary to me.
Joshua Trimberger 4 weeks post as of tuesday and yeah that still happens to me. In the past couple of days I have notic ... Read more
Joshua Trimberger 4 weeks post as of tuesday and yeah that still happens to me. In the past couple of days I have noticed that I will get a few hours a day of feeling like a normal human again. But I still get the exhaustion from minimal activity
Rita Savelis Two weeks is so very very early. You still need to let your body heal. Two steps forward, one step ba ... Read more
Rita Savelis Two weeks is so very very early. You still need to let your body heal. Two steps forward, one step back. Your body needs a lot of rest, so listen to it. It's hard to know what "normal" is - it's different for everyone. You sound quite normal to me, but I feel for you because it's hard to be back out in the real world so soon when your body is still adjusting.
ConNie Romo I'll be 4 weeks post-op this Tuesday and yes, I'm going thru the ups and downs of my energy level sti ... Read more
ConNie Romo I'll be 4 weeks post-op this Tuesday and yes, I'm going thru the ups and downs of my energy level still. Just be patient with yourself like I tell myself too. Sooner or later we will be back to normal or maybe have a new normal either way it will come...I believe on that😊
David C Yep, like Joshua and ConNie, I am 4 weeks out as well, and still have ups and downs. I am just gettin ... Read more
David C Yep, like Joshua and ConNie, I am 4 weeks out as well, and still have ups and downs. I am just getting up to 10,000 steps for a daily average, and excited about that. At the same time, we went across town to run a few errands yesterday, and I came home and promptly passed out for like 2.5 hours. And it was silly stuff, like "go to a book store"" level of activity. I think recovery is just a slow process, and we just need to listen to what the body wants.
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone. It's hard when it hits out of nowhere and I'm out (zzzzz) for a day when I've barely ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone. It's hard when it hits out of nowhere and I'm out (zzzzz) for a day when I've barely done anything...meanwhile people around me are telling me I look fine and they think I'm all better… When I know I'm not yet and yet some days it feels like I am. I can't ever tell. All I know is I am tired a lot. It's a confusing journey.
I napped and walked a lot. Walked in the morning, nap, walked again, nap etc. The first two weeks are really recovery time. There have been folks on the site claiming 2-4 week recovery. The data shows typical recoveries of 6-15 weeks, so there is a lot of healing going on even though people say you look "good"/normal.
Kevin Shackelford Hi Amy, 7 weeks post op and yeah I get this. I am really active one day and exhausted the next. It se ... Read more
Kevin Shackelford Hi Amy, 7 weeks post op and yeah I get this. I am really active one day and exhausted the next. It seems to be getting better as time moves on. I just rest when my body tells me.
Richard Davis Amy, I'm 4 weeks post opt. I started cardiac rehab last week. I do listen to my body, one minute I fe ... Read more
Richard Davis Amy, I'm 4 weeks post opt. I started cardiac rehab last week. I do listen to my body, one minute I feel good, then the next minute I have to lie down... Hang in there, healing takes time and patience.
Wondering how long it takes for the heart rate to go back to presurgery levels? My heart rate was between 47 and 55 as a very athletic person. Since surgery ...Read more
Wondering how long it takes for the heart rate to go back to presurgery levels? My heart rate was between 47 and 55 as a very athletic person. Since surgery it hovers between 98 and 108. I'm on medicine that is supposed to bring it down but it so far is not doing anything. Some people get pacemakers to regulate the heart beat. I don't have one of those. I'm just trying to deal with all of the changes. I really hope my heart rate goes back to normal but I'm wondering how long will it take?
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy. When I had my first repair in 2012 my resting heart rate before surgery was 55. By 4 weeks ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy. When I had my first repair in 2012 my resting heart rate before surgery was 55. By 4 weeks post surgery it was at 75-85 and by the time I completed rehab - around 18 weeks post surgery it was back down to 55-60. Hang in there - it will come back down - it just takes time. You are in my prayers!
It took about 9 months for the heart rate to reduce from post surgical levels down to to the current rate in the 70's.
Everyone is different, you should of course consult with your cardiologist. I did see him and he eliminated all the obvious, but it did resolve for me over time.
Corey Sines How are you feeling besides the higher at rest heart rate? At only 3-4 weeks post op this could be no ... Read more
Corey Sines How are you feeling besides the higher at rest heart rate? At only 3-4 weeks post op this could be normal. Just make sure docs eliminate all the other stuff (Infection, clots, etc..) especially if you are feeling worse now that say a week ago.
Barbara Laurie Amy, your meds may very well be working. Your heart took a big insult, as did your body, I won't say ... Read more
Barbara Laurie Amy, your meds may very well be working. Your heart took a big insult, as did your body, I won't say what you should or shouldn't do. I'll just write patience hon. Best regards💕â¤ï¸ðŸ’•
Clare Auten I agree with others that things take time. However, my body is finicky. I left the hospital on a bet ... Read more
Clare Auten I agree with others that things take time. However, my body is finicky. I left the hospital on a beta blocker for my heart rate. My cardiologist didn't like my numbers and switched to a different beta blocker. Wow, it was instant improvement. Maybe talk to your doctor.
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone 💗 I guess I feel like I'm not improving like everyone said I would with how they k ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone 💗 I guess I feel like I'm not improving like everyone said I would with how they kept/keep telling me how great I will do since I'm "young and fit." I can barely walk at 1.0 on the treadmill without difficulty which is really hard for me to accept from where I started from before surgery. I don't understand why so many people including doctors keep saying that!! I don't feel anywhere close to myself any more.
Barbara Laurie I agree Amy, and no matter what everyone said to me, I knew it would be a tough road. Little did I kn ... Read more
Barbara Laurie I agree Amy, and no matter what everyone said to me, I knew it would be a tough road. Little did I know how hard. But take courage, I've seen women on this sight as fit as you struggle, then suddenly they are posting how great things are🌺 So, give your body time. Best. â¤ï¸
Kate Watson I would like to know the same thing! I'm still dealing with a heart heart rate and on various meds to ... Read more
Kate Watson I would like to know the same thing! I'm still dealing with a heart heart rate and on various meds to try to help it but it's still close to 100 at rest. It's very uncomfortable to me.
It's a painful thing to compare yourself to where you were before surgery. I found myself doing that a lot. But a more useful thing would be to compare yourself to where you were a week ago. And as time goes on, three weeks ago, a month ago. You will be amazed by how much progress you make from week to week. You are still so very early into your recovery process. I have a feeling that at about 5 weeks, you'll really start to turn a corner. Cultivating self patience was something that I struggled with greatly throughout this process, and was probably one of my biggest lessons. The best thing you can do for yourself is to treat yourself like you would a friend who is going through this. Give yourself lots of empathy and self compassion for what you've been through.
I was discharged on Wednesday last week and have had 2 trips to the ER since. Once on Friday for excruciating pain which they told me was just post op pain ...Read more
I was discharged on Wednesday last week and have had 2 trips to the ER since. Once on Friday for excruciating pain which they told me was just post op pain and possible cracked ribs, and then yesterday on Sunday because I woke up from a nap and my left forearm was swollen. ER confirmed I have a blood clot in my arm. They said it is "superficial" meaning not in the deep veins yet. Well that kind of freaked me out, but they said to monitor it and keep it elevated with a heating pad to help break it up. I'm not on any blood thinners so I guess I am at higher risk for clots? I emailed Dr. Gillinov and he said the same thing...so just another bump in the journey. Still feeling the pain and never really comfortable, but taking it one day at a time. Some days I can do my walking with no issues, and other days just barely walking a 1.0 on the treadmill kicks my butt. Still hard for me to get over this level I'm at from where I was with my fitness level before this. It's amazing how difficult a basic walk is now. Post op appointment in a couple days. My incisions are healing nicely. I have a 5" incision on my right side, a 1" incision on my breast, and a few small incisions on the side. One is in the center of my arm pit so I haven't been able to shave that arm pit yet!! It's gross but my family keeps making jokes I should dye it pink or blue😂😂😂
Even though I am doing minimally invasive repair my guy says he is going to give me Warfrin for a few ... Read more
Even though I am doing minimally invasive repair my guy says he is going to give me Warfrin for a few months. I googled it and I am going to ask just to take my aspirin like I was before. Supposed to be very close in regards to blood thinning.
Amy Dorsey I was surprised they did not put me on some blood thinners temporarily. The ER doctor told me to up m ... Read more
Amy Dorsey I was surprised they did not put me on some blood thinners temporarily. The ER doctor told me to up my aspirin.
Roni Reinhold I've been on blood thinners since my first valve replacement in 2001. So far no blood clots but I did ... Read more
Roni Reinhold I've been on blood thinners since my first valve replacement in 2001. So far no blood clots but I did have had a bleed in my intestines which led to surgery in 2014.
Catie B Amy, I'm sorry to hear about the clot. I hope things calm down for you. I'm glad you'll be seen again ... Read more
Catie B Amy, I'm sorry to hear about the clot. I hope things calm down for you. I'm glad you'll be seen again soon and hope that appointment will help relieve some of the worries.
Joanne Casserly I'm sorry about the clot, but man, I'd want to be put on a blood thinner for a few months, try to res ... Read more
Joanne Casserly I'm sorry about the clot, but man, I'd want to be put on a blood thinner for a few months, try to rest.
At 3 weeks post op I had a 12" blood clot in my right arm. I was on blood thinner for about 3 months. ... Read more
At 3 weeks post op I had a 12" blood clot in my right arm. I was on blood thinner for about 3 months. I noticed a big bruise on my arm and it hurt, but I couldn't remember hitting it. It was pretty scary, but it got better. Follow there instructions. Now what you need to do is laugh and not cry. I got pretty depressed after a while but in hindsight it was a short chapter of the storie. Go get the movie dumb and dumber and watch it and don't laugh too hard or you ribs will hurt. 😀Keep the faith .
Cathleen Weed Keep focusing on 4 months from now 💛 You'll be amazed at how much better you feel! Hang in there!! ... Read more
Cathleen Weed Keep focusing on 4 months from now 💛 You'll be amazed at how much better you feel! Hang in there!! 🌟 Thinking about you! 😘
Wanda Mroz Actually, an aspirin and Coumadin are different types of thinners. Aspirin thins the blood by acting ... Read more
Wanda Mroz Actually, an aspirin and Coumadin are different types of thinners. Aspirin thins the blood by acting on the platelets, keeping them from sticking together. Warfarin reduces the amount of a protein in the blood, which promotes clotting. Some people may respond better to one treatment than the other. I take an 81 mg aspirin but was also put on warfarin recently to prevent clots from atrial flutter. After surgery, I was put on warfarin for three months also, then taken off after wearing a heart monitor which showed no afib (different than flutter). I'm glad you have a follow up appt. Better safe than sorry. I absolutely hate being on the thinner, but it's better than a stroke. Hoping you feel better soon. 💞
Shandra Boyd Hoping as the days progress that things will improve for you. I know walking at 1.0 on the treadmill ... Read more
Shandra Boyd Hoping as the days progress that things will improve for you. I know walking at 1.0 on the treadmill must be a difficult thing for you to digest right now. :)
Bridget Sawmiller Amy, i am sorry to hear about the clot, praying for progress and healing for you. You are strong and ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller Amy, i am sorry to hear about the clot, praying for progress and healing for you. You are strong and I will continue to pray for you.
Mary K Are you consulting with anyone about your pain? Pain control contributes to healing: fewer stress ho ... Read more
Mary K Are you consulting with anyone about your pain? Pain control contributes to healing: fewer stress hormones, better sleep, increased motivation, a more positive attitude. There is a balance between taking pain medication with its side effects and suffering through the pain. I would investigate the former.
Corey Sines Are you doing Aspirin Therapy at all? Some docs prescribe this post repair, might was to ask Cardiol ... Read more
Corey Sines Are you doing Aspirin Therapy at all? Some docs prescribe this post repair, might was to ask Cardiologists / Surgeon.
Kate Watson I also have a rib issue that developed post op but mine was at about 5 weeks post op. I feel for you ... Read more
Kate Watson I also have a rib issue that developed post op but mine was at about 5 weeks post op. I feel for you because that was one of the most excruciating pains I've had and it was difficult to breathe, sneeze, move, walk or do anything. I also went to the ER for that because I was sure my ribs were broken or that there was something wrong with my lung. But I never got an answer except that maybe my ribs grew back together that way and that I pulled the intercostal muscles. I got some physical therapy for it, which actually helped a ton, used my pain meds as needed, and rotated ice and heat. It's finally getting so much better but it's taken quite a while to heal. I'm sorry to hear about your blood clot too as I imagine that was scary. Hang in there, Amy. Sending you lots of well wishes for peace and strength to get you through these hardest weeks.
Yesterday was probably one of my worst days pain wise. I could not even use my spirometer Because my ribs hurt so bad I could not take any deep breaths. My ...Read more
Yesterday was probably one of my worst days pain wise. I could not even use my spirometer Because my ribs hurt so bad I could not take any deep breaths. My breathing was so shallow I was short of breath and every time my body had a hiccup or something it would bring me to my knees in tears. I called the number they gave me for postop questions and they told me they wanted me to go to the ER to make sure everything was OK. I really just wanted them to switch my pain meds or something because what was working in the hospital is not working anymore. Spent about six hours at the ER and all tests came back...no pulmonary embolism...nothing majorly wrong with lungs or heart. They did say I might have a couple cracked ribs based on physical assessments they did but they could not confirm because my x-rays were not clear, because I could not position myself the way they needed since I was in so much agony. I've literally been wailing in pain when the medicine doesn't work. The doctor at the ER said I need to start taking NSAIDs and he prescribed me some muscle relaxers and Motrin. My question is, I'm afraid to start taking those and go off of pain meds even though my pain meds aren't really working, I'm afraid if everything wears off I'm going to be in excruciatingly more pain. Did anyone else have this issue where it was suggested to switch to anti-inflammatories? I'm not sure how many people here have had robotic surgery where they have to manually maneuver your muscle to different parts of the body, but it's really painful. Did you guys stay on narcotics long? Have your medications been switched to completely different medications? How long before the major pain becomes bearable? I know it's different for everyone but mine seems to be terrible all the time. Who knew I was such a wuss?!?! I really have nothing to compare it to because I've never had surgery, never broke a bone, never been in the hospital, never even been stung by a bee. One week and 2 days post op now.
Wanda Mroz Wow and yours wasn't even OHS. I had excruciating pain in my shoulder blades... Below them rather, a ... Read more
Wanda Mroz Wow and yours wasn't even OHS. I had excruciating pain in my shoulder blades... Below them rather, after OHS. I couldn't take deep breaths either. What helped was a combination of heat packs and ice packs alternating. They gave them to me in the hospital and I did it at home. The painkillers did nt work too well, but the muscle relaxer, Robaxin, was very helpful. I also used Tylenol but NSAIDs was a no no. My cardiologist doesn't want me using them because they aren't good for the blood vessels and i was on Coumadin, definitely out. Try the muscle relaxers... They should help and try some heat and/ or cold packs. Whichever feels better. When I got home I felt better but it took a couple of weeks to subside. It was purely from the way they positioned me on the operating table. I hope you feel better soon. 💞
Shannon Gray Oh Amy... Hoping things ease up for you soon. I am so sorry. I saw you mentioned Sandy Z to Lise... S ... Read more
Shannon Gray Oh Amy... Hoping things ease up for you soon. I am so sorry. I saw you mentioned Sandy Z to Lise... She is truly an angel! Was with me every step of the way, even when I had to be rehospitalized before we even left Cleveland. I'm so glad she was there for you. Such a special person! Many gentle hugs!
Amy Dorsey Thank you! Yeah, I'm not on any blood thinners. I'm on a bunch of stuff right now but the main thing ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thank you! Yeah, I'm not on any blood thinners. I'm on a bunch of stuff right now but the main thing for my heart is a medication to help bring my heart rate down because it is still twice what it was before I had the surgery. I'm still trying to figure out what "minimally invasive" means! The only big difference is I didn't have a cracked sternum. Everything else the same. I laugh to myself when I think of all the things they did to me that were invasive. I feel like there really wasn't anything they didn't invade on my body! LOL! I tried the ice and heat at the hospital and they worked so I've got the ice and heat ready tonight. Thank you 💗
Clare Auten I had a full sternotomy so not much muscle pain. Are you on coumadin temporarily (I know you had a r ... Read more
Clare Auten I had a full sternotomy so not much muscle pain. Are you on coumadin temporarily (I know you had a repair) ? Nasids will mess with blood thinners. Good luck to you.
Wanda Mroz My surgeon carefully made sure I understood that minimally invasive was still the same invasion to th ... Read more
Wanda Mroz My surgeon carefully made sure I understood that minimally invasive was still the same invasion to the heart... No difference. The only difference is how they get there and the scars. I had a choice and I chose OHS. I had heard some people do have a ton of pain either way. Personal pref. I thought my total shoulder replacement about 3 years ago was far more painful truthfully. I do hope the pains ease up soon. I know how it feels.💞
Rita Savelis If you did have a rib cracked, that would be really painful, more painful than a sternum cut. I am re ... Read more
Rita Savelis If you did have a rib cracked, that would be really painful, more painful than a sternum cut. I am really sorry to hear about your pain, so unbearable to live with. And yes, it is all so very INVASIVE. Being hospitalised is invasive. Any kind of surgical procedure is invasive. I hear you on that. Take the pain meds you need, keep vocal with doctors about your needs, and I wish you peace and less pain very soon.
Peggy Whitecotton They broke 2 ribs during my surgery and was told they wired them together. I had a full sternotomy, t ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton They broke 2 ribs during my surgery and was told they wired them together. I had a full sternotomy, they said that its rare but sometimes they have to do it to get a full view of the heart. Which I don't understand that at all.. Anyway I could feel it when I took a deep breath and it bothered me for about 9 months.
Barbara Laurie Amy, only from experience, but I would use the muscle relaxers. Even if the pain meds aren't helping, ... Read more
Barbara Laurie Amy, only from experience, but I would use the muscle relaxers. Even if the pain meds aren't helping, the fact that you are tensing up all day because of your pain makes the situation worse.💕 If your cardiologist says okay, muscle relaxers helped me a lot, maybe you'd feel better too? That, and your ice/heat could help you relax those muscles and get flow back to the areas that need healing... Take care. 💕💕💕
Wanda Mroz Ditto... Muscle relaxers helped me also along with the heat and ice. 💞
So I just got out of the hospital yesterday and today is one week post op. I'm still trying to deal with all of the emotions from this journey and each phase ...Read more
So I just got out of the hospital yesterday and today is one week post op. I'm still trying to deal with all of the emotions from this journey and each phase of it. I never really thought about the recovery part before because I was so full of anxiety about the actual surgery part. Now I am home at family's house for the next week or so and trying to figure out my medicines and pain management and still feeling kind of traumatized from my hospital experience. Praying a lot today for PJ our fellow heart warrior who is in surgery as I type this. I'm so thankful she came to visit me and I can't wait to go see her. Even though we never met before a couple days ago, her visit was by far the best thing for me. If any of you ever have the chance to visit one another I recommend it.
Last night I didn't sleep well but I haven't slept well since surgery. This morning I woke up with tremendous pain like I haven't had before in a different area. Is that normal? I've been following my pain medication guidelines so I wasn't really expecting the pain I had this morning to be so intense. All of my vitals are normal and my weight so I'm guessing it's just part of the process. Wondering when the pain won't be so horrible 24/7. Any experienced people have thoughts on this? I can't ever seem to get comfortable and although I'm doing my breathing exercises, this morning the pain was so intense it made it difficult to breathe at all. I am exhausted all the time but cannot sleep. I'm trying to find something to give myself some neck support at night because on a wedge with pillows around me I still have a hard time. Since I can't move my torso much the only thing I can do is move my head and if it doesn't have good support it jerks around and wakes me up. Any advice?
How frustrating! Do you think it warrants a call to the doc? If it's In a different area than you have felt before that would be concerning to me.... It seems to me that your pain has not been managed well at all!
I would be pissed to no end if I had been treated like you were! I am going to have my husband glued to the chair in my room as my advocate after reading your story! Thank you so much for sharing that so I can go in being prepared. I have had similar experiences in other hospitals, for childbirth, for breast cancer, and believe it or not at A Mayo clinic in Jacksonville Florida, ugh, I hate hospitals! I agree, I thought this one would be above that in their standards!
Regarding your questions about comfort I have no ideas because I've never been there. Can't they give you enough pain medication to keep you comfortable? I don't like taking drugs but this type of pain is what they were invented for! Can't they give you something to help you sleep? You poor baby I am just so sad that it is and was so hard on you!
Lots of healing love, let me at em, grrrrrrrrr!!!
Hi Amy..
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time with pain.
When you get home to your familiar hom ... Read more
Hi Amy..
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time with pain.
When you get home to your familiar home environment, you may be able to get more comfortable.
It can be a few weeks before you get a good night's sleep. That is normal. Finding just the right position that's comfortable for you.
I went between using my recliner and trying to sleep in bed. Finally...I made it through the night in bed about 12th post op night. Praise the Lord!
I, too, suggest calling your doctor. Maybe they will get a chest xray...to be sure all is well.
Praying for your healing and comfort.
Kate Watson I had to use a recliner to sleep comfortably. The bed didn't and still doesn't always work out for m ... Read more
Kate Watson I had to use a recliner to sleep comfortably. The bed didn't and still doesn't always work out for me. When in bed, I prop up my head with several pillows and put a small rolled up hand towel under my neck to support it. Are you taking the pain meds at scheduled times around the clock? It's so important to try to stay ahead of the pain and not let it get to excruciating levels because it's hard to control once it gets to that point. I had to call my surgeon's office several times for various pain issues so I wouldn't hesitate to do so if the meds are not working for you. You may be able to add tylenol, ibuprofren or a muscle relaxant to your regimen if you're not taking any of those yet. Please try to do your breathing exercises even though it's so painful because the last thing you need is pneumonia or fluid to build up around your heart. I'm sorry this is so hard. There's no way to predict how it will be for each person. We see some people here just breeze through this like it's no big deal. And then there's others of us who struggle for months. It was definitely the worst experience I ever had, and there's truly no way to mentally prepare for it. But it's hard to say that here without scaring the crap out of people who haven't had surgery yet. I wish you some rest at home. It's a long road, self patience is so necessary.
I had a very similar time during my week at the most expensive hotel in North Carolina ,Duke hospital ... Read more
I had a very similar time during my week at the most expensive hotel in North Carolina ,Duke hospital. I did not sleep much for 1-2 months, the pain was worst of my life. I did find relief in walking up and down the hall of my house. At all hours if I felt really bad it gave me relief if I walked. My cat loved the 3:00am walks up and down the hall she always kept me company. I moved from the sofa to the bed, used every pillow in the house to try to get comfortable. I never quite mastered sleeping on my back. I never experienced constipation like the pain meds will give you in my life (50) by some prunes, stool softener, after the hostpital had just cleaned me out with turbo lax it was not a concern to me. Trust me start taking some your life will be easier. The doctors at duke told me that the younger more fit people always complain more about pain. Might be all that muscle they have to cut through has more feeling. Keep on keeping on. It's a push, it sucks, but it will get better, keep walking your way back to life.
Catie B I don't have any wise words, but I'm thinking of you today, Amy, and so hoping things start to get be ... Read more
Catie B I don't have any wise words, but I'm thinking of you today, Amy, and so hoping things start to get better, so you can feel you're well on the road to recovery. I'm so sorry you've had such a difficult time.
Meredith Bray I was on the phone about every other day with my surgeon's nurse, asking "Is this normal?" and "Is th ... Read more
Meredith Bray I was on the phone about every other day with my surgeon's nurse, asking "Is this normal?" and "Is that normal?" because I just didn't know. Make sure you are getting enough good rest. You won't be able to get good rest unless you can relax your muscles, so make sure your head & neck are supported, as well as your arms and shoulders. I didn't sleep more than a few hours at a time until about 3 weeks post op. it does get better, I promise!
Finally released from the hospital after 7 days. Had some complications which added about three days to my stay. Overall a very traumatic experience for me. ...Read more
Finally released from the hospital after 7 days. Had some complications which added about three days to my stay. Overall a very traumatic experience for me. An extra day in ICU due to blood pressure issues, water around the heart and lungs and an organ not functioning properly… Turns out I was going into Sepsis. They ended up having to take me off pain medicines overnight on night 5 during all of this which made it extremely painful all over again. Another day to monitor my bladder and then another to manage pains again and I'm finally out of there. Oh, and a 20 lb water weight gain. Thankful all of that is gone now! For everyone that said enjoy the rest… There's no rest when you're in the hospital I found out. There was someone in my room starting at 3 AM every day, every 30 minutes, all day long until midnight. Looking forward to hopefully finally getting some sleep. Still in a lot of pain, finally got to wash my hair after a week! And take a real shower. Trying to adjust to my heart rate being so high right now which will take time to come down. I can't do near what I could do before. My resting heart rate as an in shape person was 47, And now it's over 100 so we are managing that with medicine and day by day as I get stronger it should go down. Probably six months they say. Just walking laps around the hospital floor yesterday and I am extremely sore in my legs. Going up the stairs at my dads house I have to stop and take a break! It's unbelievable! Thanks for everyone who's been communicating with me through all of this. Definitely the hardest thing I've physically ever gone through. I have a long way to go.
My biggest issue with the whole process was my aftercare. It was nothing that I expected and actually very traumatic. I have never been in the hospital before but I expected much better than I received at the Cleveland clinic. To make sure credit is received, everything leading up to getting to Cleveland Clinic and planning the procedure and getting the surgeon I wanted went very smoothly and professionally. The staff on all of the other floors, and the ease of parking in the building was beautiful… All those things were fantastic. And my surgeon and surgery went as planned as far as the mitral repair goes. It is a wonderful facility! It was the after care that ruined it for me. In the span of seven days I had about 15-20 different nurses and of those nurses probably two or three that actually did a good job and the rest were very unsatisfactory. I was cared for over the weekend and had all interns and inexperienced nurses. I had to switch nurses a few times the first couple days because of incidents that were just unacceptable. My first nurse showed me how to use the spirometer and he was showing me to blow in the backwards end of it. He didn't even know what it was called. When I was in ICU there was a grumpy nurse there who was having a bad day and treated everyone very unsatisfactory. She threw me around like a cold fish when I was in the worst pain I've ever had in my entire life. Every time someone used the call button she acted like it was a bother to get up and see what they needed and one lady she didn't seem to want to help at all and spoke down to her. When I found out she was going to be my nurse and I had to stay there another day I had to request a different nurse. When I finally got a room I had two very young nurses working together that literally had to ask each other in front of me no less if the other one knew how to do the procedure because she didn't know how to do it and neither did the other one… I ended up having a serious issue with my bladder and had to wait over an hour screaming in agony for someone to come help me and I had to have an emergency Cath. When the two nurses came they had to ask the other one if she knew how to do the procedure because she didn't know how to do it and neither did the other one… I ended up having a serious issue with my bladder and had to wait over an hour screaming in agony for someone to come help me and I had to have an emergency Cath because I had 1000 mL of urine that would not void. That's one liter!! but only after I was on the floor on my hands and knees wailing at the top of my lungs and received no help. When the help finally came, it was the same two nurses that didn't know how to do anything. I requested another nurse again. After all of that I couldn't even stand on my own for the first three or four days and no one was helping me get up and walk. I requested a walker for myself so I could get myself up because I knew I needed to be walking, and it took eight hours for one to be delivered to me and right when it came, my surgeons nurse I was just now meeting…came in griping at me first thing because I had not been up and walking yet and she did not want me using a walker… She did not know what I had just been through and when I tried to tell her she still scolded me like it was my fault. I had about three or four good cries of pure frustration and anger at my treatment. I ended up speaking to two different nurse practitioners. One apologized for her "younger staff", and the other one had sympathy for me and treated me Very gently the rest of my time there. On day five they stopped giving me pain meds and never told me why so I spent the night shaking in agonizing pain crying my eyes out begging for pain medicines that they would not give me. And the next day they wanted to release me but I couldn't move. It literally felt like I was in ICU again. Finally an older cardiologist came in and spoke to me and he was terrific. He sat with me and we talked about what was happening and he explained the issue with my bladder and my pain and why they had to take me off pain meds and he made sure I got to stay there long enough to get pain under control again. I was never so happy to leave anywhere in my life. At the same time I was also sad because I heard such great things about the Cleveland clinic and it was sad to me how I felt the whole time I was there. It just wasn't the feeling I wanted to have after having this on my plate the past four months and finally being through it… I just expected to feel taken care of in the worst time of my life. That's why I made the trip and planned to have the surgery there.
Thank goodness PJ came to visit me because she is having her surgery tomorrow! As soon as I saw her I felt instant relief because I knew she could understand how I was feeling, although I did not tell her any of what I had been through because I didn't want to scare her. I hope that she receives better care. I will say that the last two days I noticed a change in the nursing staff and they were much nicer to me. Like I said, maybe it was just the weekend staff? I don't know.
Now I'm at my dads house trying to settle in so I can finally sleep. I don't have much of a voice and I'm still in a lot of pain trying to learn all of my medications. As I said, everyone told me this would be a breeze because of my age and fitness level and I still got those phrases from the doctors and nurses at the hospital, but this definitely was no breeze, was very painful and emotionally draining. I knew it was not going to be fun but I just didn't expect it to be as traumatic as it was .
Priscila Marino Oh Amy, I Am so sorry for what you been through. Sometimes I think that hospital staff lost their ab ... Read more
Priscila Marino Oh Amy, I Am so sorry for what you been through. Sometimes I think that hospital staff lost their ability to feel empathy for their patients.... I don't understand why...... It is all so normal for them that they don't understand how hard, painful, overwhelming is for us patients??
It scares me for what is still ahead..... But for you , all this is behind you and you will recover..... You are strong Amy and you make us feel stronger because if you have gobe through all that and still getting better everyday, we can too!!! Thank you !!
Elaine Cutri I'm so sorry that you had a post op experience like that. I hope from today on your recovery is smoot ... Read more
Elaine Cutri I'm so sorry that you had a post op experience like that. I hope from today on your recovery is smooth and successful.
Lise Bowles Oh Amy this is just awful! Aftercare is such an important part of the healing process! I know how dis ... Read more
Lise Bowles Oh Amy this is just awful! Aftercare is such an important part of the healing process! I know how disappointed you must feel and how helpless! This is just unacceptable! Did Dr. Gillinov come to see you at all after the surgery, did he do the robotic? Did you tell him how poorly you were being cared for? How awful, my heart goes out to you...
Tanja Duffey I did not have a good experience at CC either.
Catie B Oh Amy. Ohhhh Amy. My gosh, this is so desperately wrong. I hope you print off your whole post and s ... Read more
Catie B Oh Amy. Ohhhh Amy. My gosh, this is so desperately wrong. I hope you print off your whole post and send it up to anyone you can find in authority at Cleveland Clinic. I'm tempted to send them your post myself! Yikes.
I am soooooo sorry for all you have suffered. I hope things turn a very positive corner soon, now that you're home. Thoughts and prayers.
Kate Watson Amy, I'm so sorry for how this has gone for you. I had amazing nurses in the ICU in the hospital I w ... Read more
Kate Watson Amy, I'm so sorry for how this has gone for you. I had amazing nurses in the ICU in the hospital I was in, followed a stream of constantly changing nurses once I got to the floor. It was super frustrating because I had to explain my situation over and over to each one. And I had to ask for pain meds every time I got a new nurse, even though I did much better when I received the meds at scheduled times. They made me feel like I was a drug addict. They explained to me that they had to keep changing nurses because they were short staffed and had to keep moving people around. Unfortunately, I think this problem is pervasive in hospitals around the country. But I really think you should report this experience to Cleveland Clinic too because it's not acceptable. I hope PJ has a better experience. I also found that hospitals are no place for resting, even though it's the time you need it more than ever. I hope you are able to get rested at home.
Conrad Skowronski Amy - I'm so sorry you had to go through your ordeal. I wish that your recovery picks up and you see ... Read more
Conrad Skowronski Amy - I'm so sorry you had to go through your ordeal. I wish that your recovery picks up and you see better days ahead starting today.
Shannon Gray Amy, I am so sorry about this. I can't even begin to imagine the emotional pain that goes along with ... Read more
Shannon Gray Amy, I am so sorry about this. I can't even begin to imagine the emotional pain that goes along with your experience. Prayers for an uneventful recovery and pain free days shortly ahead.
Ps... I had my aorta repair at the CC... On the 6th floor step down unit. For me, it was the lack of attention from the nursing staff, especially in the ICU... They had no clue wether I was getting food, drink, anything. I'll save my story for another time, but I'm just so sorry about all you've gone through.
Kevin Shackelford Your story just makes me sad and mad! It is tough enough to deal with the trauma of surgery. I am wis ... Read more
Kevin Shackelford Your story just makes me sad and mad! It is tough enough to deal with the trauma of surgery. I am wishing you a much smoother road ahead! Hang in there!
Corey Sines For my MVR in 2009, the weekday Floor staff was good, but when the weekend came, my care level defi ... Read more
Corey Sines For my MVR in 2009, the weekday Floor staff was good, but when the weekend came, my care level definitely dropped at the Cleveland Clinic. Sorry you are having such a rough recovery..
So I got through my surgery on Thursday. I haven't posted because I'm in agony. I didn't want to scare anybody with upcoming surgery so I didn't want to post ...Read more
So I got through my surgery on Thursday. I haven't posted because I'm in agony. I didn't want to scare anybody with upcoming surgery so I didn't want to post on how my experience has been. I can say that it's a lot worse than I thought it was going to be with everyone telling me I'm young and healthy and it should be a breeze. Well it's not. They kept me in ICU for two days because I've had blood pressure issues. I am in a room now but I still haven't been up or walking around yet. My resting heart rate has gone up quite a bit. I was in the high 40s before this and now I am just under 100, and put on 15 pounds of water weight so far. I feel absolutely terrible, but the surgeon said that the surgery was very successful So that's a good thing. I will post more as I start feeling better I just wanted to make sure I touch base with everyone. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
Shannon Gray Thinking of you, Amy! I know it's been hard on you. I'm so sorry. This is where only time can be of h ... Read more
Shannon Gray Thinking of you, Amy! I know it's been hard on you. I'm so sorry. This is where only time can be of help. You will start to feel better, the water weight will go away, the heart rate will slowly find its new normal... But all in time. That's the hard part, but know so many of us are with you throughout this time.
Richard Puckett I'm sorry it has been tough on you. The first two days are the worst. Things will get better. Try no ... Read more
Richard Puckett I'm sorry it has been tough on you. The first two days are the worst. Things will get better. Try not to get discouraged. I had a-fib episodes on my third day post op where my heart went crazy a few times, but it subsided. I gained a lot of water weight, but it went away by the time I left. Don't be afraid to use the pain medication pump, it works. Praying for you.
Gosh Amy so sorry you are having a hard time. I asked my surgeon about the robot and he did tell me ... Read more
Gosh Amy so sorry you are having a hard time. I asked my surgeon about the robot and he did tell me all options have a level of pain. He did say of the 2 the 3 inch cut he would make would have less than the robot or full check crack. I have a high pain tolerance so maybe it won't be as bad as I think. I played 3 quarters in NFL Europe with a fully torn MCL once but that was adrenaline kicked in. Use the pain button like Richard said get some rest.
Steven Dean Sorry to hear. I couldn't even post for 4 days but I feel like at some point I turned a corner and it ... Read more
Steven Dean Sorry to hear. I couldn't even post for 4 days but I feel like at some point I turned a corner and it was quickly up hill from there. Soon the pain will be a distant memory. I was told that because I was young the pain was more acute but the healing was faster so I think once you turn that corner you will start getting better faster than you think. Hang in there.
Joanne Casserly Sending lots of hugs to you Amy. It will get better..:heart
Lise Bowles Hi Amy its Lise, and don't worry you didn't scare me! I am not expecting it to be a walk in the park ... Read more
Lise Bowles Hi Amy its Lise, and don't worry you didn't scare me! I am not expecting it to be a walk in the park so I am just preparing myself for complete misery for a few days! That way I won't be suprised. But of course I will never know until I get there! I don't envy you but you are on your way, for that you can be grateful. Did Dr. Gillinov say he was able to repair your valve successfully? I am continuing to pray for God to send you comfort and strength. xoxoxoxo Lise
Joshua Trimberger I 100% agree with you. I also didnt want to scare people. I got the same "your young...it will be a b ... Read more
Joshua Trimberger I 100% agree with you. I also didnt want to scare people. I got the same "your young...it will be a breeze" speech! I got the deeper speech after surgery of your recovery will be quick because you're young but the pain is apparently much worse being young because we still have all of our nerve endings so the pain is much worse for a young person. My first 2-3 days the pain was so bad I wanted to die. Thats no exaggeration either. I needed 5 days in the ICU. BUT day 4ish is when the pain started to decrease. When they take the chest drains out the pain will decrease SOOOOO much. I think that hurt more then the surgery and when it came out i felt so much better 20-30 mins later. I also started feeling a bit better when I got up with PT and moved around a bit. The first times will hurt a bit and you will be out of breath and tired. But it will help so much. I know it doesn't feel like it know (and i still have my days) but it WILL and DOES get better! One thing I think many people don't cover is you need people around you not only to help you but to be there to tell you they love you. The hormones coursing through your body makes your emotions do weird things and I needed people to just tell me they loved me and they were there for me.
Kevin Shackelford Hang in there. It does get better. As Joshua stated, when you can start walking it seems to help a gr ... Read more
Kevin Shackelford Hang in there. It does get better. As Joshua stated, when you can start walking it seems to help a great deal....oh and an illicit chocolate chip cookie did wonders for my spirit...Wishing you super fast transition out of the pain.
Lilly Black Anyone who told you it was a breeze is mistaken. I'm with you.....it's not a breeze! it was the most ... Read more
Lilly Black Anyone who told you it was a breeze is mistaken. I'm with you.....it's not a breeze! it was the most difficult experience of my whole life. But as I began recovering, I did great! it's different for everyone.....and you can be as open as you wish because we all learn from it. I hope that it will get easier for you! take one day at a time, and don't compare yourself to anyone. Your experience is your own. Take it at your own pace! Good luck and take one day at a time!
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy. I am sorry to hear you are experiencing so much pain. That will lessen as each day goes by ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Hi Amy. I am sorry to hear you are experiencing so much pain. That will lessen as each day goes by - the first 3 days were the hardest for me. When I was in for my first surgery in 2012 I set my TV on the Soundscapes channel - the soft music and sounds of nature etc were very soothing and helped me to relax and rest. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Catie B Soooo sorry to hear how rough it's all been, Amy. It's great to hear your surgery is a success. I kno ... Read more
Catie B Soooo sorry to hear how rough it's all been, Amy. It's great to hear your surgery is a success. I know you were in super good hands with your surgeon. I hope the tremendous discomfort and other symptoms start to ease soon, so you can feel like you've turned a corner.
Priscila Marino Amy, thank your for your honesty...most people here are looking for the truth.... I am!
I am sorry ... Read more
Priscila Marino Amy, thank your for your honesty...most people here are looking for the truth.... I am!
I am sorry is as bad, or worse then you expected...... But people have gone through, I am sure at some point it will pass..... Hope to ve soon!!! My prayers are with you tonight.
Petey Bello Amy, I am sorry you are having a hard time. It will get better. The beginning is very very tough. I k ... Read more
Petey Bello Amy, I am sorry you are having a hard time. It will get better. The beginning is very very tough. I know it's hard for you at this point to appreciate all of our words of encouragement. You can only take one day at a time at this point.
I don't think we can imagine how bad OHS can be until we experience it ourselves. I had a very rough time in the beginning & to be honest, I didn't feel like I truly turned the 'corner' until 5-6 weeks. (Some people do sooner & some later). I am now 3 months post-op & feel almost 100%! Hang in there - you will make it. Like Josh said, it helps having the people you love around you! God Bless & I pray for a quick recovery for you!
Emily Rowley Aww sending my thoughts and prayers to you Amy and those with upcoming Surgery. I agree about still n ... Read more
Emily Rowley Aww sending my thoughts and prayers to you Amy and those with upcoming Surgery. I agree about still not easy for us young ones, we do feel pain with more nerves active.
Barbara Laurie Amy, Amy!! I'm so sorry! But you're in good hands I hope. Try to do your breathing..and with walking ... Read more
Barbara Laurie Amy, Amy!! I'm so sorry! But you're in good hands I hope. Try to do your breathing..and with walking and rest things will settle down. I gain over 50 pounds of water weight.. And even now my feet and face are swollen. But that's not going to happen to you. When your able, move as much as you can, mind your sternum, and keep your lungs moving. My treat was a root beer flavored hard candy while I watched HGTV house hunters and Fixer Upper at 12:00AM!
OHS is very hard. Period. So glad you're on this side of it🌻
When you're able, let us know how you are. Best Regards, prayers too. 💕â¤ï¸ðŸ’•
Rita Savelis You don't have to post right away Amy, and please feel free to post anything and everything. Keeping ... Read more
Rita Savelis You don't have to post right away Amy, and please feel free to post anything and everything. Keeping silent on difficult experiences is not good. The days, weeks, months after OHS are terrible even if you are told "everything went well". I thought ICU was horrendous. Actually I am amazed at those who post so soon. I didn't even want to open my eyes, let alone post for several weeks. But I did take the time to write it all out (for myself and a few friends) after several weeks. I had this need to put it all into a document and to express the intensity of it all. Personally I was less afraid of surgery (which was out of my control) and more afraid of how difficult post-surgery and recovery would be. It was intense. Every day seemed the same, certainly not better than the last. Finally a hospital volunteer told me that she had heard patients say that after a week they felt a tiny tiny bit better, so I hung onto that. And I did. But it was back and forth for a long time. I'm sorry that you have to go through this.
Take care.
Bridget Sawmiller Amy, praying for you and that you will start to feel better and recovery will be smooth. I will be th ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller Amy, praying for you and that you will start to feel better and recovery will be smooth. I will be there next week for my OHS on Thursday August 4th
Wanda Mroz Amy it's not an easy experience... But it's doable. We are all stronger than we think, but it's not a ... Read more
Wanda Mroz Amy it's not an easy experience... But it's doable. We are all stronger than we think, but it's not a breeze! The water weight... I gained almost 20 lbs. the HR... Mine was around 100 at first . Your heart is swollen and healing. It takes time to heal and slow the beat. But it's normal. Barb has good advice... Move as much as you can. I sat up in my chair almost alL day. Use your spirometer... Important. Don't measure your feel good days by the day, rather by the week because there will be good days and not so good. Rest... Be positive... You will begin to feel better. Hugs and prayers to you.💞ðŸ™ðŸ»
Mary Wagner I hope today is better for you! My water weight showed up after I got home but it did come off! My ... Read more
Mary Wagner I hope today is better for you! My water weight showed up after I got home but it did come off! My heart rate also varied and I ended up having a cardio version to get back in rhythm. You really didn't have a choice with this surgery but you will get better. Prayers and wishes fit better days ahead!ðŸ’☺ï¸ðŸŒ¸
Made it through surgery I will post more later. So much pain and weakness. Blood pressure issues so they won't release me from ICU yet. Feel like a truck ...Read more
Made it through surgery I will post more later. So much pain and weakness. Blood pressure issues so they won't release me from ICU yet. Feel like a truck hit me. First day was worst day ever in my life with pain and weakness.
Billy G Despite the pain and weakness, isn't it so much better to have the surgery behind you? I think I was ... Read more
Billy G Despite the pain and weakness, isn't it so much better to have the surgery behind you? I think I was so mentally relieved, I kept thinking I felt better than I really did for weeks and maybe even months post-surgery. It wasn't until I looked back and realized I probably had not been feeling as well I as I previously thought.
I'm not saying there won't be challenges, but generally, every week (if not day) will get better and better.
Maureen Breault Each day will get better; it's amazing how the body responds especially if you're in good health to s ... Read more
Maureen Breault Each day will get better; it's amazing how the body responds especially if you're in good health to start. Hang in there!
Whats up Billy have not seen you in a while.
Congrats Amy for whats it's worth this stranger you made ... Read more
Whats up Billy have not seen you in a while.
Congrats Amy for whats it's worth this stranger you made a friend with in Arizona is proud of you so now you just need to focus on your recovery.
Lise Bowles Amy!!! I am so happy to hear from you so soon! I can only imagine how you feel, one day or minute at ... Read more
Lise Bowles Amy!!! I am so happy to hear from you so soon! I can only imagine how you feel, one day or minute at a time........Prayers for comfort heading your way!
Susan Schweter Hope all goes well and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers through your recovery.
Kate Watson Amy, it is true that the first days are the hardest and I can't even believe you are posting yourself ... Read more
Kate Watson Amy, it is true that the first days are the hardest and I can't even believe you are posting yourself already. I distinctly remember saying I felt like I'd been hit by a truck the first day. Every day will be getting better. Were they able to repair your valve? Hope you get some relief and rest soon!
Sharon Turner My prayers are with you Amy. I hope you feel a little better every day. Now you just need to rest.
Richard Puckett The first two days are the worse. They should have given you a button to push to help things fade aw ... Read more
Richard Puckett The first two days are the worse. They should have given you a button to push to help things fade away. I would push the button until I went to sleep, and I seemed to sleep well.
Rita Savelis I hear you Amy. And I used that truck analogy too. ICU is no fun. But geez you are posting so soon!! ... Read more
Rita Savelis I hear you Amy. And I used that truck analogy too. ICU is no fun. But geez you are posting so soon!! It took me a month before I felt like sharing. I just wanted to take more morphine.
You may not notice improvements right away but usually at about a week you notice the first tiny bit of improvement and it moves on slowly from there. Give yourself time, take the pain meds you need. Breathe. Rest. Take care.
Denise Kirchner Take one day at a time Amy! I can't believe you are already posting! You made it through the surgery ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Take one day at a time Amy! I can't believe you are already posting! You made it through the surgery and each day you will notice improvements in how you feel. Rest easy - all of your HVJ family are praying for you!
Joanne Casserly They kept me in ICU too long and I had what is known, as ICU psychosis, it was not pleasant, at all, ... Read more
Joanne Casserly They kept me in ICU too long and I had what is known, as ICU psychosis, it was not pleasant, at all, my cardio doc recognized what was going on, but the brilliant surgeons who were there all day, had no clue, so you will be fine, trust me, take it slow, I was lucky, I had pain the first day and nothing really after, but I did go into A Fib and had to go back and get a pace maker a week later, thank heaven for my cardio doc, I love her. Best of luck. :heart
PJ Fugitt Amy thank God you are up and capable of posting! OMG cannot even believe it!!!! Leaving tomorrow for ... Read more
PJ Fugitt Amy thank God you are up and capable of posting! OMG cannot even believe it!!!! Leaving tomorrow for Cleveland and start tests on Monday- afterwards in afternoon I will try to find you for a visit if you are up to it!!! Until push the button!!!
Jean Knappik Amy, all the kinks will smooth themselves out...I am 8 months post op...feeling grateful! Prayed for ... Read more
Jean Knappik Amy, all the kinks will smooth themselves out...I am 8 months post op...feeling grateful! Prayed for a speedy recovery!
Kevin Shackelford Your fitness will carry you through to quick recovery! Hang in there you will be feeling great soon!
Billy G @Dan - I try to poke around here every so often, but I've been busy trying to catchup on everything s ... Read more
Billy G @Dan - I try to poke around here every so often, but I've been busy trying to catchup on everything since surgery (crazy that it's been 8 months already). I also put on a major event with a good 800+ people in attendance, so I did what I had to do to get through it and survive, but there are so many things behind the scenes that were not well coordinated because of the unexpected surgery last fall. I need to make an effort to be more involved here in hopes that I can help people out, but if I'm failing to be around and visible, know that any and all are free to reach out to me if I can help at all!
So the hospital called about 10 minutes ago and let me know that my check in time tomorrow will be 5:15 AM. I was mentioning to someone on here about how surreal ...Read more
So the hospital called about 10 minutes ago and let me know that my check in time tomorrow will be 5:15 AM. I was mentioning to someone on here about how surreal this feels having gotten this far and being in this position right now. The clinic made me watch a seven minute video about surgery prep today, and although I've held it together so far, I immediately burst into tears uncontrollably! I knew that was coming I just wasn't sure when. Not only is this my first surgery but as most everyone here knows, the emotions of this roller coaster over the past few months has been very overwhelming. I'm not sure exactly when my surgery will start but I am the first one so I'm assuming it won't be long after check in tomorrow. My family is all here and ready to hit the road for the hospital at about 3:15 AM since we have to drive a ways to get there. Going to be a long day for them, but I've been doing this for the past couple days so I'm as ready as I can be. I will post again as soon as I can! I feel like I'm at the top of a roller coaster hill right now, and soon the roller coaster will go down ready or not! There's no turning back like it or not! LOL
Conrad Skowronski Prayers are going your way, Amy. I know you'll do fine!!!
Catie B Cheering you on, Amy. Tears are more than understandable--dealing with this stuff is sooo stressful. ... Read more
Catie B Cheering you on, Amy. Tears are more than understandable--dealing with this stuff is sooo stressful. Praying here also. May you have a smooth and speedy surgery and recovery!
Shannon Gray Thinking of you and sending wishes for an uneventful surgery and recovery! You've got this! I, too, h ... Read more
Shannon Gray Thinking of you and sending wishes for an uneventful surgery and recovery! You've got this! I, too, had my aneurysm/aorta replaced and they tweaked my bicuspid valve at the CC clinic. That same video you've mentioned sent me into hysterics... Truly. I was a mess and had such similar feelings. Just trust in your care staff... It will be hard, ugly, tough, and make you wonder why in the world you had to go through this. But then some time will pass and with each day you will become stronger. You'll honestly feel like a bad a&$! I'll look for great updates!
David C You are going to be great. The emotions right up to surgery are intense. I stayed at a hotel near the ... Read more
David C You are going to be great. The emotions right up to surgery are intense. I stayed at a hotel near the hospital, and my wife and I walked down together at a similarly super early hour. I was literally dry heaving walking down the sidewalk. It's normal. You will be great. The team will help you be put at ease and you will come through the other side stronger and better for having the surgery. I am just about two weeks out and I am amazed at how fast we recover. You and you team will be great!
Ron Broadhead You will do fine Amy. You are in one of the finest hospitals with one of the finest surgeons. Soon yo ... Read more
Ron Broadhead You will do fine Amy. You are in one of the finest hospitals with one of the finest surgeons. Soon you will be on the other side and will have the benefits of your surgery.
Meatheads united behind you :-)
Lise Bowles Hi Amy! Just think, tomorrow night at this time you will be on the other side! I am with you in spir ... Read more
Lise Bowles Hi Amy! Just think, tomorrow night at this time you will be on the other side! I am with you in spirit and I am sending you lots of prayers. Godspeed and I can't wait to hear from you!
ConNie Romo Hi Amy, you are going to be fine. It's normal to feel apprehensive but focus on the end goal. You wou ... Read more
ConNie Romo Hi Amy, you are going to be fine. It's normal to feel apprehensive but focus on the end goal. You wouldn't even have any memory of the surgery itself. Before you know it you will be on the other side of surgery and well on your way to recovery. It's going to get better after this. Praying for God's abundant peace to encompass you as you go into surgery.
PJ Fugitt Amy, sending lots of prayers, blessings and Light your way.
Have faith that Dr. Gillinov and team wil ... Read more
PJ Fugitt Amy, sending lots of prayers, blessings and Light your way.
Have faith that Dr. Gillinov and team will fix your perfectly where you will be able to accomplish all that you desire.
God Bless You.
Bridget Sawmiller Sending you lots of prayers this morning! You got this!
Priscila Marino Remember : you can do all things through Him who gives you strength......
My prayers are to you and a ... Read more
Priscila Marino Remember : you can do all things through Him who gives you strength......
My prayers are to you and a speed recovery!
Finally Met with Dr. Gillinov today. It went by so fast as he had a very busy day scheduled today! He was great though and I feel really confident about him. ...Read more
Finally Met with Dr. Gillinov today. It went by so fast as he had a very busy day scheduled today! He was great though and I feel really confident about him. They gave me a free copy of the book he wrote and he signed it for me. He told me not to worry too much about what the Cardiologist told me yesterday and that I most likely won't need to be on blood thinners. It's just that because my atrium is enlarged I have more of a chance of developing afib over the course of my life. He said my leak is a 3.5 and there is a 98% chance he will be able to perform robotic repair surgery. If he cannot for whatever reason I have chosen a tissue valve. I still do not have a surgery time. It's 2:30 and they told me I should know by 4:00 today. If not I am to call them. Now I wait and try to keep my nerves under control!!! Surgery tomorrow!!!!
Kate Watson I've heard only great things about your surgeon so hopefully you can relieve some of your anxiety by ... Read more
Kate Watson I've heard only great things about your surgeon so hopefully you can relieve some of your anxiety by putting your trust in him and his team. If you can, try to focus on what the surgeon said and hopefully everything will turn out just how you want it to. Wishing you well tomorrow! Keep us posted!
Well that's better than my 90% Remember your supposed to tell me how it feels :-)
And about that an ... Read more
Well that's better than my 90% Remember your supposed to tell me how it feels :-)
And about that anxiety thing I am still 2 weeks away and I had such a rush of emotion I just said to heck with work today I am going home.
Seeing Dylan, thinking about everyone else having surgery just overwhelmed me a bit.
Amy Dorsey Thanks guys. I am still overwhelmed with anxiety but the support from family and friends is helping. ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks guys. I am still overwhelmed with anxiety but the support from family and friends is helping. Today the clinic made me watch a seven minute video about surgery prep and I immediately burst into tears! !!! It's not only my first surgery but like everyone else here, I have had months of the emotional roller coaster and anxiety of this so being here is almost surreal. Don't worry Dan! I will let you know how it feels!! I remember my last week of work before I took off for this. I could not concentrate hardly at all. And then I read someone's post… A younger guy I can't remember his name about his very detailed traumatic surgery experience and I thought I wish I hadn't read that!!!! I know how you feel! It's very overwhelming and scary. I just keep telling myself I'm going to go to sleep and wake up and it will be done!
So far I am so extremely impressed with Cleveland Clinic. First, the heart center is an absolutely gorgeous building. All of the staff from the valet parking ...Read more
So far I am so extremely impressed with Cleveland Clinic. First, the heart center is an absolutely gorgeous building. All of the staff from the valet parking attendants to the greeters, to the desk attendants and nurses/doctors are extremely professional and courteous. It's everything I thought it would be and more. They have a very well run system. I had nine appointments scheduled today and all of them were ready and waiting for me on time, and some even earlier. I never had to wait other than a couple times I showed up extremely early because my other appointments were handled so quickly and efficiently. I have never experienced such order and professionalism in the medical field. For anyone about to head to the Cleveland clinic, just rest assured that everything is going to be taken care of and its very easy to decipher the itinerary and get from appointment to appointment.
All my testing is done now and I meet my surgeon tomorrow and find out when my actual surgery time is for Thursday. So far being here with family I have been able to hold it together but I'm still nervous as ever inside and I know after tomorrow it will probably hit me. I'm just so thankful it's happening here at this amazing hospital!
Elaine Cutri Had a great experience at CC in 2015. It sounds like they still have their "A" game. I think of the d ... Read more
Elaine Cutri Had a great experience at CC in 2015. It sounds like they still have their "A" game. I think of the doctors, nurses and other care givers and it brings a smile to my face. Best wishes tomorrow when you talk to Dr Gillinov. Hope you feel you are in good hands.
PJ Fugitt Blessings Amy- you have made it through your tests. Happy to hear everything going accordingly. Made ... Read more
PJ Fugitt Blessings Amy- you have made it through your tests. Happy to hear everything going accordingly. Made a call up there today because schedules did not match. They said don't worry they will move me along just as you have now said. My schedule is pretty much the same as yours for next week. Meeting Dr. Gillinov on Wednesday and surgery on Thursday. All the very very best heart woman! My prayers are with you!!
Just met with the Cardiologist at CC. Not my surgeon but the Cardiologist for pre op. He was really upset and said my doctors should have sent me for this surgery ...Read more
Just met with the Cardiologist at CC. Not my surgeon but the Cardiologist for pre op. He was really upset and said my doctors should have sent me for this surgery 3 years ago! He kept repeating that he could not understand why they let this go when I should have had surgery as soon as they did the first reports in 2013. He explained everything in more detail than anyone has ever explained this to me and said I could sue based on affects I could possibly suffer at this point that could have been avoided 3 years ago. Wow.
Amy what grade is your leak on a scale of 1 to 4? Mine is a 3.5 but 2 years ago it was told to me it ... Read more
Amy what grade is your leak on a scale of 1 to 4? Mine is a 3.5 but 2 years ago it was told to me it was still moderate . These things can escalate quickly I know mine did. I would only say maybe when you were 1st diagnosed it was not as bad as it is today.
Denise Kirchner Just curious - what was the cardiologists name? Also, my leak progressed from mild to moderate a yea ... Read more
Denise Kirchner Just curious - what was the cardiologists name? Also, my leak progressed from mild to moderate a year ago to moderately severe last month - so as Dan said it can progress quickly! Hang in there - my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Amy Dorsey The Cardiologist's name was Dr. Ravi Nair. He stated that based on my numbers three years ago they ... Read more
Amy Dorsey The Cardiologist's name was Dr. Ravi Nair. He stated that based on my numbers three years ago they should've sent me straight to surgery because now my atrium and ventricle are enlarged which he says could lead to arrhythmia, possibility of being on blood thinner as the rest of my life even though I'm not getting a valve replacement, and also the possibility that my shortness of breath might not stop after surgery, whereas if they had sent me to surgery when they first diagnosed me as moderate to severe it would have kept the enlargement from happening in the first place and I would've had a near 100% chance of being completely fixed. I don't know what the grade of my leak is… I do know that he told me one of my readings which I didn't really understand, but evidently they recommend surgery when it hits 4... Mine was 4 at first diagnosis, and now it's 5.3. No Cardiologist ever explained it to me before today so I did not know what all of that meant. I know Dr. Gillinov will clear a lot of this up for me tomorrow. Praying I don't have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life.
Me too.
Mary Wagner It's a good thing you are taking care of it.
Today I'm leaving for Ohio. The time is here and Tuesday starts my first day of pre op at Cleveland Clinic. I have 12 appointments in two days before my actual ...Read more
Today I'm leaving for Ohio. The time is here and Tuesday starts my first day of pre op at Cleveland Clinic. I have 12 appointments in two days before my actual surgery. My family is on the way today as well from Texas and VA. I'm just trying to keep a level head and try to keep my anxiety down. It feels so weird not being able to take my daily vitamins and supplements. Haven't been on them for a week due to the surgery coming up and they told me not to take anything. Anyway, we are driving up today and probably taking the longest route possible LOL. I'm not overly excited to get there!! I'll keep you all posted! Ahh!!!
Good Luck Amy! I am in the same boat I have a feeling I should stop taking a few things so reached ou ... Read more
Good Luck Amy! I am in the same boat I have a feeling I should stop taking a few things so reached out to my cardiologist. We will all be rooting for you.
Adam Pick Amy, You are on the path to a healthy heart. You are on the path to a great surgeon in Dr. Gillinov. ... Read more
Adam Pick Amy, You are on the path to a healthy heart. You are on the path to a great surgeon in Dr. Gillinov. You are on the path to a wonderful hospital at the Cleveland Clinic. Again, you are on the path to a healthy heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are going to do great!!! For those who would like to learn more about Amy's surgeon, Dr. Gillinov, click https://www.heart-valve-surgery.com/surgeons/dr-Marc-Gillinov-Cleveland-Ohio.php.
See patient reviews, physician biography and videos of Dr. Marc Gillinov, heart surgeon, with phone number and address in Cleveland, Ohio.
Amy Dorsey Thanks Adam and Dan! I really appreciate the encouragement and this website soooo much! This website ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks Adam and Dan! I really appreciate the encouragement and this website soooo much! This website has taken me from completely freaked out and lost before I found it, to completely empowered with knowledge and support. I cannot even express my gratitude for the advice and knowledge and loving support I have gained from this site. I am in tears typing this I am just so overwhelmed by this emotional journey and gracious for how this site has helped me!!! â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ Thank you for creating it for us, Adam Pick...and your fabulous book!!!
Lise Bowles Hi Amy!
I have full confidence you will get through your surgery with flying colors! You are young a ... Read more
Lise Bowles Hi Amy!
I have full confidence you will get through your surgery with flying colors! You are young and in great shape and in the care of the best place in the world! And Dr. Gillinov is a very gifted, talented surgeon. I have not met him yet, my surgery is on August 16, but I have watched him endlessly on utube and many other sites and he has an aura about him that's just lovely.
Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and experience with us over the months it has really helped me to not feel so alone. I have been married for 34 years to a wonderful man but I don't think he can truly relate to the feelings and fears that we who are going through this are experiencing.
Keep us posted, my prayers are with you,
Amy Dorsey Thank you Lise! I know you are right behind me! I am very confident in the hospital and staff and the ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thank you Lise! I know you are right behind me! I am very confident in the hospital and staff and the only thing that still worries me is just my anxiety over going through it and the pain involved but I know it's normal! I am very confident in the hospital and staff and the only thing that still worries me is just my anxiety over going through it and the pain involved but I know it's normal! I will keep you posted and let you know every step of the way how it goes for me and I hope that will help when it's your turn :-) â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
PJ Fugitt Amy, thinking of you and sending prayers and Light. I am right behind you by 7 days. You have been an ... Read more
PJ Fugitt Amy, thinking of you and sending prayers and Light. I am right behind you by 7 days. You have been an inspiration! A true heart warrior woman as all those that have come before us! As well as all the true heart warrior men too!! I look forward to your posts in the days to come. God Bless You and your family on this heart journey!
Bridget Sawmiller Prayers for you, Amy! I will miss you by a week. My surgery is at the Cleveland Clinic on August 4th. ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller Prayers for you, Amy! I will miss you by a week. My surgery is at the Cleveland Clinic on August 4th. Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!
Catie B It sounds like a whirlwind with all those appointments back to back. Wishing you the best and smoothe ... Read more
Catie B It sounds like a whirlwind with all those appointments back to back. Wishing you the best and smoothest experience throughout and a wonderful recovery!
Mary Wagner Amy - you will be fine! Prayers for a smooth recovery. Just think - next week at this time you won' ... Read more
Mary Wagner Amy - you will be fine! Prayers for a smooth recovery. Just think - next week at this time you won't even be in the hospital. Will wait to here more from you after surgery!
Kate Watson Hi Amy, I know it's a long road and all of the testing is exhausting. But you're young and healthy an ... Read more
Kate Watson Hi Amy, I know it's a long road and all of the testing is exhausting. But you're young and healthy and you'll do great! This will all be behind you soon. Wishing you a successful surgery and smooth recovery.
Well it's been a while so I figured I should post an update. To be honest, I've been in silent freak mode for about a week. My surgery date is 11 days from ...Read more
Well it's been a while so I figured I should post an update. To be honest, I've been in silent freak mode for about a week. My surgery date is 11 days from now and I really can't even describe how scared I am to go through this. I've done all I can as far as research and knowing what's going to happen. I have a strong faith and I know I will be in the best possible hands, but I am still human and there's no amount of anything that can calm the nerves or anxiety about going through this. I was joking with my fellow heart valve friend here about who was a bigger chicken when it comes to this! I told Dan I'm surprised I'm not laying eggs yet! At any rate, I know what I'm feeling is normal and we all deal with things differently. I'm a pretty strong willed and minded young lady, I've been through a lot in my life but nothing like this! I find that I have surprised myself many times in my life at everything I've overcome, so I find it kind of indescribable at this point never having to face something like this before for myself, and not really knowing how to deal with it or even knowing what to expect myself to feel. The only thing I can say is that I'm scared but I know I will be OK I just have to get through it. For me that one part is just the actual day of surgery. The part where you know it's going to happen and you can't run away from it. All I can say is I hope they give me lots of drugs to knock my butt out! I will post more on here as the time approaches and afterwards, but for now I can't even imagine the after part because I can't even imagine getting to that point of preoperation! Ready or not though here it comes!
Just saw your story and thought I offer you some encouragement. Dr. Gillinov repaired my mitral valve on July 14, 2014 using minimally invasive robotic surgery and I am doing great.
Prior to this surgery, I always had a goal to never spend a night in the hospital. I had met that goal in life prior to this significant surgery. I have exercised and eaten pretty cleanly my whole life so it was disappointing to have open heart surgery at age 50.
I see you and Dan are younger, but the great thing catching this early and being in good physical condition is it opens various/other innovative heart repair techniques. Cardiac rehab which I recommend will also be a breeze.
When they repair the valve it should be one and done. I have been surprised to recently see rerepairs of mitral valves but that seems more rare.
You might consider downloading the stress meditations app. I thought it was helpful. I do not know if you are a spiritual person, but I also had a chaplain pray with me and my family on the surgical day and enjoyed some vacation the weekend before surgery.
You have one of the best mitral valve surgeons in the country/world repairing your valve and Dr. Gillinov will do what is best for you. Wish you guys the best.
I also included a previous journal post you might find helpful as the surgical day approaches
Previous Journal Post
I thought I would share some thoughts of this procedure based on my current recovery.
1. It is amazing with regard to physical function and capability four weeks post op open heart surgery. Although I still lack stamina with physical activity, I still think it is amazing what these health care providers have done to repair my mitral valve.
2. The robotic approach and various incisions was more painful than I anticipated. My wife reminded me that various physicians indicated there may be more pain but a shorter recovery period. Still not remembering those conversations.
3. Your personal health prior to mitral valve surgery is critical in providing you with more options. I was in good health with the exception of the mitral valve which opened opportunities for alternative surgeries.
4. Have your loved one stay with you the first night on the floor. The transition from the ICU unit to the floor can be difficult and you need your advocate, I do not care how good a hospital that your are in.
5. Make sure have a sleeping mask and ear plugs for the potential noises from the machines and patients in ICU. Allowing you body to rest and heal is important.
6. No matter where you decide to have your surgery and who you choose as a surgeon, you and/or spouse must be well-educated and your strongest advocate. There may be some bumps in the road and you and your loved need to know the best options to challenge the nurses and /or physicians. Go to the local hospital librarian and review the literature on the subjects. I had to challenge my cardiologist and spouse about what procedure that I wanted to consider as they were "old-school" median sternotomy fans.
7. No matter how sharp you are, you will be taking some powerful medications. Many of these medicines dull your senses and response time and many of them make you tired. Although it may not adversely affect your decision(s) it certainly delays your decision making processes.
8. You are going to have some excellent nurses and patient care technicians and some mediocre nurses and patient care technicians. Set the expectations high for the mediocre crew so your needs are best met. You will quickly notice the difference between the high performers who are proactive and the "I have four other patients" and need to get through the shift.
9. It would have been great to have had this surgery locally in the St. Louis, MO region but the reality is that no hospital in the region would come close to the Cleveland Clinic expertise. That said, being remote to the Clinic provides some challenges in follow-up care even with a primary care physician and cardiologist. You have to be prepared and proactive to get the physicians to address the proper issues (as minor as they might be), especially when the option may be a >10 hr drive time to the Clinic. I still believe this remote surgery (away from home) was the best option for me and my family, but it required a lot of help and planning to ensure kids were cared for, parents could attend surgery, post recovery travel was planned. This work/planning needs to be done before the surgery or your caregiver needs to be able to complete these activities as part of their follow-up.
Amy Dorsey Wow! Thank you for taking the time to put all of that on my wall! I appreciate all of your words of ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Wow! Thank you for taking the time to put all of that on my wall! I appreciate all of your words of wisdom and experience. I had not downloaded that app yet but thank you I just did! I'm so thankful to be having this procedure by Dr. Gillinov.. It's truly one of the things that keeps me from being completely terrified. I know he's tops at this! Thank you for all of the other little tidbits you provided! Very helpful :-)
barrett burris Good luck Amy. You will do fine. I understand everything you're experiencing. The waiting is by far ... Read more
barrett burris Good luck Amy. You will do fine. I understand everything you're experiencing. The waiting is by far the worst part of this. I told my doc that as soon as I completed the paperwork the morning of my procedure, to start serving up the drugs....which he did. Each day gets better and when you wake up each morning after your procedure, it will begin to dawn on you that the 2 ton monkey you've been carrying around, the one that drains your drive and happiness, is gone.
Take care.
Bridget Sawmiller I am feeling the exact same way you are! My surgery is August 4th at the Cleveland Clinic also, Dr. P ... Read more
Bridget Sawmiller I am feeling the exact same way you are! My surgery is August 4th at the Cleveland Clinic also, Dr. Petterson. Too bad we won't be there at the same time! You will do great. I look forward to your posts, prayers for a successful surgery and great recovery!
PJ Fugitt Amy and Bridget and Dan,
I am jumping into the mitral valve coop too! My surgery in Cleveland is Jul ... Read more
PJ Fugitt Amy and Bridget and Dan,
I am jumping into the mitral valve coop too! My surgery in Cleveland is July 28 with Dr. Gillinov as well. Coming on my own from Texas and already tripping out. My brother is coming the night before and staying the day of surgery then leaving to go back to Oklahoma the next day. Have decided to stay up there in rehab for extra days until attempting to come home. Going for robotics but I am 65 years old do not know whether I will pass tests- already have pacemaker. I have had pneumonia 4 times so I steadying and trying to balance with prayers, laughter and friends. God Bless you all. We are on this journey together.
Denise Kirchner I will be at Cleveland Clinic for my mitral valve repair on September 13 th with Dr. Eric Roselli.
Amy Dorsey Wow! Bridget,PJ, and Denise! I'm just now seeing these posts! we are all in the same boat relativel ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Wow! Bridget,PJ, and Denise! I'm just now seeing these posts! we are all in the same boat relatively close together! PJ, i'll just be leaving the hospital when you are starting your procedure, but I'll still be around for a postop appointment so I might be there at the same time with you :-)
People diagnosed with mitral valve disease -- including prolapse of the mitral valve tissue, which causes mitral regurgitation -- can benefit from mitral val...
Can anyone tell me about how the heart lung machine is connected to the body? I'm still unsettled about that. They told me it would be connected to my femoral ...Read more
Can anyone tell me about how the heart lung machine is connected to the body? I'm still unsettled about that. They told me it would be connected to my femoral artery to suction the blood out. I didn't ask too many questions since it was just the initial surgery date setup call, but I had a bad experience with my heart cath procedure through the femoral artery so I wasn't thrilled with hearing it will be connected there. And where does it return the blood to the body? I was thinking in my own mind that I would only be dealing with upper body discomfort and not lower body too. That might be the last of my worries in all this but it's easier to deal with the other things because I have never experienced surgery before so I don't know how all of that will feel. I DO however know how the femoral artery procedure feels and it wasn't a good experience! AHH!
Patti Talbot I had it thru my groin and didn't ask or see the incision until day 3! I was so focused on the "heart ... Read more
Patti Talbot I had it thru my groin and didn't ask or see the incision until day 3! I was so focused on the "heart" part of the surgery that I never got around to this. For me it was a non issue as far as healing etc. I think maybe it is a very "shallow" incision as it didn't hurt at all.
Denise Campbell I thought it was in the neck but I'm not sure. By time you're awake and alert it's out
Me too Amy. This one is still freaking me out that my heart will be stopped I can't really fathom tha ... Read more
Me too Amy. This one is still freaking me out that my heart will be stopped I can't really fathom that. My surgeon chuckled at me a little when I asked , told me not to worry about that they always start back.
Sophia Ridley I think it was through my neck (didn't have a groin entry site) but never asked. I think that's where ... Read more
Sophia Ridley I think it was through my neck (didn't have a groin entry site) but never asked. I think that's where I drew the line with my research. I did ask how they restarted my heart, said that they warm me up and it starts on its own! I was imagining that they jump started it!!
My husband asked the surgeon what happened if the power failed (this wasn't on my radar!), the surgeon said that the hospital is on its own generator, has a back up and if that all fails there's a crank handle, which I was pleased to hear they had never used!
Petey Bello Amy, mine was in the groin/top of leg area. They did go through my femoral artery. Like Patti, I had ... Read more
Petey Bello Amy, mine was in the groin/top of leg area. They did go through my femoral artery. Like Patti, I had more dealing with the heart & upper body area, that the incision from the heart lung machine wasn't an issue. I did have a little numbness in the top part of my leg but it wasn't bad. That incision healed the best. I did have a tube in my neck, not sure - but it could be all related. The one that does hurt the most is in your chest that won't be taken out until a day or so before you leave - it is connected directly to your heart area. But you have a lot going on so it's all relevant in the grand scheme of things... This whole experience is a lot to take in. Just take one day & one question at a time. It is unnerving knowing they stop your heart & deflate your lungs but you will get through this! Modern medicine & the surgeons are amazing today! I know it's hard, but once you make (or have made) your choice - Trust your surgeon!!!
Peggy Whitecotton Mine was through the neck But if they do robotic surgery it will have to go through the groin.
Peggy Whitecotton Yes the heart/lung was very scary to me. The very idea of them stopping my heart, good Lord! My surge ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton Yes the heart/lung was very scary to me. The very idea of them stopping my heart, good Lord! My surgeon laughed at me too. He said; "you know what your mortality rate would be without that bypass machine, 100%, I can't operate on a beating heart." However, my grand-daughter is an or nurse and reassured me that she has not seem one that they couldn't get the heart to beat again. Most amazing she said that during that time there is no pulse or blood pressure recorded, so my question is are you clinically dead?
Barbara Laurie I realize all these questions b4 surgery are important..if they ease your mind. But I found every que ... Read more
Barbara Laurie I realize all these questions b4 surgery are important..if they ease your mind. But I found every question went out of my head in pre-op, which stopped totally when I reach the elevator on the gurney. More than two weeks later, how the heart lung machine was attached was the least of my worries!😄
If I could do it over again I would focus on the things I could control, and otherwise focus on being calm, and keeping close to my loved ones, they are a life line for recovery🌹â¤ï¸ðŸŒ¹â¤ï¸ðŸŒ¹
Steven A Husted i dont even know where they hooked me up i had no hole or incision on my leg or groin area all of my ... Read more
Steven A Husted i dont even know where they hooked me up i had no hole or incision on my leg or groin area all of my holes or incisions were in my chest area or my arms i do remember when they did my cath they went in my groin area and after i could could barely see it or feel it and it left no scar it really surprized me after my surgery i did not even know it was all over
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone! I guess I'm one of those weirdos that has to know as much as possible to deal with i ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Thanks everyone! I guess I'm one of those weirdos that has to know as much as possible to deal with it. I somehow find comfort in knowing what's going to happen. Most people I know keep telling me to stop researching but it's all I know how to do and actually with my surgery date in four weeks I feel so much better about things than I did three months ago when I first found out! I'm the weirdo that actually looks online to find pictures of surgeries and videos. I used to be afraid of all of this until I started learning what's going to happen and somehow it made it easier for me. Reading other people's stories on here and recovery has been a tremendous help. Thank you for all of your input!
Emily Rowley Hi Amy, talking with your Anaesthetist+Surgeon about you last reaction would be a good idea. I'm sure ... Read more
Emily Rowley Hi Amy, talking with your Anaesthetist+Surgeon about you last reaction would be a good idea. I'm sure they can place the tube in different places, mine wasn't in my groin. Like you I too was curious so the night before my Surgery (when all the Specialist come in) I ask my Anaesthetist lots of questions, he took his time to explain everything inc about the Heart & Lung Machine, even showing me videos. They will place you to sleep so you won't feel it ☺ May I ask what reaction did you have from cath procedure? I know this must be a scary and overwelming time for at the moment, if you have any questions (or unsure about anything) feel free to ask-being well informed is important esp for your mind to feel at ease and your medical team have a duty of care to you. Wishing you well 💞
Emily Rowley You are not a Weirdo! I too was so interested to know all I can. I asked my Surgeon straight up quest ... Read more
Emily Rowley You are not a Weirdo! I too was so interested to know all I can. I asked my Surgeon straight up questions of how surgery works, she replied "Would youlike to know all the glory details". She proudly showed me videos+photo taken of my surgery and sent them to me so now I have a copy. My Anaesthetist took some too ☺
Peggy Whitecotton I guess I'm a weirdo too Amy, like you I researched, watched videos, including a video i found online ... Read more
Peggy Whitecotton I guess I'm a weirdo too Amy, like you I researched, watched videos, including a video i found online that was done by my surgeon. The more I learned the less fearful I was. This enabled me TO FOCUS on calmness and overcome my fears, also helped me to prepare my family regarding all the tubes and equipment they would see me on in ICU. My surgery deepen my faith in God and made me more aware of His faithfulness. It drew my family even closer as we realize how precious life really is. All of what helped me get through my surgery and my recovery. ...
Emily Rowley They are going to use mine for training purposes which will help others ☺ It feels surreal, doesn't ... Read more
Emily Rowley They are going to use mine for training purposes which will help others ☺ It feels surreal, doesn't really feel like me when I look at it...
Peggy Whitecotton Emily I bet that was a weird feeling watching that video knowing it was your own body, lol!
Amy Dorsey I want pictures and videos! I was wondering if I'd be allowed to have them! I hope they let me!
To a ... Read more
Amy Dorsey I want pictures and videos! I was wondering if I'd be allowed to have them! I hope they let me!
To answer your question about the heart cath procedure...the incision wasn't even noticeable. I was surprised it was like a pin prick, however, I had swelling in my "female regions" on one side for a week and a half and terrible pain in my lower right abdomen for two weeks. They did an ultrasound and didn't find anything out of the ordinary but I was hobbling around for days and every movement made me hunch over in pain. I had a difficult time having a bowel movement for days too. It was just awful! Thinking about going through that again on both sides of my groin makes me cringe!!
Maybe hit a nerve?
Denise Kirchner My understanding is if you have a minimally invasive procedure they go through the femoral artery to ... Read more
Denise Kirchner My understanding is if you have a minimally invasive procedure they go through the femoral artery to attach the heart lung bypass pump. If they operate via the sternum the heart lung bypass is connected in the chest.
Who knew I would ever be so excited to have heart surgery!? I finally heard from Cleveland today and have a surgery date of July 21 with Dr. Gillinov. The ...Read more
Who knew I would ever be so excited to have heart surgery!? I finally heard from Cleveland today and have a surgery date of July 21 with Dr. Gillinov. The stress and anxiety of planning this since March has been so heavy! Dr. Gillinov said my mitral valve is repairable so I don't have to make that decision about valve replacement. I won't know until after all the preop testing if he can do it robotically or not, however, it sounded hopeful that that is what he is leaning towards. I am so relieved I can stop the living in limbo and start concentrating on moving forward!!
Kate Watson That's great news all around! What a relief !
Petey Bello Great News Amy, you must be so relieved! I had my mitral valve repaired in April & I continue to be t ... Read more
Petey Bello Great News Amy, you must be so relieved! I had my mitral valve repaired in April & I continue to be thankful everyday!
Wanda Mroz Over ten months post mitral valve repair! Glad it's behind me. Great news!
Lise Bowles Amy, congrats! I am waiting to hear from CC as well. May I ask how long it took? As of today they hav ... Read more
Lise Bowles Amy, congrats! I am waiting to hear from CC as well. May I ask how long it took? As of today they have had my test results and records for 3 weeks. At first I welcomed the time to catch my breath because I was in a state of shock, I never even knew I had a heart problem, but now I just want it over with! Anything you can fill me in on will be appreciated. I know, pretty crazy to be cheering because o heart surgery right?
Amy Dorsey Hi Lise. I've been thinking about you! They called me 3 1/2 weeks after they received my packet. She ... Read more
Amy Dorsey Hi Lise. I've been thinking about you! They called me 3 1/2 weeks after they received my packet. She told me they are booking in September because the Republican National Convention is in Cleveland the last week of July and no hotels are available for out-of-state patients. I needed to have my surgery before August 1 because my insurance rolls over then and I didn't want to have to pay that huge deductible again. I thought I was going to be out of luck until I told her I have family near Cleveland and I will be staying with them and that changed everything for me. So I was able to get a date that would assure my surgery and hospital stay would be covered by my insurance. Oh also, his nurse called me the day before she was about to go on vacation for a week so I'm not sure if she will call you when she gets back from vacation or if she will have someone else call you because I think you sent your package right behind mine. I'm interested to hear what he says about your situation and when you can get up there. Either way I'll keep you posted on what happens with me so you know when it's your turn.
Amy Dorsey And to answer your previous question you had on another thread, you will get to meet him the day befo ... Read more
Amy Dorsey And to answer your previous question you had on another thread, you will get to meet him the day before the surgery. There will be two days of pre-op tests before the actual day of surgery. On the second preop day you will meet him and the team to discuss the plan. They are sending me a huge packet of information. One of the things I need to do that you might want to get done now is go to the dentist. Make sure you are caught up with all of your cleanings and you will need a full dental clearance for surgery with full x-rays. They faxed me the form ahead of time so I can have my dentist fill that out.
As you say, you move forward. What else can you do?
Knowing your father will go through OHS must be so hard. The thought of ANYONE having to experience it is hard for me. Of course he will be alright, but you know just what awaits. It's hard. It's all hard. And then you move on.
I hear you on the very intense emotions that one experiences viscerally on being back at the hospital.
Your dog looks like so much love and fun....and you are working out. You've gotten to a new place.
I know you'll be alright. But I know you carry this heavy experience too.
Wish I could hug you. Take care.