I completed a follow-up echo today one year after my Ross procedure at Mt Sinai in New York. My valves are looking great! Enjoyed seeing some of my New York ...Read more
I completed a follow-up echo today one year after my Ross procedure at Mt Sinai in New York. My valves are looking great! Enjoyed seeing some of my New York team heroes again -Dr. El-Hamamsy, Dr. Williams, Roberto and Leemor ❤️ Celebrated with my family with some unbelievably tasty gelato!😋
Sue Maize So happy for you Grace! I can imagine how special it was to see Dr. El-Hamamsy again and New York too ... Read more
Sue Maize So happy for you Grace! I can imagine how special it was to see Dr. El-Hamamsy again and New York too! You are doing so well, may it continue for many many more years to come! ❤️🙏🏻
Grace Mason Thank you all so much. I think of you as my extended heart family and I'm sending love back to you al ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you all so much. I think of you as my extended heart family and I'm sending love back to you all❤️ It has been an emotional, cathartic and happy weekend.
Darrell Malone Congratulations on your 1 year. Many more milestones ahead.
Rich Butela Awesome news Grace. That Gelato looks fantastic
Sue Lee Congratulations Grace! Many happy returns !
Thanks for the awesome swag Adam!! I love the half zip Ladies Sportek with the kangaroo pocket.❤️
I am six months post Ross and repair of an ascending ...Read more
Thanks for the awesome swag Adam!! I love the half zip Ladies Sportek with the kangaroo pocket.❤️
I am six months post Ross and repair of an ascending aortic aneurysm. It's hard to believe this much time has already passed! I have been feeling good and increasing my speed and exercise. I recently had a follow up CT and have been disappointed to learn I have sternal non union. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Valerie Allen Looking great, Grace. Hearing about the sternal non union must have been disappointing. Have you had ... Read more
Valerie Allen Looking great, Grace. Hearing about the sternal non union must have been disappointing. Have you had a chance to speak with the surgeon’s office yet? I’m not familiar with it.
c w Yeah! Glad you are feeling good and that’s excellent that you have been able to have more intense w ... Read more
c w Yeah! Glad you are feeling good and that’s excellent that you have been able to have more intense workouts — I know how good that must feel! I am sorry to hear about your sternum — I hope the plates will hold things together? I heard some clicking a couple of months ago so I would not be surprised if I am in the same boat… thanks for the reminder to schedule my CT.
Rose Madura Nice stuff and it looks good on you! I remember someone several years ago that had the sternal non u ... Read more
Rose Madura Nice stuff and it looks good on you! I remember someone several years ago that had the sternal non union. Unfortunately, I can't remember who it was but I do think she had to have a second surgery to fix it. I hope I'm wrong for your sake. What have the doctors said?
Pamela Gregory You look amazing Grace! I have never heard of the sternal non union but just looked it up. Hopefully... Read more
Pamela Gregory You look amazing Grace! I have never heard of the sternal non union but just looked it up. Hopefully something they can address without being too much. Sounds like your surgery is working beautifully as far as your heart goes
Larry Peterson Looking full of energy, Grace! Keep us posted on the sternal non-union- something that many of us wo ... Read more
Larry Peterson Looking full of energy, Grace! Keep us posted on the sternal non-union- something that many of us worry about!
Sue Maize Beautiful Grace! You're the picture of health! Does this have anything to do with the rigid fixation... Read more
Sue Maize Beautiful Grace! You're the picture of health! Does this have anything to do with the rigid fixation option you chose? I'm sorry you're going through this. Please keep us posted.
Grace Mason Thanks for all your kind words and well wishes 💗💗 Valerie I have sent a disc of my images to ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks for all your kind words and well wishes 💗💗 Valerie I have sent a disc of my images to my surgeons office. Hoping to hear some feedback from them this coming week. I agree Dewayne, weird. I did request and receive rigid fixation, which is what they would typically use, during a second surgery, to repair unstable non unions, as Rose recalls, and mentioned. I think since mine is stable that may not be done, for me. Still, I am wondering what does that mean long-term, could it affect a future surgery because of additional scar tissue, am I at greater risk for other complications? I also read a little about a low impulse ultrasound used to stimulate bone healing that sounds interesting, but there isn't really a lot of current literature, I have found to date. I will probably talk with someone local too, for another opinion. Sue, from what I have read it can be caused by various things, anemia, steroids, etc..... For now, I am glad I already have rigid fixation, so it's stable, but not ideal.
10 weeks - I have made progress! I think the steroids😝 are finally out of my system!😀 It has taken some time after stopping them, but my sleep ...Read more
10 weeks - I have made progress! I think the steroids😝 are finally out of my system!😀 It has taken some time after stopping them, but my sleep schedule is nearly back to normal. I have been having good days consistently for about a week. I still have a small to moderate pleural effusion on my left lung, but I have come to recognize what my bathroom scale and body tell me, as to how often to take a diuretic, to keep it in check and still feel good. Hopefully with more time it will resolve itself. I went to my hair dresser for the first time since before surgery, and I was able to lean my head back into the sink to have my hair washed for several minutes before I needed a break. Then I sat upright while she finished washing my hair and I was ok to lay back down for the rinse. Felt so good to finally be able to get a trim and color touch up. I am back to work half days this week, and then I am going straight from work to cardiac rehab 3 days a week. I was ready for a nap🥱 on Monday and today too, afterwards, but it feels great to get a step closer to my previous routine. Rehab is going well, yesterday was already#10. My insurance will cover 18-24 sessions. I plan to request all 24 sessions because I definitely have a bit more work to get back to where I was physically before surgery. I feel like I have turned a corner this week and I am feeling hopeful and ready to focus on improving my stamina and strength 😊🤞🏼❤️❤️
Pamela Gregory Glad your feeling better! Your hair looks great
Valerie Allen Grace, my heart sings reading your report. You look terrific and sound wonderful ❤️
Marie Myers Congrats on getting back to work! That is an important milestone, along with getting back to the hai ... Read more
Marie Myers Congrats on getting back to work! That is an important milestone, along with getting back to the hairdresser!! 😄
christine blackway That's wonderful Grace, you look fantastic but more importantly you sound very optimistic which is so ... Read more
christine blackway That's wonderful Grace, you look fantastic but more importantly you sound very optimistic which is so crucial for any recovery. Keep on pushing!
Deena Z Wow, Grace, do you ever rebound from surgery well. You look FABULOUS!
Jill Porter So glad you are doing well. Your words of encouragement helped me through some rough times.
Edward Crissey Glad to hear you are doing better and the rehab is working for you!
Kath Duggan You look wonderful and I am so glad you are sleeping better.
Grace Mason Thank you all my fellow heart warriors❤️❤️❤️ I have been napping every afternoon I hav ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you all my fellow heart warriors❤️❤️❤️ I have been napping every afternoon I have the opportunity, so I don't get too overtired. My body says it wants more...do not mess with the sleep time 💤😄 Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday 🦃
Grace Mason Jill, I'm so glad if I have helped encourage you, as so many on this site have done the same for me ... Read more
Grace Mason Jill, I'm so glad if I have helped encourage you, as so many on this site have done the same for me ❤️❤️. It is wonderful to be able to share our journeys with people who can truly understand.
Andrea Babcock Sending the very best wishes for your recovery. You look great!
Me at 3rd rehab today 😊 I found out Monday Nov 6 my pleural effusion on my left lung has returned, but is not as large this ...Read more
8 weeks post surgery-
Me at 3rd rehab today 😊 I found out Monday Nov 6 my pleural effusion on my left lung has returned, but is not as large this time, so I am taking a diuretic for a week and following up with another X-ray. I also just finished taking 2 weeks of 40mg of Prednisone and then a taper off dosing for an additional 9 days for the first pleural effusion. For me the steroid side effects were worse than the actual pleural effusion and subsequent draining. Any caffeine makes me jittery and being on Prednisone at that dose, for that long, felt like I was using those double caffeinated energy shots that are supposed to keep you awake, for 3 weeks🫨 So happy to be off those!! Trying to get my sleep schedule back to normal and hopefully start feeling more normal 🤞. Happy to be able to continue with rehab.
Kim Calvert Wow. Thanks so much for the update. Bummer about these complications! When these happen, does your su ... Read more
Kim Calvert Wow. Thanks so much for the update. Bummer about these complications! When these happen, does your surgeon get involved in how best to resolve? Or is it up to your local cardiology care team?
Grace Mason Kim, I have stayed in touch with Mt. Sinai to keep them updated on my progress and sometimes to discu ... Read more
Grace Mason Kim, I have stayed in touch with Mt. Sinai to keep them updated on my progress and sometimes to discuss the local recommendations for my own peace of mind 😊. They are wonderful and very accessible. That being said, it would be too costly for me to travel back to be treated at Mt Sinai for my "minor complications". If there was an issue with my heart itself, I would let Mt Sinai manage that. My local hospital has the experience to deal with the pleural effusion and I feel comfortable going to them to treat this. I don't think it is uncommon for OHS patients to have a pleural effusion post surgery. Not everyone will, but it is a possibility with all that one goes through.
Grace Mason Thanks Mohammed! Sounds like you are doing well in your recovery 😊
Deena Z Grace, so wonderful to see you exercising away! i remember the photo you shared of you walking in ... Read more
Deena Z Grace, so wonderful to see you exercising away! i remember the photo you shared of you walking in Central Park before your surgery. And look at you now! Hope the pleural effusion tapers away.
Delise Becker Hi, Grace. I'm sorry to hear that you've developed another pleural effusion, but hopefully, the diure ... Read more
Delise Becker Hi, Grace. I'm sorry to hear that you've developed another pleural effusion, but hopefully, the diuretic will do the trick. Wishing you the best! It's good to see you at rehab; I hope it goes well. I'll be anxious to hear about your progress. (I'm still waiting to get scheduled.) You look great . . . and so does your scar!
Rich Butela That's rough Grace, I know how you feel about the steroid side effects. they give me the shaky hand ... Read more
Rich Butela That's rough Grace, I know how you feel about the steroid side effects. they give me the shaky hands. hope you're feeling better this week
Valerie Allen Grace, hope you don’t mind me asking how you know you have a pleural effusion? I hope it subsides o ... Read more
Valerie Allen Grace, hope you don’t mind me asking how you know you have a pleural effusion? I hope it subsides on it’s own soon.
DeWayne Adamson I hope the diuretic works. You look great though!
Richard Munson You look amazing after such a short time. Amazing grace.
Ana Brusso Looking good Grace. Continued recovery and good health ❤️🩹🙏❤️
christine blackway Hang in there Grace, Wishing you continued improvement.
Pamela Gregory I like "Amazing Grace" for you!!! You are doing great
Leti Tenner Good luck getting back to your normal sleep schedule, Grace. Hopefully, rehab is going well. I can't ... Read more
Leti Tenner Good luck getting back to your normal sleep schedule, Grace. Hopefully, rehab is going well. I can't wait to start rehab next week.
Rose Madura Grace, you are doing so well! Hope the pleural effusion will be gone when you get the next x-ray. ... Read more
Rose Madura Grace, you are doing so well! Hope the pleural effusion will be gone when you get the next x-ray. ❤️🩹
Grace Mason Thanks Deena! I want to go back to Central Park, it was such a beautiful place to see. To next Septem ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks Deena! I want to go back to Central Park, it was such a beautiful place to see. To next September at 1 year👍😊. Thank you Delise, Richard, Dewayne, Ana, Christine, Pamela, Leti, and Rose❤️. Delise, Rich and Leti, looking forward to hearing about your rehab experiences. Valerie, I am happy to answer any questions. So, I wasn't sure I had a pleural effusion again until an x-ray on Nov 6, at a follow up with my pulmonologist. But I did suspect, because I was having similar symptoms as I had the first time it occurred in mid October. Once I started the steroids about 4 weeks ago I stopped taking Aleve twice a day (which I am supposed to take for 6 months per my surgeon to keep the swelling down in my autograph as it heals) Aleve and steroids shouldn't be taken together unless directed by your doctor. Mt Sinai okayed that I stop the Aleve while taking the steroid. I mention this because I was essentially taking no pain meds for the past three weeks. On Sunday October 29 I woke at 3am with sharp pain under my left breast and in my left shoulder. My BP and HR were ok though and I didn't have other symptoms so I just hoped it was temporary pain. I used my spirometer and could get to 2000 before it hurt on inhalation. By Monday it hurt at less than 1000 on the spirometer. I went back to the ER to get it checked, feeling like I was getting to know ER room 6 too well. The x-ray showed nothing, the CT showed no significant change since my last hospital stay(mid October). At the follow up with my cardiologist a couple days later Wednesday Nov 1, he said the pain was pleurisy. Inflammation of the pleura likely from the partial lung collapse earlier. By Saturday I was feeling tightness, and a bloated feeling again around my lower ribs and just kinda blah, my breath seemed wheezy again (of course it was the weekend now 🙄) My cardiologist had reduced my diuretic to once every three days and I took one Saturday. By Sunday my cough was back and I had gained 4lbs between Friday and Sunday morning, and I knew that couldn't just be the extra cookies I ate. (I weigh every morning at same time.) I decided to take a second diuretic preventatively Sunday too, because I wanted to avoid the ER, and I knew I had a follow up with my pulmonologist Monday at 9 am. I am glad I did, since my new x-ray on Nov 6, just a week after an all clear x-ray at the ER, now showed a small to moderate pleural effusion on my left lung . Now, after 5 days on the diuretic I am feeling better, my cough is diminished and I felt well enough yesterday to schedule my first post surgery hair appointment for next week 👍💇🏼♀️😊
Laurent G You are amazing Grace. Thank you and have a nice rehab. Best wishes !
Grace Mason Thanks Laurent! I'll be sending well wishes and prayers for you in your upcoming surgery.❤️
Valerie Allen Grace, thank you for the information. I know the body can reabsorb a lot of liquid and I hope that is ... Read more
Valerie Allen Grace, thank you for the information. I know the body can reabsorb a lot of liquid and I hope that is what is happening. I don’t have a pulmonologist here, perhaps I should discuss with my PCP. Anyway thanks for sharing, so helpful and you look fantastic!
Grace Mason Hi Valerie, Just FYI, I was assigned a pulmonologist after I was admitted to hospital with pleural ... Read more
Grace Mason Hi Valerie, Just FYI, I was assigned a pulmonologist after I was admitted to hospital with pleural effusion and a partially collapsed lung. I have never seen a pulmonologist before then.(The pulmonologist who I was assigned happened to be the same doctor who treated my father-in-law for COPD, so familiar to my husband and trusted but whom I had never met) Thank you for your kind words 💗
Julie McCarthy Sending prayers your way Grace! You continue to be a great example for me!!!
Grace Mason Thanks Julie ❤️! Sending good wishes and prayers to you. Looking forward to hearing about your j ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks Julie ❤️! Sending good wishes and prayers to you. Looking forward to hearing about your journey.
James Conway Grace I think you look in marvellous health. But please be patient, you have been through a lot. Plea ... Read more
James Conway Grace I think you look in marvellous health. But please be patient, you have been through a lot. Please accept my very best wishes from London, England
Grace Mason Thank you James. It is so hard to be patient sometimes. Once you have some really good days, when the ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you James. It is so hard to be patient sometimes. Once you have some really good days, when the tough days come it can be discouraging. Right now I am focusing on rehab and how I feel better after exercise. Hearing from other warriors, like yourself, always gives me a boost, too. Thank you for your reminder to be patient with myself and this process. Sending you well wishes from the Midwest USA❤️
Larry Peterson Looking good, Grace! Those of us heading into surgery soon need to see your bright healthy face at 7 ... Read more
Larry Peterson Looking good, Grace! Those of us heading into surgery soon need to see your bright healthy face at 7 weeks!
Mike McKenna Looking awesome! Scar is healing nicely. How are you feeling after having to be back in the hospital ... Read more
Mike McKenna Looking awesome! Scar is healing nicely. How are you feeling after having to be back in the hospital? Hopefully forward progress and feeling almost 100%.
Delise Becker You look beautiful, Grace! Thanks for sharing these pics of your scar. The difference between 5 days ... Read more
Delise Becker You look beautiful, Grace! Thanks for sharing these pics of your scar. The difference between 5 days post-surgery and 7 weeks is truly amazing!
Rich Butela That looks great ! Glad you look so good after your little setback
Susan Lynn You look beautiful, Grace! Your scar is quickly disappearing!
Leti Tenner Grace, you look amazing! I found great comfort in reading your posts and seeing your photos. Thank yo ... Read more
Leti Tenner Grace, you look amazing! I found great comfort in reading your posts and seeing your photos. Thank you so much for sharing.
Deena Z Someone is quite the fast healer! - though I will say that it is astonishing how fast the bone heals ... Read more
Deena Z Someone is quite the fast healer! - though I will say that it is astonishing how fast the bone heals and the scar fades.
Grace Mason Kim, my pneumonia is resolved👍. I am still taking steroids for the slight pericardial effusion, which I will follow up on, in November. Valerie, I feel pretty good most days but the recovery has not been linear😃. I think others have stated well, measuring your progress day to day is often up and down. Week to week, I definitely feel better. Larry, I was thinking the same...I didn't want my original post surgery incision photo to scare anyone about their future surgery, so I definitely wanted everyone to know it gets/looks better quickly. Mike, I definitely hope to feel closer to normal in a few weeks. I am building back my stamina, and think I will feel better still, once I am off the steroids, they make me feel so jittery. Thank you Delise, Eileen, Rich and Susan ❤️. Leti, it makes me glad to hear you found comfort in my posts. I, too, have found things I relate with in your story and posts💞. ... Read more
Grace Mason Kim, my pneumonia is resolved👍. I am still taking steroids for the slight pericardial effusion, which I will follow up on, in November. Valerie, I feel pretty good most days but the recovery has not been linear😃. I think others have stated well, measuring your progress day to day is often up and down. Week to week, I definitely feel better. Larry, I was thinking the same...I didn't want my original post surgery incision photo to scare anyone about their future surgery, so I definitely wanted everyone to know it gets/looks better quickly. Mike, I definitely hope to feel closer to normal in a few weeks. I am building back my stamina, and think I will feel better still, once I am off the steroids, they make me feel so jittery. Thank you Delise, Eileen, Rich and Susan ❤️. Leti, it makes me glad to hear you found comfort in my posts. I, too, have found things I relate with in your story and posts💞. Deena, I am now imagining my sternum as stronger and healing, as it knits itself back together. I cannot see that progress like the incision, but I can definitely feel the difference. Being able to sleep on my side again is wonderful 👍😃
Deena Z Grace, wait until you go to cardiac rehab; they will have you doing push-ups🤪. I kept asking my ... Read more
Deena Z Grace, wait until you go to cardiac rehab; they will have you doing push-ups🤪. I kept asking my “trainer”, if he was sure my incision could handle the pressure.. He was 100 percent positive it could and did! This was at 3 month mark, maybe a week or so less. The side sleeping felt so so so welcoming. Spot-on!
Grace Mason OMG, I am glad you shared that. I can imagine my face now if they ask me to do a push up😳✋ that ... Read more
Grace Mason OMG, I am glad you shared that. I can imagine my face now if they ask me to do a push up😳✋ that will take some courage and fortitude, I imagine. Today will be my first day of rehab, so I'm hoping no push up requests today 😄
Rich Butela I can't wait til I'm allowed to do push ups again
Grace Mason Lol Rich. You can do mine for me 😃 Deena they did ask me to do a modified push up on a hand rail y ... Read more
Grace Mason Lol Rich. You can do mine for me 😃 Deena they did ask me to do a modified push up on a hand rail yesterday!! I tried it, but I am regretting it now. I think it aggravated my labrum tear in my left shoulder after so many weeks of non use. Going to ask to do exercises to help shoulder strength first before trying any type of push up again. Otherwise, it was great being able to get back into some exercise 😊
Deena Z Grace, I get I am not an expert, but seems too early for any type of push-up. Why would you even want to risk a tear so early after surgery? Or a muscle strain. These are my lessons learned from cardia rehab:
- go to the best, even if a long wait or further drive;
Deena Z Grace, I get I am not an expert, but seems too early for any type of push-up. Why would you even want to risk a tear so early after surgery? Or a muscle strain. These are my lessons learned from cardia rehab:
- go to the best, even if a long wait or further drive;
- ask a lot of questions.
- if you don't jive with your assigned physiologist, politely request another person that you already know you would like;
- if they push too hard or too little, tell them.
- everyone enters rehab with a different base, so dont compare with others;
- as a women, was amazed at the number of younger women that had a heart attack with few symptoms other than shoulder and/or back pain. (no valve surgery); and
- the first two sessions are always easier, because physiologists want to get to know your physical capacity. ( unless you are Grace and they just assume you are Wonder Woman 😜).
Personally, I was assigned a physiologist that could not answer some of my questions and had to ask someone else. He also didn't push me as much as I wanted. I didnt have to ask for a “reassignment”, because the clinic caught on that my questions were not going to stop😀. So they reassigned me within two sessions to another physiologist, who had earned an advanced degree and was an athlete. Major difference.
Delise Becker This is good information to know, Deena. I am 5 weeks post-surgery and have not yet started cardiac r ... Read more
Delise Becker This is good information to know, Deena. I am 5 weeks post-surgery and have not yet started cardiac rehab. The rehab team is booked up and likely won't get me started until December. My cardiologist said that regardless of when I start it, I will reap the benefits of rehab. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing your insight!
Susan Lynn I agree with Deena. I didn't even have a sternum cut and my cardiac rehab didn't have me doing anyt... Read more
Susan Lynn I agree with Deena. I didn't even have a sternum cut and my cardiac rehab didn't have me doing anything that was strenuous with my arms. In fact, I attended the initial three months and advanced cardiac rehab (for 2 years after that) and I didn't see a single push up performed by any participant. Arm bikes, free weights, rowing machines and universal machines (if a patient was ready) were the extent of the arm exercises. As Deena suggests, ask questions and make the most out of your experience without risking an injury.
Grace Mason Thank you for that Deena and Susan! Actually with everything else going on I had forgotten about my l ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you for that Deena and Susan! Actually with everything else going on I had forgotten about my labrum tear, as it wasn't bothering me🤦🏼♀️. The modified push up was supposed to be a wall push up but she said they didn't really have a good wall so they used the handrail. But for me, a 6"0' tall person, a handrail is a lot lower than for most. I don't know why I did it....like a wide-eyed newbie 🙄 Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am definitely asking more questions, told them I was not going to be doing any pushups in the near future (they were fine with that) but I have had my doubts about how well they can manage my recovery once I am ready to start pushing it a bit more. There are no Ross patients, very few women and very few my age I have met so far. The limits they were going to set for me were also higher than what NP Roberto at Mt Sinai gave me(I am so glad I asked him if he could guide me and that they are so accessible!!) For now at the start, I think it is ok, but time will tell. 👍 They will be having a hands only CPR class next Wednesday. Wednesday's are education and exercise class both. While I think it's great they offer it I'm not sure about that movement yet either??
Grace Mason Delise, can't wait to hear about your rehab experience 😊
Delise Becker If I ever get scheduled, I'll let you know how it goes!
Julie McCarthy Grace thank you so so much for posting those photos .. they bring be great relief praying for you ... Read more
Julie McCarthy Grace thank you so so much for posting those photos .. they bring be great relief praying for you to feel better!!
Grace Mason ❤️❤️ glad they bring you comfort Julie. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Andrea Babcock Wow the difference is amazing. You healed so fast and your scar already looks so good. I am sure with ... Read more
Andrea Babcock Wow the difference is amazing. You healed so fast and your scar already looks so good. I am sure with time and a little body make up it will not be very noticeable. My husband is worried about how his chest will look like and he does not want people knowing he had heart surgery just by looking at him at the beach or pool. I am sure this is even so much harder for a pretty lady.
Grace Mason Thank you Andrea. I was told to keep it out of the sun for the first year and it will heal best and b ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Andrea. I was told to keep it out of the sun for the first year and it will heal best and be much less noticeable. I can see a difference even from this picture that it is fading more. Some people develop keloids(raised scars). My dermatologist said silicone strips were helpful for that. They can be treated too by a dermatologist with an injection. As a woman, I figure I can wear a halter style bathing suit to keep it covered for the first year. No one would know I had surgery unless I had told them. Your husband could use a UPF shirt for the first year and if he has hair on his chest, his scar will be even less noticeable until it fades.
Andrea Babcock I will buy him some Surf Rash Guard Tank Top things for the first year. I definitely want to know abo ... Read more
Andrea Babcock I will buy him some Surf Rash Guard Tank Top things for the first year. I definitely want to know about special creams, lotions or patches he can use on his scar for nicer healing and better looking scar. But first he has to make it through this darn surgery alive!!
I am 5 weeks post surgery. It's been 3 days since I was released from the local hospital having been treated for pneumonia and fluid on my lungs. I am taking ...Read more
I am 5 weeks post surgery. It's been 3 days since I was released from the local hospital having been treated for pneumonia and fluid on my lungs. I am taking a high dose of Prednisone and Lasix to hopefully keep inflammation down and keep the fluid from building up again between my lungs and chest cavity. I was also told I have a little separation at the top of my sternum from doing too much with my arms, which is probably why I have been hearing clicking in my collar bone. I am trying to be more cognise of using both arms together when doing any lifting or pulling open doors etc. I started walking again outside the house on Tuesday about a 1/2 mile in one go. The Prednisone is raising my BP, so we are working on lowering it with some temporary additional Losartan along with the Metoprolol. Wednesday the sun came out and I walked a mile comfortably in one go☺️👍. The sun felt amazing on my back and shoulders which are feeling better, as is my throat. I have started wearing my compression socks again, as after my walk I could feel the stiffness in my knees from the fluid retention the Prednisone causes. I just started the lasix yesterday so that should definitely help, too. My GP also gave me a prescription for potassium while I take the Lasix since it depletes your bodies potassium. As I walked along the creek I came across a Blue Heron perched in hunt of creek chubs. He didn't even give up his post as I walked close by and took his picture. I hope we see many more days like yesterday before the cold settles in.🌞🌞🌞
Richard Munson You look great and your positive attitude is an inspiration. I am also a great blue heron fan. They a ... Read more
Richard Munson You look great and your positive attitude is an inspiration. I am also a great blue heron fan. They are majestic and awesome in flight. I also have a potassium depletion due to a uric acid/ gout pill i take so i eat a banana every morning. I toss the skin in the garden when done to aggravate my wife. Just trying to balance all these pills can be daunting. We taller than average folks need to stick together.
Grace Mason Thanks Richard. Blue Herons are beautiful birds. I like the little green ones too. We saw a few o ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks Richard. Blue Herons are beautiful birds. I like the little green ones too. We saw a few of those on our kayak trip, pre-surgery. I agree, all the pills are a lot. I cannot wait to finish with some of them. Lol, yes, I will stick with you on the the banana peel in the garden. It sounds like a good compost and adds a little pop of temporary yellow 😆😉
Pamela Gregory So glad you got out on a nice walk to enjoy the fall weather and birds! I love the fall too. You wil... Read more
Pamela Gregory So glad you got out on a nice walk to enjoy the fall weather and birds! I love the fall too. You will be weaning off of so many pills in no time. Getting back on track
Richard Munson Very temporary, turns brown in about an hour. Just this week a blue heron flew over the yard being cl ... Read more
Richard Munson Very temporary, turns brown in about an hour. Just this week a blue heron flew over the yard being close to the water and its flapping wings were incredibly loud. Both shadow and i looked up. My tough sled dog actually looked a little scared. Now i have to contend with a flock of turkeys in our yard to drive him nuts. No idea where they hide all summer. A tom turkey guarding his harem can be a little daunting. Stay away from my women.
Jay Burgess Keep up the recovery walks. That is what I did each day. I too had fluid on my lungs left drained twi ... Read more
Jay Burgess Keep up the recovery walks. That is what I did each day. I too had fluid on my lungs left drained twice and right 1 time. Luckily it went away.
Valerie Allen Grace, so glad you are doing well and appreciative of your recovery posts!
Rose Madura Great report Grace. Try to pace yourself.
Jill Porter Great to hear! Recovery definitely has its ups and downs. Your positive attitude is inspiring!
Larry Peterson Thanks for the update, Grace! Enjoy the fall weather! Wisconsin is full of color right now.
christine blackway You are making great progress, keep up the great work!
Kim Calvert You are such an inspiration for me. Thank you for doing these posts!
Melinda Donahue you look wonderful - best wishes for a continued, speedy and ongoing recovery
Grace Mason Thank you all for the well wishes. ALL of YOU are so inspiring to me❤️💞❤️
Kath Duggan Good to see you outside enjoying nature! ❤️
Delise Becker You look wonderful, Grace! So glad that your docs are on top of things and managing/tweaking your med ... Read more
Delise Becker You look wonderful, Grace! So glad that your docs are on top of things and managing/tweaking your meds. As Jill mentioned, recovery certainly has its ups and downs. I appreciate you sharing yours with all of us. Praying that continue to improve each day.
Deena Z Nice little "visitor" during your walk. -- or maybe vice versa:) Good to see you outside of the hos ... Read more
Deena Z Nice little "visitor" during your walk. -- or maybe vice versa:) Good to see you outside of the hospital and just outside! --- "control" over your life and health is setting-in, aka- normalizing. You have been awesome, Grace, with your courage, humor and generosity to others pending HVS. Godspeed.
Grace Mason Fall is a awesome weather for outside recovery. Not too hot or cold on the lungs. Thank you all for... Read more
Grace Mason Fall is a awesome weather for outside recovery. Not too hot or cold on the lungs. Thank you all for the support and encouragement💖💖💖, it makes an impact, and I am so grateful for you all. Sending good vibes back to you 💞
Marie-Ange Jacques I enjoy reading all your update. I see that you are taking same pills as I am such as metoprolol,lasi ... Read more
Marie-Ange Jacques I enjoy reading all your update. I see that you are taking same pills as I am such as metoprolol,lasix, pills for potassium . I live 1day at a time.
Your update encourage me
Grace Mason ❤️❤️so glad Marie-Ange. We are sisters in recovery. It is so nice to know others who are ... Read more
Grace Mason ❤️❤️so glad Marie-Ange. We are sisters in recovery. It is so nice to know others who are experiencing similar feelings as we move forward during our recoveries.
Marie-Ange Jacques Yes...it's good to know I am not alone in this. The tick tick sometimes have me scared for it goes so ... Read more
Marie-Ange Jacques Yes...it's good to know I am not alone in this. The tick tick sometimes have me scared for it goes so fast but I am trying to get use to it. All is good on my side. I felt very well today and went for a long walk.
This photo is a progression of my incision to date. The incision you see is, in total, about 6 inches. After the initial cut opening the sternum the top 2 inches ...Read more
This photo is a progression of my incision to date. The incision you see is, in total, about 6 inches. After the initial cut opening the sternum the top 2 inches of sternum was cut "under the skin" to reduce the size of the incision. The first photo was on the 5th day, just after discharge from my surgery. The second photo is at 4 weeks just after being re-admitted for pneumonia and pleural effusion that needed draining. The last photo is today, close to 5 weeks from surgery. The incision was seamed together with surgical glue and you can see where it has been peeling back little by little. They recommend leaving it there to come off on it's own. I have been carefully trimming it when pieces flake up. I am really happy with the way it is starting to look ❤️. I wasn't sure what to expect when I originally saw it when they took off the bandage 🥺
Kim Calvert You are so brave. Hope you are feeling better!
Grace Mason Thank you Kim💗 I feel pretty well. I still have a bit of fluid on my left lung, but the right is c... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Kim💗 I feel pretty well. I still have a bit of fluid on my left lung, but the right is clear now Continued on oral antibiotics and Prednisone for 14 days with follow ups. My BP and HR numbers are much better 😊 Heart looks great 💖
Valerie Allen I just found out I will need a full sternotomy. Do you know if the under the skin part is standard? I ... Read more
Valerie Allen I just found out I will need a full sternotomy. Do you know if the under the skin part is standard? I’ll have to follow up. Glad you are home and doing better.
Glad to hear your lungs are clearing up. Stay strong!
Rita Savelis In about 6 months or so your scar should match the color of your skin (as long as you avoid the sun f ... Read more
Rita Savelis In about 6 months or so your scar should match the color of your skin (as long as you avoid the sun for that first year) and be barely visible at all. Take care, Grace.
Grace Mason Hi Valerie, I don't know if the top few inches of sternum being the final split "under the skin" is s ... Read more
Grace Mason Hi Valerie, I don't know if the top few inches of sternum being the final split "under the skin" is standard. Or, if there is a medical term for it. I hadn't really asked much about the incision before my surgery, so it was a pleasant surprise for me. It probably varies by center and surgeon. Thank you Sal. I'm sending you prayers for peace and calm before your big day and for successful and great surgery day and recovery 🙏❤️. Rita, I am feeling better about how it is starting to look. Thanks for the timeline of what to expect and especially the advice about keeping it out of the sun. I hope it eventually looks as great as yours does in your after pics❤️
Larry Peterson Thanks for sharing the incision progression, Grace. Every little bit of info helps as we try to imag ... Read more
Larry Peterson Thanks for sharing the incision progression, Grace. Every little bit of info helps as we try to imagine life post-surgery.
Grace Mason Lol! Dewayne. It looks that way doesn't it. I am already 6'0" so I hope I am not growing 😉. Su ... Read more
Grace Mason Lol! Dewayne. It looks that way doesn't it. I am already 6'0" so I hope I am not growing 😉. Sure thing Larry. I was a bit unprepared for the original sight, and I can say it definitely is looking better 5 weeks later.
Rich Butela Glad you're feeling better. My incision goes all the way up to my collar bone. It's interesting that ... Read more
Rich Butela Glad you're feeling better. My incision goes all the way up to my collar bone. It's interesting that yours appears to be centered on your breastbone but my incision runs up the left side.
Grace Mason Thanks Rich! Yes, the incisions are all so different. I think mine weaves slightly to the right as it ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks Rich! Yes, the incisions are all so different. I think mine weaves slightly to the right as it descends. Maybe the cuts are made free hand without any guide? I couldn't bring myself to watch an actual video of opening the sternum before surgery 🫣
Well I have hit my bump in the road at 4 weeks post surgery. After speaking with my cardiologist yesterday morning and discussing symptoms, blood work results ...Read more
Well I have hit my bump in the road at 4 weeks post surgery. After speaking with my cardiologist yesterday morning and discussing symptoms, blood work results and x-ray results he wanted me to go to ER to get checked out more thoroughly than he could set up on a test by test basis. I was admitted last night with suspected pneumonia and given IV antibiotics, another chest x-ray and a CT. Probably have my echo this morning after seeing cardiology. Hoping not to be here very long because the weather here is beautiful and I want to be outside🌞
Richard Munson Prayers headed your way from me and shadow. Get well soon.
Kath Duggan Sending prayers for a speedy recovery. ❤️
Pamela Gregory Best thoughts and prayers are with you Grace. Hopefully antibiotics will clear things up and get you... Read more
Pamela Gregory Best thoughts and prayers are with you Grace. Hopefully antibiotics will clear things up and get you back to your outside activities
Rose Madura I was worried about the cough but didn't want to worry you. Glad you are getting checked out.
Deena Z We are all rooting for you, Grace.. It sounds like the pneumonia was caught early, so hang-in-there. ... Read more
Deena Z We are all rooting for you, Grace.. It sounds like the pneumonia was caught early, so hang-in-there. Build that immune system! Godspeed, ❤️
Grace Mason Thanks so much Richard, Kath, Pamela, Rose and Deena. I really appreciate your words and prayers. Ros ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks so much Richard, Kath, Pamela, Rose and Deena. I really appreciate your words and prayers. Rose, like you my "bug" has caused a large enough fluid buildup on my left lung that I have a partial collapse of that side, so I will be having a thorocentesis later this morning. Hoping this is not a difficult procedure and maybe even be a relief to have done. The doctor said they would numb me up good 🥴🤞
Valerie Allen I had that once and it wasn’t bad at all. Hopefully that will help matters, it should. 💕
Valerie Allen Let me clarify, I had thorocentisis procedure and it wasn’t bad. It helped with the fluid.
Larry Peterson Following your progress and cheering for you, Grace!
Grace Mason Good to hear Valerie! 😊👍, Thank you Laurent and Larry ❤️
Rita Savelis Pleural effusion is a common side effect of heart valve surgery. I personally loved having the fluid ... Read more
Rita Savelis Pleural effusion is a common side effect of heart valve surgery. I personally loved having the fluid drained (had 4 drainings in hospital in the weeks following surgery). I felt such immediate energy again when my lung could expand to 100% oxygen capacity. Wishing you the best.
Grace Mason Thank you Rita.💗 Your experiences make me feel better, as I sit in anticipation and "let's get thi ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Rita.💗 Your experiences make me feel better, as I sit in anticipation and "let's get this over and done!" waiting...
Rita Savelis When you get a look at the size of the bottle (it's behind you so you can't see it until after the p... Read more
Rita Savelis When you get a look at the size of the bottle (it's behind you so you can't see it until after the procedure) and how MUCH liquid is drained into it, you will wonder how you've even been breathing! Our lungs are amazing!
DeWayne Adamson Your positive attitude will get you through this Grace.
Susan Campbell Sending you well wishes for effective treatments and speedy road back to wellness.
Kimberly Eisenhut Sending prayers and speedy exit to enjoy the sun asap!
Grace Mason Whoa! You were right about that Rita. I was surprised how much (like a 16oz bottle of water)and the a ... Read more
Grace Mason Whoa! You were right about that Rita. I was surprised how much (like a 16oz bottle of water)and the actual procedure wasn't bad at all. The funny thing was I was told I was going for the echo but then the transporter delivered me and the nurse said thoracentesis. Surprise!! And no time to fret on the way 😀. The numbing shot was the worst of it and it was no worse than getting an IV.
Thank you all Dewayne, Julie, Susan and Kimberly for cheering me on. I was having an emotional moment before they came and picked me up. This process is a rollercoaster. I am looking forward to feeling some sunshine on me soon.
Mike McKenna Had a thoracentesis about 3 weeks ago for some fluid that wasn't draining. Not super comfortable but ... Read more
Mike McKenna Had a thoracentesis about 3 weeks ago for some fluid that wasn't draining. Not super comfortable but so much easier to breath when it's drained. Good vibes your way!
Mike McKenna That picture looks about like mine.. was 800 ml. Amazing what the body can hold
Rose Madura Grace, glad they did this. Hope you are feeling better now. Kinda looks like a beer. LOL!
Richard Munson Glad i’m not the only one that thought a bottle of beer.
Sara Shreen Haniffa Sending my prayers Grace! Hoping for your speedy and full recovery.
Sara Shreen Haniffa Please check with them if you need to take diuretics(water pills) after coming home
Rich Butela Praying for a speedy recovery for you Grace. That's a lot of fluid, I'll bet you feel better already ... Read more
Rich Butela Praying for a speedy recovery for you Grace. That's a lot of fluid, I'll bet you feel better already
Clifford Teoh Adding our prayers for you! You are correct in that this is just bump in your road to complete reco... Read more
Clifford Teoh Adding our prayers for you! You are correct in that this is just bump in your road to complete recovery. Cliff will be visiting with his cardiologist next week and we're hoping the fluid around his heart has resolved itself or, at least, is less. That's his bump in the road!
Deena Z Wow, that’s a lot of fluid. Hard to believe. Saying a prayer tonight just for you, Grace, to reco ... Read more
Deena Z Wow, that’s a lot of fluid. Hard to believe. Saying a prayer tonight just for you, Grace, to recover soon and get some vitamin D from lots of sunshine upon discharge.❤️🙏😎
Kim Calvert You are so brave! So admire your cheerful, positive demeanor through all of this.
Grace Mason Mike, my lung sucked buddy, you must have really been feeling that 800ml. Glad you are feeling better ... Read more
Grace Mason Mike, my lung sucked buddy, you must have really been feeling that 800ml. Glad you are feeling better! I was shocked to see that much fluid thinking, "I didn't feel 500ml bad🙃", but I guess it gradually builds and your body just accommodates until it can't. Thank you dear Ana. Lol, Richard and Rose, it does look like a beer growler and "homemade" amber beer with a head😆.Thanks so much Sara, I think they are going to send me with some lasix. Rich and Frances(Cliff) thank you very much and keep doing great in your recoveries. Christine, Deena, Kim thank you for all your kind words and prayers. All you warriors pick me up. I know I am feeling better because listening to the radio walking around my room I started doing a little dancing to the great beats😄 Just talked with the pulmonologist and he suspects it is Dresslers syndrome, which is some peoples response to cardiac trauma and not uncommon. They still think I picked up a virus or something, so I'm still getting IV antibiotics for possible pneumonia, but if my echo today looks ok I hope to be going home soon ❤️❤️ My NP Roberto at Mt Sinai has been advising me all thru this with guidance that has been so reassuring. Leemor, Dr El-Hamamsy's office manager, has been very helpful getting me an ear for my cardiologist here and she says, I'm family now, so call anytime ❤️
DeWayne Adamson Sad you had to go through that. Praying this issue is now resolved and you are all good. Pure Grace. ... Read more
DeWayne Adamson Sad you had to go through that. Praying this issue is now resolved and you are all good. Pure Grace.
Grace Mason Thank you Dewayne for the prayers and kind words. I am hopeful my additional journey "maintenance" w... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Dewayne for the prayers and kind words. I am hopeful my additional journey "maintenance" will have swept the road ahead clear and smooth
Rita Savelis Dresslers? I thought that was pericarditis rather than a pleural effusion? In any case, hope this is ... Read more
Rita Savelis Dresslers? I thought that was pericarditis rather than a pleural effusion? In any case, hope this is behind you now. Cardiac trauma is real and your heart was reacting to everything it had been through. As all of our hearts do, in their own way. Take care.
Grace Mason Thank you Rita ❤️. Yes, Dressler's can cause both pericardial and pleural effusions. I have bo ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Rita ❤️. Yes, Dressler's can cause both pericardial and pleural effusions. I have both, but the fluid around my heart is minimal and probably left from surgery. They believe it will resolve on it's own 🤞
Hi Grace, wishing you a speedy recovery...you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Donna Casaletto 8 weeks post op from my mitral valve repair I had to have a thoracentesis. My symptoms were intense l ... Read more
Donna Casaletto 8 weeks post op from my mitral valve repair I had to have a thoracentesis. My symptoms were intense left shoulder pain, difficulty breathing, laughing, and hiccuping. I was on a diuretic too. I felt so much better afterwards!
Grace Mason Thank you Sal, I so appreciate your prayers and thoughts ❤️ Donna, it is great to hear you are ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Sal, I so appreciate your prayers and thoughts ❤️ Donna, it is great to hear you are doing well now. I experienced some tightness in my chest, shortness of breath, night sweats and my heart rate kept creeping higher every day. I did feel slight shoulder discomfort during the thorocentesis. I know you have a great positive attitude if one of your symptoms was laughing 😄👍❤️
Kimberly Eisenhut Grace, thinking and praying for you today! Thank you for keeping us posted and continued good progre... Read more
Kimberly Eisenhut Grace, thinking and praying for you today! Thank you for keeping us posted and continued good progress going forward
Grace Mason Thank you Kimberly. I appreciate your prayers and well wishes.
Back at home my new walking incentive -Fresh air, changing leaves, the creek running nearby.❤️
Kath Duggan It looks lovely and peaceful. Your posts are giving me hope for a successful surgery and the strength ... Read more
Kath Duggan It looks lovely and peaceful. Your posts are giving me hope for a successful surgery and the strength to recover after.❤️❤️You are doing 😊 great!
Grace Mason Thank you Kath. I am glad they bring you hope. You sound like you have also done much to prepare and ... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you Kath. I am glad they bring you hope. You sound like you have also done much to prepare and have chosen an excellent surgeon. You will do great in recovery too.
DeWayne Adamson Amazing job on your recovery. Gives me some hope.
Rose Madura Glad you are home Grace and equally glad that you are doing so well!
Valerie Allen Yes, I feel like maybe I can do this, thanks to your uplifting recovery posts!
Delise Becker So glad to hear that you are home, Grace. Looks like you have a beautiful area to walk. Hope you have ... Read more
Delise Becker So glad to hear that you are home, Grace. Looks like you have a beautiful area to walk. Hope you have good temps for that, too. It's still 100 degrees in Georgetown, TX!! Praying that you continue to do well in your recovery.
Grace Mason I think you will do great Dewayne, you have an excellent surgeon and I think the rigid fixation has m ... Read more
Grace Mason I think you will do great Dewayne, you have an excellent surgeon and I think the rigid fixation has made a big difference. Thank you Rose, me too!! You can absolutely do this Valerie, you have time to prepare and you are doing your homework. Thanks Delise! Wow, it is really hot where you live. It is 55 degrees here this morning. Wishing you all well💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Kim Calvert Hey Grace! I'm new to this site and have been catching up on your story. I didn't see a post about yo ... Read more
Kim Calvert Hey Grace! I'm new to this site and have been catching up on your story. I didn't see a post about your experience at Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Rosselli. Did I miss it somehow? I hadn't considered the Ross Procedure, but after seeing that you did it and then watching a YouTube video presentation by Dr El-Hamamsy, I can understand why you chose this method. I really like the idea of "one and done" and keeping native tissue whenever possible.
DeWayne Adamson Grace, did you get on an airplane? If so, how many days post surgery? Thank you, trying to plan hotel ... Read more
DeWayne Adamson Grace, did you get on an airplane? If so, how many days post surgery? Thank you, trying to plan hotels and such.
Grace Mason Hi Kim, I did meet with Dr Roselli at CC. He is a great surgeon, but I did not feel comfortable pe ... Read more
Grace Mason Hi Kim, I did meet with Dr Roselli at CC. He is a great surgeon, but I did not feel comfortable personally with him for various reasons and I knew that it was important to have a good trust level with your surgeon going in. His recommendation for me was only replacement and I think I wanted to hear at least he would consider repair, no matter how small the percentage. I don't think CC considers anyone over age 50 for a Ross. CC appointments and testing were as smooth as can be but, somewhat assembly line, as expected with an institution with the volume of patients they see and the reputation they have earned and deserve. After talking with Dr Gerdisch in Indy, whose messages about preserving the native structure I loved, I learned much from him about rigid fixation. I also learned he does not do the Ross, at all, but he recommended Dr El-Hamamsy, if that was what I wanted. After seeing some inspiring stories from other members here about their Ross procedures and after also watching videos with Dr El-Hamamsy and reading some of his research papers, I wanted to talk with him. I was able to Zoom with him very quickly and once I did I knew he was my surgeon. Dr El-Hamamsy wanted to know about me, my lifestyle, my hobbies and interests, he wanted me to have input in what I wanted from surgery. He performs a high volume of Ross procedures and he has a PhD in studies specific to the aortic valve. He is amazing.
Grace Mason Hi Dewayne. I did get on an airplane back home. I had surgery September 12 and I flew home on Septemb ... Read more
Grace Mason Hi Dewayne. I did get on an airplane back home. I had surgery September 12 and I flew home on September 22. So 10 days. I made sure I walked often post surgery and used my spirometer as instructed and with greater fortitude every day to make sure I would get clearance to fly. I also purchased changeable tickets, just in case😊. By the way, I recommend requesting wheelchair assistance on your flight home even if you feel well enough to walk, you can request it just to the gate. It was great to bypass the security lines. It's also good if your gate is a great distance, so you don't get overtired and you can save some energy for the rest of your trip👍
DeWayne Adamson Thank you for sharing, that is very important info.
I am happy to be back at home now, resting and walking. I took a two hour nap yesterday after the airport experience and flight which went very well. Thank ...Read more
I am happy to be back at home now, resting and walking. I took a two hour nap yesterday after the airport experience and flight which went very well. Thank you David Sabritt for the reminder to request wheelchair assistance. It was super helpful going through a large airport like La Guardia. It also allowed myself, as well as my son and husband traveling with me, to bypass the long security line, as I was wheeled to the front of the line. I have to say the incentive to walk has changed. From our hotel in NY it was 0.2 miles to admire a pastry case(occasionally more than admiring), 0.2 miles to grab a juice or smoothie, 0.3 miles to a NY style pizzeria 😆. Our last night in NYC enjoying a smoothie at an outdoor cafe.
Grace Mason Thanks Pamela, Shelly, Richard and Rich Lol Richard. I definitely had surgery, still quite blue and... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks Pamela, Shelly, Richard and Rich Lol Richard. I definitely had surgery, still quite blue and yellow around incision, too, but aside from the expected aches and pains of that I do feel blessed with no complications to date, knock wood. 🙇🏼♀️🤛 Love to you all.❤️
I think sleep was what I needed most after day five. Since I have been getting regular sleep (with the help of a sleeping aid) I have felt so much better. I ...Read more
I think sleep was what I needed most after day five. Since I have been getting regular sleep (with the help of a sleeping aid) I have felt so much better. I still have some aches and pains in my shoulders and back, and still feel pressure on my sternum, but none of it is that bad. I have been walking a lot as that is very easy to do in NYC. There is everything within a block or two, groceries, a park, bakeries, bagels, and restaurants galore. They definitely make use of every space here.
I met with my wonderful surgeon today, had an x-ray and have been cleared to fly home tomorrow. Woohoo! I just couldn't come to NYC for the first time and not see Lady Liberty. My husband found some premier tickets on the Circle Line cruises and for an extra $25 you get to bypass the line and get a cushy seat in a special area that was really great. Totally worth it.❤️🗽
Valerie Allen You and your family must be so relieved. Continued good health.
Delise Becker That's wonderful news, Grace! So happy for you, and you look stunning -- certainly not like someone w ... Read more
Delise Becker That's wonderful news, Grace! So happy for you, and you look stunning -- certainly not like someone who just had major surgery! Safe travels home.
Rita Savelis Grace, you are an exceptional case. There are many who would be unable to go out for bagels or visit ... Read more
Rita Savelis Grace, you are an exceptional case. There are many who would be unable to go out for bagels or visit the Statue of Liberty the week after surgery (namely me). More power to you!
Kath Duggan You look phenomenal and I am in awe that you made the trip to see the Statue of Liberty….it is amaz ... Read more
Kath Duggan You look phenomenal and I am in awe that you made the trip to see the Statue of Liberty….it is amazing and so are you! Have a safe trip home❤️
Rose Madura Wow Grace! I can't believe you're doing all this so soon after surgery! I agree with Rita, I think ... Read more
Rose Madura Wow Grace! I can't believe you're doing all this so soon after surgery! I agree with Rita, I think you are an exceptional case.
Sue Lee Well done Grace! Hope your recovery remains smooth. Keep smiling
Grace Mason Yes, Valerie, relieved, awed, and so many other emotions. Thank you Melinda and Delise! Rita, I do fe ... Read more
Grace Mason Yes, Valerie, relieved, awed, and so many other emotions. Thank you Melinda and Delise! Rita, I do feel blessed with no complications. The boat trip was tiring, the bagels only 0.2 miles away😉. Thanks Kath. I really wanted that visit to Lady Liberty. Maybe the wish in my mind, before surgery, helped make it come true-that and the well planning by my husband. Thank you Rose. I am grateful I have had no complications to date. Thank you Sue Lee.❤️ Love you gals😘
Days 4 and 5- the morning of day four I felt pretty darn well, I thought, since just having had OHS and only getting maybe 3.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. ...Read more
Days 4 and 5- the morning of day four I felt pretty darn well, I thought, since just having had OHS and only getting maybe 3.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I was pretty independent, got myself up, brushed my teeth, sat in my chair for a bit, ate a bit of oatmeal. My throat has been very sore and it has been difficult to talk, so I don't feel like swallowing much either. My wonderful husband has been bringing me protein smoothies(thx for the tip Deena) I walked 5055 steps in the hospital hall and atrium on day 4. Now I know what all you heart warriors are talking about in not overdoing! By the afternoon I am thinking I am going to take a nap, rest, but found out I was being moved to another room (shared), my original was private, which I was very fortunate to have, as not many at Mt Sinai are. So, my planned nap turned into packing and moving. I was so spent by 5pm I could barely do anything. I was moved uneventfully but I can now laugh a bit about it. The nurse came and gave me lasix(diuretic) because I had gained 16lbs in fluids post surgery. After my nurse gave me the diuretic the AC maintenance guys came and said they needed to get into our bathroom to work on the AC, so I had to keep asking 3 guys to clear out while I went to the bathroom and leaving my full "hat" for the nurse to make note of. Happily they did correct the AC issue after about an hour to my great relief That evening I slept maybe 1 1/2 hours total and was completely spent all day. Didn't want to do anything, thinking, what was I thinking having this surgery, I felt horrible. My BP was going up too high. My nurse Derrick was so kind, he came and talked to me a bit and shared some personal stories to try and get my mind in a better place. All the nurses were so kind but today I really needed that. When the attending physician came by I asked if I could be released to the hotel so I could sleep better, he agreed. This pic is in our hotel bathroom after the nurse at the hospital removed my dressings and helped me take my first shower. It is a brutal mark, a testament to what the human body and a heart warrior can endure and overcome. I know it will look better over time. I was blessed with the most wonderful surgical team. Dr El-Hamamsy is a wonderful person, surgeon and blessed gift from God.
I took a sleeping pill at the hotel after my last med and slept a blissful 7-8hrs I have had my first shower at the hotel now, and you are right Richard, even that is exhausting. I am ready to plod on in this recovery after a much needed sleep. Bless you all for sending your wishes and thoughts to me. I plan to speak to them individually at some point but for now my husband is doing most all my communication for me, except this. Love to you all
Rita Savelis You've been through a lot Grace. Take it easy. Thanks for sharing your amazing scar, which will fade ... Read more
Rita Savelis You've been through a lot Grace. Take it easy. Thanks for sharing your amazing scar, which will fade in a few months (avoid the sun on that scar for a year).
Delise Becker Grace, you are a true warrior! Thank you for being willing to share your journey with us. It demonstr ... Read more
Delise Becker Grace, you are a true warrior! Thank you for being willing to share your journey with us. It demonstrates not only your bravery, but also your compassion for those of us who also face upcoming sternotomies. I'm so glad to hear that you've been discharged to the hotel, where you can get some much-needed sleep and rest. Your story is a testament to your strength and positivity! Sending up prayers for continued blessings during your recovery. Take good care of yourself and listen to your body.
Valerie Allen Good days and bad days we are told. Thank you for sharing yours.
Pamela Gregory So glad you were able to get needed rest! I think well rested makes it much easier to deal with how ... Read more
Pamela Gregory So glad you were able to get needed rest! I think well rested makes it much easier to deal with how you are feeling. I hope things will continue to go smoothly for you and that you remember not to over-due it!!!
Richard Munson What a great story grace. The hotel is a welcome change, home sweet home will be even better. Hope yo ... Read more
Richard Munson What a great story grace. The hotel is a welcome change, home sweet home will be even better. Hope your shower has a seat in at. I used it so much i continued on after and still use it. If i could figure out how to read a book in there i might shower all day. Lol. No doubt nancy would object to delivering meals in there. As rodney dangerfield once said, i get no respect. Stay well.
Melinda Donahue Rest well and best wishes for the speediest of recoveries
Melinda Donahue Grace how are you feeling now ? Did the lasix help? Do you still have to take it and did your bp no ... Read more
Melinda Donahue Grace how are you feeling now ? Did the lasix help? Do you still have to take it and did your bp normalize ?
Donna Casaletto I gained around 16 lbs too all fluid and they increased my lasix. By the time I went home I was alrea ... Read more
Donna Casaletto I gained around 16 lbs too all fluid and they increased my lasix. By the time I went home I was already losing the fluid weight. The nurses kept telling me to eat and walk 😉Wishing you a speedy recovery
Clifford Teoh Grace, Cliff improved greatly the first seven days after he was discharged from the hospital in terms ... Read more
Clifford Teoh Grace, Cliff improved greatly the first seven days after he was discharged from the hospital in terms of being able to move with less discomfort and being able to sleep normally. You are doing fantastic and thank you for keeping us updated on your progress.
Deena Z The pink-colored "corset" is so familiar. I actually saved mine; serves as a reminder to be grate... Read more
Deena Z The pink-colored "corset" is so familiar. I actually saved mine; serves as a reminder to be grateful. You will probably find in another week or less that you have lost weight; and then the catch-up eating gets even better.
Grace Mason Yes, the lasix does help and I also brought compression socks with me that I have been using since s... Read more
Grace Mason Yes, the lasix does help and I also brought compression socks with me that I have been using since step down. The compression socks took all the fluids out of my feet and calves after wearing a few days, but I am still wearing them as they are also good for preventing blood clots. When they discharged me they gave me five more days of lasix to continue. I am within 1 lb of my pre-surgery weight now and have a few more days of the diuretic to complete. Walking definitely helps too. My BP is much better since getting some sleep, it is around 119 to 129 upper typically, however they want it around 110, so when I talk with them today we will see if they will make some modifications to the BP meds. It is much better than the the 140s and 150s I was hitting the last day in hospital when I was so exhausted
Grace Mason Thanks for the reminder on sun exposure Rita Thank you Delise, Valerie, Pam, Melinda, Richard, Donna... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks for the reminder on sun exposure Rita Thank you Delise, Valerie, Pam, Melinda, Richard, Donna and Frances for all your well wishes and kind words 💕. Deena, guess they are still using same "corset" bra in pink. It is a wonderful comfort to me. They gave me several to take home too.
Kathy Ozio It will get better. Don't get down, you are doing great even though it may not seem so much now. Wa... Read more
Kathy Ozio It will get better. Don't get down, you are doing great even though it may not seem so much now. Walk a little each day, no matter how short it seems. You got this!
Cathleen Weed The first two weeks are the hardest, physically and emotionally. It's impossible for anyone to unde... Read more
Cathleen Weed The first two weeks are the hardest, physically and emotionally. It's impossible for anyone to understand until they go through it. You're doing it! Be proud of every accomplishment right now. It will allllll get better with time .
Shelly Hubbard Hi Grace glad you were able to move to the hotel. Take care of yourself. Thinking and praying for yo... Read more
Shelly Hubbard Hi Grace glad you were able to move to the hotel. Take care of yourself. Thinking and praying for you...
Timothy Andre Thanks for sharing Grace! You are doing great. Keep up the positive attitude and take it slow. God b... Read more
Timothy Andre Thanks for sharing Grace! You are doing great. Keep up the positive attitude and take it slow. God bless you
Grace Mason Thank for cheering me on Kathy, Cathy W., Shelly and Tim. I so appreciate your advice and kind words... Read more
Grace Mason Thank for cheering me on Kathy, Cathy W., Shelly and Tim. I so appreciate your advice and kind words. It lifts you up and makes an impact
Day 3 post surgery. I made it to step down yesterday. I walked half the corridor in ICU the day after surgery. Surgeons and doctors said everything went great ...Read more
Day 3 post surgery. I made it to step down yesterday. I walked half the corridor in ICU the day after surgery. Surgeons and doctors said everything went great and I am feeling very blessed, and sometimes emotional. So, now it is day three and I am definitely feeling the soreness in my shoulder blades and back. The nurse was giving me Dilaudid in my IV which worked great on the pain but made me itch all over. So I switched to Tylenol extra strength but then my kidney or liver tests were off so they said they might try Advil. Even without using narcotics the discomfort is doable, but I do really want some Advil. I have one big drain tube which I feel fortunate about because I know I have read of others with 2-3. It wasn't really bothering me until today. Hopefully it will come out tomorrow. I walked 5 Laps around the hospital floor, so far today, or 1052 steps. I felt a bit out of breath and like a small but heavy child was sitting on my chest. My blood pressure stayed where the doctors want it during my walk, around 110 for the higher number. They have been giving me Metprolol 25mg to keep it there. I thought the hardest part about walking is dragging all the wires they have you hooked up with. I did get my catheter out this morning which was the best thing ever. Now I notice the chest tube discomfort more. 🙃Hoping to lose the chest drainage tube, pacemaker and backup pacemaker soon🤞.
Lyle KIMBRELL Looking fantastic! Pulling for you all the way!
Ann Smith Grace, You look great and so happy to hear you’re doing well!!!
Erik W. Awesome, for me the Diluadid worked and Lidocane patches on my shoulder and back areas worked great. ... Read more
Erik W. Awesome, for me the Diluadid worked and Lidocane patches on my shoulder and back areas worked great. By discharge (day 4) pain was very low, and once home I used no pain meds.
Russ Fairchild Yes, you do look great! I hope they give you a hug pillow. A day out of the hospital and I sneezed... Read more
Russ Fairchild Yes, you do look great! I hope they give you a hug pillow. A day out of the hospital and I sneezed this morning. Oh, that hurt. Going back to the hospital next week to retrieve the one I inadvertently left behind
Richard Munson You look great. Keep it up. Showering can also be tiring. Don’t overdue it. Sometimes feeling too g ... Read more
Richard Munson You look great. Keep it up. Showering can also be tiring. Don’t overdue it. Sometimes feeling too good can be a bad thing.
Sara Shreen Haniffa Congratulations. I'm glad on your successful surgery. I had ROSS Procedure on 3/29/2023 at Mt. Sinai ... Read more
Sara Shreen Haniffa Congratulations. I'm glad on your successful surgery. I had ROSS Procedure on 3/29/2023 at Mt. Sinai Hospital. My surgeon was Dr. Hamamsy.
Klara Čičić Congratulations and you look amazing! Hope everything continues so well :)
Rita Savelis Grace - did you have a hairdresser come in? And makeup artist? !!!!! You are making it hard for ever... Read more
Rita Savelis Grace - did you have a hairdresser come in? And makeup artist? !!!!! You are making it hard for every patient's selfie that will follow yours.
Grace Mason I love you guys and gals!! Thank you for all your kind words. I cannot tell you how comforting it is... Read more
Grace Mason I love you guys and gals!! Thank you for all your kind words. I cannot tell you how comforting it is to read the words and thoughts from so many people, that have or will be experiencing the same surgery and facing the recovery. It truly lifts you up. Ha Rita, don't make me lol, yet. I did see on the Mt Sinai app, you can request a hairdresser. Not up for that yet either, maybe the visiting dog though
Ana Brusso Welcome to recovery and God bless you 🙏❤️
Rose Madura Wow! You look great! Someday I might be brave enough to post my same day pictures for comparison. So... Read more
Rose Madura Wow! You look great! Someday I might be brave enough to post my same day pictures for comparison. So glad it's over. Now, welcome to recovery. Time to listen to your body and follow orders!
STEPHEN MORRIS Great news..I didn't know what it was like to wake up the same day as surgery. You look great.
Matthew Allen Well done Grace! So happy for you and your family! M@
Grace Mason Thank you for all the heart warrior prayers from all.
I received a successful Ross procedure and an... Read more
Grace Mason Thank you for all the heart warrior prayers from all.
I received a successful Ross procedure and aneurysm replacement/repair, and I felt calm, because of everyone on this site and knowing so many were sending prayers, both on and off this site....Feeling better than anticipated. One moment of nausea after surgery, but passed quickly. I'm staying ahead of pain as was told by all the experienced. Sitting in chair now, There is talk of moving me to step down unit today
Pamela Gregory Wow Grace!!! You look amazing! So glad everything went well. Take your time and literally take one s... Read more
Pamela Gregory Wow Grace!!! You look amazing! So glad everything went well. Take your time and literally take one step and one day at a time
Willie Moses Great! Glad everything went well. Looks like you are off to a good start.
Valerie Allen Grace, I am thrilled for you! It is uplifting for me to see you!
Deena Z Wow, like everyone said. You look fabulous and so soon. All your planning and positive energy has p ... Read more
Deena Z Wow, like everyone said. You look fabulous and so soon. All your planning and positive energy has paid off. What a great feeling!!!
Susan Lynn Grace! You look fabulous - I didn't look that good on my way into the hospital! You're inspiring ... Read more
Susan Lynn Grace! You look fabulous - I didn't look that good on my way into the hospital! You're inspiring everyone in the waiting room. Walk. Rest. Repeat. You'll be out of there in no time!
Sean Adkins Great to see you sitting up and doing so well!
Delise Becker Grace, you look absolutely AMAZING! So glad you have the surgery behind you and that you are now on t ... Read more
Delise Becker Grace, you look absolutely AMAZING! So glad you have the surgery behind you and that you are now on the road to recovery. Prayers answered. Keep up the good work!
Timothy Andre Congratulations to my new Ross sister! I’m proud of you and so happy you had a successful procedure ... Read more
Timothy Andre Congratulations to my new Ross sister! I’m proud of you and so happy you had a successful procedure. One hour at a time followed by one day at a time very soon. Rest rest rest and keep us updated. God bless you Grace 🙏🏽
Lyle KIMBRELL Wow Grace. That is awesome news. Really pulling for you to make a speedy recovery!!!
Katherine Jensen Grace , you look fantastic....it will get better each day!
Grace Mason Thanks for all your well wishes and kind words Regina, Ana, Susan & Rose- Adams Angels, Matt, my ... Read more
Grace Mason Thanks for all your well wishes and kind words Regina, Ana, Susan & Rose- Adams Angels, Matt, my brother in recovery, Richard who always makes me smile, Marie who keep the laughs going with your wit, Pam you are inspiring in your recovery, Willie! Great to hear from you! Deena and George, I gained so much information before surgery from you. Stephen you are an incredible heart warrior. Tim my Ross brother. You were one of the first peoples stories I read, other than Adams that had received a Ross. Your inspirational story led me to delve deeper into research about it ❤️ Sean, Delise, Valerie, J Alexander, Dewayne, I will be sending you all prayers and well wishes in your upcoming surgeries. Lyle sending your son and family prayers and guidance as you navigate forward. Ted and Katherine great to hear from you both. I have found comfort reading all your stories so similar to mine.
Enjoyed seeing some of my New York ...Read more
Enjoyed seeing some of my New York team heroes again -Dr. El-Hamamsy, Dr. Williams, Roberto and Leemor ❤️
Celebrated with my family with some unbelievably tasty gelato!😋
It has been an emotional, cathartic and happy weekend.